But now there is another existence, which is this dream formed by artisans. As long as there are enough weapons accumulated, it can really produce a super-quality weapon!

This is probably the place that all craftsmen in the world dream of.

Casalia's eyes turned blood red, and her coquettish eyes were incompatible with her gorgeous brown-gold hair. She looked like a bloodthirsty witch disguised as a mortal noble. She said:

"I don't know. If so, it would be a good thing for Fenmu. But the identity involved later is a bit unusual. Maybe the identity of the Lord of Eden suddenly popped up?"

It was rare for Taivia to intervene in the discussion between the two: "No! Fenmu's blacksmithing is not so noisy, he is more calm."

Fen Mu looked at the figure gradually gathered by the ray of light, and his expression suddenly became weird.

The shape of the toy was constantly changing in the white light, but gradually stabilized, turning into a square toy!

"Why does this look like a coffin?! You wanted to build a peerless coffin, but you didn't make it, and then you were all desperate?"

When it comes to coffins, Fenmu can only be said to be a professional counterpart!

Although he hadn't built a coffin for a long time, it was still one of his favorite things to build, and it was also his and Anasta's nest.

"Throwing an identification technique, I don't know if it can be determined."

But after throwing out the identification technique, Fenmu regretted it. Countless obsessions gathered together flooded into his mind with the consciousness protruding from the [identification technique], and he was almost affected by the countless negative emotions. mentality.

Fortunately, Fenmu has also explored some information about this unfinished thing.


Name: The Ark of the Covenant Attempts to Restore

Quality: None

The original Ark of the Covenant stored the covenant between sinners and God, and sealed the secrets of the past like a coffin

The cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant guarded the secret, but the covenant was still peeped

"The restored broken Ark of the Covenant cannot cover up the facts, but it can be used as a coffin for yourself"


"I just said it casually, it really became a coffin..." Fenmu sighed.

After a long absence, he searched the forging directory in the craftsman's knowledge to see if there was anything called the Ark of the Covenant.

There shouldn't be any, but they can all be identified. There must be some clues, right?After all, this group of knowledge includes even the weapons of the samurai and ninja senior sisters.

In the knowledge that has not been touched for a long time, a new column has appeared.

"[Peerless Object]? When did this thing appear? Why didn't I find it before!"

After digging deeper into this column, I found that all of them were untouchable knowledge content, and only one of them was lit - the Ark of the Covenant! !

"What is the origin of this group of knowledge? Is everything really included?"

No one could answer his soliloquy, and the teammates at the foot of the mountain could not distinguish his doubtful words from the deafening and frantic sound of hammering iron.

Fen Mu stopped thinking, and asked Master Anna later, she must know the origin of this joke.

Since they are all hardworking craftsmen, I will help you restore the Ark of the Covenant. It is pitiful to see that you have not been able to finalize the shape after restoring it for a long time.

Fen Mu grabbed the continuously deforming white light and sighed: "Stop for a moment, I am more professional in making coffins."

As if hearing his words, everything was suddenly silent in the dream, the sound of hammering iron stopped abruptly, and the change of white light also stopped.

Chapter 62 There are still a few more angels to be caught.

In the Ice Emperor Realm, Ed Shalan hadn't been interested in politics for the past few days, and was basically paying attention to the news in that dream and the whereabouts of his companions from the Kingdom of God.

Fortunately, there is not much to pay attention to in terms of political affairs. The people in the Northern Territory are simple and honest. If you encounter troubles, just kill a few people and solve the root cause of the troubles, and many problems will be solved.

"Sirune, what's the situation inside, why hasn't Fenmu moved these days?"

[The situation on my side is alright. This dream belongs to an ancient force called Eden. Those 'Hoarfrost' are the masterpieces of Eden. Now they appear to harass them from time to time, but they are still easy to deal with. Bring Just good practice. 】

Eden?never heard before.

Ed Shalan is now ordering scholars in the whole territory to look through the ancient books and secret volumes to find records about that dream, but they have never heard of such a force.

"What happened to Fenmu? He's not with you?"

【Yes, he is now blacksmithing for several days.It used to be like this, when I came across something I wanted to forge, I would put my heart and soul into it and swing the hammer. 】

This is interesting, Ed Shalan still remembers it vividly, that boy Fenmu can transform minerals into weapons at will, relic level and legend level are all at his fingertips, as if there is nothing worth swinging a hammer for him to forge.

But now he actually invested in forging in the dream.

"Are there rare materials and precious minerals in it? How did he forge it in such a dangerous place, or did he suddenly get inspired?"

【Neither, we don’t know what happened to him. In short, he just stood on the weapon hill for a while, and then started to forge, but what was forged was not a weapon. I looked like a coffin, and I was helping to carve the coffin. 】

"Okay, pay attention to safety, I will try my best to find a way to see if I can break the crack in advance and take you out."


"It's a bit close at the end. As an embellishment, if you don't get out the two angels guarding the coffin, it's not considered a completed work."

But the statue of the coffin-keeper angel has already been carved out, and it needs to be filled with the huge divinity of Eden.

Fen Mu returned to her private dream, looked at Ser Angel with unbearable heart, and walked towards her with a large bucket of energy potion.

"What do you want to do!" Ser Angel was very vigilant, the crisis inspiration exploded in her mind, and she felt deep malice!

Fenmu sat next to her, with one hand on Sergeant's shoulder, "Don't hide so far away! I'm finishing a great work, and it should be considered a sacred object of your Eden, the Ark of the Covenant do you know?"

Angel Se recalled it for a while, moved her body to avoid Fen Mu's hand, shook her head and denied:

"That's not our sacred object. I've heard of it. This object is a cabinet for storing the covenant between God and sinners. There are commandments, token sticks, and covenant stone tablets in it. This is of profound significance to sinners, but it is not to Eden's Angel is not worth mentioning.

Then the ark was opened by the rebels, and the sinners who broke the covenant were rewarded with greater iniquity, long before my time. "

In other words, the Ark of the Covenant is very important to the sinners, but God doesn’t pay much attention to it, and only cares that whoever opens it will have trouble.

"Whatever, anyway, I have already built that plaything now, but I encountered a little trouble in recreating the coffin guardian angel. I need a very large Eden divinity, so maybe you have to work harder. "

Ser Angel knew the true face of that sense of crisis. This bastard completely regarded her as a milking cow, thinking of squeezing enough divinity from her to complete the work!

Moreover, she was given energy potions to forcefully squeeze Eden's divinity.

Let's not talk about whether this person has divinity, anyway, Ser Angel thinks that Fenmu is absolutely inhuman!

"Can't you let me restore my divinity by myself!" Ser Angel gritted her teeth, recalling the pain of divinity clogged in her soul not long ago, and she didn't want to experience it again.

In particular, he would suck out his divinity, that strange feeling was simply humiliating her dignity and faith!

"It's not good. I don't have so much time to wait for you to recover slowly. But I'm not a villain who has committed a heinous crime. I have a clear way to show you. It depends on whether you want to grasp it or not."

Aren't you a heinous villain? !

Angel Ser is about to be laughed at by him, this guy is clearly a collection of original sins, the most evil existence in the world!

"Tell me what you want me to do!"

Fen Mu rubbed his hands together, and looked at Angel Ser expectantly: "You should have other angel friends, they should also have the divinity of Eden, right, invite them to drink some potion drinks, and they can also increase their breasts. , Bah, overflowing with the divinity of Eden, right?"

Celestial Angel's soul seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and a chill swept through her brain.

Except for the Lord of Eden, all creatures must be sinful and evil from the moment they appear in this world, even the alien gods are no exception.

Even a god based on light will be guilty of lust because of controlling the light.

But among the countless sinners and people who invaded the sacred that Angel Se had liquidated, none of them could be darker than the soul of the man in front of him.

This man's hands are covered with killing and blood, and his brain is a dark and dirty abyss, like bubbles rising from a boiling pot of poison, with evil thoughts of torture constantly coming out!

It wasn't enough just to harm her, this bastard actually wanted to capture more angels and use them as livestock to provide him with Eden divinity!


"You're wishful thinking!" Ser Angel rejected Fenmu righteously.

Fen Mu had expected this result a long time ago, looked at her very regretfully, and opened the bucket of freshly baked energy puree potion, the liquid inside was so thick that it looked like glue makeup.

"Smell, how does this smell? It's specially prepared for you, full of concentration!"

Seeing the spoonful of energy puree handed to her mouth, Ser Angel was scared, and quickly stopped: "Wait! I can tell you how to find other angels!"

She secretly calculated in her heart that following this trend, it would be the most dangerous for the wandering angels to be defeated by him one by one, and she had to use a secret signal to get other angels to unite to deal with him!

They even had to pass the news to the Temple of Eden to let the Lord of Eden deal with the humanoid demon.

"It's fine if you do this earlier. As a punishment for wasting my time, I hope you can punish yourself a spoonful, isn't it too much?" Fenmu was very pleased.

On the way to restore the ark of the covenant, the more Fenmu came into contact with the sighs of those craftsmen, the less he liked these angels, and even doubted the depicted Gospel land.

"I'll give you a star map, activate it with the divinity of Eden, and you can call other angels."

Chapter 63 Angel Dairy

Although I am not a person who experienced it first-hand, I can't lie to my desperate self-sigh.

Amidst the sighs of the craftsmen, the Eden felt by Fenmu is a wonderful force.

The Lord of Eden continues to paint big pies for his people, and to spread the beauty of the Gospel Land.

Tell them that the suffering they are suffering now is inevitable and deserved, and at the same time it is happiness, and suffering is a blessing!Those who are exhausted and have no money for medical treatment should also thank this blessing.

Because after suffering, when the original sin on the body is paid off, you can enter the Gospel of Eden and become a perfect person.

But what it actually looks like is quite clear.

Taivia looked at Fenmu and sighed, and it was rare to put away her sloppy attitude, and looked at him with concern:

"Fenmu, what happened, you haven't sighed like this for a long time."

Fen Mu drew on the ground the array of stars given by the angel Sir, and replied:

"It's a bit affected by the craftsman's obsession here. It's a pity. I have been told that gods do things according to their own preferences. No matter how evil the gods I met before, I have never had such a disgusting feeling."

How should I put it, no matter how bad the weird guys I met before, they all relied on their own strength to do evil openly.

But Eden is amazing. The God of Eden uses faith to control the mind, making those who suffer to thank the perpetrators, and thank God for the suffering bestowed by God until death.

The artisans gathered here may be those who have awakened the consciousness of rebellion, do not want to suffer anymore, and want to use their own strength to create tools to overcome the sea of ​​suffering and enter the land of the Gospel.

It's just... all failed.

The ****-like holy white light still floods the earth, as holy as a pale lie.

Fenmu collected his spirits, cleared his throat, put on the poise of a leader speaking, and mentioned to the girls about the upcoming meeting:

"The star array on the ground is used to summon the angels. I guess there will be some more powerful angels coming out. I'll trouble everyone to work hard and try to keep alive. I'm waiting to squeeze Eden's divinity."

"Shouldn't you tell us about keeping alive?" Nora, who was on the sidelines as a cheerleader, was very self-aware, and she didn't forget to take a step back while making suggestions.

There is no way, Nora really wants to join the battle in her heart, and come to a peak duel of fighting side by side, but her strength does not allow her to bubble up so calmly, so she can only hide in the Kingdom of God and wait for news.

Fen Mu could hear another meaning of Nora's meaning, she meant to explain to the two mysterious gods who never showed up.

"Did you hear the ghost king, wait a moment and be careful! Don't spoil my good deeds, be careful that I don't have enough divinity, take some ghost king divinity from you to make up for it!"

Fenmu gave a bully yell to the open space, and then his expression became flattering and obedient, "That...Master Tasia, you should restrain yourself, try to save as much life as possible, those angelic captives are against me Seriously, it's very important!"

"Understood, I will try to keep one."

The woman's voice came out of nowhere, and the people around were silent with weird expressions. It was difficult to comment on the difference in Fenmu's attitude.

They all followed the god who served as his bodyguard, but Fenmu seemed to respect the god named Tasia!However, the treatment of ghost kings and gods is not the slightest bit worse.

Ghost King God was also very angry about this, but there was nothing he could do about it, this man was too shameless, there was nothing he could do about it.

Having finished what needs to be explained, Fen Mu ignored the little girl Sheba's protest and locked her into the Ark of the Covenant, and then added the last stroke of the Star Map, taking out the divinity of Eden to activate it.

For a moment, the sacred pale flame ignited in the Mount Star Chart, and the flame ignited every stroke of the Mount Star Chart, condensing a dazzling beam of light and rushing towards the chaotic sky, shining a huge hole in the doomsday sky.


The angel of Eden is not here, or wandering in the void, or hiding in the starry sky, or sleeping in lost dreams...

Feeling the call of a ray of light, they all opened their gray-white eyes, looking at the light that shot at them.

"It's been a long time since I've felt this kind of star call. It's a call for help from an Xeon enemy."

"It can even threaten the Lord of Eden, and we need all our support? It's an exaggerated signal. The strength of the Spirit Hall Guard is not weak. The other angels seem to have gone back to judge the unclean enemy, and I will also leave Bar."

In the Dreamland of Eden, where the sighs of countless craftsmen were buried, the angel who judged the mighty enemy descended, and there seemed to be angel children singing hymns in the light.

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