As for Provence, Bai Ye didn't count her as a combat unit. How strong is the natural disaster messenger?

Oh, and I'm a Scourge messenger too, so that's fine.


Thus, Bai Ye took the light stick in Provence's hand and threw it forward.

The fluorescent stick emitting a faint cold light traced a shining trajectory in the air, and then fell into the huge cave ahead.

Immediately, everyone saw clearly what was in the dark cave:

——Dense swarms of Originium worms covered the rock wall and the ground, like a strange blanket.

bang bang dong——

Provence and Tianhuo suddenly stopped their cardiopulmonary.

The next moment, the bugs, startled by the sudden light, woke up from a static state and began to move around. They crawled over the fluorescent sticks, and the light passed through the gaps of the bugs, leaving fragmented silhouettes on the rock wall.

"We...should we run away?" Provence broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

In the volcano, using Skyfire's origin stone skill is simply looking for death. In this case, it is probably better to run first.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem." Bai Ye waved his hand, and then threw a few vacuum waves towards the swarm.

The violent air flow and wind knife raged and cut in the cave. When the air flow stabilized, there were only bug corpses all over the cave.

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, his wind blade cutting spell was useful. This thing is good for torturing vegetables, but there are very few enemies he faces that can be defeated so easily.

"Wow--!" Seeing everything that happened in front of her eyes, Provence couldn't help but exclaimed. Although she had heard about Rhodes Island's high-end combat power, she had also heard about the strength of elite operators.

But she could never have imagined that a department head could actually have such strength.

As for Miss Tianhuo, whose combat power is equivalent to 100 migulu, the reaction was not so intense, she was also well-informed.

Sister Huozi's former companions were not considered weak, such as Bai, who defeated the swordsman who claimed to be able to cut off all the cherry blossoms in the Eastern Kingdom with one sword, and took away the swordsman's sword.

As for herself, she also has the flame and explosion origin stone skills that can cause large-scale destruction, but it is not convenient to use in caves.

However, what surprised Tianhuo was that the use of Originium skills in front of him was not bad, it could even be called exquisite, which was quite inconsistent with the warrior image he had shown before.


Bai Ye focused on the bugs on the ground.

"It really is this kind of bug, I seem to have seen it somewhere in the past..."

Bai Ye thoughtfully looked at the corpse of the Originium Worm on the ground.

Although he hadn't fought in Xista City before crossing, he had indeed encountered such a subspecies of Originium Worms in other places.Especially in other places close to volcanoes.

Volume 430 New World: Chapter 140 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Player Thinking

"Collect the criminal evidence of NPC Cronin?" Aisha accepted the task from Miss Ceylon.

However, when it came to NPCs, the game system automatically shielded and corrected the players, so Ceylon didn't notice anything strange.

"That's right." Ceylon nodded, "Do you have agents under your command? How should we sneak in?"

Miss Ceylon has seen some movies about agents and spies made by Colombia, so she is quite curious about this aspect.

However, Aisha, the leader and conductor of the "Alice Fantasy Orchestra", shook her head, and she said with a smile:

"Sneaking is not our style. The opponents here are not very high-level. The best way is to directly attack the city hall."

"In this way we can carefully check all the places where evidence may be hidden, and it would be even better if we can directly arrest Cronin."

Aisha took it for granted.

"Huh?!" But Ceylon's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you so...radical?!" Ceylon never thought that these undead would come up with such a bold plan.

Aisha looked at Ceylon with some doubts:

"I remember Miss, you said that you are the daughter of the mayor here, right? I know about Kiesta. This is almost a city built by the mayor himself. He has absolute authority here. It seems that what we do, It's not a big deal, is it?"

"Uh...the situation has changed." Ceylon could only explain, "My father has left the city to inspect work in emerging development areas, so he asked his assistant to the mayor, Cronin, to manage the city instead of him."

"That is to say, if you forcefully capture the city hall now, you are making an enemy of the entire city of Siesta, which will not only cause riots among tourists, but also attract the security bureau."

The Public Security Bureau is probably the police station of Kiesta City, but most of its staff are the mayor's bodyguards. That is to say, this institution is similar to the mayor's personal armed force.

Although in the words of the head of the bodyguard, Hei, "half of them are idiots, and the other half don't know how to adapt."But neither the quantity nor the quality can be competed by a mere player band.

And the players of "Alice Fantasy Orchestra" should be more worried about their reputation and friendliness in the Zista area.If it causes big trouble, it may not only turn into a big conflict between the aborigines and the players, but also attract hostility from the entire region.

Except for a few chaotic and evil players, few people are willing to have a completely deadlocked relationship with normal and friendly NPC forces.

"It's a pity, I still wanted to do a big job..."

Aisha felt a little regretful, while the musicians on the side wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

The chief violinist, player "Shuangshuang's inner guard" was even more relieved.As Aisha's friend, she knows very well that although her friend looks polite, elegant and easy-going, there is also a very bursting side hidden in her heart.

For example, Aisha's favorite game is "doom-vr", in which she manipulates a green hunk to slaughter all kinds of demons in a full stealth game.Aisha even circumvented the regulations set by the alliance, and bought the unharmonious version of "doom" that is only available on the black market. It is the norm for that version to chop it down with a saw, and blood and flesh will fly everywhere.

If Ceylon doesn't say it, "Shuangshuang's inner guard" will also persuade Aisha to give up her crazy idea.

"Well, my orchestra members will try to attract the attention of the city hall security personnel, and then we will take the opportunity to sneak into the city hall... Right!"

Aisha suddenly thought of something:

"Miss Ceylon, do you have anyone available? It's not like there is no NPC to help the battle, right?"

When players complete tasks, they can also seek help from NPCs, which is probably similar to NPC teammates in traditional online games.

Usually, these NPCs can provide no small help.

Of course, Miss Ceylon is also considered, but this child doesn't seem to have much fighting power, and Aisha doesn't expect her to provide much help—but, anyway, she is also the mayor's daughter, so she should be able to find a helper or two, right?

"Well... maybe there will be?" Ceylon quickly understood what Aisha meant.

She thought of her playmate and friend, the girl who always had a cold expression.

Although I don't know if she is strong or not, but she shouldn't be too weak to be sent by her father as a bodyguard, right?


"Origin stone worms are a peculiar species. They will evolve different subspecies according to the habitat environment... such as acid source stone worms..."

Bai Ye said, thinking of the bugs that made Miss Ceylon mess up before.

Although players hate this subspecies very much, it is a trivial matter for them to damage clothes. The most annoying thing is their damage to equipment. If the material of the weapon is not acid-resistant, then it will be bad. Chances are broken on the spot.

Very bad.

However, this kind of origin stone worm is not useless. Bai Ye has bought the larvae of this kind of origin stone worm from players before—they can be used as materials for refining medicine, and even, on the battlefield, smaller or juvenile acid Originium Worms can be used as lethal projectiles.

The body fluids of Originium worms can also be used to stop bleeding after fermentation, and it is one of the materials for making medicines.

Of course, Bai Ye would not make potions in front of the players, otherwise it would probably leave a psychological shadow on them...

Cough, far away.

Now appearing in front of Bai Ye is a new subspecies of source stone worms, and Bai Ye has fought them near other volcanic areas before crossing.

Volcanic source stone worms can also be called lava source stone worms.

These Originium worms use volcanoes as their lairs, feed on the special obsidian here, and have relatively hard shells.

"There is such a strange subspecies... and the number of these bugs is quite amazing." Provence investigated the corpses of bugs in a place, and was surprised that the volcano was also a nest of bugs.

"Perhaps these bugs are the main cause of the volcanic eruption..." Tianhuo clasped his hands on his chest and analyzed calmly.

"Well, it makes sense. The deterioration of the ecological circle is also one of the factors that induce natural disasters, especially those powerful life forms..."

Bai Ye said and looked at the two deep sea hunters.

Although it cannot be called a natural disaster, the Great Tranquility is also a terrible catastrophe encountered by humans on land—even though this catastrophe only happened in Iberia and is unknown.

However, it is the nascent creatures in the deep sea who are the masters of the catastrophe and the catastrophic consequences.

Volume 431 New World: Chapter [-] Pushing the Book

Friends' books, playing card texts, you can read them if you are interested.

Introduction: Traveling to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, this is good.

But crossing over to the villain organization, and the boss is Da Zi... This is not good.

So Amagi Hikaru, who got the system, plans to participate in the Duel City Competition, win the God Card and become the Duel King!Then launch a gorgeous rebellion against Darzi-sama!

Dazi: "Amazono, you did a good job. Come on, give me the card of God."

Amagi Hikaru: "Master Dazi, after a long time, I found that there is a limit to being a Doma cadre."

Darcy: "What do you mean?"

Amagi Hikaru (takes out the duel plate): "It means... I am not a Doma cadre anymore! Darzi!"

"I want to be the leader of Doma! Hand over your strength! Dazz!"

Hikaru Amagi, who became the leader of Doma and the strongest boss in the world behind the scenes, looked at the other bosses sitting at the table and said with a smile: "I'm not targeting individuals, I'm targeting everyone here..."

"You are all happy."

Tian Chengguang smiled: "Want to destroy the world? Yes."

"Play cards with me first!"

"Destroy the World?Play cards with me first! "

Volume 432 New World: Chapter 140 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] What is the age, still playing traditional MT

The players and Ceylon quickly settled on a plan.

Players of the Alice Fantasy Orchestra are responsible for attracting the attention of the guards and bodyguards outside the city hall, while Ceylon will find her bodyguard sister and enter the mayor's office to find things.

Of course, there will also be a group of players sneaking into Cronin's private residence.

"The defense here is very tight. Cronin is obviously harboring evil intentions. You must attract the attention of the good guards." Ceylon warned before leaving.

"Leave it to us." Aisha patted the chest of her avatar.

In fact, every time they face this leader, the musicians of the band can't help but laugh out loud.

Because they have known each other in reality as a symphony orchestra, so they know what the leader looks like in reality.

In reality, the head of Aisha is a legal loli, not tall and flat.Because he can no longer grow taller, the child is very concerned about his figure.The reason why she worked hard to become a conductor was to be able to stand on a relatively high platform and overlook the entire orchestra.

And in the game, Aisha deliberately made herself a virtual image of Yujie's appearance, and people who don't know her might be taken aback for a while.However, her companions always want to scream when they see her like this.

The more you care about something, the more it will be emphasized, and the more it will make people think.

Aisha naturally didn't know what her teammates were thinking, but she still took out her baton and staff.

The trick to attracting guards, especially for a band, is to make enough noise.

Sure enough, when the players gathered at the gate of the city hall with musical instruments, the guards of the city hall were ready to step forward to expel them:

"Please don't play musical instruments in front of the city hall. There are special venues and streets for you to play and live during the Obsidian Festival."

However, the "Alice Fantasy Orchestra" ignored the security guards and started the performance on their own.

"Leave them alone, those are undead..." The experienced guards at the side glanced at the orchestra and recognized their identities.

"But..." The young man at the side hesitated.

"Don't worry about it, those people are weird, and they are more free and loose, but once they become enemies, those guys who are not afraid of death will continue to emerge. Let's try not to cause trouble."

Obviously, this old man is experienced, he just wants to go to work safely and get paid, and he doesn't want to find another job to make troubles.

"Well... Anyway, it's good to listen to music while working." The young security guard scratched his head and stopped trying to dissuade him.

It's just that he is very strange. Usually, no one would come to the city hall to make trouble. Why did the mayor's assistant, Cronin, ask them to strictly guard their posts this time?

Xista City is so lively, the security guards also want to go out to play...

Although a little helpless, the guards still stayed at their posts safely.

However, the more you think about it, the more players will not let them go.

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