"Game over! This one will kill you! Bug Angel!"

Carrying endless dark aura, Lilith Beast continued to pursue the victory and charged in front of Tiannv Beast at an incredible speed. The right wrist wearing golden nails stretched forward, and the large-scale dark energy gathered into a huge black claw , flying towards the falling holy goddess beast.

"Nazar's Claw!"

"An Angel... Eden Gun!!!"

Tiannv Beast didn't give up, even though she knew she couldn't win now, she never thought of admitting defeat!The final strength was aroused from all over, and gathered on the javelin in his hand, making it explode into a shining spear in an instant, stabbing Lilith beast's claws with all his strength, and the two special killing skills began the final duel.

Taiyi stood upright on the spot, the black air created by the Lilith beast washed the ground like a sea tide, only he and a small area around him were as safe as a rock, like a rock standing firm in a sea of ​​storms, carrying Let Taiyi and the girl behind him remain unharmed.

He had witnessed the entire process of the confrontation between the Holy Goddess Beast and Lilith Beast, but when he was most nervous about who would win and who would lose, he suddenly turned around and helped Koizumi straighten her crooked hat.

"Koizumi, stay here and don't go out."

Taichi opened the book of knights, exposing the body of the red lotus knight beast, and then placed it on the ground to prop up a red shield to protect Koizumi from the black air.

The little girl froze in place, as if she still didn't understand what Tai Yi was going to do.

"Taiyi? Aren't you taking me? How could you be her opponent?"

Red Lotus Knight Beast is completely incomprehensible.

"I'm going alone."

Tai Yi didn't explain too much, just said this sentence.

Then at this moment, there was a loud noise from behind... The duel between black and white, angels and demons, light and darkness also came to an end.

Chapter 286 Chapter 280 Must come back, Taiyi

In their final black-and-white duel, the black claws finally crushed the golden gun, and continued to attack downwards to overwhelm the holy goddess beast. Her ultimate body has been released, and she has returned to her full body form... with The seriously injured body fell into the magma below with disheveled clothes.

Taiyi faced the dark air current like a typhoon, and took out his own ring. He didn't have time to think about it, and directly drew a card of the Battle Tyrannosaurus at random to complete the fusion and sublimation, and caught it before the Tiannv beast fell into the magma. her.

Tiannv slowly opened her eyes, the heat from the magma below made her skin ache, probably because she was hit head-on by Nazar's claw, and the dark aura belonging to Lilith beast corroded her harm.

Her eyes quickly regained focus, and then she realized that the normal-colored battle tyrannosaurus in her embrace was Taichi. She immediately wanted to stand up again, but her seriously injured body did not allow her to do so.

"...Taiyi, I..."

She gripped Taichi's arm firmly, trying to think of something to say.

"Don't worry about it, Tiannv Beast, that guy is the Seven Great Demon Kings, and is at the same level as the Red Lotus Knight Beast. You have tried your best."

"Leave it to me, you go back to Koizumi, I'm letting the red lotus knight stay to protect her."

"What? Taiyi?? You...you can't win without him."

Celestial Beasts also couldn't understand this approach. Their biggest reliance now is to get the "Book of Knights" that is close to the power of the Royal Knights.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Taiyi hugged the Tiannv beast and looked up. The Lilith beast was like a demon god pressing on their hearts. The scene that had been imagined was staged after all, but Taiyi didn't have time to think about it. He had to confirm one thing next.

"Did you see it! Taichi! This is my strength! How about it? Do you regret not accepting me?"

Lilith Beast smiled at him arrogantly.

"Unfortunately, it's too late even if you kneel down and beg me now, I don't need you anymore."

The woman tried her best to ridicule him, but Tai Yi just silently looked up at her without answering.

"Hahaha, hahahahaha... This feeling is really wonderful. Even if I got the brand of great crime back then, I never felt such a peak." Compared with her before, Lilith Beast seems... childish Many, or they kept laughing like they were suffering from hyperthyroidism, and it was the kind of undisguised, not elegant laugh.

"The power of the Royal Knights is really suitable! Now I am invincible, whether it is the Royal Knights or you, they are no longer my opponents!"

She seems to be in a

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He was in an extremely high state, and once again released thick dark energy from his whole body to bombard Taiyi.

【Battle Greymon】

【Black St. Gallomon】

【Fusion Sublimation】

Taiyi completed the transfer in an instant and evolved into a gigantic Lightning Tyrannosaurus, and propped up an electromagnetic shield to block Lilithmon's attack, but this electromagnetic shield couldn't last long in front of her, and was soon destroyed, but borrowed At this time, Taiyi also sent the Tiannv beast back to Koizumi.

"Brother Taiyi, back!"

Koizumi suddenly pointed at his back and shouted in horror, but before Taiyi could react, his bulky body of Lightning Tyrannosaurus was forcibly pulled back by some invisible force... Taiyi found that he could not control his body, he But he didn't panic, but felt all the details in the process of being drawn with his heart.

So Taiyi was convinced that he was not attracted by some gravitational force, but that the part of the space he was in was moving backward invisibly, just like moving a block.

Lilithmon has just pulled the Holy Maiden with gravity many times, but few Digimon have such outrageous power, and it is strange that she was completely harmless in the face of the attack of the Holy Maiden, so the only one who can The explanation is that Lilithmon is not controlling the enemy, but controlling the space.

【Battle Greymon】

【Sand Ancient Tooth Beast】

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

Just when it was about to be torn apart by the giant claws of the Lilith beast, Taiyi completed the transfer evolution again and became the Kaihuang beast. He cut through the air with both hands and the phosphorus fire. The guns were exactly the same, his attack couldn't touch the Lilith beast at all.

Because that section of space was constantly cut backwards, it wasn't that she blocked the holy goddess beast, but that the holy goddess beast couldn't touch her at all.

Lilith, who has mastered the core management program, is indeed an invincible existence in this small world. In addition, she has also absorbed the data of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast. I am afraid that she is really invincible now... To defeat her, it may take Tai Yiji It is only possible to form "Omegamon Mercy Form", and even so, there is a condition, that is, Taichi must first find a way to leave this small world.

Here, it is absolutely impossible to win her!



"Meow Meow Beast? Where are you?"

On the second night after Tai Yi left, Jia Er returned to her room but did not find her meowing beast. She was a little puzzled but looked for it in other places... Finally, she found that the door of her brother's room was ajar , then curiously pushed in.

It was a somewhat weird picture.

The lights in brother Taiyi’s room are not turned on, only the light from the computer screen illuminates the strange little dog with the size of a teacup dog standing in front of the screen, and she is raising one paw to press on the screen. Go, there is a normal startup wallpaper on the screen, but there seems to be a small window playing something besides that.

"Who are you?!"

Jiaer asked nervously.

The moment she spoke, the small window through which the screen could not be seen was closed, and the little white dog was frightened and quickly got under the bed.

"Are you a meow beast?"

Jiaer thought of something, remembering that her brother once said to herself that after her Digimon evolved into a grown-up, it would look like this little white dog, so she turned on the light, then squatted down patiently to call it... no After a while, the puppy came out a little scared.

"You can't touch things at home, I told you, can you understand?"


Komon nodded and lowered his head like a child who made a mistake.

"Great, you can talk now!"

"Jia'er, I..."

The little dog beast shook its tail a little uneasy, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Don't be afraid, are you hungry or want to go convenient? You can tell me, just treat me as your mother~"

Jiaer couldn't help holding the cute puppy in her arms, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it. Owning a Digimon is really a happy thing, and what my brother said was right.

——Wait, the happiness he talked about is not the same as the happiness I understand, right?

Xiao Jiaer frowned, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.

"I want to go for a walk, can I?"


There was a very cool breeze blowing outside this evening, of course Jia Er did not refuse the first time the puppy spoke to her, she immediately began to change clothes, said hello to her mother, and left home with the puppy in her arms.

Jiaer took her for a walk near her home, and intentionally avoided the place where Lilithmon died before, and regardless of whether Puppymon could understand it or not, she began to tell her about the real world, the precautions , and told interesting things about his own family, including the interesting things about Taiyi, as if he was really teaching children.

The puppy seldom spoke, just slowly listening to Jiaer's talk with relish, but his mood seemed to become more and more depressed.

——I was trapped in a cocoon, maybe I was talking about me, but in the end, I even got involved with Taiyi and the others.

Xiaogoumon was still immersed in the picture she observed just now, and said this sentence in his heart.

——Taiyi, you can't lose to 'me', you must... must come back!

Chapter 287 Chapter 280 The Last Dance of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast

【Battle Greymon】

【Steel Garuru】

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

After dealing with the Lilith beast, until the aftermath of the battle they created wiped out the entire area.

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After the volcano temple was completely destroyed, Taiyi finally made a decision and entered his strongest Omega form.

"It's really cute, Taichi."

Lilithmon folded its arms around its chest, as if it were a winner who had already reached the podium.

"Show me all your postures from weak to strong, do you want to prove that you have become strong?"

"Unfortunately, no matter what you become, it will be futile in front of me. You will soon pay the price for your arrogance."

"To you, I have never had any arrogance, Lilithmon."

Omegamon unfolded its cloak and hovered in the air, looking straight at the proud Lilithmon in front of it.

Tai Yi knew that there was nothing he could do now, but he was still not in a hurry, because he felt that he would not die here so easily, and he would definitely be able to think of a solution.

"Shut up, don't argue anymore!"

"From the moment you rejected me in the vampire castle, you should know that this day will come." Lilith Beast still seemed to be brooding over what happened at that time.

"I was really confused at the time, why should I suppress my desires, I should kill you one by one! Kill that angel first, make you miserable, taste your fear and regret to the fullest, and then torture you as you like!"


Taiyi is very calm now, because he needs to think about the next strategy.

But after he calmed down, he also gradually realized that something was wrong, that is, the current state of Lilith Beast, all her words and deeds... seemed to have become another person, but she had no idea about everything in her memory. I remember very clearly that this is indeed her.

If you have to say it, it's like a big change in personality after being strongly stimulated.

But I didn't do anything to feel sorry for her. If Tai directly betrayed her as soon as he saw the skull beast, then she would be so mad. Taiyi understands, but she still behaves like this after he kept his promise. Taiyi really doesn't understand.

All in all, Tai Yi knew that the only way out for now is to leave this road, and then make a long-term plan after going out, there is no other way.

He raised his hand and fired a Garuru cannon as a response to what she said just now, but the result was predictable. With a contemptuous smile, Lilith raised his hand and reflected the cannon into the sky like a mirror. On the ground, the blue ice attribute energy cannon broke through the burning black cloud.

"Useless useless!"

Lilith Beast laughed wildly, completely intoxicated in the pleasure of crushing the opponent.

"Now I am the strongest Digimon, no matter what you do, you can't change your ending, Taichi!"

"The Hymn of the Queen!"

Lilith Beast intends to end all of this, she releases energy, a pair of huge palms stretched out from the void, and the monster grabs Taiyi.

Even though the Omega beast was already speeding up to escape, it still couldn't escape the claws of this giant hand. It could only barely block it with the cloak, and then used its body to resist the power of the violent demon king. It felt like it was being attacked by a high-energy He almost fainted from the electric shock, but he was still an Omega beast after all, so he wouldn't be crippled by such a blow. In the end, he chopped off the little finger of the giant hand with the Tyrannosaurus Sword, and took the opportunity to escape from captivity.

——No, you have to find a way to get out of here quickly, and you can't waste time with her here.

But what to do?Tiannv Beast is seriously injured and can no longer fight. For the current plan, is it possible to only use the knight soul to evolve?But... Even that is useless, because Lilithmon is invincible in this space.

——Humans, no, Yagami Taichi.

Just when Tai Yi was at a loss, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

——I am Golden Armored Dragon Beast, listen to me now.

--Are you still alive?

Tai Yi was pleasantly surprised, he thought that the Golden Armored Dragon Beast had been completely drained of its data and turned into stone, but he didn't expect it to still breathe a sigh of relief.

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