After hearing this, Tiannv Beast also felt that something was wrong.

"Beetlemon, it's time to use your secret weapon."

Taichi looked at Beetlemon behind him.

"I've already prepared it, just use the 'One Ring' to start it."

Beetlemon said and took out a new card.

The name of this card is Digital Barrier.

"With it, you can not be found by the enemy's radar and monitors. It is an item that can block signals, but if you look directly at it with the naked eye, you will still be seen, and the duration is limited."

He handed the card to Taiyi and explained.

In terms of technological warfare, Beetlemon thinks that he will not lose to any Digimon. If he has enough time, he can even create an Infinitydramon. When it comes to pain, it is just a simple weapon, just like the titan beast that Taiyi crusaded yesterday, except that it was just a magic weapon, and this one is a technological weapon.

Therefore, Beetle Beetle has created a secret prop that can resist reconnaissance and radar.

"I sneaked in with the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast. First destroy their arsenal and create chaos in the city lord. When the explosion sounds and all the enemy troops are mobilized, you will attack from the outside. This way, you can break the battle with the combination of the inside and the outside. Dropped their ambush."

"Eh? Do you want to go to such a scary place? Just the three of us?"

The Flower Fairy Beast trembled.

Just now I heard Beetlemon say that Infinitydramon's army is mostly heavy artillery and high-power Digimon like Black Sangalgomon, and she is not very good at dealing with this kind of destructive power

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Very strong modern army.

"If you are afraid, you can stay here, anyway, Taiyi and I are enough."

The Celestial Beast said to her.

"Hmph, who's afraid... I'm not afraid!"

Obviously, it was decided yesterday that Tai Yi should not be held back, so even if Huaxian Beast was afraid, she decided to bite the bullet. Anyway, she can also evolve to the ultimate level, and it is not so easy to be targeted with Rose Beast's ability.

"Taiyi, hold this device well, so that I can locate your location and contact you at any time."

Taichi took another small bluetooth headset from Beetlemon and put it on his ear.

In this way, Beetlemon can observe Taichi and the enemy's movements here, help him avoid the enemy's sentinels, and reach the destination quickly, creating a big explosion and chaos.

"Okay...the battle begins, let's go, Tiannv Beast, Hua Xian Beast!"

Chapter 102 Chapter 99 It's Too Bitter

"The ring activates."

"Digital barrier, read."

Using the ring, it made a "sound effect" recorded by Beetlemon himself. Every time he heard this sound, Taichi would be very funny... But this is also the result he wants, and it is even necessary to design this ring Part of it, after all... Orb Circle.jpg.

After reading the new program, the ring activated its power, and formed a not-so-wide circular energy field around Taiyi, enveloping the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast. With the cover of this thing, They can successfully avoid the monitoring equipment and radar of Infinity Dragon Beast.

"It feels like I'm floating."

Hua Xianshou looked down at his hands and body, feeling very novel.

"Taichi, are you ready?"

At this moment, the voice of the beetle beast came from the earphone.

"of course."

"You go in from the front of the city now, then walk west, and enter from the second communication tower facility, there will be a pipeline leading to the underground... from here you can sneak in."

Beetlemon has a map about this city, although I don't know how he got it... But Taiyi didn't ask specifically, because he felt that there was no other possibility, it could only be that he used some method to become a cyber-hacker. The hacker hacked into the infinite dragon beast's network and stole the map, and even marked the location of the patrolling sentry, which is not too convenient.

If Infinity Dragon Beast was a little stupider, Taiyi even suspected that Beetle Beetle could detonate his hometown directly from a distance, or directly hack into the opponent's brain network during the battle...

According to his instructions, Taiyi and his two partners sneaked in smoothly, and discovered the pipeline as he said.

"Is this the vent of the infinite dragon beast underground base?"

Tiannv beast easily removed the protective net with his hands, and then looked inside. It was pitch black and very narrow, but it was just enough to accommodate one person.

"Yes, if you climb to the end from here, you should be able to find an elevator along the way, and from there you can enter their underground base... Then, I am still looking for the location of all the arsenals. If you destroy them, you can let them The enemy is in chaos!"

"You actually want to enter here..."

The air vent exudes a strong smell of engine oil, as if entering the heavy industry workshop of a certain factory.

But Taiyi is not that delicate, he was about to drill in, but was stopped by the celestial female beast.

"Let me go to the front, Taichi."

She just didn't think too much about it for safety, she volunteered to take the lead and got in first, followed by Taiyi, Huaxianshou came to be in charge of the rear, and the three of them lined up to start the second step of the infiltration mission... But, at the very beginning When Tai Yi saw this shape, he felt something strange, and he didn't realize something was wrong until he entered it.

Because only one person can pass through, they can only crawl forward inside, and the one who walks in the front is the Celestial Beast, so Taiyi who is in the second place... Naturally, he saw some irresistible scenes.

He was facing the two swaying peaches of Tiannv Beast, one side was covered with tight leggings and the other side was half exposed... Then there seemed to be a faint shape in the middle, Tai Yi blushed slightly, not daring to I've been staring at it, but I just think it would be great if rua touched it.

But now the serious infiltration operation is in progress, he is not stupid enough to get sick at this time, it's just that some daydreams are inevitable.

Not long after, a bright light finally appeared in front of him. The Celestial Beast smashed the guardrail and jumped out. Taiyi also jumped out and landed on the ground. Successfully entered the underground space.

"Taiyi, what's wrong with you? Your face is so red."

Tiannv beast found that his face was not quite right.

"Actually, I'm claustrophobic and feel very uncomfortable in small spaces."

Tai Yi casually made another excuse.

——You can’t tell her, it’s because your butt is too astringent, right?

For this reason, the Flower Fairy Beast, who didn't know the truth, also made some verbal ridicule at Taiyi, thinking that a man as big as him would be afraid because of such a trivial matter, so he retaliated severely for Taiyi's previous remarks that mocked her as being too childish. Of course Taiyi Not wanting to entangle her with this issue, he hurriedly followed Beetlemon's instructions and got on the elevator.

There are cameras all along the way, which can be seen everywhere, but under the effect of that equipment, the monitors on the camera side can't see them or hear the sound at all. At this time, the infinite dragon beast is waiting with the puppet beast

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The Ugly Emperor returned, and together they planned to launch a war against the chosen children, but unexpectedly, an earth-shattering explosion brought them back from fantasy to reality.

A series of explosions shook Infinity Dragon Beast almost to the ground, and the entire base they were in was shaken like a huge earthquake, followed by terrible sirens one after another.

"Where is the movement?"

The infinite dragon beast was shocked.

"Could it be that the battle tyrannosaurus is coming again? They did the same thing to me yesterday!"

The puppet beast even sat down on the ground, but soon he stood up again holding his own hammer with a firearm to support his body.

"No! It's not good! Infinite Dragon Beast King, our arsenal has been invaded!"

"Underground arsenal? Isn't it an aboveground city?"

Unlimited Dragon Beast was stunned. He didn't expect his disguise plan to fail. He thought that as long as the selected child came to make trouble, he would be able to capture all the movements of the opponent as soon as he entered the city, and initiate double-teaming With the momentum, reward them with a few infinite cannonballs... I didn't expect that I was caught off guard.

"...What are your radars and monitoring equipment for!" If Infinite Dragon Beast is a living thing, then his blood pressure should burst out by now. "Didn't I say that the enemy will come to make trouble at any time, so we must be on full alert!"

"We are on guard very seriously, and we don't know how they got in. What should we do, Infinity Dragon Beast King? We have suffered heavy losses now..."

The mechanical armored beast in charge of communication replied innocently, and there were explosions from the other side of the communication terminal from time to time.

Unlimited Dragon Beast knew that he had been set up by others, so he had no other choice but to order the whole army to attack, but his underground base was now in a mess, and all the arsenals were being detonated one by one. The large amount of gunpowder weapons stored has now become the opponent's weapon, and the secret and closed underground military base supervised and built has become their own grave instead.

"It must be that guy! Hateful! That chosen child! He did the same with the Iron Sea Dragon Beast. He diverted the water he used to block the mainland and flooded his own troops instead!"

The Puppet Beast immediately thought of what the Clown King said yesterday, and was gnashing its teeth in anger.

The main reason is that the water can not only be used to deal with the Iron Sea Drake, but also flooded his hometown.

"Who sneaked in, the chosen children or the rebels?"

Infinity Dragon Beast tried to keep calm and continued to ask.

"Our cameras couldn't capture them... But it's basically certain that many witnesses saw a human man! He came in with two ultimate Digimon to wreak havoc... We really can't stop them!"

"Open all gates immediately and put our troops on the ground!"

Infinity Dragon Beast gave the order.

"Immediately attack with the whole army and surround them on the ground!" Infinite Dragon Beast Dong stood up, the anger in his heart had reached its peak. "How dare you play me like this... Do you think my subordinates will be as useless as the steel sea dragon beast! Hmph."

"Isn't that good? Unlimited Dragon Beast, didn't the Clown Emperor say that all military operations should wait until he returns?"

The Puppet Beast questioned it, though he wanted revenge too.

"Now that he is being chased by that battle tyrannosaurus and running around the world, how can he care about us?"

"You guys show your ambition, can't we be the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness without the Clown King!?"

Chapter 103 Chapter 100

"Of course, of course not..."

The puppet beast can't help it, because he really wants to fight, but he is just worried that he will be scolded by the Clown King if he loses, because he was scolded head-on and face-to-face before.

Although I was very upset in my heart, I couldn't find any reason to refute.

Just like that, Puppetmon and Infinitedramon came outside, and just in time to see there, there is indeed a human boy, protected by two black and red humanoid Digimon on the left and right. Entangled in the siege of the air force composed of beasts.

However, they obviously couldn't stop these two people, so they could only bombard them from a long distance, and all the missiles they fired were shot down by the Rose Beast with the thorn whip. At the same time, the Belstar continued to fire in front. It is enough to run amok in the whole world, but Belstarmon's bullets can also be shot one by one.

In Taiyi's ears, there were the sound of cannons from far and near. In this deserted city, the sky was densely packed with those full-body flying dragon beast legions. The advantage of sneaking into and destroying the base has already wiped out more than half of their military strength.

During the action, a missile passed under the Rosa Beast's whip, and the fish that slipped through the net had no time to guard against it and directly blasted towards Taiyi. His hairs stood on end immediately, and his body couldn't help bursting out a digital soul, deflecting it to the other side.

"Infinity Dragon Beast! You are too despicable, you can only fight with long hands and short hands, flying and hitting the ground, right?"

Taiyi wiped off his cold sweat, and seeing the two ultimate bodies had appeared, he couldn't help pointing at him and cursing.

"... I wonder if you are not the ground?"

The puppet beast was wondering what the selected child had said, but at this time, countless missiles rained down, directly bombarding their most elite flying dragon air force, and there were a lot of super snake dragons at once. was shot down, and a large number of ground Digimon flooded into the city, those are the beetles

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The ground troops led by Beast and Bichumon.

"Seriously? How dare they take the initiative to attack with their pitiful numbers?"

Seeing the troops pouring into its own city, and the leading Black Sangalukomon and Flamedramon joining the battlefield, Infinitydramon was also very surprised.

"But the Clown King is not here, there are at least three ultimate bodies on their side! We may not have an advantage in a real fight!"

Puppet beast is very anxious.

But at this time, the most important combat power, the Clown King, is not there... What the hell is that guy doing?Obviously he was the one who asked to gather and fight the chosen children, but now he himself has disappeared without a trace!

Infinity Dragon Beast also knows that they are passive now. Although they still have the advantage in terms of military strength, the morale of his subordinates is very low because of the previous explosion attack, especially the high combat power of the opponent is more than double that of his side, which is enough to make up for it. The difference in strength.

In the battle of Digimon, the number of ultimate bodies can play a decisive role, and the reason why they were able to suppress the rebels before was because there were six ultimate bodies, and they only had two, but now they no longer No longer have this advantage.

"...Infinite Cannon!"

Knowing that there was no way out, Infinitedragon still decided to fight with his back. He directly fired the two cannons on his back, and fired two destruction lasers at the army of Digimon pouring into the city. The two beams of light could at least kill a large piece.

"Forbidden temptation!"

However, his two cannon shots were forcibly blocked by a bright red ray. The Rose Beast's sharp eyes had already spotted his movements and came to support him.

" seems to be the chosen child's power to evolve Digimon again..."

I feel more and more that the situation is not good, but the infinite dragon beast can only bite the bullet.

"Infinite Dragon Beast! Surrender quickly! You have no chance!"

Black Sangargomon, which evolved from Beetlemon, also took off, and faced Mugendramon side by side with Rosemon.

"It's you... I said why my radar and monitor didn't find any traces. It turns out that you are playing tricks, and you are too shameless!"

"Idiot, it's just that your technical level is too low." Black Sangalugumon was very satisfied with the other party's exasperated speech. "Now is the time to liquidate everything, Giant Missile!"

Infinite Dragon Beast barely ate the two oversized missiles with his body. He is the type who pursues ultimate destruction and defense and completely abandons agility, and fights back with Infinity Cannon again. Rosemon and Black Sangalugumon immediately Spread out in two directions.

At the same time, a group of tank beasts and mechanical armored beasts in the underground base also came to the ground and assembled, coming from all directions and streets. They are the main force of the infinite dragon beasts, and the ground troops swarmed to fight the flame dragon beasts. The rebels mingled together, and it seemed that the outcome was hard to tell. Even the tank beasts once suppressed the rebels by virtue of their long hands.

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