Let's join hands and beat that guy into the tunnel and send him back to the digital world. "

"I can't do it alone, but it should be easy with you."

"Then do it, stop talking nonsense, beetle beast."

Taiyi also quickly entered the state. Although he doesn't know how long the digital world has passed, he just took a nap and then took a shower to quickly enter the battle with the next formidable enemy. This rhythm is also quite tight. At the same time It also deepened the sense of crisis between the two worlds.

He thought that the one who came to pick him up would be constancy, but he didn't expect Beetlemon to have such an ability to open the door to the digital world. It is indeed remarkable that the technology of the digital world can achieve this level.

"Okay, you are really a very cheerful person as Yagumon said, ahem." Beetlemon laughed, and then the scene that shocked Taiyi appeared again.

He took out a mobile phone-shaped device out of nowhere, pressed it a few times as if to select something, and then stuck it to a groove on his chest, and his whole body began to glow.

"The beetle beast leaps and evolves!"

"Super Bido!"

In a blink of an eye, a small bug turned into a huge beetle that was several times larger than the entire building and about the same height as the Dark Knight Beetle. It was the complete evolution of the original version of the Beetle Beetle. There is no precise speed.

"Let's go, Taiyi."

The Celestial Maiden stroked her face lightly with her hand, and the steel mask that had been removed before reappeared.

"Brother, are you... going to leave?"

Jia'er stood behind and heard their conversation, so she said such a sentence quite helplessly at this moment.

"It's okay, Jia'er, just like I said before, brother will be back soon."

Tai Yi came to her side and hugged her into his arms, like he had done countless times since he was a child, gently stroking her hair to comfort her.

"You have to be obedient at home, attend class on time, and don't tell anyone about me, including mom and dad."

"...Brother, you must come back safely."

After the final farewell to Jiaer, Taiyi didn't look back, turned around and stepped on the railing and jumped up. The Celestial Beast caught him very cooperatively, and flew to that side together with the huge Superbido The Dark Knight Beast.

Jia'er took a few steps forward, looked at the back of her brother leaving, and said nothing for a long time.

Her thoughts were suddenly brought back to the distant past, about ten years ago that night, her elder brother Taiyi seemed to be doing the same, bravely leaping from the balcony to the distant sky with Di Lumon to face the unknown enemy .

——Dilu Beast, you have to protect your brother well, if it's you, you can definitely do it.

Chapter 41 Chapter 40 The French Dark Knight

This scene is just like those disaster movies where invaders from different worlds are creating space disasters. People are not unable to see the Digimons that appear in the real world like in the original works, but have already started to run away, and Some policemen ran to the scene to attack Dark Knight Beast, but their shotguns couldn't hurt Dark Knight Beast at all.

I remember that in the original work, ordinary people cannot see the Digimon that appeared at this time, so the sudden disaster can only be attributed to "natural disasters, abnormal weather" and other reasons. However, this may also be because this is not a Digimon. It is a phenomenon caused by the instability of the world that affects the human world, but it is the gate of the Digital World that Beetlemon actively opened, so it is like this.

He raised the double-headed knight gun in his hand and stabbed directly at a building, and the rubble suddenly splashed, and the collapsed house crushed several police cars, making the situation even more chaotic.

Seeing this scene, Taichi strengthened his belief that he must save the digital world, and this is also to protect the homeland he has been living in for a long time!

"Taiyi, the power of my form is very powerful, so what I ask you to do is to cooperate with me to knock him into the air, and then I will directly smash him into the tunnel."

Chao Biduo pointed to the majestic big horn on his head and said.

His shape is originally a very huge unicorn, and it may be the strongest among the original eight complete bodies in terms of wrestling, which makes sense.

"Okay, leave this matter to me."

After hearing this, Tiannv Beast agreed directly.

There is a circular area in the sky right above the area where the Dark Knight Beast is located. It is almost integrated with the clouds in the sky, and you can't find it if you don't look carefully. It is the opening from the digital world to the real world. aisle.

"Super Horned Cannon!"

Superbido beast roared and rushed forward, and the dark knight beast was caught off guard and retreated tens of meters in a row, pulling out two deep dents on the ground, and the buildings along the way were also damaged, but it was good It's been a while since this guy appeared, and there shouldn't be anyone stupidly staying in the house indifferently. Taichi can only pray that this battle won't involve too many innocent people, and there is no other way.

Chao Biduo pushed the Dark Knight to the vertical directly below the door, and Houtiannv moved into action, emitting a heavenly purple light to control the Dark Knight. The burning pain of the holy light made him miserable, and he knelt down on one knee on the ground.

Relying on the Digi-soul, Taichi used his strength to jump between the roofs.

"Take advantage of it now!"

The celestial maiden shouted urgently.

"Super... bighorn gun!"

Chao Biduo shouted again, leaned over and finally pushed the guy up, and then took off with the momentum, just like that

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Even against the dark knight beast who couldn't move, he rushed directly to the gate, and the plan was successful.

At this time, the Celestial Beast turned around and swooped down to hug Tai Yi who was on the top of the building, making him experience the feeling of being "shocked" by the Celestial Beast at the beginning, but this time the angle was not suitable, and it was the one who hit his head. Irregular winged breastplate.

It took a little time to recover, Tai Yi looked at the plump chest of Tiannv Beast with some resentment, but didn't say anything.

"Hopefully we don't come back for a while."

Looking at the messy city below, Tai sighed.


"After we deal with the dark knight beast, we will probably face the vampire monster next."

On the way back to the digital world, Taichi decided to have a little communication with Tennyomon first.

"I'm worried that his ambitions will spill over into the world again...I really don't want the place where my family and friends live to be threatened again."

"Tai Yi really knows a lot of things." Tiannv Beast was a little surprised. "When I was in the castle of the vampire monster, I did hear that he seems to have a door that can open a different world, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"You can't let that kind of thing happen, you must get rid of him before that."

"it is good."



In the digital world at this time, in a steel factory some distance away from the desert, the equipment developed and modified by Beetlemon is constantly projecting energy into the midair to ensure that the channel can be kept open, while Agumon and Bhikkhu The beasts are also looking forward to it at this time.

Finally, Superbido came to the digital world with the Dark Knightmon on its back. Due to the instant reversal of gravity, upwards turned downward instead. It was smashed on the empty ground.

"Why only this guy? Where's Taiyi?"

Bichumon is in a hurry.

"I'll go help the Beetle Beast first!"

Yagumon rushed forward, a flash of light evolved into Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, and soon, Taiyi and Tennyumon also appeared from behind the door. After seeing this, Bichumon finally felt a stone in his heart, and the rescue operation was successful. up!The hope of the whole village is that Yagami Taichi is still alive and successfully returned to the digital world... Bichumon immediately thought of Beetlemon () to explain his own affairs, closed the device, and blocked the passage to the real world.

Tiannumon came to the ground first with Taiyi in his arms, and the feeling of stepping on the digital land again made her feel a lot more at ease, and then she didn't say much, and flew directly to help Yagumon and the others deal with the Dark Knightmon.

He has ravaged many lives in the human world, and prevented himself and Taichi from returning to the digital world. Such a guy, Tennyomon, will never be merciless, and even without the help of Tennyomon, the Dark Knightmon was beaten back steadily. You can see It turns out that he is no match for those Digimons at all.

And why did the beetle beast say that he would chase these people and beat them fiercely?

"Holy Bow and Arrow!!"

The Celestial Beast shouted and began to draw the bow and maintained the speed of sprinting forward.

"Stop it! Don't hit me! If you hit me again, I'm going to die!"

The Dark Knight Beast suddenly put on a funny pose, put down the knight's double-headed gun, and raised its hands to make a French military salute.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard.

What made Taichi even more concerned was that this guy actually uttered a woman's voice.

Just now, he suddenly thought that in the new version of the big adventure animation, Tilumon once wandered in the digital world as a dark knight beast, and finally found his true self after meeting Jiaer, so...Taiyi will inevitably There is a kind of conjecture, but in fact he doesn't care about this, whether Tailumon is the chosen savior, or just an ordinary Digimon who simply wants to save the world, he will not care or dislike it.

"I'm being coerced, can you help me? It's all the vampire monsters who asked me to do this. If I don't do this, he will kill my people, woo woo woo."

As she spoke, she made a gesture of covering her face and weeping bitterly, but the problem was that she had no face at all, and she didn't shed tears at all.

"Why don't you save her first? Ask carefully what's going on."

Chao Biduo Beast made a silly sound.

"Don't worry, let me shoot her first."

The Celestial Beast didn't believe the other party's words at all, because she had seen almost all the subordinates of the Vampire Beast, and never knew that such a guy existed. She immediately cast a holy bow and arrow, and the white-gold Holy Thunder Arrow pierced the Dark Knight Beast's body, erupting The energy of the Dark Knight Beast let out a scream... Then her huge body lay back on the ground unconscious.

"Hey, you are too anxious, maybe we can find the location of the vampire monster through her, isn't that your next goal?"

Mechanical Tyrannosaurus also felt a little inappropriate.

"I don't need anyone else's help to find the vampire beast, I can find it myself." Tiannvshou brushed her hair and said seriously. "I used to be his subordinate. There are several vampire monsters who can fight. I know exactly what kind of system it is, but I have never seen this guy. She is lying!"

Tiannv Beast's aura suddenly filled up.

But Taiyi felt that something was wrong, because the fighting power of the Dark Knight Beast is very strong, and the giant species with more data even needs the God of War Tyrannosaurus in the Colon to deal with it, and it is absolutely impossible to be easily defeated by a few complete bodies, and this This kind of comedian who suddenly dropped his weapon and begged for mercy did not fit his tall and mysterious image.

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"...Well, you are too much, Tiannv Beast, haven't I already surrendered? Why don't you have any compassion at all, can you still be called an angel like this?"

Suddenly, the dark knight beast that fell on the ground suddenly disintegrated, turned into countless black bats and flew to the sky, and soon gathered behind Taichi, turning into a brand new graceful Digimon.

Chapter 42 Chapter 41 The Teasing of the Female Evil Beast


The eyes under the Tiannv Beast's mask instantly widened.

That Digimon was wearing a torn black leather jacket, but had pale waxy skin and long hair that was dark gold to silver gray. There was no mask on his face, and he had an equally pale but bewitchingly beautiful face, with ominous dark eyes. Red, with the pair of black broken wings on its back.

Just looking at this appearance, the Celestial Beast has a sense of physical disgust, just like when she was a Tilu Beast, she couldn't resist the fish food, and the Celestial Beast couldn't resist the urge to hate each other.

All in all, the nasty guy showed up.

"Who are you? Judging me? What does it matter to you what I do?"

The celestial maiden pinched her waist and said provocatively.

"Haha, you should put away your boring arrogance, Sister Angel, your Taiyi is in my hands."

The woman showed a sly smile, then suddenly took a step forward, gently leaning against Tai Yi with her body, and groped the boy's face and waist dishonestly with her hands.


Tai Yi's expression changed, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

If this female evil beast wanted to harm herself, she could have done it long ago, but she didn't do so. She didn't even have the pair of sharp claw weapons, so she couldn't feel any malice at all... And I don't know if it was an illusion, Tai Yi can I felt that the two plump and round objects attached to my back seemed to be squeezing on purpose.


She groped around and made a proud sound.

"It's a female devil beast! That guy is a full-body fallen angel Digimon, why did it appear here? I remember that there seems to be a female devil beast leading the Clown King's army?..."

Chaobidomon unknowingly acted as a narrator.

"You'd better stay away from Taiyi." Tiannv Beast was not in a hurry, but laughed very relaxed. "You'd better stay away from Taiyi, it's for your safety."

Taichi is a strong man who can punch Super Linomon and crush Millenniummon with one punch. A weak Digimon like her will be taught to be a human by Taiyi with ease.

"Haha, Mr. Taiyi wouldn't have the heart to hit me, would he?"

"What's your purpose?"

Although it was inexplicably comfortable to be held by her like this, Taiyi still quickly broke free, and the female evil beast did not forcibly restrain or do dangerous things like attack Taiyi. Seeing that Taiyi was resisting herself, she just stroked Hair, and then deliberately bent over and leaned forward, causing the chest to shake to a certain extent, showing a very innocent expression.

"I want to join your team and be your partner~"


Taiyi directly refused on the spot.

"Eh? Why, I have nowhere to go."

The female monster shook her body again like a coquettish, her reaction was indeed very interesting, it was indeed difficult for ordinary adolescent men to resist her provocative and sweet-talking offensive, but Tai was very vigilant.

——This female evil beast actually evolved from a dark knight beast to a female evil beast?Her strength can't be just like this, and the previous surrender and begging for mercy seemed to be staged, but if that's the case, why didn't she have any killing intent towards me?Could it be that she evolved from Heidilu or Badamon?

"Suspicious guy, do you think Taiyi will believe you so easily?"

At this time, Bichumon evolved into Yanlongmon and walked behind her, and the female demon beast was completely surrounded by the four complete Digimon beside Taiyi.

"At least you have to wait until the next day before showing your true colors. You are so fake, even children won't believe it!"

"...You don't have to speak, Flame Dragon Beast."

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