"They've been destroyed."


Taiyi's expression now is the subway old man's mobile phone.jpg.

——Is this... can this be done?He doesn't believe that the Four Heavenly Kings are not tricky, can they even destroy this thing?It's really amazing.

"That's why I said that things are not that simple... I can't bear to count our chances now."

Dilu Beast let out a long sigh.

"What, that's all."

After hearing this, Tai was only a little shocked and quickly recovered his calm.

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. It's not that you can't evolve."

"You have to know, Tai Lu Beast, the real savior will not rely on despicable cheating props!"

Whether it is a divine plan or a badge, they are just auxiliary tools for evolution, to help these selected Digimons lock the evolution route so that children cannot control it, but in fact there are many ways to evolve, just like Tailumon , even if there is no divine plan, she has evolved from the growth stage to the mature stage by her own strength.

But... If there is no divine plan, Tai Yi doesn't know what else he can do?There will be a lack of a bonded prop between him and Tailu Beast.

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and in the distant forest, two giant trees suddenly fell down. The birds in the forest flew to the sky in unison. In the dust and smoke, a lion covered in tendons The beast appeared, and the strange thing was that his physique was at least two or three times larger than that of an ordinary lion beast, and his entire skin showed a very unhealthy dark color, and there were no pupils in his eyes, only the whites of the eyes.

The lion beast took heavy steps, every step made the ground tremble slightly, exuding an extremely strong sense of oppression from top to bottom.


Di Lu beast gritted his teeth.

"It's a subordinate of Evil Beast!"

Taiyi frowned, and he looked back at the trembling children hiding behind the cradles and building block toys.

The appearance of this lion beast is probably a version strengthened by many black gears, and he actually chased it to the founding village... There are only two reasons, either to kill Dilu beast, or to kill himself, the only being Selecting children is more likely to kill two birds with one stone.

But it can't be her fault, it can only be blamed on someone who sent me to such a sensitive place.

"Kill the Tilu Beast... and the humans in the founding village..."

As if answering Taichi's doubts, Leo Beast was already there as a repeater.

"Stay far away, Taiyi!"

After saying this, Dilu Beast quickly jumped up and punched it with its fists.

According to common sense, it is difficult to say the outcome of Dilumon and Lionmon. Although one is a strong man and the other is a cute animal, Dilumon does have a combat power stronger than ordinary mature ones. When she first appeared in the animation , It is also the mature stage of the protagonist group with one punch.

"Cat Cat Fist!"

Dilumon yelled and punched it, but the result was similar to Taiyi's prediction. Her punch was blocked by the lion beast's arms. At the same time, Dilumon flew out directly, hitting Down the slide at the entrance of the village.

Maybe at this time, Dilu Beast should be thankful that she is very light, and she won't be beaten violently by continuous punches, because she will fly with one punch, otherwise she really can't hold it.

"Do not impulse,

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Tailu beast, that lion beast was strengthened by a large number of black gears!You are no match for him! "

"...It turns out that's the case, no wonder it has such tyrannical power."

After learning the truth from Tai Yi, Dilu Beast struggled to get up from the ground.

The kitten, which was clean and cute just now, is now covered in bruises. It is conceivable that the damage of that punch was really high.


Lion Mountain uttered an angry roar, and rushed over again without sparing any energy. Dilu Beast quickly turned back to avoid it, and then stepped forward again and punched Maomao. This time it hit his jaw, but it only let the lion The beast paused for a moment, and couldn't even knock it down. Instead, she was sent flying again by the lion's heavy punch.

--What should I do?How can we defeat this lion beast without a divine plan?

——In the original work, facing the lion beast controlled by the black gear, the children just need to take a picture of the sacred plan and everything will be fine, but now Taiyi does not have this equipment!

Unlike in the animation, which always walks slowly to make up for the protagonist, and the suppressed lion beast chases Tailu beast fiercely, Dilu beast now has no room to fight back, so it can only rely on its size and agility to fight back. She keeps running away, but her situation is getting worse and worse... Finally, in front of Taiyi, Dilu Beast was once again thrown into the arms of Taiyi by a Beastmaster punch.

"Let's go, Dilu Beast, we can't fight here, it will hurt those children!"

Taiyi hugged the dying cat tightly in his arms, and ran out of the village without looking back.

"I don't want to... run away again."

Tail Beast's voice was trembling.

One of her eyes was swollen from the beating, and the corner of her mouth was still bleeding when she spoke intermittently, which showed the severity of the injury.

"I fled to this island from the server continent... just to meet you, Taiyi... I've had enough of being hunted down."

"I know, but now is not the time to say this, but let's get out of here first!"

The Lion Beast is pressing forward step by step, and it is too easy to catch up with Taiyi with his explosively muscular legs, not to mention that he used the unique Beastmaster Fist at this time, accompanied by a dark red lion head energy wave roar.


Taiyi had already heard the lion's roar before Tailu Beast sounded the warning, and immediately fell to the ground and rolled over, avoiding the punch.

"I'm sorry, Taichi... I'm the only Digimon who can't do anything, so run away in the other direction, and I'll delay for you."

Dilumon stood up bearing his injuries and stood in front of Taiyi.

Chapter 4 Chapter 3 Celestial Beast!



Just as the lion beast approached them, it suddenly felt a tickling movement behind it.

The blackened lion beast looked back indifferently... It turned out to be the children who were born in the founding village, and they were spraying bubbles at the lion beast. This is the biggest attack skill they can do, but how can such an attack be possible? Hurt the lion beast?

However, whether it was anger or the uncontrollable desire to kill under the control of the black gear, the lion beast stopped and turned to those weak children.

"Those guys are... really stupid!"

Taiyi clenched his fists and shouted angrily at those children.

"What are you doing! Is the brain underdeveloped? Do you think I need you to save me?"

The aura exuded by the furious Taiyi shocked even Tai Lumon.

They are equivalent to newborn babies, they can't speak, they can only express their thoughts with eyes and movements, in their eyes, perhaps the sudden arrival of Taiyi is like a father, they all like Taiyi, so in When Tai Yi was in danger, they were willing to muster up their courage to help him.

— What a bunch of fools!

Obviously very angry, very angry!But in the face of such fools, Taiyi was almost moved to tears.

At this time, he can escape with Tailumon, and they can slowly find a way to defeat the powerful enemy. For Taiyi, who is burdened with the heavy responsibility of saving the world, this kind of sacrifice is acceptable.

"Lion Beast, I'm right here!"

But Taiyi had a feeling that if he ran away now, he would lose something very important.

Hearing this voice, Leo Beast turned around and adjusted its target to this human being again.

—Taiichi, use your fist against Leomon.

In a trance, it seems that there is a voice talking to him. This feeling is very subtle, but Tai Yi is already on top, and he doesn't even care about the source of the voice. He is full of strength and confidence that he will never be defeated.

"Taiyi! Woo--"

Seeing the situation, Dilu Beast desperately wanted to rush over, but because of the excessive movement, it affected the previously injured foot.

"What are you doing? You will be killed!"

"Till Beast, let me introduce myself again."

"My name is Yagami Taichi, and I am the last hero who will save the world with you!"

Anger erupted in Tai's eyes, and he rushed towards the lion beast without fear, and punched the lion beast heavily on the face with boundless courage, and the latter fell to the ground with a scream.

This unbelievable scene shocked Dilumon's jaw almost to the ground. After Taiyi punched the punch and landed steadily, he saw a dot matrix of pure white data surging out of his fist, and his body became very hot. Somewhat light, the fiery data wrapped in the fist spread to the whole body, and the outer surface in the shape of square data

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View, it is the "digital soul".

This is a power generated by the resonance of the consciousness of humans and Digimon. It was originally set by Digimon's Fifth Rescue Team, but for some reason, Taichi was determined not to run away and to protect the children when he fought Leomon. At that time, such power emerged from Tai Yi's body!

"How could there be a human who knocked down a Digimon with a single punch..."

Dilu Beast was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say to express his inner shock.

Taichi was also very surprised, he knew that the voice was probably the constant manipulating all this behind the scenes, but he was even more surprised that he was clearly Yagami Taichi, but he was actually taking the big route?

The Lion Beast who was knocked to the ground was not defeated. He quickly stood up again, but he didn't continue to chase and fight, but stood there mechanically repeating words.

"I want to kill Dilu Beast...kill the humans in Founding Village..."

The lion beast revived, this time he pulled out the knife at his waist, and approached Taiyi and Dilu beast step by step.

Perhaps relying on the DigiSoul can continue to fight, but Taichi doesn't want to take that risk, even Daimon has never punched a Digimon in a battle, Taiyi has always believed that, regardless of the "Beast Tamer Agu and Daimon" Regardless of the stalk of "big beast", the digital soul can only generate the power to knock down a strong enemy at the moment of explosion, and cannot continue to fight.

"Damn, I can't transfer this power to you without that Digimon machine."

"Is this what you're looking for?"

Just when Tai Yi didn't know what to do next, Dilu Beast suddenly remembered something, took out a mobile phone-shaped white Tyrannosaurus Rex machine with gold patterns from somewhere on his body, and threw it to Tai Yi.

Taiyi took over the Tyrannosaurus, his face full of surprises, this is the fifth generation Tyrannosaurus that can transfer the digital soul to the partner Digimon.

"Where did you get it?"

"It was given to me by the invisible constancy... He said it could replace the divine plan, and I kept it with me all the time, but I didn't have time to hand it over to you just now when the incident happened."

"The beast—the king—"

The dark, burly lion-headed beast whispered in its mouth, and put its right hand on its waist to start accumulating power.

"Be careful, Taichi! Leomon is about to use its ultimate move!"

Tai Lu Beast shouted anxiously.

"It doesn't matter, he is no longer our opponent."

Taichi calmed down, and then filled all the digital souls in his body into the hole at the back of the Tyrannosaurus machine, and then the whole machine began to shake violently due to the excessive force, and the words [Perfect Evolution] were displayed on the screen.

"Come on, that's how it feels."

"Evolve, Tailu Beast!"

The huge energy emitted by the tyrannosaurus machine shrouded Tilumon's body, and its powerful impact made Taiyi's shoulders go numb, as if he was shooting at Tilumon... The digital soul that was stirred up from Taiyi was thus all Injected into the body of Dilu Beast, it filled her with strength and surpassed her own limit!

Dilu Beast's whole body glowed and turned into an egg-shaped object that enveloped her and then quickly grew in size. A large Beastmaster Fist from Lion Beast was directly offset by the evolved light.

The evolution of Dilu Beast - Tiannv Beast!

The bullet casing was broken, and Taiyi had to cover his eyes with the sacred light, but he couldn't help but look through his fingers, to witness the moment of Dilumon's evolution, four pairs of snow-white angel wings bloomed, dressed coolly but An angel with a sense of inviolability was born here, with a Valkyrie-like steel winged helmet covering her face, long golden hair hanging behind her, and a pink streamer engraved with digital characters wrapped around her body.


Taiyi was infected by the brilliance of the Celestial Girl Beast, and his emotions calmed down involuntarily.

That's right, the goddess of the Digital World just appeared in front of my eyes.

No divine plan, no badge, so what?Just use this digital soul of fist and courage to replace those predestined external props, and use this pure to the extreme spiritual power to save the world!

Celestial Beast.jpg

It's not that I don't like Chapter 5

"The power of Tai has entered my body...this is evolution."

Tiannv Beast also seemed surprised that she could evolve into a perfect body under such conditions. She looked down at her body and smiled at the boy over there.

Because of wearing an iron mask, the feeling of holiness is even more emphasized, but the mask of asceticism has a sexy and seductive figure, a cool battle suit, and a cool and pleasant voice... No, if this continues, childhood will be ruined It's going to go bad.

"Don't be careless, Tiannv Beast, Beastmaster Fist is coming again!"

Taiyi shook his head to shake off distracting thoughts, and shouted to remind her.

The Celestial Beast looked back, and saw the Lion Beast hit another Beastmaster Fist, but the Celestial Beast just waved its hand lightly in mid-air, and this energy fist accompanied by the lion's roar was resolved.


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