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There was a noise in the air that seemed to be a collision of electric currents. Here, the female demon beast and the female demon beast began their second round of wrestling. Her fist was covered with a white-gold holy light, while there was a dark scarlet claw on the other side. In the end, both sides were ejected by force at the same time.

"As expected, you witch is not dead."

Tian Nu Beast gave the female Evil Beast a cold look, and then she noticed that Tai Yi in her arms was disheveled and out of breath.

Although she didn't ask directly, she probably understood it.

"What did you do to Tai?!"

"Of course it's to let him experience what you can't let him experience, my short-tempered little angel sister~" The female devil touched the corner of her lips with her fingers, with a very satisfied and happy expression.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Tiannv Beast said righteously. "I'm Taichi's partner! As long as it's his request, I can do anything!"

"Oh? Do you really understand what that is?~"

The female evil beast continued to tease.

"Isn't it about those things between human beings and men? I've already kissed Taiyi last time!"

Even if Tiannv Beast didn't understand the meaning of that behavior, but combined with the short time in Tai's family, what his sister Jiaer said, and the covers of the "study materials" in his room, based on these, "kissing" was judged to be A way that human beings use to convey affection between men and women.

"Dear? You haven't kissed on the mouth, have you?"

"And I just skipped this stage and fast-forwarded to the next stage, you're just a novice~ Don't you want to know what that is? Angel little sister?"

Facing the continuous mockery of the female evil beast, Tiannv Beast was at a loss for a while. She is not the kind of person who can lie without changing her face. A question, what exactly does this temptress refer to?

"...don't fall for her tricks."

Taichi extinguished the Digisoul and took a little breath.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't be so tired, but playing against a female evil beast, especially when she is a Lilith beast at such close range, is really a huge psychological pressure.

"She's provoking you, don't be impulsive."

Taiyi stood up, pressed Tiannv Beast's shoulder, and signaled her to calm down.

Seeing the resolute and pure gaze in Taiyi's eyes, Tiannv Beast's irritable mood also calmed down.

"Where is the bhikkhu?"

"She is fighting fiercely with the Vampire Demonic Beast Legion outside."

"Sorry Taiyi, we caused chaos in the castle without your permission."

"Now the outside is in chaos. It seems that the army newly recruited by the blood-sucking monsters took the opportunity to join the turbulent team. They fought themselves, and many Digimons imprisoned in the dungeon also took the opportunity to escape."

"Are the blood-sucking monsters indifferent?"

Tai was shocked.

"He shouldn't be here anymore."

Tiannv Beast is not sure, but according to her understanding of Vampire Beast, he is not the kind of person who can sleep peacefully in such a mess at home, so the only explanation is this.


Taiyi took a deep breath, and quickly sorted out all the current conditions in his mind. The blood-sucking monster was not in his hometown at all. He didn't know where to hide, but the female monster appeared here to ambush him. Before killing the little monster The black hand behind her was probably also a possibility was born in his mind.

After the female demon beast came back from the dead, she told the vampire monster about herself, and the vampire monster then made a judgment and went to the human world one step ahead of schedule.

The most worrying thing still happened, but Taiyi really tried his best, and even risked fighting the vampire beast at night to come here, but in the end it was a step too late.

After all, this female demon beast who is really Lilith beast is not in his plan at all, and he has no way to destroy the other party.

And what she said just now is also very intriguing. It is certain that she is from another digital world, not a local, and she is close to herself because she has taken a fancy to her potential as a chosen child. Become her servant and fight for her.

"Didn't you say that you have no interest in this world? Why do you want to help the blood-sucking monster?"

After thinking everything through, Taichi questioned the female demon beast again.

"As expected of Mr. Taiyi, it seems that you have already understood."

"I did say that, but the vampire monster is also very interesting. I thought he was just a small character that can be seen everywhere, a frog in a well, dreaming of the king of the world, but his ambition It still amuses me.”

The female demon beast laughed.

"But you don't have to worry, Mr. Taiyi, the hint of the card I gave him is another human world, not the one you are in, so you shouldn't care about it now, right?"

"It doesn't matter?" Tai Yi fisted hard. "What do you take your life for?"

——This is a bet, betting that I can make Tennyomon evolve to the ultimate level, and betting that her ultimate evolved form can defeat Lilithmon.

"I have always valued life very much, but it is the life that I am interested in. As for the other, boring guys who are the same, what does it matter to me?" Express your true thoughts honestly.

"Didn't I tell you? Mr. Taichi

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, There are many worlds like this, why should you stick to the things in front of you? "

"There are indeed many worlds, but for the Digimon or humans living here, this is all they have!"

Taiyi gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"I'm going to kill you here! Then go catch up with the vampire monster and finish him off!"

Let's start the battle here, maybe the chances of winning are not great, but Taiyi has no choice but to gamble, and the Celestial Girl Beast also sensed the burning fighting spirit in Taiyi's heart, and made preparations.

"As expected of you."

The female evil beast looked at Taiyi seriously for a while, then gently shook the hair on her ears and temples and said with a smile.

"If you really fell into my words just now, I would look down on you instead... You are indeed the first human being whom I have taken a fancy to."

After that, she took out a stack of cards with a black and gold background from inside her bra.

"So, this is my reward. I will give you these cards. You can use them to open the door to the human world. In exchange, how about you just pretend that I never appeared here?"

"From now on, I just want to be a bystander~ I want to witness Mr. Taiyi's end with my own eyes."

Chapter 55 Chapter 53 The Door to the Real World


It took too long to react.

But those cards in her hand are indeed what Taiyi urgently needs at the moment, and the children in the original work got these cards from the old man Xuannei.

But now Taiyi has no time to escape from the castle, and wait for Xuannei to come to the door. The blood-sucking monsters set off for the human world early. If he delays for a second, it may take half a day there. what will happen...

"What's your purpose?"

Taiyi still couldn't understand, and didn't accept her so-called "bystander".

Just now, he really made up his mind to fight the opponent to the death, but the opponent suddenly said no to fight, which made Taiyi's emotions very complicated for a while.

No matter how you say it, it is still too reckless to fight against the Seven Great Demon Kings, but he had to do so just now, but since the female demon beast is willing to let herself chase and kill the blood-sucking monster, Taiyi will not take such a big risk to fight She fought to the end and couldn't make it.

"Through what happened just now, you should already understand my attitude."

"You are so angry that you want to kill me, why did you suddenly change your attitude?"

Taiyi frowned and stared at her coldly.

"I know that kind of thing."

The female evil beast closed one eye, shaking the cards in her hand.

"You have to feel my heart. We Digimon are very pitiful and fragile creatures, including me too. I was hurt by you like that. Don't you allow me to get angry a little?"


The corner of Taiyi's mouth twitched slightly, speechless.

——There are indeed many weak and poor Digimon, but you are definitely not included among them. Rather, it is because of this guy that there are those poor and weak Digimon.

"Taiyi...what did you do to her?"

The more Tiannv Beast heard it, the more she felt that her head was green, so she couldn't help asking.

"She is the enemy, what do you think I will do?"

Taiyi answered lightly.


Tiannvshou blinked cutely, thinking it made sense.

"Then let me kill her! I really want to have a serious fight with her!"

"Now is not the time, Celestial Beast." Tai Yi looked at the female demon beast rather apprehensively. "We have to hunt down the vampire beast right now. We don't have time to entangle her."

In fact, the most important reason is that Taiyi knows that his chances of winning are very low. Since this woman hides herself deeply and wants to play with her strength, Taiyi will cooperate with her to continue acting, and let her understand when the time is right. What is "raising the bandits for self-respect".

Saying this is like scolding yourself...but the truth is similar.

"I accept your terms, female evil beast."

Taiyi stepped forward and snatched the cards from her hand.

"But you'd better not appear in front of me again, and don't help my next enemy."

"Of course, I don't want you to die, Mr. Taiyi."

The female evil beast covered her mouth and smiled.

"Can you take us to where the gate of the real world is?"

"~Come with me."

She cast a wink at the end.



After leaving this room that may be unforgettable for Tai Yi, the castle outside was in turmoil. Many different corridors, rooms and walls were stacked together like a pile of garbage. At this time, the Flame Dragon was guarding the door to prevent others from Going in, I saw the first female demon beast that came out and almost rewarded her with a delicious flame storm on the spot, but after seeing the follow-up Taiyi and Tiannv beast, I hurriedly stopped.

So, while the group of people walked quickly towards the gate, Taiyi briefly explained to Yandramon what happened just now.

Anyway, the focus is not on myself and the female evil beast,

"Are you going to the real world? But..."

Yanlong Beast was shocked when he heard this.

She also felt very regretful. After all their hard work, they still failed to stop the vampire monster, but this was also force majeure. Who would have thought that he would choose to run away without even using the most basic temptations?

He probably knew in his heart that he was by no means an opponent of the Celestial Beast, so he did this, and it would be even more dangerous.

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"I hope you stay here, Flame Dragon Beast, as long as I go with Tiannv Beast in the real world."

"Why? If I'm not here, you..."

Yanlong Beast still hopes to be by Taiyi's side.

"You are also needed here, don't forget your identity, your mission is to save the digital world, and the vampire monster has gone to a place that has nothing to do with this world, so as long as I go with the goddess beast."

Tai persuaded him as she walked.

"Also, the human world is not as free as the digital world, and you will cause unnecessary trouble if you join me."

"But the Vampire Demonic Beast must have many subordinates, Taiyi and senior alone..."

"Don't worry, the vampire monster didn't bring his subordinates along, but he did bring a wonderful digital egg."

The female evil beast walking in front suddenly looked back at them.

"Digital eggs?"

Taichi's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah, he was in a hurry when he left, and he didn't have time to prepare the army, so he set off directly. Even the little devil beast you caught earlier didn't know that the vampire beast had left."

"I want to use that egg to make a fuss, but what to do specifically, if I talk about it, it won't be interesting~"

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