Fenmu has been so worried about it for a round now, and has perfected all aspects of the territory too much, and Ed Shalan has not even straightened out everything now.

Just how to use the Dream of Eden better and how to develop it in the future have not yet been decided, and Fenmu has secretly added a lot of new jobs to him.

Although this is a happy trouble for any lord, Ed Shalan is a woman with a strong desire to control, and she doesn't like to see her own things slowly get out of her control.

Fen Mu naturally understands the truth of this, anyway, he also intends to take a break for a while, he has tasted the taste of the greasy senior sister, now it is time to think about the diligent work of the little broken knife.

My own baby has a big bump, but there has been no new progress for a long time.

"Okay, then I'll study those ores first, and if I plan to go to the Beastmaster's Land to find treasures, I'll tell you Ed Shalan in advance."

This kind of report to the senior sister first made Ed Saran very comfortable.

Seeing her nodding, Fen Mu had to push forward and made further plans:

"Then, can I have a look at the treasury of the Ice Emperor to see if there is any material that can inspire me. Then Ed Shalan, you take care of me so much, that's all...not for the lord Sister, you sleep a few more times, my conscience is uneasy!"

Ed Shalan is not the expressionless person like Taivia, but the occasional smile is very shallow, but this time, she was really amused by the bad intentions of the kid Fenmu.

This is obviously because of his lust, but he insists that he has a disturbed conscience, and he just slept with him once, and this guy started to plan to hide the territory.

Ed Shalan began to feel that the evaluations of "Dagger" and "Furious" on Femmu were quite accurate, and that they were indeed a scourge.

But her junior brother, the plowing cow, really made her feel comfortable serving her. Ed Shalan didn't bother to care about the protests of the military advisers and counselors afterwards, so she directly put a mark on his head, and readily agreed:

"Okay, you can take whatever you want here, you can go to the warehouse according to the guidance of this imprint."

"Then... can I take a little bit of other people's things?"

Chapter 75

Setting up the treasury in an independent dreamland does not seem to be a new operation.

The Ice Emperor's treasury has been accumulated by several generations. The style inside is simple, inheriting the tone of ice and snow. When you enter the dreamland, you will see a snowfield and a dark cave in front of you.

In this dream, I can really feel the chill. It is probably because Ed Shalan has changed the rules of the dream of the treasury after he has further grasped the dream and the domain.

The interior of the cave can be described as magnificent, because it is really full of gold!The gold that squeezed into the eye sockets in an instant almost blinded Fenmu's dog eyes.

Going further in is considered treasures, the seeds of rare plants, the eggs of various monsters, and the most valued materials of Fenmu.

Fen Mu is like a tourist visiting an ancient building, and his behavior is quite decent. The ladies following him can't help but look sideways, thinking that he has changed his gender.

The witch senior sister Hekati spoke to Fenmu very much, so she couldn't help but ask at this time:

"Fenmu, don't you plan to take something from Ed Shalan?"

Casalia followed to visit other people's treasuries, and her eyes fell more on the sets of exquisite ancient armors. Even she was a little tempted, and this guy Fenmu was so calm.She also looked at Fenmu in surprise:

"Yeah, didn't you think about packing everything you saw before, but now you know it's your own, so you're embarrassed to take it?"

Nora thought of the two elf queens of the Forest of Everything who had been harmed by Fenmu, and sighed:

"Ophelian and Xia Yina know, they will probably suffer for a long time."

These two elf lords were victims.

Fenmu looked down on his girls and said disappointedly: "What kind of weird talk are you talking about? Why do I want to take things here?"

"Why not take it?" Hecate asked back.

Fen Mu used actions instead of answers. He took out the bed directly and placed it in Ed Shalan's treasury, and said confidently:

"Ed Sharan's treasury, that's my treasury. Since it's my stuff, why take it away? I just lived here, and the environment is similar to the feeling of living in the basement of the church before. , but the gold on the outside is a bit dazzling, wait a minute and see who can help clean it up."

The girls are silent, it seems that their pattern is too small. I used to think that it was too much for Fenmu to search for locusts to cross the border, but I didn't expect him to be so skillful at occupying magpie's nests without any psychological burden.

Fenmu doesn't touch fish, and is very dedicated. He just lay on the bed for a while, and then began to accompany Taivia to tidy up their new house, and the decoration was closer to the feeling of the church city.

After tidying up, he found the ore sent by the leader of the beast king in the treasury, and then called out the star goddess with a loud voice.

Mi Erxi came out from the dreamlike ripples of the starry sky, her face was full of helplessness and embarrassment, she said: "I can hear you, why are you shouting so loudly..."

"Isn't it because I'm afraid that you won't be able to hear me? It's fine if you come here. What did you do just now?" Fen Mu patted the chair next to her, calling Mi Erxi to sit down and study the mutated ore.

"Accompany Sheba to fish casually, and then mock you behind your back for not being able to catch fish. The little girl complained to me, saying that you were in the room all day and did not control the noise and affected her sleep."

Fenmu blinked, he didn't treat Sheba like a little girl, "You can control this voice, I will try to gag them as much as possible next time."

Nora is the one who shouts the most, followed by Casalia. Keeping them from happening may affect the communication experience quite a bit.But even if it is "muted", the sound of collision and swallowing cannot be blocked just by blocking it.

Melxi took the mutated ore and started divination, looking for the inspiration revealed by the starry sky.

On the side, several women from the church power gathered together to secretly observe the starry sky goddess.

Although when Fenmu took Mi Erxi back to the parish, they had already watched it, but after all, this is one of the righteous gods that he has believed in for so long, and it is impossible to be satisfied after just a few glances.

If the distance between a person and an orthodox god is measured according to the priesthood status in the church, then Nora should belong to the group of people with the highest status. Goddess, it is even more incredible.

The imaginary god is closest to that feeling of worship, which is almost the feeling when facing the huge angel at close range for the first time in Eden's dream.

There is a sense of oppression, and there is no feeling of human beings from the other party, no trace of mercy, and only indifference and ruthlessness shrouded in the angel mask.

That kind of image may be more in line with ordinary people's imagination of God.

"This is the goddess of the starry sky..."

Hearing her mother's shallow sigh, Casalia sighed in a bad mood: "Even the righteous god of the parish next door has been humiliated by Fenmu."

Ahead, the illusion of the starry sky floating from Mi Erxi's fingertips suddenly became blurred, like throwing a stone into a lake reflecting the moonlight, shattering the peace——Mi Erxi heard the conversation between the royal mother and daughter, and her state of mind Small collapse.

Fenmu turned back and gave Nora and Casalia a symbolic look, Nunuzui signaled to Milci that she was still talking nonsense, and then reprimanded softly, pretending to be:

"Speak softly!"

Mi Erxi felt sad, the old lady's famous name...it's all because she just got her body at that time, the contact between consciousness and physical body was a bit bad, and the body senses were a bit dull, otherwise why would she be humiliated by this bastard like Fen Mu? I didn't notice it a few times.

Nora saw it, changed the subject silently, and said:

"Judgment, Salvation, Nature, Knowledge, War, Stranger, and I don't know when these goddesses will return to the present situation. Although I am on the side of the Judgment Diocese, I also want to see for myself The look of a righteous god."

Casalia is still a dog who can't spit out ivory, which pot can't be opened and which pot to lift, and continues to act as an emotionless atmosphere destroyer. She said:

"I don't know if these righteous gods return, if they know how many times Starry Sky Goddess has been bullied by this pig like Fenmu, will they vent their anger on Starry Sky Goddess? At that time, should we help Fenmu or the righteous gods?"

The divination that Mi Erxi managed to gather again was cut off again...Fen Mu who was next to her didn't know what to do, so she could only pretend that she didn't know.

Nora said in her heart that the piece of char siu she gave birth to was rough and reasonable, and this is indeed a question worth considering: "The Stranger should be on the side of Fenmu, right? Let's just pretend we don't know it. How can we help?" The sides are not good."

Only the righteous gods know that Stranger among the righteous gods has a transcendent status, and this eldest sister can basically be ignored, she is an outsider.

But for the other righteous gods, Mi Erxi also had a rough time with them when they were bad friends.

I originally wanted to laugh at the few of them who came back so late, but now if the rest of them come back, if they find that Mi Erxi has been beaten by a brat several times, they will definitely laugh at her.

Do you want to drag them into the water too?

Chapter 76 Your sister is quite moist

Fenmu saw that she was not in the mood for divination for the time being, so he simply stopped pretending, and asked curiously:

"Milxi, is your appearance the same when you were in the divine body?"

Mi Erxi recovered from the calculations of her teammates, nodded and said: "It's almost the same. In fact, the owner of this body is very similar to me. Since she was born, her fate has been linked to me. It will become more and more like me as I grow up."

"That's quite coquettish, I thought it was because of your body container, it turned out to be similar to yourself." Seeing that the Starry Sky Goddess' expression was not right, Fen Mu quickly asked: "Then what do the other righteous gods look like?" , I see that the statues you left in the parish are all mysteriously wearing a hood, what are you trying to figure out?"

Mierxi looked at the ceiling in melancholy for a while, and no longer worried about the feelings of the few church believers beside her. She first asked:

"Fenmu, you have grown up all the way, do you have a clear feeling that you have suddenly grown up, different from yesterday, and become an indomitable person?"

Femmer paused, shook his head and said, "No, I still feel like I'm still a child, but I've come to where I am today without knowing it."

When he first came to this world, he was still a baby, and he was so hungry that he drank the wolf mother's grandma. The wolf mothers couldn't stand it anymore, so they threw him to the tribal people to feed him.

Afterwards, she was told by the sacrificial aunt that she was cursed, so she had to drag the coffin to escape her fate, and ended up bumping into Anastha who was holding the corpse.

He came here in a daze all the way, the only thing he can be sure of is that he has indeed seen more peach butts, but he is not sure how much he has grown compared to the self who was still talking about grandma back then.

The goddess of the starry sky ordered a cup of fruit brew from somewhere, and for a while, the aroma of the fruit and the faint smell of alcohol wafted in the room, like incense.

She took a sip of the stuffed fruit, and her sexy red lips looked moist and crystal clear. She said, "We are the same way. Even if we become gods, we don't have the self-consciousness of becoming gods. We just feel that we have cultivated a little more than others." layer, it’s about the same as being born a year earlier than others.”

Fen Mu understood what she wanted to express, nodded and said: "Understood, you feel that your appearance is not used to being worshiped, so you all put on cloaks?"

Master Anna's voice sounded, and the tone was full of affirmation and approval, as if affirming the xinxing maintained by the Starry Sky Goddess.

【Mi Erxi and the others are acquired gods, they have been gradually promoted from the human race, even if they have the perception of the god rank, they still haven't forgotten their human identity, and their ordinary minds are rare.Compared with those existences whose innate strength is god-level, these righteous gods can better understand the vision of ordinary people. 】

Fenmu looked forward to their appearance more and more. He asked Master Anna: "Even Master Anna has such a high opinion of them, so their butts must be pretty."

Anasta suddenly didn't want to talk anymore, and almost forgot that there was another little bastard who "remains true to her original intention" here!

Seeing that Master Anna ignored him, Fen Mu could only sigh slightly, and then went to ask Mi Erxi for information:

"Milxi, what do the remaining righteous gods look like, you can use your divinity to outline them for me to see."

"Why do I think you have bad intentions?" Mierxi was so contemptuous that she didn't even want to give him the fruit brew.

"Impossible, why would I have any wrong thoughts." Fen Mu slapped her chest confidently, and took advantage of Mi Erxi's inattention, snatched her fruit brew and drank it.

How to say the taste, it is a bit like the sweet soup that children love to drink.


The Goddess of the Starry Sky thinks that Fenmu is lucky, maybe he will meet him someday, so it would be better to give him some popular science in advance.

Her fingertips flickered with the brilliance of the night starry sky, and she sketched in the air with her hands, Fen Mu watched her draw and draw, and was soon disappointed.

He was thinking that Mi Erxi had great supernatural powers and only reproduced the impression in his mind. It would not be a problem to create a holographic projection effect, but she only drew a few abstract strokes, which could be a spell.

According to Melxi, these abstract paintings can make Femmer feel their presence when they approach them in the future.

"Naturally, she is the one who has changed the most. It can be said that she has a childlike innocence? But her body is a rare flower, and I can't name it.

Judgment is a dead-headed guy, sometimes when she sees her taking a bath, if she feels it, she will take out her big sword and swing two knives on the spot.

Learning is a little bitch, very bad, often pretending to be weak and weak to deceive the hearts of little boys, and if they are deceived, just leave them aside and do nothing out of the ordinary


"Stop!" Fen Mu stopped her tirade, "There is no picture and no truth, can you just give me a picture?"

"I can't give it to the guy who hasn't come into the world. That's information hidden by the rules. But the trial can be given to you. She returned earlier than me."

The women from the diocese suddenly regained their spirits and watched with all their attention, for fear that they would miss the opportunity to witness their righteous gods in advance.

Melxi spread her hands, and the stick figures she drew just now turned into divination cards constructed by divinity.

One after another, the gorgeous and dazzling star cards revolved around Mi Erxi, and finally the one branded with Judgment flew out, and the figure of a heroic woman slowly emerged from the shining spots.

"Is this Evewell?! But it seems to be a little bigger." Casalia was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

So the goddess is always by my side? !

Mirxi nodded: "Judgment's real name is Yver, it's missing a word. Now that the consciousness of Judgment returns, the girl from before is equivalent to ushering in a growth, and her body and appearance will undergo slight changes, becoming like Judgment. exactly the same."

Fenmu's gaze was fixed on Evewell's buttocks all the time, it seemed that she had developed a little more than before, she was still a little girly at first, but now she looks like a mature big sister.

Not to mention the buttocks, the few ounces of flesh on the chest look a lot fatter.

"It's a pity, why didn't I think of bringing Eveville in at the beginning, hey!"


Halfway through the gossip, Mi Erxi was able to calm down to divination the mystery of the mutated ore.

There is no vision in front of her, but Fen Mu noticed the starry sky flowing and all phenomena changing in her beautiful eyes. This is probably the mysterious scene that all fortune tellers want to see in their lives.

"This snowy area really hides a lot of things. The things buried in the Beastmaster's collar have been warmed for so many years, and they seem to be recovering a bit. They are still relatively dangerous things."

"What?" Fenmu thought there was a baby!

"Dragon Priestess... can't let this thing appear, we can't deal with it yet."

"Not even a god rank?"

"Theoretically, this thing is from the first era. Once it appears, the God of War level can't deal with it. It is estimated that Eden was doing something here and accidentally awakened this thing!"

Chapter 77 Mirxi, You Be Careful in the Future

The current styles in the team are divided into two major genres, the fishing party in troubled waters, and the silent and pretending master party.

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