The conversation finally returned to the normal rhythm, and Fen Mu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was really not easy.

In a daze, he really felt like he had returned to the time when he first met Taivia. She was obviously a very understanding girl, but her thinking and actions were always puzzling, which always made Fenmu feel embarrassed and troublesome.

Now it's a dream come true.

"In your current state, Fenmu, can you stay here forever?"

"It's not good, you can stay longer, but it's definitely not possible to stay forever."

"I don't understand, Fenmu, are you in a hurry to go back and wait for the future me to wake up, and leave me here?"

Taivia frowned, vaguely, her hostility was directed at her future self, as if her future self snatched Fenmu away from her.

"Why are you still jealous of yourself? It's not because you're in a hurry to leave, but because my ability determines that I can't stay for too long." He was a little bit entangled by Taivia, and he couldn't figure out how to explain it so that he could let his mind go The nuns who are not very bright can accept some.

After thinking about it, Fenmu fell silent. Once silent, Fenmu's hand became a little restless. His hand quietly hooked on Taivia's waist, seeing that Taivia didn't want him this time. "Chop off the hand", the palm of the hand slides down the round curve with huge ups and downs.

This elastic and full feel makes Fenmu really want to bite the moon, and really admire his gaze back then.

"Destiny said it really well. A man's butt is better than the sky. The correct belief is too crucial."

Hearing his strange words, all doubts in Taivia's heart were dispelled, only Fenmu could say such words.

According to the previous style, Fenmu should "shine the sword" next, and then give her tenderness.

However, after the baptism of the ritual, Fen Mu has restrained himself in all aspects, probably just not wanton to vent according to his own temperament.

What he is worried about now is whether his previous profligate behavior will make girls like Taivia mistakenly think that he just likes their beautiful bodies?

This statement was correct at the time, but it was not entirely correct, and there was really no way to do such a thing without any relationship.

So now Fenmu is very restrained, only tasting, not in-depth exploration, just stop at the end.

The nun waited for a long time, then raised her head and looked at Fenmu: "Why didn't you attack me? Fenmu was not like this before."

Fenmu choked in embarrassment, and said: "Now I have mastered the control of my self, and I am already a personable person."

Tyvia: "..."

After all, it was Taivia who made the move first, she patted Fenmu away to caress her hand, just when he was stunned, Taivia tore off his belt, lowered her body, knelt down in front of him, and put Fenmu's hand on her on the back of the head.

She raised her eyes to look at Fen Mu, motioning him to hurry up.

Chapter 110 Waist

Is this considered a godsend?

Although in the mental state, any interaction is only a contact of thinking, which is similar to dreaming in general.However, after being a demigod, the spirit gradually separates from the level of the physical body, and the in-depth contact of the spirit is more sensational than the integration of the physical body.

After a confluence of spirit and spirit, Taivia hibernates in Fenmu's arms.

This crazy nun who once "did evil" in the territory of the north and the church city was regarded by the people as a wild beast, but now she is like a docile kitten, wrapping her arms around Fenmu's neck, even hugging him with both legs He hugged her waist tightly, unwilling to separate even the slightest distance.

Fenmu stroked her messy hair, and she might have been a little impulsive just now, and loosened Taivia's hair:

"If the trial parish knew that I ran in and harassed you while you were meditating, someone would probably come out and reprimand me."

"Whoever comes to train Fenmu, I will kill him for you."

Taivia said meekly impulsive and irritable words, she rubbed her cheek against Fenmu's side face, through rubbing again and again, and the scorching warmth that Fenmu brought her (refers to feeling warm in the heart), confirmed his existence .

"Don't be so aggressive, I'm just making an analogy. There is no one in the trial parish who can punish me, and there is no one in the entire church city who can preach to me." Fenmu laughed dumbfounded.

But Anasta doesn't count, she doesn't belong to the Orthodox Church, she's just a name.

After the nun's soul was nourished by Fenmu, her manic heart returned to the old calm. The original gray-and-white spiritual world now also has color, and the surroundings are no longer black and white.

"Fenmu, I didn't become a god, and I couldn't walk after half god. Rachel probably didn't become a god, she never came back. Will you wait for me again? I will try my best to be a good Fenmu believers, use God’s eternal life to always be with you.”

Regarding her own progress in cultivation, Taivia seemed to blame herself. After becoming a demigod, her realm had never been improved. Even the righteous gods who had returned could not figure out the reason. God's opportunity and inspiration.

Fen Mu knew the reason. Normally speaking, after those righteous gods left for the first time, this world entered dusk, into a night where there would be no more dawn.Many things happened in the meantime, and Verdanti squeezed the last chance for him to come out.

"It doesn't matter, after your meditation, you don't need to rush to find the feeling of breakthrough, just settle yourself with peace of mind, take a step towards the level of God of War like Mi Erxi and the others, and the rest is for you to take care of your soul, just touch the fish and go. Good. There will be no new gods in this world."

Taivia raised her blushing and timid face, her eyes flickered with puzzlement: "Then, then I..."

"Don't worry, I'll figure out what to do next. The demigod's lifespan is long enough, and I have enough leeway to deal with things... Let's not talk about this, Taivia, I want to ask you something. "


What Fenmu thinks is actually a bit hypocritical, that is what Tavia and the others think about his desire.

"In the past, I think you didn't refuse, so you should be happy, including the light elf queen Xia Yina. At that time, they didn't explicitly refuse, but in fact, they were a little sneaked by me, and the strongman made things difficult, right?

In the ceremony of ascension to the gods, there is a similar part of self-reflection.I didn't think there was anything before, but later I found out that I didn't care about your ideas? "

Taivia stopped the twisting of her waist, thought quietly, and then shook her head:

"It's so long, I don't understand."

"..." Fenmu was a little helpless, but it seemed that Taivia could not be blamed.

It's his problem, the content is really too much.He can be complicated when he thinks in his heart, but he should be concise when he expresses it.

"That is to say, my previous desires have been imposed on you all the time. Do you have any objections and think that I am just greedy for your body and your skin?"

This time Taivia understood, she felt that Fen Mu asked nonsense, and continued to move her waist and hips, and said by the way:

"No, I like Fenmu's desire for me, and then I am satisfied with me. Fenmu will not dislike my stupidity like others. I am very happy to be able to satisfy Fenmu. I can feel that I am being attracted by Fenmu. Mo needs."

Fen Mu slapped her buttocks, his voice was crisp and sweet, he laughed and cursed:

"Taviya is still pretending, how are you crazy and stupid, I think you are secretly shrewd, even Rachel can't do anything about you."

"That's why Rachel is stupid, even stupider than me. If Fenmu has me, she doesn't need her."

After reuniting for a long time, Taivia pestered him even harder. I don't know how long it has passed, and Fenmu feels that the time is almost up, and something will happen if he stays any longer.

"It's almost time for me to go. You should be able to meditate obediently now. When you wake up from meditation, we can meet."

Fen Mu patted his body, and put back the clothes like the belt.Taivia stood up, rolled away the stickiness on her fingertips with her fragrant tongue, and swallowed slightly, she said with some reluctance:

"Long time..."

"It's been a long time, but you can meditate at ease. I will wait for you outside soon. At least the time this time is certain."


Outside the stone gate, Fenmu opened his eyes, and there was a smell of dust in the air, and he could vaguely hear the voices of the believers walking and discussing outside.

"It stands to reason that it's time to wake up now. I don't know if I can hear you when I knock on the door."

Going back to the past to meet Taivia's spiritual body looks a bit like changing the future, but it's actually not that powerful. Once many things become certain, they are no longer the future.

Taivia is bound to wake up, no matter whether Fenmu has a dialogue with her spirit or not, the result is certain, so after the conversation, the current Taivia should be "suddenly inspired during meditation, Fenmu is back "Such a situation.

However, after Fenmu became a god, he didn't fight against powerful opponents a few times, otherwise he felt that he could defeat Hera and the divine bull more easily.

While thinking about it, the stone gate of the Judgment Hall suddenly shook, sand and stone rolled down, and dust fell on Fen Mu's face.

Fen Mu subconsciously thought it was an earthquake, but soon found out that someone was knocking on the door inside to get out.

"Just now I was very warm and well-behaved, why are you so wild..." Fen Mu sighed to himself, but changed the topic, nodded affirmatively: "It's better to be wild, it's strong enough."

It is not good for Taivia to continue to tear down the door. Now Evewell cannot return to the previous state, and cannot rebuild a trial spirit hall.

He immediately followed and knocked on the door, responding to her, the vibration of Shimen stopped as expected.

However, Shimen shook slightly again immediately.

Fenmu guessed that Taivia was testing whether it was him, so he slammed on the door lightly, and this time he became quiet.

"It's a pity that this spiritual hall can even block the connection with the Kingdom of God, otherwise I will first pull Taivia into the Kingdom of God, and then release it here."

Chapter 111 Lady Taivia Didn't Go Mad? !

Evewell still brought people back. The news of her being an righteous god was not exposed, but only circulated among the high-level people. The reason was the same as that of Melxi. It was not easy to show up without being in the state of becoming a god, so as not to affect the stability among believers.

Following Evewell, there was also a group of nuns and knights who followed. They heard that they were here to "release" Taivia, and they all had a look of uneasiness on their faces.

As a sister of the same church or even the same diocese, it is indeed not good to be so suspicious of a companion, but it is also due to Taivia's destructive power.

At first, Taivia was taken to the Redemption Diocese, and the Redemption nuns used spells to appease Taivia's spirit. Unexpectedly, she accidentally mentioned "forget those obsessions that make you feel uneasy", which is tantamount to making Taivia forget Fen Mu, and then she exploded.

At that time, Tavia was already a demigod, and her treatment was something that the whole church was concerned about. Naturally, other bishops were also present to supervise. up.

As a result of the deterioration of the situation, Tyvia demolished nearly half of the Redemption Parish, and even Mierxi and the others couldn't help it.

Because Taivia had learned a lot from Fenmu, she was almost immune to the spiritual shock brought by divinity, and she couldn't help her. In the end, Taivia returned to the trial parish and demolished many places.

It was Evewell who came back to calm her down and persuade her to wait for Fenmu in retreat.

Taivia's destructive power is strong, but you can also think about it from another angle-this has brought an opportunity to renovate the building in the parish, and she has carried all the infamy alone, which is true and intentional.

Now when Evewell said that she was going to pick up Taivia, more people were afraid than the excitement of welcoming her companions out of the level.

A group of people followed to the underground spiritual hall, walked through the deep and long winding stairs, and walked to the stone gate.

The nuns looked curiously at the man in front of the stone gate. His black hair was disheveled, and the leather armor and robe on his body didn't look like a parish, and how could outsiders approach this place.

Hearing their voices, Fen Mu turned around, holding the small broken knife with dazzling light effects in his hand, and was shaving the beard on his chin, giving Taivia a good image:

"Evewell, I've been waiting for you to come back."

The casual trial nuns are not dog legs, they didn't immediately jump out and say "you dare to talk to Mrs XX, what are you?", can they be ordinary people who can stay in the underground hall of the trial parish openly.

They were curious about his relationship with Everwell?old acquaintance?It's just how did a man get in touch with Eveville?

Evewell was not good at words, and she was taken aback when she noticed the change in Fenmu's life level, but then she put away her doubts first, responded with an "um", and put her slender and tender hands on the stone door.

The lines on the stone gate shone brightly, illuminating all the ancient characters, and the heavy and simple stone gate slowly opened with a rumbling sound.

In the darkness, a plump figure of a woman appeared with the opening of the stone door. The nuns were very familiar with the owner of this figure, and each of them was worried.

There were nuns who were accidentally injured back then, and even secretly used spells to add protective shields to themselves at any time.

As soon as the stone door was opened to the extent that it could surpass others, the figure inside started to move, and some of the nuns even looked so serious that they were ready to leave.

But the scene that followed surprised them.

The person who came out was undoubtedly Taivia, but after she rushed out, she directly swooped and hugged the man, hanging on him like a sloth.

In a group of people, except for Evewell, whose expression was calm and unwavering, everyone was so surprised that their jaws almost dislocated.

"what's going on?"

"Yes, that Lord Taivia actually..."

"Could it be that the retreat was successful, so the spirit has stabilized?"

Fen Mu's hands quietly supported the peach-round meat and buttocks of his nun, and then quickly changed to the posture of hugging the waist and supporting the thighs.

"Thank you for coming to open the door. Is the small church still convenient to use?"

Evewell seldom hangs around in the parish. Maybe she is familiar with the deep dreams. After recalling a little bit, she said:

"If I remember correctly, it has been rebuilt there, and the chapel is gone."

"Ah? Remodeled?" Fenmu was quite reluctant to part with the small church, where Rachel passed out after undergoing her first evangelism (referring to a coma).

It can be said that it is full of memories.

"Tayvia demolished it, but a small church was built near the original site, so you can see it when you stand a little higher."

In fact, it is best for Evewell to lead him the way, but judging from Taivia's appearance, I am afraid she doesn't want her to disturb him, so give Fenmu and Taivia a little time, and go there later.

"Then I'll take a step forward."

After Fenmu left the underground spiritual hall, the nuns chattered, all curious about Fenmu's identity.

Evewell shook her head, not to blame, but to feel the replacement of generations under the time.

Fen Mu was in the entire church city back then, but he was severely harmed. I don't know that he either didn't hear the things outside the window, or he was not harmed by him.

Many years have passed now, the group of people who knew him back then have either died or retreated, even the people stationed in the deep dream have changed several groups, and the girl who brought vitality to the church city has long since known Fenmu's asshole deeds.


Fenmu didn't bother to find the location of the new church. Looking at which building was taller, he jumped directly to the rooftop, knocked out the guards and dropped him in his arms, to meet Taivia's thirst for knowledge.

"Should I hug you so tightly? Haven't I been with you for a long time before?"

"Only accompanied me for less than half a time..."

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