Bai Ye squeezed the space between his eyebrows. This type of fighting consumes a lot of energy, and his mental attributes are not high enough to maintain this state for a long time.

"Bai Ye, you have worked hard."

Skadi walked to Bai Ye's side, looking at the enemy lying on the ground, groaning constantly.

Bai Ye controlled the situation on the entire battlefield, so he knew that Skadi had ended the battle ahead of him.

He took out a bottle of water and took a sip, then looked at the ground and said:

"The identities of these people are not simple."

Even if he was just experimenting with his newly developed swordsmanship, those who could make Bai Ye use this move would naturally not be ordinary people.

Ordinary integration movement infected people will not have this kind of strength.

Their physical fitness is very strong, whether it is strength, speed, battlefield mobility or strength, they have exceeded Bai Ye's expectations for the enemy.And they're well equipped and weaponized, especially armor, and even fitted with jets for explosive short-distance sprints.

Using the scabbard to lift the mask, Bai Ye saw a strange face.

Of course it was a stranger, after all he didn't know anyone.

"who are they?"

"I don't know, but all the miscellaneous fish have gone to restrain you, and the rest of them should be aimed at me." Bai Ye snapped his fingers and lifted the vacuum sound insulation layer surrounding the battlefield.

Before there was such a big commotion here, no one came to check because he blocked the sound.

While speaking, Skadi suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the ballista shell fired towards Bai Ye like pinching a bird, and then threw it in the direction where the ballista came from.


The sound of the explosion finally spread out, and while blowing up the enemy, it also awakened the camp of the integration movement.

One after another, the lights came on, and the fighters of the Integration Movement were awakened from their sleep. The first to get ready was naturally the Infected guerrilla team, followed by the Yeti team.As for the ordinary infected people, they were chaotic, but they were also ready to fight.

"what happened?"

The first to arrive were Shield Guard and Frost Star.

"We were attacked." Bai Ye stood on the snow, looking up at the twin moons in the sky.

"What about the enemy?" The shield guard frowned, looking at the enemies lying on the ground, all dying.

"They're all on the ground. There's another one, probably killed by the bomb."

Frost star looked at Bai Ye and Skadi in surprise, she never thought that they could fight so well.

After all, the child had never seen with his own eyes how Skadi deterred the infected when he first arrived at the integration sports camp.

Patriot stood speechless, looking at the infected people lying on the ground, especially the seven-member team that was defeated by Bai Ye.

"These people are all our people...people from the integration movement." After the inspection, Frost Star's face was a little unhappy.

Originally, she was still wary of Bai Ye and Skadi.

As a result, it was our own people who made the first move.

"Not at all."

A dull and hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Bai Ye raised his head, and the person who spoke was a patriot.

This was the first time Bai Ye heard the Patriots speak after coming to the integrated sports camp.

"It was the Ursus soldiers who attacked you."

"Third Army, the most elite, fighters."

The patriot's words were very stiff, but everyone present could hear them clearly.

"How is that possible!" The infected guerrillas were the first to question.

They were originally the regular army of Ursus, and they followed the patriots from the beginning to the north and south.

"Why are there Ursus soldiers in our ranks?!" The guerrilla fighter's voice was full of anger and panic, "It's still the Third Army...not even the nearby Fourth Army. When did they get in? Was discovered?"

The enemy lying on the ground was silent.


A shield guard picked up a seriously injured enemy and shouted at him:

"Hurry up and tell the truth, what exactly are you planning to do?!"

"It's useless to tell them." The patriot shook his head, "Kill them."

"Wait! Please, my lord, we are not from the army, we are all innocent!"

The infected people who were knocked down by Skadi were in a hurry. They were not from the army.

"Hmph, traitor." Frost star looked at the infected with contempt, and then said, "Kill the ones in black, and take them down for interrogation."

Bai Ye looked at the farce performance in front of him and shook his head.

No wonder the players in the previous life discovered in the plot mission that there are a large number of strange enemies in the integration movement. They clearly wear the uniforms and armbands of the integration movement, but their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary thugs.

Soldiers of Ursus don the uniform of the Integral Movement.

Everything is planned.

The integrated movement has been a pawn since the beginning.

It now appears that infiltration has already begun.

At a time when refugees and infected people are widely accepted, the integration movement is like a sieve, full of holes.

Who knows who is lurking into this young organization.

If Bai Ye hadn't deliberately revealed that he had the infection suppressant potion, these guys would have been hiding.

"There are traitors among you."

Bai Ye sighed, while thinking about the reasons why these guys came to kill him at the expense of exposing themselves.

Picture: "What is this stalk", location: "Images/1655474046-100316598-108920505.jpg"

PS1: Book push: "I Become a Monster Higanka"

Volume 94 The Promised Land: Chapter 37 Chapter [-] Frost Star

(Some lovely book friends have already found the source of White Night Sword Art)


The Ursus army stationed on the ice sheet is the Fourth Army.

However, the Patriots have clearly pointed out that the soldiers who sneaked into the integration movement came from the Third Army.

These guys are the most elite group of fighters in the Third Army, and even their equipment has been specially strengthened.

As the staff officer of the Third Army, the Grand Duke of Baikal was the first beneficiary of the Gaozhan refinery.Through arms control mining and military production, he was able to control the major mobile city-states on the border of Ursus.

As a result, these elite soldiers were able to acquire better weapons and armor, and the Legion's financial resources were sufficient to support the resources they expended.

The shield guards dragged away the dying enemy, their hoods were ripped off, and their armor was ripped off.

What will greet them will be the most severe interrogation and cruel criminal law.

The infected guerrillas, originally from the army, hated such a betrayal so much that today they are doomed to shed blood.

"What a monster..."

Some infected fighters could not help but click their tongues and sigh after seeing the severed limbs lying on the ground.

They had seen Skadi's power before, so at this moment they naturally attributed all the fallen enemies here to Skadi.

Instead, everyone ignored Bai Ye who was standing aside. After all, in their opinion, how powerful a doctor and a messenger are.

However, Frost Star carefully inspected the wounds on the elite soldiers, especially those severed limbs. These sword marks were completely different from those on the ordinary infected people.It wasn't simply being broken by a huge force, but a more precise and deadly attack.

Obviously, the two injuries were not caused by the same person.

She took a deep look at Bai Ye, and at this moment, she was afraid of this guy who was hiding.However, just looking at it from the outside, it's hard to feel any hostility toward Bai Ye. After all, he looks harmless and good-looking, so he doesn't look like a bad guy at all.

What a contradiction.

Naturally, Bai Ye didn't know that Shuang Xing was struggling, he was just curious, where did Tallulah go when there was such a big commotion until now?

So far, Tallulah has not appeared.

While thinking, Bai Ye suddenly felt that the surrounding air was getting colder, and the temperature dropped rapidly.

Raising his head, Bai Ye saw the silver-haired Carters girl walking in front of him.

"Hello." Bai Ye subconsciously raised her hand.

Not for the Gaul salute, of course, but for a handshake.

However, the girl shook her head:

"Don't make physical contact with me."

After a pause, she seemed to feel that it was a bit impolite to just say that, the girl added:

"I'm cold. Even if you touch even a little bit of my skin, you will be severely frozen."

Bai Ye put down his hand.In fact, he was still able to withstand the erosion of the cold through the origin stone skills, but he did not continue to persist.

"My name is Frost Star. Next, please move the camp near the guerrillas and the snow monster team."

"Ashamed to say, I can't guarantee whether there will be another attack in the future."

If you follow the way of thinking of ordinary people, you may suspect that the integration movement has ulterior motives, using the excuse of "protection" to bring Bai Ye and the two into the core area of ​​​​the armed forces.

Even more extreme ideas would think that the attack might have been done by the Integration Movement itself. Who would believe the rhetoric of the Ursas Third Army?

This is the garrison of the Fourth Army, how could someone from the Third Army come over to serve as undercover agents for the infected.


However, Bai Ye knew that these infected fighters, whether they were the frozen soil guerrillas or the snow monster squad, would bother to do this.These guys are even more honorable and aboveboard than Casimir's war knights.

Therefore, it also seems a bit naive...,

"Of course there is no problem." Bai Ye readily agreed.

Anyway, he had already caught what he was looking for, and the Ursus soldiers who appeared here had proved to some extent the plot analysis hypothesis of the Valletta Society in his previous life.

Before Tallulah organized the integration movement, Duke Kosiche had reached a consensus with the Ursus military, and they were in a cooperative relationship.I am afraid that the promise to the military benefited them, so they allowed the infected to gather on the ice sheet and did not send troops to wipe them out.

However, Kosiche controlled Tallulah somehow, and the cooperation continued.The integration movement is heading towards the end of the track he planned.

Whether it is through the infected people's attack from the head, or other ideas... In short, the integration movement is just a tool and a pawn to achieve their goals in their view.

No wonder the Integration Movement captured Chernobog so easily and easily in the previous life. The Third Army stationed at the border did not make any movement. Norberg.

In an instant, Bai Ye wanted to understand many things.

As for why these soldiers would stare at him, it was obviously because of the medicine that suppressed ore disease in his hand.

This is not just a simple matter of a few boxes of potions, taking away a few boxes of potions will not help at all.In fact, the existence of White Night itself represents some kind of channel beyond the control of the army, which is an uncontrollable factor.

Originally, the integration movement could only trade with the villagers on the frozen soil, but now the existence of Bai Ye has broadened their path.What's more, drugs can be used to ease the internal pressure of the infected, which is definitely an obstacle to the plans of the military nobles.

These guys are in a hurry.

What if something happens after Bai Ye?

Even up to now, Tallulah hasn't shown any signs of changing.If this goes on like this, the undercover person will really become an integrated movement force!

Elite soldiers have undergone secret training, so they naturally know what to do, so they are not afraid of death. In their view, Bai Ye is very weak, as long as Skadi is held back and the leader Bai Ye is killed, everything will be fine.It can also intensify the contradiction between the two.

However, they miscalculated, Bai Ye is not weak...

However, Bai Ye has to thank these guys. They make such a fuss, and when facing Bai Ye and Skadi, the integration movement will be a little bit unreasonable, and they can have greater confidence in the matter of cooperation.

Well, now there are at least [-]% or even [-]% certainty.

Bai Ye walked behind Frost Xing, looking at the worn cloak on the girl.

With Bai Ye's eyesight, he could still see traces of meticulous repairs on it. These patches and fine stitches did not seem to be skills that the warrior Frost Star could master.

Skadi was eating snacks leisurely, she just felt extremely relaxed, she didn't need to think too much, and she didn't need to estimate the tactics, as long as she listened to Bai Ye's instructions, she could kill whoever was asked.

In this land, she has always been moving around as a bounty hunter, accepting tasks, doing tasks, and receiving rewards all by herself.How can I save so much effort now...

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