There are still some things that need to be dealt with in the follow-up, but now this kind of thing does not need him to do it himself.For example, promoting the cooperation between Rhodes Island and Siesta City, the treatment of infected people in the city, the establishment of offices and player stations...

Rhode Island and the employees of White Night Company will handle these matters in an orderly manner.

Bai Ye didn't like to plan strategies in the big base. On the contrary, the habits he developed during his player period made him more accustomed to running around and charging in the most difficult places.The speech he gave when he first entered the field department was a failure, proving that he did not have the talent in this area.

However, the entire field department is quite united, and they all respect Bai Ye, because this guy takes the lead every time, and has been improving the benefits of the field operators.

There is a unified goal, a strong head, good treatment, and no worries about discord.Although Bai Ye was not considered a competent supervisor, he actually did a pretty good job.

If it was that bad, Dr. Kelsey would have replaced him long ago.


"We are going to return to Rhodes Island, and then go to the Marquis of Tallulah, what about you?"

Before leaving, Bai Ye also met Shi Huaiya and Chen Huijie.

Shi Huaiya changed her uniform and finally became a tourist, and Chen Huijie stopped wearing a swimsuit.

Bai Ye was very puzzled by the sudden appearance of these two people in Zista, he didn't know what they were here for.Bai Ye always felt that they should have other purposes, and they seemed to have the aura of sparks hitting the earth, but they shrank again when they hit the door.

It's amazing.

Probably found the prisoner... Bai Ye didn't care anymore.

Now his mind has drifted to the core city of Chernobog.

"We are also planning to return to Longmen. By the way, Bai Ye, I want to ask you to borrow someone, can you?" Shi Huaiya replied.


"Miss Skadi." The little tiger caught Skadi with a glance.

Then she explained why.

There is no other purpose, but because Shi Huaiya wants to help Bai Ye go to other places to sign the contract. Although she is quite confident in her own force, she also knows that this is not the time to show off.

Especially when there are many people on the opposite side, and when you want to be black and black, it is safe to bring a super thug.

Shi Huaiya didn't know about Skadi's identity as a deep-sea hunter, but she had seen the power of this girl with her own eyes, which far surpassed her and Chen Huijie's strength.

Of course, the girl also wants to go out with Skadi, looking for opportunities to make side-views on things she is more interested in.

This time when she came to Xista, she didn't find any opportunities.

Facing Shi Huaiya's request, Bai Ye was stunned.

This guy actually wants to abduct my wife?

However, she is right, it is still quite dangerous to run outside all the time, Shi Huaiya is indeed quite strong, she can subdue the little thief with lipstick, but it is only at the level of "fighting", compared with the real strong, Still a lot weaker.With Skadi protection, it is much safer.

"However, your job as a policeman...will it affect you?" Bai Ye was a little worried about this.

Don't let this kid hang around with him, and run around like him, only to be fired by the Guards Bureau.

"Don't worry, I was transferred to the business department recently, and I happened to help you get things done," Shi Huaiya explained.

Bai Ye felt relieved.

It's funny to say that the person who helps him manage his property is actually a policeman... For Shi Huaiya, it seems that doing business is just a job, while being a policeman is his hobby and life.

"Where are you going?" Skadi asked beside him.

"Longmen, Usas, Columbia..." Shi Huaiya detailed the scope of Bai Ye's current business coverage.

"Okay, there should be a few tasks on the doctor's side. After completing them, you can get some valuable information." Skadi nodded.

She is similar to Bai Ye, she has to get down to business after playing.

However, what she wants to exchange this time is Rhodes Island's treatment of ghost sharks.Although Bai Ye can help, but Skadi thinks that this is also their own business, and it is obviously impossible for her to do nothing.

In some ways, Skadi is still very stubborn.


In this way, Bai Ye, Ghost Shark and Skadi temporarily separated.

Bai Ye and Ghost Shark went directly to the core city of Chernobog, while Skadi followed Shi Huaiya.

The lonely old Chen returned to Longmen by himself and continued to be a cop.

"It's been a while since I left..."

Although Bai Ye left the core city of Chernobog, the Marquis of Tallulah has been building a lot.

Countless players are cheap labor, especially those new players who have just entered the pit. If they have not joined the guild, it is still very difficult for casual players to level up. This game is not very friendly to players now.

Originium worms are basically slaughtered by players after breeding, and they even go deep into their nests to end a nest of worms.As long as there are players, the infected creatures are basically extinct.

And this land is not a real game, monsters cannot be generated and resurrected infinitely, so new players cannot find low-end monsters to level up.

Unless they are willing to go deep into the wilderness, the wasteland near the Novice Village and the mobile city has been licked clean by the players, and there is no scum left.

In this case, if you want to upgrade, you can only rely on doing tasks, and the work of moving bricks and building buildings does not require combat power. Mengxin can easily work for a few days, accumulate experience and Longmen coins, and buy a set of novice Equip, learn some skills, and go for a simple copy.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the players, the construction of the Marquis of Tallulah was like being on a rocket. After more than half a year, the Rhodes Island branch had already been completed, and the headquarters of the Adventurers Association that Bai Ye had been thinking about was also completed.

Volume 453 Parallel Lines: Chapter 9 Chapter [-] Omnic Crisis?

[The teleportation panel is online, our actions will be faster]

The system's notification sounded in the player's ears, and the players surrounding the teleportation crystal array breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a small remote town in Letania.Although it can be regarded as a mobile city, its population is only about 1 people. Compared with a huge mobile city-state, this small town has only one plot.

However, this does not prevent the player from developing this area. After collecting enough source stones, the player successfully lights up the place on the map and builds a teleportation crystal array here.

From then on, more players will discover and set foot here.

However, for these players who built the portal, the most important thing right now is naturally to go to the player's city - the Marquis of Tallulah, the core city of Chernobog.

This is a legendary city that was previously nothing more than a special block of Chernobog, where the command tower was located.

However, with the help of White Night, Tallulah, the leader of the integration movement, successfully captured this mobile city and transformed it into a city for infected people and players.

Since then, it has become a jewel on the player's map, and its importance is similar to the turkey farm in Black Soul 3, and the big blessing of the round table of the old man ring.There are even many cute new players who directly choose this place as the birth point according to the strategy.


"It's changed too much"

Bai Ye left the core city after the update of version 2.2, and this time he returned, it was only about a month after he had tried his best.

However, when he drove the aircraft back here again, he almost thought that he had come to the wrong place.

The changes are so obvious.

In the past, the core city of Chernobog was used as the central area of ​​the city, belonging to the upper city of the upper city. The architectural features are large area, fewer floors, more classical appearance and gorgeous exterior decoration.

But now, most of these buildings have been knocked down and rebuilt, and the player area is even more blooming, full of vitality, and a state where everything is competing for development.

In addition to the original core city, Tallulah also summoned players to collect resources and forcibly created a second mobile city-state plot.

Of course, this plot is still just an empty shelf, neither the basic industrial layer underground nor the facilities on the ground have been completed, but the framework has been built, and it is only a matter of time before it is filled and perfected.

"What a frightening speed..."

As Bai Ye expected, the players' enthusiasm for infrastructure and the speed at which they can get started are extremely terrifying. They seem to be keen on infrastructure, and even want to build "spectacles".

At present, more than 90% of the transformation of the core city is completed by players. The endless manpower and financial resources transformed from huge resources have created this miracle city.

"With so many outsiders, won't there be conflicts between the aborigines and the undead?" Ghost Shark, who didn't know much about the formation history of the core city, was a little puzzled.

"Of course not. Apart from the undead, there are only infected people left in this city... These people have always been discriminated against, and now there is finally a group of people who won't oppress them. It's too late for the infected to be happy... ..."

"What's more, it was the undead who helped the infected take down the city. Under the agreement, the undead will permanently have the right to use half of the land in the city. The other half can also come and go freely, except for some important areas. Unimpeded."

Bai Ye explained while manipulating the aircraft to land.

Of course, the mobile city has to be expanded. In addition to the undead, there are also a large number of infected people who have flooded into the Marquis of Tallulah, which has indeed had a certain impact on the city.

Even at the beginning, Tallulah's manpower was not sufficient, and some chaos was caused.

Later, Tallulah was inspired by Bai Ye, and also began to recruit players to solve some grassroots government affairs problems - the search and review of imported infected persons and the like.

Of course, not just anyone can take up the position in the core city-requirements in terms of reputation and contribution.

This trick has now become a basic exercise. Whether it is Longmen, Rhodes Island or the core city of Chernobog, they all play it very smoothly, and there is even a tendency to expand to other regions.

Bai Ye felt that he might be able to use these places as samples and write a book to promote such a plan.

【Welcome back, Director Bai Ye. 】

A cold voice sounded in the cockpit of the aircraft, and at the same time, the door of the hangar opened slowly and automatically.


Bai Ye couldn't help but exclaimed.

This is a little strange.

Bai Ye's hangar is located in the factory area of ​​his own company, Namba Heavy Industries.This place is not in the same area as the branch building in Rhodes Island, so it should be outside the coverage of the signal.

However, the voice Bai Ye heard just now was clearly the voice of Rhodes Island's intelligent terminal system Luna.

Bai Ye clicked on his personal terminal, only to discover a rather outrageous thing - Luna's coverage is no longer limited to the Rhodes Island branch, it has even taken over most of the core city's affairs.

In other words, the entire city is currently under the overall arrangement of Luna.

Luna built a brand new computer room under the command tower in the core city, and built a more powerful computing array at the same time.

Rhodes Island and Chernobog Core City will have two independent databases, and the information will not be shared, but Luna will be the same.

Bai Ye was taken aback. Luna's autonomous expansion was beyond his expectations, but after checking the terminal, Bai Ye found that this thing is still within the controllable range, and the scope of action has expanded to the entire core city because Bai Ye was formulating the agreement. Negligent, did not write clearly.

Because Bai Ye himself has great authority in the core city, his status in the integration movement is second only to Tallulah.The Rhodes Island branch is located in the core city.It may be that different permissions have crossed, causing problems in Luna's understanding.

'Probably because of me? 'Bai Ye doesn't know much about artificial intelligence, he can only use it, but he doesn't know the principle, so he doesn't know what's going on.

The software expert is on the main ship of Rhodes Island, and I don't know when I can invite them to check.Bai Ye recorded Luna's situation, and prepared to pass it to Ke Luxie to help him take a good look at it.

But this can be regarded as a wrong attack, and the management of the core city will be more convenient and reliable in the future.And he can also learn more about the core city, so that he won't be confused every time he comes back and needs to get information from Tallulah.

Volume 454 Parallel Lines: Chapter 10 Chapter [-] Frightened

'Isn't something really going to happen...'

There was a rare panic in Bai Ye's heart, although on the surface it was still the same as usual, even the ghost shark who had followed Bai Ye for a while could not see it.

However, Bai Ye felt a little anxious in his heart.

He was afraid that something would happen to him.

This land is already chaotic enough, there are demons who are the enemy of human civilization outside the territory, there are sea heirs in the deep sea, and there are natural disasters raging on the land, plus the sudden appearance of players, almost all kinds of natural disasters are covered. .

Void demons, high-dimensional invasion, the fourth natural disaster...

Now, Bai Ye was afraid that he would come up with another "supremacy agreement" with his own hands.

Together, the four natural disasters can play mahjong...

After all, the current Luna smart terminal system has already broken through Rhodes Island's restrictions, covering the entire core city.

She used her authority to build a signal base station by herself, expanding the scope of influence, replacing the operation interfaces of many facilities, and connecting to the energy hub of the core city.

It's no wonder that the core city has changed drastically in a short period of time, but it is still orderly, because there is an artificial intelligence in the overall planning, and the efficiency is much higher than that of humans.

If something goes wrong with this thing, it will be fatal to the entire city.

The only thing that is safe now is that Bai Ye still has full control authority for the time being, and can shut down the entire system at any time.

After opening the personal terminal, the cursor controlled by Bai Ye hovered over the button to terminate the program.

To be honest, he kind of wants to shut down the whole Luna system.

This thing is different from Rhode Island's PRTS, which is completely controllable. Although Luna is a dungeon system of PRTS, it is copied, but it is completely independent, and she and PRTS cannot be simply regarded as the same thing.

'If it is shut down, most of the facilities may be paralyzed and need to be restarted... But it is better than the system completely out of control afterwards. '

Bai Ye is going to copy the operating system log and pass it to Ke Luxie for her to analyze. At the same time, immediately shut down the Luna system, clear the data, and temporarily close it.

In case of indecision, deleting and restarting is also a good option.

The only good thing is that the sarcophagus and the research institutes built around the sarcophagus use another completely independent system, and it does not use artificial intelligence, and has a physical blocking firewall.

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