That's right, like the original version of Taiyi, I was sent back to the original world by the wormhole after the explosion.

Taiyi didn't call out very loudly, because he didn't see his partner being sent back, which made him very anxious. He was worried that Dilu Beast would be separated from him during the process, which would be troublesome, and he didn't know what to do. Where can I find her.

"Till Beast? Til Beast?"

At first he wanted to shout loudly, but because Jiaer was still sleeping and his parents were not at home today, Tai Yi still shouted a few words in a very low voice.


Thank goodness, when Tailumon's familiar voice sounded, Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief,

The quilt on the bed suddenly started to glow, and then suddenly swelled up, even the light could not stop leaking from under the quilt, Taiyi was startled until the light dimmed, and the celestial maiden suddenly lifted the quilt on his head and appeared in front of him before.

"How did you evolve?"

"I don't know, I seem... I can't control myself anymore." The goddess beast is a new evolution, and her face can no longer be seen in the previous battle-damaged limited edition, and it is a brand new one.

"Has your normal state become a full body so quickly? ... Something is not right."

Taiyi didn't think about anything else, but was worried that Tiannvshou's behavior was not normal.

Her perfect body evolution can only be carried out by her own digital soul, which is equivalent to ripening, no matter how talented she is, it is impossible to fully grasp it so quickly and turn her perfect body into her normal state.

"I don't know either, Taichi."

She took off the quilt covering her body, and sat sideways on Tai Yi's bed, her folded gorgeous wings scattered a little silver under the moonlight behind the window.

"What is this place?"

Tiannv Beast looked around in fear, and began to grope casually.

"my home."

"Is this your world? Your home?"


Tai looked calm, pulled out the swivel chair and sat down.

"But don't worry, I think our departure will make Constancy very anxious, he will send us back soon, by the way... TV!"

Taiyi opened the door and walked into the living room, turned on the TV in a panic without turning on the light, but found no relevant news.

——That's right, it's not even 6 o'clock, and there are still boring midnight shows.

If the digital world becomes unstable, then the human world should also be affected. In reality, there may already be many invisible Digimon, resulting in "abnormal weather phenomena", but that world is already too different from what I understand. One obvious loophole is "time".

A few minutes in the real world is ten days and half a month in the digital world. If I am six years late, wouldn't it be thousands of years in the digital world?But judging from Taiyi's journey, there has not been such a huge change that can cause a civilization to be extinguished and reborn for tens of thousands of years.

He had some ideas, but wasn't quite sure.

After returning to the room, I turned on the light, only to find that

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The celestial beast is folding its wings and the duck is sitting on the floor, as if holding something in its hands to observe.

——Hmph, because I was discovered by Jiaer once before, so I won't hide the little porn book under the bed anymore!

"Taiyi has a lot of strange programs, what kind of image is this? The person on the cover looks very beautiful, she should be human?"

A disc was shining in Tiannv Beast's hand, dangling back and forth in front of Tai Yi's eyes.

On the cover of the disc was a beautiful girl with blond hair and glasses wearing a gorgeous college uniform. One could tell at a glance that it was a campus love game disc. Taiyi was embarrassed at the moment...but he didn't panic. After all, this is a normal love game and not a heavy one. Pulled out, so at least the cover is normal.

"It's just learning materials. It's boring. Put it back."

"That's right."

Tiannv Beast nodded and put it back obediently, closing the drawer.

"So... what are we supposed to do now? Just wait?"

She stretched her legs and sat on the ground with her back leaning on her back, fiddling with her fingers boredly.

"I'm going to take a shower first, it's uncomfortable to bathe in the river water of the digital world." Taiyi took off his coat. "You just wait for me here, don't go anywhere, remember? If something happens, call me outside, I can hear you."

"it is good."

Tiannvshou nodded in agreement, and Taiyi left the room, closed the door and walked to the bathroom.

But not long after, the door was opened again.

"Taiyi, you—"

The voice of Tiannv Beast stopped abruptly, because it was not Taiyi who appeared there, but a strange little girl.

Chapter 38 Chapter 37 The Dangerous Jiaer

The little girl was wearing loose pajamas, her short hair was messed up on her shoulders, she was standing in front of the door like that, looking at herself like that, with a faint smile on her lips, her pupils were dull, just watching With Tiannv beast.

For some reason, Tiannu Beast's back felt cold and the pressure doubled. She clearly knew that the opponent was just an ordinary person with no combat effectiveness, and she was also very cute. She shouldn't have such a reaction when facing such a girl.

"who are you?"

"I, I am... Taiyi's friend."

Tennyumon curled up, feeling flustered for some reason, which is rare when facing other ferocious Digimon, but that girl is just so scary.

"Eh~ that's it."

The short-haired girl squatted in front of the Celestial Beast with a smile on her face again.

"How long have you known your brother?"

"Well... about two weeks."

Tiannv Beast thought about it carefully and replied, but she still found out the other party's name belatedly.

"Brother? Are you Taiyi's younger sister?"

"Yes, my name is Yagami Jiaer, this big sister."

It turns out that this is the younger sister that Tai Yi mentioned... Is Jia Er?But her way of speaking always made Tiannvshou feel uncomfortable as if she was being interrogated, but she didn't dare to say anything, after all, she was Taiyi's younger sister.

"I didn't expect you to develop to this point in only two weeks, and you can take them home and sleep~" Jiaer sighed in distress, and said very disappointed. "Brother, he is really, so he likes older women so much."

"No, I am not……"

Tennyumon wants to explain that she is not a human woman, but a sexless Digimon, but she is afraid that Taiyi will blame her if she speaks too much, so she can only stammer, but in Jiaer's eyes, it is a lack of reason.

"Hey, big sister, you and your brother have already done H's thing."

"what is that?"

"Don't play dumb." Jia Er continued to smile. "Otherwise, why do you dress like this? Is it my brother's special hobby? The mask + sexy tights, and the wings on the back are also so realistic. I spent a lot of money~ Did my brother give it to you? "

"Why do you want to take a bath, brother? Could it be that you sweated a lot during the exercise just now?"

"Ah... Well, we did have a very intense exercise just now, and Taiyi really consumed a lot."

Tennyomon answered as much as possible without revealing that she is a Digimon.

——Damn it, why can't I become a tail beast at this time, otherwise I can pretend to be a kitten and get away with it!


Jiaer exclaimed after hearing this, and her smile became even brighter.

Tiannv Beast has already begun to sweat, the current situation is very dangerous!Yes, although she didn't know what Jia Er was talking about, but her intuition told her that the other party was very angry and the consequences might be serious.

——Damn it, human beings like to say words that I don't understand... You must learn what these words mean when you have a chance.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry at all."

Jiaer continued to laugh.

"Big sister is a foreigner, right? The hair is really beautiful golden, can you let me see your face?"

"……it is good."

Anyway, it's not a secret, so Tiannv Beast took off the mask.


Seeing the true face of the Celestial Girl Beast, Jiaer let out a soft exclamation.

"My sister is so beautiful~ But why do you like someone like my brother? He is ordinary and not handsome, and has no strengths. Big sister has a beautiful figure and is so tall and sexy. There should be many people chasing you, right?"

"No such thing, and I think Taiyi is not ordinary, he is very handsome, he has helped me a lot, I am at ease with him, he and I are a predestined combination, it is only natural for us to be together! "

Even if the other party is Taichi's younger sister, Tennyumon

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She doesn't like to hear others criticize Taiyi, let alone allow the bond between her and Taiyi to be questioned.

"Don't lie."

Jiaer's smile disappeared suddenly, and she said coldly.

"You're cheating on his feelings, right? You just want to play with your brother, right? You'll get rid of him when you get tired of playing, right?"

"You misunderstood, Jia'er." From Tiannvshou, it sounded like she was doubting her bond with Tai Yi, which she never wanted to hear. "I'm not the kind of person you think. I will protect Tai Yi with my life and never abandon him. Please believe me."

"Really? But I still don't believe it."

Jiaer felt that the way the other party spoke was weird, maybe it was because foreigners didn't understand the grammar of their country?

"Because adults always like to lie, it should be easy for a mature and beautiful woman like sister to lie to a virgin like brother?"

"what are you talking about……"

The more Tiannv Beast listened, the more confused she became.

"Forget it, I'll go ask my brother."

Jiaer opened the door and walked towards the bathroom.

"Come along, too. Mom and Dad won't come back today, so let's make it clear."



"Brother, come out."

"Jia Er? Why are you awake?"

Taiyi was taking a bath comfortably, when he suddenly heard his sister's voice from outside the door, he closed the valve, casually wrapped a bath towel around his waist, and opened the door. His younger sister, Jiaer, who was a head shorter than him, stood in front of her with a smile. there.

"Brother, pervert."

She came up and scolded herself.


Taiyi was stunned for a while, and then soon realized that she must have seen the Celestial Girl Beast, which led to a series of unnecessary misunderstandings.

"You didn't come into my room, did you? Who told you to do this?"

"I'm angry, my brother is really a pervert."

"Listen to me, it's not what you think..."

Seeing her half-smile expression, Tai felt dizzy, stepped forward and pressed Jiaer's shoulder with a bitter face but didn't know where to start.

His younger sister is usually normal, gentle, kind, cute, and considerate of herself, but as soon as she gets close to other girls, she will suddenly switch to this scary and sickly mode.

"Huh? You suddenly brought a beautiful blonde elder sister home while Mom and Dad were away, and let her wear that kind of clothes to cover her face. Brother, your hobby is beyond my imagination~ So what else do you want to explain?"

"No! I didn't! That's not me..."

"Does the big blonde sister taste good?"

"No, not good."

"Why do you lie like this? It's very comfortable, right? She admitted it, you guys did a strenuous exercise just now~ You also expended a lot of energy on her, didn't you?"

"Do you think I'm a fool? You actually brought her to the house to do this kind of thing, oh~ I know, my brother let me see it on purpose~ Did you want to show off to me?"

"Heavenly Beast! What did you say to my sister?!"

Taiyi's scalp was numb, why did so many bad things happen after taking a bath by himself.

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