Hemer naturally saw the interaction between Ifrit and Bai Ye.

She stroked Charmander's blond hair, then sighed:

"Speaking of which, I can pull out my own teeth. At first I thought it wasn't too difficult, but I realized that the most difficult thing is that I can't do it."

Then, she looked at Bai Ye helplessly:

"Mr. Bai Ye, please don't give this child candy anymore, she is too greedy and can't control her mouth."

"I'm sorry..." Bai Ye nodded, ignoring the little Charmander who suddenly changed his face and put down his face.

In fact, all the candies that Charmander ate were given by him, so it's no wonder that Hemer told him so.

After bidding farewell to Hemo and Ifrit, Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Every time he communicates with this "mother and daughter", he always gives him a very weird feeling, as if he has suddenly grown old and became a social animal in Rhode Island... Even he has an illusion, as if My own midlife crisis is coming.

It's just off the charts.

You know, Bai Ye was only 20 years old when he crossed, even if he spent a new year in Terra, he is only 21 now, still very young.

It's a pity that his pair of neighbors directly let him experience the life that only 31 or even 41 can have...


Although the daily life is trivial, it also gives Bai Ye a feeling of living in the continent of Terra.He felt that he was truly alive.

As a player, his game career is actually accumulated by one task after another, and the rest of the task is the PVP arena, or some running maps, purchasing, upgrading equipment, spawning monsters and leveling things like that.

If you continue to live like this after becoming an aborigine of Terra, it will be too boring. What is the difference from when you played games in the past?

While thinking about these things, Bai Ye walked towards the training ground.

According to Skadi's usual habits, she should be in the training ground at this moment.

It's been a long time since I saw Skadi, and Bai Ye misses her very much after the separation—of course, there is also the seductive part.

However, what happened next was completely beyond Bai Ye's expectations...


Bai Ye walked into the training ground. At this moment, the huge training ground was occupied by two deep sea hunters.

One is Skadi, and the other is, of course, Ghost Shark.

The former deep-sea hunter shark was tortured into schizophrenia by the church of the deep sea, but at the moment she was holding a chainsaw, but she was also unusually quiet, completely different from the posture of chopping up the mark target, her expression was calm, and she couldn't stop muttering something.

The soft murmur seemed to be a kind of Agor language, which Bai Ye half-understood.

Skadi was on the sidelines. Sometimes she would say something, and she didn't care if the ghost shark could understand it. Anyway, she just kept talking or asking her own questions.Of course, she won't get answers to these questions.

She never expected it either.

Until, Bai Ye walked in from the training ground.


Bai Ye waved to Skadi, and then greeted Ghost Shark as usual.

In fact, he didn't expect the poor lady nun to respond to him.

But this time, an accident happened.

When Bai Ye called out the code name of Ghost Shark, the nun suddenly opened her blood-red eyes, and then stared at Bai Ye firmly.

The girl's eyes are dull and dazed, without focal length, and they look good on weekdays, but when the eyes start to stare, it will give people a weird feeling.

Yes, pretty weird.

"Ghost shark, shark? What's the matter?" Skadi also ignored the joy of meeting Bai Ye again, but looked at the ghost shark nervously, not knowing what happened.

The nun stared blankly at Bai Ye, first her face, then her chest, and finally, her eyes moved to Bai Ye's right arm.


The ghost shark opened its mouth slightly, and uttered a syllable with unknown meaning, as if it wanted to say something, but forgot how to say it.

She opened her mouth and kept repeating weird syllables, looking like she was broken, but her gaze was always on Bai Ye's right arm.

Skadi frowned, and she also looked at Bai Ye's right hand, but she didn't notice anything unusual.

The ghost shark's sudden strange behavior made her a little confused.

Bai Ye pursed his lips, only he knew what was in his right hand.He slowly raised his right hand, and then shook it slightly in front of the ghost shark.

Just as he expected, the ghost shark's head swayed slightly with the swing of Bai Ye's right hand, left, right... No matter what, her eyes were always on Bai Ye's right arm and did not move away.Although she looks quite well-behaved, and she still has such a special charm under the addition of a nun's costume, but her blank eyes and thoughtful mouth are quite strange.

People can't help but think of things like the myth of Crusu.

Looking at the weird and somewhat funny scene in front of her, Skadi relaxed a little, and she didn't take it seriously, even showing a little smile on her face.


However, the next moment, when the corners of Skadi's mouth curled up slightly, something happened suddenly.

The ghost shark, which was originally calm, suddenly exploded. When she was very close to Bai Ye, she instantly activated the chainsaw in her hand, and then she swung the chain saw towards the unsuspecting Bai Ye.

All this happened so suddenly that Skadi didn't even react, her smile froze on her face, and her pupils contracted unconsciously.

And what about Bai Ye?

Although he was also unprepared, but the moment he realized something was wrong, his brain quickly formed a new "spiritual circuit".

Personal talent, [Mind Acceleration], activated!

At this moment, Bai Ye's eyes flashed a silver light, and the next moment the world in his sight changed from dynamic to static.

No, to be precise, the world is still moving, but the speed of their movement is extremely slow, almost static in Bai Ye's view.

It's not that time has slowed down, but that Bai Ye's brain processes information too fast. Now, Bai Ye's brain activity has far exceeded that of ordinary people. If there is no special "spiritual circuit", his brain may be overloaded and burnt .

In this state, Bai Ye could clearly see that the chainsaw that the nun was swinging was slowly cutting towards him, the gears on it were turning, and sparks were flying out bit by bit.

Bai Ye even saw clearly the brand of the chainsaw, with a string of letters on it: Rim Billiton——manufactured by Rim Billiton.

Bai Ye drove the air explosion in front of him, and at the same time his body quickly backed up, avoiding the fatal blow from Miss Ghost Shark's sudden burst.


The sparking chainsaw spun rapidly, passing over the tip of Bai Ye's nose, and Bai Ye stepped back, then stood where he was, staring at the ghost shark.

"White Night!" Until now, Skadi was shouting.

Her dynamic vision is also very strong, so she can naturally see that Bai Ye was not cut by the chainsaw, but avoided it.The girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she turned her head to look at Ghost Shark, completely unaware of why her former comrade-in-arms suddenly went berserk.


Miss Ghost Shark changed from her usual tranquility, she became crazy, holding a long-handled chainsaw in one hand, covering her face with the other hand, staring at Bai Ye through the gaps between her fingers.


Ghost Shark gave a crazy smile, her expression had collapsed, her eyes glowed red, and then she rushed towards Bai Ye again.

"Shark! Bai Ye!" Skadi grabbed the giant sword on the side, ready to rush over to stop the ghost shark, but Bai Ye shouted while dodging the crazy attack of the nun lady:

"Skadi, don't come here, I can handle it alone, if you come here, it will become more and more chaotic!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Ye dodged the ghost shark's chainsaw again, and then collided his fists together.

The nitrogen armor instantly covered Bai Ye's whole body, but he didn't have the slightest thought of peace of mind.

Because the chainsaw is different from other weapons, its blade is constantly cutting, that is to say, if Byakuya relies on his thick nitrogen armor to foolishly attack hard, the gas armor is likely to be rotated at a high speed Electric sawtoothed blade.

After all, one of the two disadvantages of this type of armor is that it cannot protect well against high-speed continuous attacks targeting the same place.

"We have to find a way to destroy this ferocious weapon first, or get closer."

Bai Ye could also cast spells, but of course he couldn't directly blow up the ghost shark's lungs, that would kill her.Moreover, a brief pause in spellcasting is enough for the Ghost Shark to rush over and launch a surprise attack.

Suffocation tactics are also useless. Ghost sharks have extremely strong physical fitness and can even continue high-intensity battles in an anaerobic environment.

You know, Ghost Shark is also a deep-sea hunter, and its body has also been transformed by Haisi fusion surgery. Even if its physical strength is weakened by ore disease, it is not as good as before, and it is not much different from Skadi.

Bai Ye's pure physical attributes are still a little behind Skadi, and there is also a little distance between him and the Ghost Shark. In a pure physical strength competition, he should not be the opponent of the Ghost Shark.

However, Bai Ye knows spells.

Taking advantage of avoiding the attack of the crazy chainsaw, he clasped his hands together, and the air in front of him exploded again.

This time, the location of the explosion was at the foot of the ghost shark.

The ghost shark caught off guard was directly blown away. Even with the physical fitness of a deep-sea hunter like her, it was inevitable that her body would become unbalanced at the moment of the explosion.

At this moment, the gas under Bai Ye's feet exploded a second time. Driven by the explosion, Bai Ye ran straight into the arms of the ghost shark.

Hand-to-hand combat is one of Bai Ye's strengths.

Especially when wrapped in nitrogen armor, Bai Ye can further accelerate his movement and attack power under the condition of partial gas explosion, coupled with his flexible skills and accelerated thinking, it is enough to deal with most humanoid enemies.

When Bai Ye fought close to his body, Ghost Shark's long-handled chainsaw immediately lost its effect. Bai Ye tightly blocked the space, preventing Ghost Shark from using the chainsaw, while trying to control the crazy nun.

The Ghost Shark frantically attacked, but to no avail. The aftermath of the battle between the two made a mess in the training room, and the fists and feet that directly hit the floor and walls made terrifying sounds. At the same time, the chainsaw cut on the bulkhead, sending out Screeches and sparks.

The battle between two non-human beings almost destroyed the entire training room.

Skadi stood aside, was she avoiding the aftermath of the battle? After hearing what Bai Ye said, she didn't step forward.

【Skadi, why are you just watching...】

In fact, in this situation, her forceful insertion into the battle would make things even more chaotic.


The first thing that couldn't hold back was not the bodies of the two, but the chainsaw in the hands of the ghost shark.The chainsaw made by Rem Billiton could no longer withstand the inhuman battle between the two. In the high-intensity confrontation, the chainsaw ended like the one-handed sword "Arc Light" before Bai Ye, and it shattered directly.

The teeth broke, the bearings shattered, and the disk split in two.

Ghost Shark threw away the broken weapon, then stretched out his hands and grabbed Bai Ye's wrist.

Bai Ye didn't dodge. After all, being controlled was equivalent to controlling the opponent. He let the ghost shark catch him, and then the two began to wrestle.

The ghost shark actually grabbed the nitrogen armor on the outside of Bai Ye's wrist, so in order to prevent Bai Ye from slipping away, she had to use more force.

And Bai Ye stood on the floor of the training ground, resisting the power of the ghost shark.

The eyes of the two met, and Bai Ye realized at this time that at some point, the ghost shark's eyes were no longer dull and dazed.

Yes, Bai Ye actually saw the return of reason in the girl's blood red eyes.

Her eyes once again became bright, the girl's agile eyes were staring at Bai Ye, the corners of her mouth were grinning and upturned, she was smiling!


Bai Ye asked while exerting force.

"Not long." The girl chuckled, but continued to use force in her hands, trying to squeeze the nitrogen armor, directly pinching Bai Ye's wrist.

"I see. It seems that you are not crazy, but are really attacking me. Do you want... to kill me?" Bai Ye understood now.

The ghost shark didn't go crazy and demented when he did it to him, but wanted to do it subjectively.

That's right, she had already regained her sanity a long time ago, and even when she swung her first chainsaw attack, her sanity was returning.

But instead of stopping, she chose to keep attacking.

"Could it be my right hand?"

Bai Ye let the ghost shark grab his right arm, and he even took the initiative to let the ghost shark pinch it hard. Under the stimulation of external force, Bai Ye's right arm began to adapt quickly, and its tensile and compressive properties were improving.

"It seems that you also know... this familiar smell of the sea, how did you get on land? How did you get to be next to Skadi, what do you want to do to my comrades..."

The ghost shark continued to exert force while talking.

It could be seen that she really wanted to kill Bai Ye.

This was the first thing she wanted to do after regaining her senses.

"If I explain, will you listen?" Bai Ye asked without changing his face, as if the huge force exerted on him did not exist.

"Hehe, maybe you can go to hell and explain to those 'dead'." Ghost Shark sneered.

Bai Ye sighed:

"It seems that only one of us will lie down obediently to end this ridiculous misunderstanding..."

"Yeah, so get down quickly!"

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