Eating can replenish a lot of physical strength. She not only maintains a full body evolution along the way, but also flies for a long time. Once she encounters a strong enemy, her battery life may be insufficient midway, so she needs to prepare for the next evolution early.

Chapter 23 Chapter 22 Agumon

According to the plot, this was supposed to be the village of Rolling Ball Beasts, but it was occupied by a group of Gazhi Beasts and Peg Beasts. They ambushed the children who would come here, but these shrimp soldiers and crab generals had no fighting power, and it was the orangutan beasts who finally defeated them. Protagonist group.

But now, they can't fool Taiyi, even if he doesn't know the original plot, he won't trust them just by looking at Kajimon's sneaky appearance.

If the Gorilla Beast still appears here, then Tai Yi would be more than happy to send him on his way.

As the sun was setting, Taiyi and Tilumon arrived in front of the Rollermon village at the moment when the sun went down and entered the night.

"Taiichi, look! The Roller Beasts are actually welcoming us."

Tilumon pointed to the group of pink balls bouncing around the entrance of the village, and they were a little surprised.

"...Don't let your guard down, Tailu Beast, this is not normal."

Tai Yi frowned, smelling an unusual smell from the air.

——Is it possible that the entire digital world knows that he is the last and only chosen child?No way... Besides, this place is not taken over by Gorillamon's subordinates like the original plot.

——Am I overthinking?

"There are guests coming!"

"It's the chosen child! And his Digimon!"

"Welcome to come here as guests!"

"The meal is ready!"

"There are also things to drink!"

The cute Rollermons are jumping around, scrambling to express their enthusiasm to Taiyi and Tailumon.

"Well, I am very grateful for your kindness, but I still want to know, where did you hear about me and Di Lumon?"

"It's Gorilla Beast! Gorilla Beast's subordinates said it!"

A Rolling Ball Beast replied without thinking, and Taiyi and Di Lumon's expressions immediately changed, and Taiyi squatted in front of the Rolling Ball Beast, looking at him kindly.


"Three days ago, a group of Jiazhi beasts came here to drive us away, but they were quickly driven away by a powerful Tyrannosaurus."


Hearing this name, Taichi immediately became suspicious.

"That Tyrannosaurus is being chased by Gorillamon's subordinates. Listening to their conversation, it is said that the chosen child has come here! The chosen child is the hero who came to defeat Gorillamon and save the world.

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!That's why we welcome you both! "

"Where did that Tyrannosaurus go?"

Dilu Beast asked nervously.

"we do not know."

The Rolling Beasts shook their heads a few times while brushing in unison, and they didn't get any more useful information if they asked any more. They were just ordinary residents of the Digital World.The Roller Beasts invite Taichi to live in their tent.

Dilumon pulled the curtain and confirmed that no one was eavesdropping outside before continuing the conversation with confidence.

"Taiyi, could the Tyrannosaurus they mentioned be also the one that Bichumon mentioned, one of my former companions?"

"I can't judge, but what is certain is that the orangutan didn't come to us, most likely because of this troublesome tyrannosaur... It's strange, it's getting more and more chaotic."

"Phichumon said that they were all controlled by the fragments of Apocalypse Beast. Didn't she plan to join forces with Evil Beast to deal with us? Then why did Gorilla Beast fight Tyrannosaurus Beast?"

"I do not know."

Dilu shrugged.

It's useless to think about it again, so let's be more careful.

Soon the Rolling Beasts brought today's dinner, some grains that looked like white flowers, and gave off a strange smell like cat food, which seemed to make people very unappetizing... But the Dilu Beasts It doesn't matter, just like what she said before, she even ate stones in order to survive, let alone these grains.

"Don't eat it, Tailu Beast."

Taichi didn't want to eat it, and he didn't want Dilumon to eat something that wasn't tasty.

"There is a stove and a big pot for cooking here. I'll ask them for some ingredients. I'll make vegetable soup for you tonight. The biscuits are delicious in the soup."

"Is Taiyi very good at cooking?" Dilumon blinked.

"Well, because I have a younger sister and my parents are often away, I have learned to cook since I was a child."

Thinking of his sister Jiaer, Taiyi couldn't help showing a smile. Even for her and his family, he couldn't lose this "trial", because the goal of that vampire monster was to dominate both the digital world and the real world.

"Hey~ I also want to meet Taichi's younger sister."

"You'll love her, I promise."


"I'll tell you later."


Dilu Beast stuck out its tongue and said dissatisfiedly.

"I'm going to the Rolling Ball Beasts for some ingredients. You light the firewood here, and the lighter is here."

Taiyi took out a lighter from the submarine supermarket from his pocket and threw it to Di Lumon, then put his army green backpack on his back and prepared to go out.

"What's in that bag of yours? You haven't let me see it yet."

Dilu Beast couldn't help asking.

"It's just a small toy for self-defense~"

Taiyi said mysteriously.

"You still worry about safety when I'm here? Who cares?"

Ignoring Dilumon's jokes, Taiyi pushed open the tent and went outside. Rollingball beasts were gathering together for a banquet, which seemed to be one of the entertainment activities in this village every night. Taiyi passed by and called them. He said hello, and then walked towards the tent where the ingredients were stored according to what Rolling Ball Beast said.

"Crunch." "Crunch."

It was night now, and the voices of the Rolling Beasts were very far away, so some strange voices would be very obvious at this time.

It seemed to be a strange sound made by some kind of creature chewing something. Tai Yi suddenly became nervous. After turning to another tent in the direction of the sound, he found a very familiar... the back of a small orange dinosaur.


Taichi called out the name in surprise.

Suddenly, the Yagu beast turned its head like a frightened bird, staring straight at Taiyi with its wild eyes... His big mouth was still chewing some fragmented stones, and its sharp teeth were as fierce as axe blades. I chewed it to pieces and swallowed it.

I heard that dinosaurs often swallowed some stones into their stomachs to help grind food for the second time, but because the original Agumons were all stupid, naturally they would not do such weird things, but now this The only Yagu beast is obviously wild.

Not only this wildness that has not retreated, but Yagumon still has some unhealed wounds, which are in a state of battle damage. There are many small wounds on the abdomen and legs, and there are even bandages on the arms.

——It should be the enemy.

"It's finally here, the chosen child."

"I waited for you a long time."

Agumon smiled happily.

"what are you going to do?"

Taiyi clenched his fists, and his palms were ready to condense the digital soul. As long as he shouted loudly at this distance, Tailumon would definitely be able to hear it and rush over quickly.

"Duel with you! Call your partner over, I won't take advantage of others."

Agumon said seriously.

"Do you also have that evil crystal shard in your body?"

Tai continued to ask him.

"Ah? How could that kind of thing control me? I want to fight you with my own will!"

Agumon frowned and said angrily.

"I am the one who wants to save the digital world! Not you human!"

Chapter 24 Chapter 23 Precious video of Taiyi's early taming of Yagumon

Taiyi frowned when he heard this, and suddenly felt that this Yagumon was very strange, unlike any Digimon he knew... No, if I had to say it, he might be more like the Black Battle Greymon in the second generation , independent and professional, but not as confused as Hei Zhan Bao, his eyes are extremely firm

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This is an enemy, but it's not the same as that of the Bhikshumon. She turned her face directly, and tried her best to kill herself even if she was a child, but what did Yagumon want to do?

"Speaking too egotistically? Agumon, why should I fight with you? What is your purpose?"

"Did you see those Roller Beasts over there?"

Agumon pointed in the direction of the bonfire party and said.

"What happened to them?"

Taichi was a little worried, wouldn't this guy take those children as hostages?

"If I went to attack them now, what do you think would happen?"

"They'll run away, but I'm sure you'll be beaten pretty badly."

Taichi replied calmly.

"...Hmph, I'm just talking about hypotheses, I'm not interested in the weak."

Agumon was not angry after hearing Taiyi's harsh words, but was very satisfied with his speech.

"As you said just now, they will definitely be afraid and want to escape, but they will not flee in a panic, they will only follow behind the first Roller Beast that moves."

"And I just want to be the first Rolling Ball Beast!"

"Think about it, what a feat it is to defeat those evil monsters and save the world from the brink of destruction! I want to rely on this 'achievement' to become the strongest Digimon in legend, let my name His name will go down in history!"

It turns out that Agumon has become a sophomore boy. Although I have no qualifications to judge him... But looking at his confident and courageous appearance, I can't see the shadow of the simple and honest Agumon at all, but his The voice is still that of a male duck, and I can't help laughing when I hear him say this kind of lines.

"I'll give you some advice, Agumon."

"If you really want to be the 'strongest', it's better to just stay by my side."

"That's not acceptable." Agumon refused without hesitation. "I will never submit to anyone, nor will I rely on the strength of others. By your side, even if I do all of this... the one who becomes the strongest will be us, not 'me'."

"So, you, the chosen child! You are the one I must defeat!"

This guy, I'm afraid language can't speak... It seems that he can only convince people with reasoning, of course, it's physical reasoning.

It seems that the remaining seven Digimon may have developed various personalities, but Bichumon is considered a normal person.


At this time, Dilu Beast suddenly ran over in a hurry, and after turning over from the top of the tent, it landed neatly like a cat.

"I sensed that you were in danger and came here. This guy... Agumon? Is it really an enemy?"

Since Taiyi held her in the stomach of the giant cetacean last time and had some kind of resonance, the connection between them seems to be deeper, to the point where they can have telepathy.

"Di Lu Beast, you are very good, you have the smell of a strong person."

"However, your wildness has degraded a lot. Is it because you have been domesticated for too long?"

Agumon provocatively said.

"Dead lizard, what are you talking about?"

Dilu beast raised his eyebrows, and his temper also turned up.


Yagumon saw that Tilumon had been irritated by him, so he stopped talking. His body trembled, and dark blue light flowed out from his skin, and it expanded rapidly in just two seconds, becoming a vicious beast. The black and purple Tyrannosaurus is exactly Tyrannosaurus (blue), the Tyrannosaurus of the virus species!

"Your name is Taiyi, right? Taiyi, and Tailu Beast, I want to defeat you here, and then I will defeat Orangutan Beast and Vampire Beast!"

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