Fenmu is so envious that he wants to eat lemons. Now he just wants to get a blanket of his own, and then comfortably put a soft blanket under his body. On his body... then he will have to trouble all the girls It's automatic.

Suddenly, the crack next to the campsite suddenly changed. The strong suction even pulled the roof away, and the ice horse was also sucked into the crack while roaring.

The female Beast Queen stood still on the spot, the strong suction failed to move her feet, the guards of the orc clan only panicked a little, and soon stabilized their position.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of things this year. First, there was the extreme cold and storm, and now even the cracks in the dream world are abnormal." Hesselen looked serious.

In the past practice, she would go in with her to deliver weapons, and at the same time take out the weapons "planted" in previous years.

But in this year's situation, it seems that it is impossible to enter. The previous lord of the Beastmaster Land was reckless once. If Hesselun hadn't grown up, I am afraid that the Beastmaster Land would have fallen into chaos without an owner.

Fen Mu saw that something was wrong, but he knew that it was something wrong.

He took a fancy to Hesselen who dared not enter the crack to take risks with his territory on his back, so he couldn't help but committed the problem of thieves not leaving, so he picked up the blanket under his body and ran into the crack.

"Oh, the suction of this crack is so strong, I can't stop it! I'm about to be sucked in!!!"

All this happened in an instant, and Fen Mu's figure had disappeared into the crack.

Heselun was taken aback for a moment, then realized what was going on, and said angrily, "That bastard snatched my blanket!"

Chapter 50 Where did the little girl come from?

Sister, don't blame the brothers for not being human, just blame the blanket for being so charming!

After Fenmu Sa Yazi rushed into this dream, she knew that there would be pursuers behind, so she didn't hide recklessly.

"Hesselen probably won't come in, but her personal guards should come in to deliver weapons. Check the surroundings before hiding, so as not to cause any trouble."

He quickly ran to a high place to have a bird's-eye view of the surrounding environment.

This mysterious dreamland is a land of wasteland, and there is a violent unknown energy factor in the soil, which has nothing to do with darkness or evil, but more like an overly hot light.

The sky took on a doomsday version of dark orange dusk, with dark clouds like splashed paint, viscous and chaotic.

Looking around, there are many ruins of religious buildings. On the ruined high-rise churches, the glazed windows are colorful, and the patterns have a certain sense of sacredness and purity.

And just near the entrance of the crack, you can see the camp building in the style of the Beastmaster's Territory. On the hill a few steps ahead, there are countless weapons inserted vertically, but those weapons are all broken, leaving only the wreckage inside.

"This should be the place to 'plant' weapons. The people of the Beastmasters are also very cautious about this place, and they didn't dare to explore it. It is probably because they are worried that something will happen and they will not be able to go back. The few shiny weapons on the top of the hill are hard to find. Isn't it a 'planted' weapon?"

Subconsciously, Fenmu wanted to grab a few for reference, but according to the principle of being a real person and keeping a line to meet each other later, Fenmu still didn't make a move.

"I didn't even take Hesselen's weapon anymore. On the premise of making such a big sacrifice, if I was kind enough to return the blanket, I'm afraid Hetheren would feel ashamed when he heard it. In order not to make her feel so sad, the blanket I won't give it back to her!"

Fenmu felt that he was really a warm man, and he was so considerate of a beast king sister whose buttocks were tempered into steel.

He didn't leave immediately, but hid some distance away to spy on the situation of the Beastmaster's guards.

"Sure enough, as I expected, these people just stabbed their weapons on the hill, and then took away the weapons given by the dream, but they didn't explore everywhere, and left after finishing their work."

Watching the leader of the Beastmaster leave, Fenmu ran to the grave-like hill to find the secret.

It's a pity that nothing was found. The soil of this hill is no different from the place outside the hill, and there is no such thing as a blacksmith's soul in the hill, secretly hiding in the ground to forge iron.

"It shouldn't be like this. How are these weapons produced? As far as my knowledge is concerned, it is impossible for a 'kind of' weapon to be a weapon. There must be a blacksmith's will to forge such a weapon. arms."

He gave up entanglement with this grave, and hurriedly contacted the lord's senior sister through the Kingdom of God.

"The Kingdom of God's connection is not affected here, it's not as powerful as the shielding of the deep dream... Can you hear Ed Shalan?"

[Ed Shalan: Well, how is your side now, the crack has opened. 】

"I'm already in this dream, why does this look like a lost world, by the way, is there anything unusual about the crack on your side?"

[Ed Shalan: Yes, the crack produced suction for no reason, but it helped me a lot by getting all the weapons into it. Now my subordinates are packing up the weapons all over the place. tidy up. 】

This is the gap, the Beastmaster's side is at the end of the mountain, and the suction force of the crack is so great that it just sucks in a blanket, while the Ice Emperor's side just sucks all the weapons in.

Fenmu walked like a headless chicken for a while, then stopped quickly, fearing that he would not be able to find a place if he walked too far, he asked about the business:

"Ed Shalan, do you know how to get from the Beastmaster's side to your side?"

[Ed Shalan: I don’t know, the directions of the two sides do not necessarily correspond to each other. When the scouts I sent before were investigating this dream, they placed burnt crystals at the commanding heights near our camp, which can be used as beacons. You See if you can find it. 】

There is a stone forest near Fenmu. He climbed to the highest point, and then he was helpless.

This dream seemed to be clear and clear, but in fact, the visibility was frighteningly low for some reason, and the trees on the next mountain looked like they had been stamped.

"I can't see it, it's foggy." Fenmu was in trouble.

Could it be that he wants to rush out of the crack on the Beastmaster's side now, and return to the Ice Emperor's Realm before entering this dream?

The challenge is a bit big, it would be bad if the female beast king chased him for a blanket.

[Ed Sharan: Then wait, try to pay attention to the surrounding situation. 】

"Okay, what are you going to do?" Fenmu asked, but unfortunately he didn't get a response and was ignored.


The lords on both sides are cautious when dealing with the anomaly of the crack in the dream.

The harsh weather in the Northern Territory has bred the wildness of the locals, but in the face of survival, sometimes the people here are very cautious and rational.

So... Originally, Ed Shalan didn't plan to enter the dreamland either.

This has nothing to do with counseling or not, matters at the lord level are called starting from the overall situation!

"Master Edsaran?" Seeing that the lord intended to enter the crack, the subordinate couldn't help asking in doubt.

The female lord ignored her subordinates. She walked straight into the crack, looked around, and finally settled on a direction.

"You don't have to follow."

A little farther away from the camp, Ed Shalan took out the ice bow, chanted and engraved, and released a strategic-level forbidden spell with the pull of the weapon.

The majestic and majestic magic circle floated on the sky of the dream, and the arrows flew down like a meteor shower of ice crystals, smashing the surrounding mountains and breaking the earth.

The entire dream space was shaken by this forbidden spell.

The curse was still going on, Ed Shalan walked out calmly from the meteor shower, she contacted Fenmu again: "Can you see it now?"


Fenmu wanted to say it was invisible, but the movement in the northeast direction was scary, and the sticky orange clouds in the sky were shaken away a lot.

"The explosion of fireworks is too big. Sister, I saw it. I'll rush over now. It's just that the distance looks close, but I don't know how far it is."

After clearing the direction, Fenmu quickly rushed towards the location of movement caused by the forbidden spell.

Along the way, he looked left and right to see if there was anything suspicious, or enemies or something.

Suddenly, Fenmu braked suddenly and stopped, and his shoes shoveled a long trace on the sandy ground.

"What kind of flying insects are those? They all came out of that ruined building. This should be the first time I've seen native creatures since I came in."

He didn't enter the building rashly, but adjusted his position in a nearby hidden place, peeking at the situation inside the building from various angles.

Why is there a pretty little girl here?

"Ed Sharan, I found a little girl here. Her clothes don't look like a child who strayed in from the Northern Territory. Is this normal?"

Chapter 51 Do you think you have a chance to play?

【child?How can there be children in the dream? I have scouted it before, and I can't even touch enemies like monsters. It is basically a barren land that can only produce weapons mysteriously. 】

Hearing Ed Shalan's words, Fen Mu became more and more convinced that he had encountered a strange situation.

Judging based on what the lord senior sister said, these glowing flying insects must not belong to this dream, and the little girl does not belong to this dream either.

But thinking of the fact that the dream will mysteriously produce weapons, a conjecture arises spontaneously in Fenmu's heart, and it can't be shaken off.

"Weapon...Little girl...Could this little girl exist as a weapon spirit like my little broken knife?"

If so, then this dream can not only give birth to a high-level weapon through a pair of "dog food" weapons, but also give birth to a weapon spirit!

It's outrageous!

Fenmu felt that this conjecture was contrary to the forging knowledge he had received.

Although it may be that his ideological structure is small, judging from his current experience, no one can forge a larger structure than him.

Even Anastas was amazed at his strange inheritance of knowledge.

He stroked his hair, and soon had a clear course of action for the current situation: "Since she was born in this land of no man, it means that this little girl is unoccupied. I saw it, and it is mine! "


I just accidentally picked up a blanket that I don’t know who lost it, and now there is a girl who has no owner, Qi Ling, in front of me, so enthusiastic!

However, the little girl's film has not yet matured, and it lacks so much meaning and taste. It would be a pity if it was a mature woman.

"Wait a minute, could it be a fairy jumping? No matter, I have always been the only one in this world to take advantage of others. If you dare to come to a fairy jumping on me, I will be snatched away by you."

Fenmu walked towards the ruins building generously, and after feeling the hostility from those glowing bugs, a bladeless knife handle quietly appeared in his palm.

It was clearly a cold meteorite hilt, but when it fell into the palm, it seemed to be stroking and playing with the smooth and tender skin of Sidney, the knife girl, as if holding her little hand.

Countless insects of light covered the sky like locusts, and the sound of their wings vibrating produced a strange resonance, the ground was cracked, and the lone stone was shattered.

All the worms of light gathered together, dazzling and rushing towards Fenmu at the same time.

"These worms all have mid-eighth-level spiritual power fluctuations. This kind of spiritual power is so holy and disgusting, but it doesn't seem to have eighth-level combat power. What's the matter?"

Fen Mu didn't stop for these bugs, while walking, he put the handle of the knife on the other side of the hip bone, making a gesture of keeping the knife together.

Then he drew out the knife lightly, and the knife intent turned into several ripples of the knife, rippling away, extinguishing the brilliance of the Insect of Light.

When these countless insect corpses fell like a torrential rain, Fenmu just walked into the ruins building to avoid the "rain". Even after the insects turned into corpses, they couldn't touch him.

"Hey, the feeling of suppressing equipment is cool. I haven't experienced this feeling of Wushuang mowing grass for a long time. The last time I opened Wushuang like this, I entered the bamboo rat's nest with a small broken knife and started killing. Time passed. It's so fast..."

To say that death is mostly unwilling, but when these light surges die, the fluctuation of the soul fragments actually exudes a sense of joy.

It's like getting rid of some shackles and shackles, and gaining the freedom of liberation.

Fenmu didn't go into these details because he wasn't interested.

He walked to the floor where the little girl was, and came in front of her unimpeded.

The architectural arrangement on this floor is quite strange. Several whitened golden pillars stand upright around the rotunda, and the murals on the dome are extensions of the pillars. The whole looks like a birdcage.

There are many huge white-gold bird feathers scattered on the ground, and one bird feather is as big as Finmu's forearm.

On the floor in the center of the hall is the sleeping little girl.

Fenmu's eyes first fell on the black dress on her body. The material of the dress was extraordinary, and it was a fabric he had never seen before. The mysterious patterns on the skirt inexplicably carried some kind of belief, and in this belief system It also belongs to a relatively high-level class.

The sword pattern, eye pattern, and some patterns that can't be described as specific shapes make this dress a bit dark and Lolita.

After sizing up the clothes, Fen Mu finally got a glimpse of the little girl's appearance.

"Looks about fifteen, sixteen or seventeen years old, but appearance certainly cannot be used as an age reference. Just by looking at her face, I would say that Anastasia is not even 30 years old... Alas! Eighteen! Anas Tajiu! Don't pull my ears, Master Anna." Fen Mu rubbed his ears painfully.

"It looks good. It comes with a black lipstick and a little black eye shadow. This chest... It's been a long time since I've seen such a breast that has room for development."

Femmer paused, turned the little girl's body over, and then lifted the dress to check, feeling a little disappointed.

"Although the shape is round and beautiful, it's just a bit small, and it doesn't feel much upturned, but I can't help it at this age. Why can't I read the story from this buttocks? It's like a piece of white paper."

This shouldn't be, even if Fenmu checks the baby girl, he can tell whether the baby likes to be noisy or not, and he has never seen such a "blank".

It's a bit like the feeling when I appraised Ed Shalan's ice bow not long ago.

"I can't tell if it's a weapon spirit. It's troublesome... Forget it, let's make do with it. It can be considered a treasure if it can appear in this kind of place. There is no reason for my own treasure to be disgusted."

Fenmu tried to take the girl into the kingdom of God to "save", but found that the girl couldn't be taken in, and even Sidney couldn't bring her into Fenmu's private dream.

It seems that I can only carry it away.

He had just picked up the beautiful girl with black hair when the two stone statues on the high platform in the north of the hall cracked.

These two stone statues are obese, wearing heavy armor helmets, a pair of small and cute little wings on their backs, and holding a majestic giant sword.

The white-gold light similar to the worms of light outside radiated from the crack, and the stone statue began to shake, ready to break out of the cocoon at any time.

Fen Mu took out his weapon again, jumped over and chopped off the two fat stone statues with one blow.

The severed stone statue dimmed again, and after a burst of strong light, it turned into feathers and dispersed, leaving only a scorched black weathered gravel, and no trace of the original stone statue could be found.

Fenmu cut it disdainfully, and checked around to see if there were any other stone statues:

"It's been so long since the transformation, who do you look down on, when I will be stupid to watch you run out of the stone statue?"

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