By the way, cut the weeds and roots, and wiped out the remaining shadow people.


"Mierxi, help me divination, where is the treasure house here." After the short battle, Fenmu felt that the most valuable link had finally arrived.

"Didn't you want to see the bottom of my skirt just now, and now you are begging me to do something? Is there such a cheap deal?" The Star Goddess didn't want to get entangled with this baby, but she couldn't get used to his unreasonable troubles.

"The price just went up. I was here to lift your skirt. If you help me find the treasure house here, I'll give you a discount."

"This discount is not to lift my skirt?"

"Yes, I won't lift it up, show me your skirt yourself." After speaking, Fen Mu gave her a thumbs up, encouraging her not to be shy.


The mentality is as good as the goddess of the starry sky, and he has made her speechless, but it is rare to come back, and this little apprentice of the goddess of strangers helped her again, so as not to encounter the embarrassment of leaving the stage as soon as she entered.

It's not impossible to show him, but I'm a god, to be led by the nose by this child, it's really...

"Why do you insist on looking at the bottom of my skirt?"

"Confirm with your own eyes what kind of person you are. As the saying goes, 'a face is born from the heart', this 'face' refers to the buttocks. Compared with getting to know you slowly, looking at the buttocks is the most sincere and direct way."

"Well, I think you did me a big favor. It's okay to show you, but you can't tell other guys, and you can't let a third party know."

Fenmu thought about it, Master Anna, Master Tasia, Ghost King God, Sidney, and all his sisters are watching in the Kingdom of God, your request is too harsh.

"Okay, I won't tell others myself, even if God comes, I won't tell."

Chapter 8 Sorry, Habitual Actions

Fen Mu is not a bad person, on the contrary, he is quite considerate of God. Considering that it is not good to see the starry sky goddess lifting her skirt from the front, it is a sensitive area anyway, because he squatted behind her very kindly.

"Okay, my angle has been adjusted, you can lift your skirt now, don't thank me for my kindness, I know that you are such a prophetic goddess, you must already know how good and genuine a good person I am."

The white and tender skin on the forehead of the Goddess of the Starry Sky was covered with blue veins. She told herself to remain graceful, and said softly and contemptuously: "I really hope you don't put your face close to my buttocks before you say this."

"If you don't lift it up, I'll have to do it myself." Fen Mu got impatient.

Mi Erxi had no choice, she lifted the back hem of the coarse cloth skirt, and slowly pulled up the long skirt, gradually revealing the skin of her calves.

The skin of this body is very good, wearing a long skirt all the year round, the skin on the legs is fair and tender, from the slenderness of the calf to the plump and sensuality of the thigh, it is impeccable, so beautiful that it is incompatible with this coarse cloth skirt.

But when the skirt was fully pulled up, Fenmu found that there was a vast starry sky at the crucial buttocks...


The anticipation and excitement on Fenmu's face gradually disappeared, replaced by indifference and 'cn m' written on his face.

"Do you want me to play, so how can I see the bottom of your skirt?"

"This is called the mystery of the stars!" Mierxi smiled slyly, "Okay, I've shown it to you, besides, I've shown you all my thighs, and the reward is over."

Just when she was still immersed in the joy of playing with this little pervert, a critical chill suddenly came, and then she clearly felt that her two beautiful starry sky were firmly grasped by Fenmu.

The eyes are the easiest to be confused. The vast starry sky is like an endless abyss. The eyes often cannot see the real appearance, but explorers will never stop their thirst for knowledge at the level of seeing.

Fenmu's big hand touched the silky surface of the starry sky. The starry sky is icy, conveying the slightest coolness that penetrates the heart. The fingers exerted slight force, and the fingers sank into the terrible softness. This is the abyss of the starry sky to the soul. spiritual erosion.

Soft but tight, can't be grasped with one hand.

"Hello!" The Star Goddess turned pale with shock.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they go to the tiger's lair. Explorers always put experience above life. Fenmu touches the edge of the abyss. The plumpness of the abyss brings the depth and mystery of the canyon. will be fascinating.

"You...does it mean that goddesses don't need underwear, or do you mean that you didn't have such fun in your era?"

"It's done!" Mierxi gritted her teeth and went crazy.

"Oh, it's because my layout is too small. It turns out that there is a rope type hidden inside."

The culture of clothing reflects the ethos and epitome of an era. Such a fabric-saving design just shows the simplicity and hardship of that era, but it also confirms the nobility of the starry sky goddess. That frugality.

It's not that I didn't wear it, it's just that I couldn't find it unless I opened it.


Half an hour later, Fenmu walked on the road to find the treasure house contentedly.

"Hey, why are you so stingy? I'm not mad at you, a goddess, and a child like me!" Fen Mu apologized for the crime he committed as he walked.

But if he was asked to do it all over again, Fenmu would still do it.

Goddess of the Starry Sky, the starry sky, I don't know if it has the blessing of the goddess, and the overall quality can be ranked second in Granville's righteous gods, which is still a little less interesting than Anastha's buttocks.

But Fenmu doesn't know what the situation of the other righteous gods is. If there is a chance to continue the evaluation in the future, maybe Mi Erxi will have to wait a little later.

Mi Erxi was so angry that her teeth itch: "Could it be that children in this era are all robbing directly? And how do you look like a child?"

"Before your age, I'm still not a child? Those gray-haired old people call you mother-in-law to praise your generation."

"..." Mierxi was speechless, so she had to lead him to find the treasure house without saying a word, hoping that he would shut up obediently when he entered the treasure house, "go ahead, go straight 500 meters, break through the space .”

All she wanted to do now was to go back to the parish and have a rest, or else her spirit would collapse from his anger.

Even if he touched it, he pretended to be innocent and poked it with his fingers!And his fingers looked swollen.

Fenmu was in a good mood, so happy that he forgot to release Nora and the others to pay their respects to the Star Goddess.

Not long after, he found the old king's treasure house according to Mi Erxi's guidance, but he ran into trouble on how to enter.

"This crack in the dream is resisting me instinctively, how can I get in?" Fen Mu was anxious, seeing the treasure house in front of him but couldn't get in.

Mirsey wanted to tease him a few words and make fun of him, but a wise man would not follow his emotions.

In order to get rid of this rude scourge earlier, she directly used divine power to divination, and then asked Fen Mu to take the head of the giant old king and sense the breath of the crack, and the crack opened smoothly.

The dream of this treasure house is huge, but inside it is very empty. There is only a magnificent and majestic white palace, and the outside of the palace is a dark void of nothingness.

This palace is the soul of Granville's old king, and countless thoughts and emotions flood into Fenmu's heart at the moment of approaching.

Fenmu received some emotions that could make him feel suspicious:

"Goddess of the Starry Sky, tell me about the old king. Why does he feel that he is a hero and that he has been betrayed?"

Unlike memories, emotions are real and from the heart, and the leader of the shadow man, the Gambler Giant, has absolutely no need to leave false emotions to lie to him.

"Things are complicated, so I'll give you a more detailed version. Granville was not a unified kingdom before. A city could call itself the king. The Granville family was a very prestigious lord at that time. Several generations of ancestors guarded the coast. To guard against things in the sea, the 'Gran' of 'Granville' has the meaning of commemorating them."

"After the status was high, the descendants of the Gran family were not willing to be on the coast. The descendants of the Gran family moved the family center to a stable place. Relying on their own resources and reputation, they quickly gathered the power of the kingdom. This kingdom was really powerful at the time. It was huge, many times larger than the current Granville, and they devoured it in the name of alliance. And after getting away from the cruelty of the coast, they forgot the family’s hard-working tradition and indulged in pleasure.”

"I feel that the ancestors have paid, and their enjoyment is taken for granted. They take away the 'spirit' in the kingdom and suppress the common people so that they can continue to enjoy themselves."

"The reason why the later era ushered in a long period of 'sixth order is the peak' is actually the result of the depraved Gran family's attempt to deprive the common people of the possibility of rising."

"It would be fine if he really had the ambition to conquer the gods, but in fact his efforts are all to stabilize his position and deprive others of their flying wings. Since his ancestors once made meritorious deeds, we seven gods spared them Infamy is left."

So at the beginning, the brief stories that Melxi told him were all to save face for the old King Gran?

"That's okay, then I won't feel guilty when I search, it's all doing good deeds!" Fen Mu sighed.

Mi Erxi glanced at the old king's treasury, not interested, but she suddenly thought of something worth pondering.

"Little bastard, I remember when you lifted my skirt, didn't you grab my arm with both hands because you were afraid that I would stop you? You even poked around with a swollen finger. I don't think your finger is swollen. It wasn't that it was in the shape of a stick, I thought you were hitting me with your fist."

"..." Fen Mu froze, and said embarrassedly: "I was just rubbing around habitually at the time, you just pretend nothing happened."

Chapter 9

"Then what, Miss Star Goddess, didn't you ever have a man?" Fen Mu asked abruptly, because he found that Melxi seemed too pure in some aspects.

Mi Erxi quickly forgot about Fen Mu's offense to her dignity just now, and sat on a treasure chest, divining whether there were any worthwhile treasures in the treasury.

Regarding Fenmu's question, Mi Erxi didn't have a good tone: "What do you mean by that? What do you mean by 'my life'? I have never died, but my life level has achieved a leap."

"It's okay, so I have the answer of gossip. Have you ever had a man before?"

The Star Goddess took off the hood covering her head and untied the hair rope, so that her smooth chestnut hair could be stretched freely. She raised her sharp chin and looked up at the dense chaos above her head, as if she could pass through the barrier and see The starry sky outside.

"No, no need! When you have something worthy of a lifetime of effort to pursue, you can put aside a lot of distracting thoughts, such as the starry sky above your head, where the vast expanse, soul, future and destiny are intertwined in the veins of the starry sky, When you devote yourself to it, many things that others are chasing after are no longer worthy of your attention.”

"So you just became a god just to explore the starry sky?" Fen Mu stroked his chin, and after a brief pause, he did not idle and started the search.

"Basically, I was able to become a god thanks to the guidance of the goddess Stranger. She is an incredible existence. I suspect that she is older than this land. To be honest, even if I become a god, I still don't feel that I have changed. , It’s just that I live longer and don’t have to think about eating anymore, so I don’t even think I can be called a god.”

"Be humble and be humble."

Fenmu understands it. This goddess of the starry sky is a concentrating scholar-type spinster. Even because she pays too much attention to the starry sky, many common senses of men and women are ignored outside the scope of knowledge.

Fortunately, she still has a nasty mature big sister's face and a plump and sexy figure. Not to mention the lack of actual combat experience, even theoretical knowledge is very lacking. No wonder she didn't know how Fenmu poked her just now.

Fen Mu originally thought that she was going to pretend to be innocent and look for an opportunity to trick him, but now she felt relieved.

His attention returned to the work of cleaning up the scene, and he complained again and again:

"Ancient gold coins, but they are all rotten, and they can't be sold for a good price when they are extracted. The same goes for those sword embryos. What kind of trash are they stuffed into the treasure house?"

Fenmu has already wandered around the several rooms near the treasure hall. The large treasure chests and piles of gold coins all over the place look very impressive and eye-catching, but there are not many that can really be called treasures.

As the saying goes, there is no lack of excess, if this is just a place of gold coins, then he might as well pretend to be a fake, and then rob Granville's bank.

"It shouldn't be. After all, it is also the old royal family of Granville. There must be treasures, right? Beautiful, kind and pure Miss Star Goddess, can you help me with divination, where is there a little treasure that can be seen?"

"The door panels of the palace are treasures. There are hidden things in the fifth brick on the right hand side when entering the door, the third brick in front of me, and the mattress interlayer in the room on the left." Melxi also divination a lot of good things , but the scarcity is not enough to see, "Many things here have been used by the old King Gran."

He has been working as a turtle for so long, and his manpower is getting scarcer day by day. No matter how rich the treasure house used to be, it is good to have so many gold coins left now.

According to Mi Erxi's guidance, Fenmu found all the things in a short time.

"Half a complete succubus horn? Melxi, what's the use of this thing?" Fen Mu remembered that he helped Rachel collect some fragments before.

Mi Erxi thought to herself that this guy was too real, when she was looking for the baby to beg her, she called her Miss Star Goddess, now that she got the baby, she just called her by the name of Mi Erxi.

The world is going down!

"You can understand it as a treasure map. After collecting all the succubus horns, you can open the dream of the succubus god. I guess there should be treasures such as inheritance and weapons."

"Can outsiders enter?"

"It's not possible in theory, but it's actually very easy, just dig a hole next to the door and get in." Mierxi said with ease, obviously experienced.

The job of the explorer is naturally to exhaust the mysteries of the starry sky, and has nothing to do with robbing graves and treasures.

Fenmu gave her a disdainful look, thinking that this is a god who can hook up with, at least it will be much easier for gangs to commit crimes in the future.

He took out another colorless but tangible square crystal, its existence could only be perceived by touch, and the colorless crystal would be ignored if the perception fell on it.

"Then what is this crystal like?"

"Colorless wax stone, specially used to seal things, but be careful of explosions. I haven't recovered yet, so I can't predict what's inside. Just find an open place and use your absolute martial arts to split it open."

As she said that, the goddess of the starry sky kicked the ground with her feet, and moved back a little away from Fenmu, for fear that the bastard would suddenly split the colorless wax stone with a knife, and in that case, the consequences would affect her.

"The rest of the treasures belong to the rarest refining formula, and then there is this fishing rod, which still has the feeling of being a martial artist!"

"What kind of formula, this is at least something from the first and second eras. It should be related to dragons."

Melxi is a bit like a god who came out of the parish of learning. She stepped forward quickly, took the clues of the formula mentioned by Fenmu and looked at it carefully, and finally found that she couldn't recognize too much information, so she had to give up and hand it back to Fenmu.

Fenmu himself can't understand such an ancient thing, but he has Master Encyclopedia!If you don’t know anything, you can ask the master.

After getting the result, Fen Mu deliberately ran to Mi Erxi, and began to analyze the formula pretendingly.

"Yo! This is the knowledge in the first era. Refining the power of the dragon and turning it into your own use. It seems that this is how the golden eyeballs on the shadow man came from at that time. It's amazing, my old baby."

"What nonsense are you talking about here? Add up your age in several lifetimes, and then slow down the pace of development for two years, and the amount of knowledge can't keep up with my fraction. How can you recognize the characters of the first era?" Miller Xi held the formula, trying to obtain the result under the protection of divination, and deciphered the above information first.

But she quickly put away her smile, Fenmu was right, this thing is really related to dragons, but how did he do it, Fenmu's experience is not enough to recognize the characters of the first era, Even if it is research, no one can touch that realm.

"How did you recognize these words?" Mirsey asked seriously.

"Just now, Goddess Stranger called an invisible helper to decipher the ancient text for me."

"It's absolutely impossible, how could Goddess Stranger set off for such a trivial matter."

Seeing that she could no longer pretend, Fen Mu had to pretend to be honest: "Well, I actually studied the knowledge given by the goddess Stranger, and knew some words from the First Era."

"Sure enough, that existence is very picky about the selection of believers, but he will be very careful if he picks the right one." Melxi nodded.

Hey, how can you tell the truth that you just don’t believe it?Finmu was speechless.


PS: Hey, it's time for a defense, I'm anxious, I feel like I'll be scolded.

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