! "Lionmon stretched out his fist, his eyes were shining, and that look represented the hope and expectation of an ordinary Digimon in this world for Taichi, the savior who is not the savior.

"Well, we'll win."

Taichi chuckled lightly, stepped forward and bumped Leo Beast's fist with the back of his fist.

"Let's go, Dilumon, Ogamon!"



The Orga Beast led them out of the dark forest, and then Taiyi saw the whole picture of Infinity Mountain. Under the guidance of the Orga Beast, they went up the mountain from a less obvious path.

"and many more."

Tai Yi suddenly raised his hand to stop the two of them.

"What's wrong Taichi?"

"I have a feeling that someone is spying on me."

The ominous black temple building on the hillside in front of him exuded a gloomy atmosphere, and there seemed to be a series of shaking "ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ" characters in the picture before Taiyi's eyes.

"Evil Beast! You bastard! You're spying on me, right!"

Tai Yi suddenly pointed at the castle and shouted angrily.

The only response to him was the swishing cool wind blowing slowly. Although there was no response, both Taiyi and Dilumon could feel that pair of invisible eyes staring at them both.

The animation of the first generation of Digimon is the work of the end of the last century. The way to create this kind of villain is also the traditional spooky castle model. The blood-sucking monsters in the back are more obvious. In the temple, and then crush him directly!

"Go back, Oga Beast."

"Eh? Don't you want me to be with you?"

Ogamon was surprised.

"Don't you really want to fight Evil Beast? If you want to do that, then it's not impossible."

"No, no, no! I don't want to...cough cough, I just don't want to be controlled by the evil beast's black gear and become your enemy. I'm not afraid of that guy!"

Just standing here made it difficult for Ogamon to breathe. He wished he could run away immediately, but it would be too embarrassing to leave like this, so he had to say something tough.

"Really? That's easy to solve. Let Dilumon put a holy bubble on you and you will be immune to the black gear. Oh, you are really a warrior, Ogamon. I really misunderstood you before."

"I, I suddenly feel unwell...I'll withdraw first!"

Ogamon broke out in cold sweat like beans, swallowed hard, and immediately ran back, yelling while running.

"I'm waiting for your good news!!"

Taiyi and Di Lumon were speechless for a while looking at the dust he was running wildly.

"Let's go Taiyi, the enemy is in front of us."


Section 9 Chapter 8 You must first attack the follower with taunt

"Get out! Evil Beast!"

Dilu Beast shattered the huge stone door with one punch, and the gloomy temple hall came into view.

Taiyi was a little nervous but more of anticipation, because he was about to face the first BOSS-level character. He walked into the castle with Tailumon, shouted a few times but got no response... In the original work There are not too many pictures here, because before the children reached the top of the infinite mountain, the evil beasts had already taken the initiative to attack them.

——It stands to reason that he should be very afraid of my celestial female beast, and it is very likely that he will avoid seeing me.

"...He's not here, Taiyi, what should we do?"

The inside of the temple is not big, but after closing its eyes and perceiving it carefully for a while, Dilu Beast came to such a conclusion.

"Really? Maybe he ran away because he was afraid of us."

Taichi thought about those arrogant, self-proclaimed invincible bosses of the dark series in the original work who were so frightened when they saw the two angels appearing on the stage.

"Evil Beast! You are not in Infinity Mountain at all, where did you hide?"

Tai Yi frowned dissatisfied and loudly provoked, he knew that guy must be hiding in a dark corner watching him, since he refused to come out, he had no choice but to use some special methods to provoke him.

"Ah~ I know, you are afraid of us, right! Well, there's nothing I can do about it, after all, I, Taichi Yagami, is the last savior of this world! And you? Evil Beast, you're just a dog with a broken spine, that's all. Although you are a member of the Nightmare Legion and a subordinate of the Clown King, you are actually just a marginal character."

"The Clown King doesn't like you, and you can't compete with vampire monsters and orangutan beasts on the server continent, so you can only go to this remote island to become the emperor of the earth? You don't think you can turn around with a few black gears, do you?" ? Hahahaha, it’s really embarrassing, isn’t it Tailu Beast?”


Dilumon seemed a little reluctant, but seeing Taiyi's hard work, he had no choice but to join the battle.

She cleared her throat, and then put on a full villainous face with Tai Yi, mocking wantonly.

"That's right, Taiyi, the evil beasts are so humble that they can't even speak in front of the vampire beasts, and they were scared away with just a few words~ It's really embarrassing, hahaha, you know? I saw it all at the time , the ridiculous appearance of the devil beast frightened to the point of shit!"

"Really? Really? Tail Beast? Is it really ridiculous?"

"That's right~ Taichi~ That guy is a very bad little character, don't you understand why you came to his territory first after you came to the digital world? That guy is not a threat to us at all Woolen cloth!"


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I don't know what to say anymore, and I suddenly feel that we think highly of him if we come to fight with Evil Beast like this?Hahahahaha. "

The two flirted with each other, talking to each other, standing upright in the center of the temple, laughing loudly at the original owner, and for a while, the inside and outside of the hall were filled with a happy atmosphere... But some people are happy and some are sad, such insults are against the evil ones. It is completely unbearable for Warcraft!Although what he said was true... But he fled to this place to gather strength, so that those people would not look down on him anymore!

Therefore, he chose to shoot!

Suddenly the whole temple started to vibrate, Taiyi and Dilumon immediately put away their exaggerated laughter, only to see the ceiling above their heads shattered, and at the same time a giant demon claw went straight to Taiyi!

"You stinky brat!! I'm going to crush you to death!!"

"Taiyi! Be careful!"

Dilu Beast instinctively wanted to save Taiyi, but was blocked by a falling boulder just after taking two steps, and after such a delay, his partner Taiyi was also firmly grasped by the giant black hand. The top was completely overturned, revealing the true face of a demon with black broken wings, a pitch-black leather jacket, horns, blood-red eyes, a fallen angel-type matured demon beast!

"Let go of Taiyi! Evil Beast! I'll be your opponent!"

Dilu Beast gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

"That's why I said you are stupid as a sacred Digimon! I won't let go! I know, you can evolve to a full body, don't you think I will be stupid enough to give you a chance to evolve!"

The Evil Beast grabbed Tai Yi as if it had a winning ticket, and laughed wildly.

His claws began to exert force, pinching Taiyi was very uncomfortable, it felt like being hugged by a big bear whose physique was far stronger than himself during a fight, the internal organs began to be oppressed, and it was difficult to breathe, but Taiyi still didn't panic, and didn't even struggle .

"What's the matter, Evil Beast, aren't you going to run away?"

"You blunt brat! It's as easy as crushing an ant if I squeeze you to death now! Just repeat what I just said if you have the ability!"

The Evil Beast is not a gigantic version now, at best he can only hold Taiyi's upper body, and then point at him with the other finger intimidatingly.

"May I give you a little compliment for your reckless courage." Tai Yi stared at his ugly face. "Because of this, I can destroy you in one go!"

"Ah? Destroy me?"

After hearing this, Evil Beast laughed loudly, and his hands relaxed a lot.

"What are you dreaming about? The chosen child! You just have a good mouth!" The Demonic Beast laughed loudly, and then turned its head to stare at Dilumon viciously. "Don't move! Otherwise, I'll crush this brat!"


Dilu Beast was very anxious.

"You are too despicable Evil Beast! Let go of Taiyi!"

"Shut up! You are the two despicable people! Huh, you are so stupid! I just need to kill this kid and you are finished! This is a strategy, a strategy, understand?"

Perhaps it felt that the chances of winning were within its grasp, so the Evil Beast didn't rush to kill Taiyi, but laughed maniacally instead.

"There is nothing despicable or despicable in the battle of Digimon. You underestimated me and walked into this trap! Now I just need to kill this kid and you will not be able to evolve. After seeing your sacred power, you think I am Would you still foolishly give you the chance to evolve?"

"That's right, Evil Beast, I agree. There is nothing despicable or despicable in fighting. It is our fault for not discovering the trap."

Taichi bowed his head, his tan bangs hiding his face in shadow.

"Have you heard of Dilu Beast? Even this kid admits his failure, I'm going to catch him to death now! Right now! I'm going to catch this kid to death!"


Suddenly, the Evil Beast sensed something abnormal, and at this moment, there was a burning pain in the palm of his hand.

"When did you have the illusion that I could be manipulated by you?"

"What, what? Why does this brat... woo!!"

Taiyi raised his head high, his brown-black pupils seemed to be on fire, and a pure digital soul burst out from his body, which exploded in the palm of the evil beast, and Taiyi broke free while the evil beast was exhausted. , the whole person puts a strange shape in the air, and the whole body is covered with a digital soul.


The boy in blue directly punched the Evil Beast in the face with explosive force. The Evil Beast fell backward uncontrollably after receiving this heavy punch.

"Taiyi...as expected of you!"

Dilumon's face was full of surprises. She thought she was doomed before, but she didn't expect Taiyi to have already done all of this. She really deserves to be the last brave man!

"Let's go, Tailu Beast."

The boy's body slowly fell in the air, and at the same time he had already held the Tyrannosaurus machine in his hand.

Digital soul, fully charged!

The evolution of Dilu Beast - Tiannv Beast!

Section 10 Chapter 9 Methods of Cultivating Partners

Dilumon was surrounded by the light in the shape of a digital egg, and then the light egg swelled and then shattered like a heartbeat, and the goddess Tiannumon wrapped in holy light came to the world again, but this goddess...maybe just a goddess with the appearance of a goddess fighting madness.


After the evolution is complete, the painting style of Tiannv Beast is not right immediately.

"How dare you plot against us! How dare you hurt Taiyi! This shows that you have already made up your mind!"

After Tiannv Beast said something coldly, Bagen

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The pure white wings fluttered and rushed towards the Evil Beast that had just stood up.

"What? No...a perfect angel?..."

Just the divine aura radiating from the Celestial Beast made him sweat so much that he couldn't breathe, let alone fighting the opponent. He hurriedly got up from the ground and wanted to escape, but the Celestial Beast's sprinting speed was faster than his imagination.

With the acceleration of its wings, the Celestial Beast kicked the Evil Beast directly in the cheek with a volley kick. In Taiyi's field of vision, there was such a slow motion, the Celestial Beast's shoes were deeply embedded in the Evil Beast's face.


The Evil Beast let out a scream, and then flew out, crashing into the hillside below, sending up smoke and dust, and directly shaved a striking middle part of the mountain below.

Just looking at it hurts... How strong is it to kick the face and deform it like that?


Taiyi swallowed hard.

Why is she even more irritable than last time?You are a goddess beast, can you pay attention to the image of the goddess of the digital world!

——Is it my fault...Because I became Taichi's partner, and my badge is courage, so Tennyomon has become so brave?

"He's not dead yet, Taiyi, let's chase after him!"

"oh oh!"

Before Taiyi could react, he was hit dizzily by two round and bouncing objects, and then he was hugged by the Tiannv beast and flew up, chasing after the direction where the evil beast flew away at the foot of the infinite mountain.

The power of Tiannv Beast's kick was terrifying, but soon, in the dust and smoke that hadn't dissipated, the black demon spread its wings again and appeared in front of Tai Yi and the other two.

"Hahahaha! The chosen child, the Celestial Beast! You have been fooled! This is my escape route!"

"What did you say?"

Tiannv Beast gritted her teeth.

"Look what's around here!"

The Evil Beast spread its arms wildly and laughed wildly. It flapped its wings twice, blowing out a strong wind to disperse the thick smoke. On the ground below him, the rock formations on the mountain wall were completely destroyed, revealing countless densely packed black gears.

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