In just two days, Taiyi brought two different human girls home, which also made Tiannv and Huaxian feel very fresh, a little worried but more happy, because they finally no longer have to see each other like mice. Friends who have lost Taiyi must hide quickly, and the days of hiding everything under cover are gone forever.

Taiyi was slowly recovering while lying on the bed, and healed a lot of discomfort. Yaohushou was sitting around the tea table with the other two hostesses in this family and chatting happily. Down.

"Meimei seems to like you very much, Taiyi, don't you have any thoughts about her?"

Liu Ji pretended to ask casually.

"Don't ask, you just don't know."

Taichi answered honestly.

"Is this too much? Like a scumbag."

Liu Ji looked down at the boy on the bed and smiled.

"I, I did explicitly reject her before, but now you want me to say that again, I really can't say it."

He replied mockingly.

"Oh? You actually rejected Meimei's confession?"

"A long time ago, it happened in middle school."

"Then you could refuse before, but you can't now, which means you are still...?"

"I do like her."

After hearing such a straightforward answer, Liu Ji just laughed.

"But I really don't want to think about it now, just like you told me, Liu Ji, we people are not suitable for establishing a relationship between men and women like ordinary people, so I think it's shameful but useful to escape now, just like this gone."

Taiyi closed his eyes and made a summary.

"That's a choice I made, because that's all I need, but she doesn't necessarily think so, and..."

Liu Ji took a sneak peek first, and found that none of the three Digimon were looking at her, so she suddenly bent down and pressed it against Taiyi's face. It is full of provocations belonging to the superiors.

"To admit that you like other girls so frankly in front of me, isn't your heart too big? Taichi?"

Then she lowered her head domineeringly, and kissed Tai Yi on the lips like a superficial touch.

Chapter 275 Chapter 260

"Isn't that what you wanted to ask?"

Taichi frowned, showing a very innocent expression.

Ruki's eyes are very subtle, a bit like a Lilith beast, but it doesn't have that kind of seductive meaning, instead it gives me the feeling that a big sister is looking at a little boy... the kind that doesn't take you seriously at all provocative.

"So you just tell the truth? Taiyi, you're not like a man with such a low EQ."

Liu Ji's expression almost had "I just want to find fault with you" written on her face.

"Anyway, I mustered up the courage to confess. Could it be that after finally defeating Di Limo, you just regarded me as a 'companion'? At least, you should say something that makes me happy."

"...I didn't, but Liu Ji, now is not the time to talk about that."

Taichi understood what she was thinking, always knew it.

But he still has important things to do, and he really doesn't have time to start a new round of adventures with her, nor does he have time to renew his old relationship.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, that guy is gone too. Didn't you settle it peacefully? We don't have the final say on what to do now?"

"how do you know?"

"You have become a red lotus knight beast, but that guy didn't kill you."

Liu Ji lay on her side beside Tai Yi, raised her brows and eyes with light makeup, and analyzed with a smug smile.

"If you think about it, it must be the information left by the Red Lotus Knight Beast that influenced him. Don't they all belong to the same organization as comrades-in-arms?"

As expected of Liu Ji, she still has her own accurate judgment.

"This matter is not as simple as you think."

Taiyi also looked at her seriously and said, but he didn't know where to start. Once he spoke clearly, he would definitely expose the unspeakable matter between himself and Lilith. Tolerate herself, she might be furious and accuse herself of being lecherous, and it will be even more difficult to coax her.

"...Sorry, Taichi."

Liu Ji's eyes gradually dimmed.

"I'm thinking about these things at such a critical time. I seem to be getting weird. In fact, I'm just thinking about us, but I just can't help but want to tell you."

I don’t know if it’s because she has tasted the sweetness of mustering up the courage to express herself. Ruhime will no longer hide many things, and she will not even refuse her mother Rumiko’s request to try on various girly dresses for photography. Because there is no girl who does not love beauty, Liu Ji also wants to satisfy her princess dream for a while, but it is like looking for a false stimulus. After trying, she will eventually return to reality.

That's why she wants to tell Taiyi that she misses her very much, even though there are many girls who like Taiyi, even if she decides not to force Taiyi anymore

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Respond to his own heart, but also hope that he will not neglect himself.

"What you said is not unreasonable. I really don't need to waste my time on this aspect now. Let them make trouble on their own."

Taichi seemed to have figured it out.

Indeed, in the early morning, it was really outrageous for Liu Ji to come here to lie dead here.

"? Are you really kidding me?"

As the poles reversed back and forth, Liu Ji couldn't help showing a small expression of disgust.

"It's very uncomfortable to be internally consumed for no reason."

Taiyi seemed to be fully charged at once, he quickly sat up from the bed, knowing that he could spend the rest of the time with Ruhime, he suddenly had no back pain or leg pain, and the 3D vertigo was cured all at once.

"Let's think about it... I don't seem to have anything to take you to play, and you basically have what we have here."

"Then how about going to the digital world?"

Ruki narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"it is good."

Taichi thinks that is also a good place to take Liu Ji to see the beautiful scenery and ruins of the file island and the new look of the server continent. To her, she is a character in the animation, and the digital world here is important to Liu Ji. In other words, it is equivalent to a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and it is necessary for her to witness many famous scenes.

He got out of bed excitedly and began to change his clothes. All the things that happened just now seemed to be temporarily archived and forgotten, but he also needed to make some backups to deal with emergencies.

Lilith Beast... She has probably left this world, and she doesn't know where she is now, but it's only a matter of time before Skull Beast finds her.

"Going to Taiyi's digital world? Alright, Ruhime, I'm looking forward to seeing them again, and I want to continue to learn from those seniors."

Yaohu Beast thought of the Biqiu Beast and others he had seen last time, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Heavenly Girl Beast, Flower Fairy Beast, stay and watch the house."

"? Ah? Why?"

Huaxian Beast asked stupidly.

"Because it's an extraordinary time, it's not good for us all to leave, and the digital world over there is also safe, and there are Agumons around, so I can fight by myself, so don't worry about me."

Taiyi gave a very reasonable explanation.


The Flower Fairy Beast wanted to talk, but the Tiannv Beast touched her shoulder with her elbow, and she was hinting at the Flower Fairy Beast with crazy eyes.

——Can't you see that Taichi wants to be alone with Miss Ruki?

Although Tiannv Beast didn't speak, Hua Xian Beast understood what she meant.

"Then let's go first. Anyway, time flies over there, and I'll be back soon. If anything happens, you can use our unique communication channel to tell me, and I'll be right back."

After Taiyi explained, he opened the gate of the Digital World with Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast, and disappeared at home. For a while, only Tiannv Beast and Hua Xian Beast were left. They looked at each other, and immediately removed their disguise and recovered Seeing their original appearance...the flower fairy beast, the home girl sitting cross-legged on the sofa playing games, and even occasionally clasping her snow-white and crystal-clear feet.

As for Tiannv Beast, she was lying on the bed eating snacks while reading manga, and even laughed out loud from time to time.

"Who do you think Tai Yi will choose?"

As soon as Huaxianshou turned on the TV, he suddenly asked such a question.

"Didn't he choose us?"

Tiannv Beast tore open the package of potato chips and answered casually.

"But he is a human being, and it is impossible to fight for a lifetime. He will always get married in the future, and we will take care of the children when the time comes."

"I don't want to think about these questions."

The Celestial Beast didn't look very happy.

Because this involves some kind of lifespan theory, the lifespan of her and Huaxian Beast must be longer than Taiyi, and one day, they will have to face the end of Taiyi... But this may not be the case now, according to Beetle Beast. With the development of the technology tree, it is definitely not a fantasy to convert the consciousness of the one into data and extract it, so as to achieve immortality.

"It's just a hypothetical! If Taiyi must marry a human being, pay attention to a human being! Who do you want to marry a human female?"

"……You speak first."

Tiannv Beast took Taiyi's perspective and thought for a while, and finally understood some of Taiyi's troubles. Those girls are all very good, whether it is Su Na, Meimei or Liu Ji, they are all suitable for Taiyi... It is really too difficult to choose Yes, it would be nice if you could have all of them.

"I think Jiaer is pretty good."


This unexpected answer made Tian Nu Beast choke heavily, and couldn't even hold back the force of his fingers to crush the potato chips in his hand.

"Treat yourself quickly if you are sick, Flower Fairy Beast, don't infect me someday."

"Oh, I just think the Yagami brothers and sisters in the animation are very touching~ I'm just kidding!"

"The dead house is really down!"

Chapter 276 Chapter 270 Now, Taiyi understands what she means

"This is the temple, are you familiar with it? This is the place where the chosen children in the animation defeated the evil beast, and of course I also defeated that guy here."

After entering the digital world, Taiyi started the adventure with Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast from scratch, trying to take her to see all the great rivers and mountains here and take pictures of various famous scenes in one day.

"Did you see there? The drag mark below...was left when the Celestial Beast kicked the Evil Beast from the sky."

"And there, that's the founding village, let's go, I'll see you and get to know the little guys there."

Liu Ji discovered that Tai Yi, an indomitable savior, was still lying on the bed just now.

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The stinky man who thought he was too noisy on the bed... He seemed to be a different person when he came to this place. He suddenly looked younger by at least seven years. Firstly, he took her to see the document island, and then took her to meet those familiar Digimon.

As a child, Ruhime, she still had a good impression of Lionmon, Ogamon, and the Digimon on File Island who were once controlled by black gears and turned enemies into friends. The world that I had longed for a long time ago.

"Lion beast, this is Liu Ji and Yaohu beast, they are my friends."

"Hello, welcome to Document Island, do you want us to prepare some lunch for you?"

Leo Beast hasn't seen him for a long time, but he is still as polite as he remembers.

"Is it a lion beast? It's great that you're still alive!"

Looking at the tall man, Liu Ji sighed sincerely.

"...? Miss, what did you say?"

"It's nothing, lion beast, we won't eat, I called everyone here today to take a photo."

Taiyi's embarrassing toes were about to snap out of a small digital world, he hurried forward to block for Liu Ji.

"Group photo? Is it necessary? Didn't we take pictures before?"

The flame beast scratched its head incomprehension.

He doesn't like group photos, because everyone is far away from him, so he can only appear in the corner of the photo, so he is very upset.

"This is Liu Ji's wish. She has always been your loyal fan."

"Ah...we, how can we be considered big shots... Hehe, but, little girl, since you have such an idea, then of course I can agree, take photos, take photos as much as you want!"

Ogamon heard that he actually has fans in the real world, so he almost jumped up for joy, but he still pretended not to care, which made the lions and beasts laugh out loud, and Andurus and others The Digimon also burst out laughing, and this scene of singing and dancing made Tai Yi dream back to the original time.

So everyone took a group photo together, and after satisfying Liu Ji's wish to visit the holy land, they bid farewell to them. Taiyi also did not hesitate to use the digital soul, and directly swiped his card to evolve into a Lightning Tyrannosaurus, carrying Liu Ji, and started heading towards the mainland The other end goes forward.

Oh, of course, before leaving, Taiyi found the giant whale beast that had been waiting for him for a long time at the beach, and asked Liu Ji and the fox beast to stand on it and take a commemorative photo.

" really have plenty of free time, I'm almost too busy to die."

When they came to Beetlemon's hometown, he was very busy with the request that Taiyi made a few days ago. Every day, he took his assistant and Bichumon to collect energy, and wanted to activate the parallel world observation device as soon as possible. But he didn't want Taiyi to bring a different girl to play with them again.

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