Shall we go to your house together? "

"That's not good, Huaxianshou doesn't like that green, short and ugly guy next to you."

The flower fairy beast looked very troubled and distressed.

"Hoohoo, didn't Meimei say that just now? You don't like this kind of guy with bad looks, do you?"

"Baloo is my friend, we will be together wherever we go! If you talk about her like that again, I will be angry!"

Meimei suddenly changed her face and reprimanded the other party very seriously.

Meimei saw Baloo's sad expression just now, how could she bear to continue to hurt her, although she really didn't like Baloo's appearance that much, but she was very kind, and she was very gentle with that kind of snot beast, let alone always be with her, Protect your own Balu beast.

"That's it."

The flower fairy beast's expression was slightly taken aback.

"It's really not cute, Meimei, obviously you should be worthy of more cute ones, such as Digimon like Flower Fairy Beast, I thought you were forced to, but I didn't expect you to really like this ugly Balumon , Hmph... The Flower Fairy Beast is very disappointed in you!"

"Let's go, Baru Beast, don't talk to her anymore, she's very rude!"

"Since that's the case, then you can't let Meimei decide."

Suddenly, an evil smile appeared on the pure face of Huaxian Beast. She opened her palms, and many flying flowers appeared from her fingertips painted with red nail polish, and quickly formed a wreath around Meimei. Immediately afterwards, Meimei's eyes lost their brilliance. .

"Meimei? What did you do to her?!"

Baloo was shocked.

"Okay Meimei, let's go home, don't pay attention to what other people say~"

The Flower Fairy Beast hugged Meimei, who was controlled by the wreath, and spread its wings to fly to the sky. Baru Beast hurriedly stretched out the vines to keep her, but even if it stretched to the farthest distance, it couldn't touch the Flower Fairy Beast's feet...they Just like that, it disappeared into the night sky.

"How to do how to do?"

Baloo is very anxious, but she cannot evolve without Meimei. Even if she evolves, Cactus can't catch up with the flower fairy.

"Go to Taiyi and the others... Let them know about this!"



After Su Na made the phone call, she told Tai Yi that Mei Mei hadn't come home yet, and now her parents were anxious to go out to find her.

Taiyi screamed in his heart that it was not good. He was sure that this was the omen that the vampire monster started to act. If this bloodsucker monster caused the sacrifice of some of the original eight children, then even if Taiyi killed him 1000 times, he would not be able to make up for this mistake.

But there is no need to be too pessimistic, after all, Meimei still has a divine plan, and with this thing, she can at least temporarily save her life.

Just at this time, Kokoro finally found out where the email address was sent from, and he acted immediately. He asked Tiannvshou to open three rooms in a relatively free private hotel in the appearance of an adult woman. Squeeze between the two rooms, and Su Na will be alone.

Immediately afterwards, Koshiro's Beetlemon evolved into Bidomon, carrying Taichi, Tennyumon and Koshiro on their backs and flew towards the place where the letter was sent. The others were on standby at the hotel to ensure that the phone in the room was answered at any time.

"Koshiro, I saw Balumon!"

Just before it was fully lifted into the air, Bido beast suddenly shouted.

Chapter 64 Chapter 62

"It's Baru! I saw her!"

Bidomon has very good eyesight and can see Balumon at once.

Taiyi and the others also looked hard at the ground. There was indeed a little green in the crowd, but they didn't panic as much as the surrounding crowd. Most of them regarded the Balu beast as a child wearing a leather jacket.

"Fly to the ground and pull her up, Bido beast."

Koshiro said hastily.

Bidomon followed the instructions and began to land and dive towards the ground. The insect's wings vibrated at high speed and made a loud noise. This time, the crowd below was in chaos, because Bidomon's appearance and huge physique looked like the kind of "monsters" that frequently appeared recently. ", screaming one after another, suddenly creating a large open space around Balu Beast.

She beckoned in surprise, and then stretched out her arms out of the vines when Bido beast was close to the ground, pulling herself up successfully.

After receiving Balumon, Bidomon immediately went up without staying any longer, and the short-term commotion stopped temporarily with Bidomon's departure.


Bido was flying so fast that Balu almost fell, but Tiannv reached out to hug her in time and caringly.

"Thank you, big sister."

With lingering fear, Baloo looked at the higher and higher ground, and let out a sigh of relief, but he was stunned when he saw two strange adults appearing here.

"Kōshiro, Bidomon, who are these two?"

"It's hard to explain now. In short, this big brother and big sister are our very reliable companions." Kokoro replied.

"To make a long story short, Baru Beast, isn't Meimei with you?"

Taiyi is very anxious, he is worried about Meimei's safety.

Although he has just met these children, for Taiyi, these familiar children are his good friends. Although it is a parallel world, Taiyi can still imagine how frightened the delicate Meimei is when she falls into the enemy's hands... She must be rescued quickly.

"Meimei... Woohoo, Meimei was captured by a flower fairy beast."

"Flower fairy beast? Isn't it a vampire monster?"

Koshiro asked suspiciously.

"No, that guy is weird, she seems to be going to everyone

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The digital world has been in the human world before, and I don't think she is a companion of the vampire monster. "

"Come here before we go to the digital world?...Wait! If we reason based on the fact that time flows differently, she should come from..."

"Yes, in my world, she is an accomplice of that vampire monster over there."

Taiyi pressed his forehead, feeling dizzy and dull pain, and another difficult guy came.

——That bastard Lilith Beast, didn't you mean that the Vampire Demon Beast didn't bring any subordinates?

——Wait... The flower fairy beast should be Barumon, one of the eight savior Digimon belonging to its own world, so she is also controlled by the dark crystal. It's really hateful to play word games with me.

But since this is the case, Crystal's hint to her should be to take her own life, so why did she do it to Meimei?

"Taiyi, are we going to deal with two powerful enemies this time? Do we want to change the battle plan?"

Tiannv Beast could feel Tai Yi's embarrassing emotions, so she leaned forward and asked carefully.

"An important companion has been captured, no matter how strong the enemy is, it is not a reason to escape."

Taiyi calmed down and looked at the beautiful eyes of the celestial girl beast and said.

"I guess the flower fairy beast will not easily hurt Meimei, so wait and be more cautious. I will sneak in and rescue her first to prevent her from being held hostage."

"Balu Beast, tell me what happened in detail. I need to understand the character of that flower fairy beast."

"Okay, let me think about it..."

Although Balu Beast didn't know Tai Yi's identity, but this big brother was very courageous in his words, and he attached so much importance to Mei Mei's life and safety, so she was relieved a lot, and slowly relayed the conversation between Hua Xian Beast and Mei Mei to he.



After Meimei woke up, she found herself lying on a soft bed covered with pink sheets. The bed was surrounded by transparent curtains of cherry blossom pink. The room was very large and spacious, and there were many lovely flowers and plants. The decoration is very girlish, and it is filled with refreshing fragrance. It is almost every little girl's dream princess suite.

"Meimei~ How's it going, does the Flower Fairy Beast look good here?"

Huaxianshou opened the door and walked in, and approached her with a smile on her face, which made Meimei realize that she was not dreaming, and recalled the plot of being plotted by Huaxianshou.

"What are you doing? Don't come here!"

Meimei hugged the pillow and shouted in horror.

"Huh? Don't be so scared, I don't mean anything malicious, the Flower Fairy just wants to play with you~ because Meimei is very cute!"

"But I don't want to! You are kidnapping!"

"Kidnapping?" When saying these two words, Huaxianshou's voice was suddenly cold, but in the next second it switched back to that very sweet and cute voice. "How can kidnapping send people to such a comfortable place? Look, there are many little flowers here~ There are also little bear dolls, and cakes carefully prepared for you~"


Meimei thinks what she said makes sense. This flower fairy beast may just want to play with her, but she used this method because she was rejected. It is really hard to meet a girl who is more self-willed than herself. .


Huaxianshou happily hummed Meimei's name, came to the bed and helped Meimei get out of bed, then pulled a petal-shaped chair for her to sit on, and then pushed it to the pink round table.

"Come on, let's eat!"

Huaxianshou was sitting opposite, with his chin in his hands and looking at Meimei expectantly.

"I said, it's wrong for you to do this."

Although Meimei was very hungry, she felt that she had to speak clearly.


"Using strong means to force the other party to submit just because you are rejected is a very excessive behavior. You can't be so willful. Flower Fairy Beast, even if you are a friend, you have to be considerate of the other party's feelings."


After being taught so seriously by Meimei, her face suddenly froze.

"I don't want to reject you, Flower Fairy Beast. I also want to be friends with you, but you have to get rid of your bad habits, otherwise I won't be your friend!"

"Ah?" The Flower Fairy Beast suddenly widened its eyes ferociously. "Don't talk anymore, what's the matter with your way of speaking? It's not cute at all! I don't like it, you don't want the flower fairy beast, don't you think it's right, the flower fairy beast has to think for yourself!"

"From now on, you have to learn to speak like me. You have to use your first name as the No.1 pronoun, and use 'redundant words', understand? For example, cake cake~hungry belly~dressing and so on~"

Huaxianshou looked forward to her face, her face was petite and cute, but at this moment it only made Meimei feel terrified.

"Understood? Come on, say eat cake!"


Meimei was very scared. Although she didn't want to give in, she had no choice but to pick up the fork in a coquettish and cute tone.

"Meimei, I want to eat... cake."

"Hey! It's so cute!!" Huaxianshou's heart melted instantly, she rushed over to hold Meimei in her arms, and kept stroking her hair with her hands. "It's really very very very very cute!!"

Woo, it's really contrived, this kind of line that only I can say in kindergarten, if my classmates hear it, they will definitely be laughed at.

"Then, let's try on the beautiful clothes in my collection~ princess dresses, fairy dresses~ which one do you like?"



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! ”

"Meimei, I like princess dresses."

Meimei gritted her teeth and said her lines with shame. She had no choice but to let the flower fairy be at the mercy of her.

——Help, Balumon...Help, everyone, I really want to get out of here!

Chapter 65 Chapter 63 Taiyi: Ye Qinghui

The vampire monster came back from outside.

Today he was very busy, because the blood-sucking monster was killed in less than two days after it came here, and he couldn't even react... This also proved that the only chosen child in his own world How powerful is his partner.

He thought that of course he was ten times stronger than the vampire monsters in this world, but being able to kill him so quickly also proved that the opponent's strength was not bad.

Therefore, the vampire monster seized the time to act. First, he found the remnant of the dead vampire monster, which was trying to revive its consciousness. After a brief exchange, he reached a short-term cooperative relationship with the other party.

Then he took over the subordinates of the original vampire beast, and let them act according to his orders, and called back one of the little devil beasts to serve as his messenger.

After returning to his own base, the vampire monster greeted several believers of the "Angel Cult" along the way. This little monster looked silly, but he didn't dare to ask anything until he entered a room , when only the two of them were left, I finally couldn't help it.

"Here...why are there so many humans? The King of Vampire Beasts?"

"Your king is dead, and I am another blood-sucking monster."

The blood-sucking monster briefly explained to the little monster to save him from thinking about it.

"I have been in this world for more than a year, and it is about to come to fruition. I need you to treat me as your blood-sucking monster king, and let me command this army. Do you understand what I mean? ?”

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