——Worthy of being a chosen child!You can easily see through my disguise, so what's next?

The Clown King used the clone technique again, this time he made up for the previous loopholes, and a magic box containing the ace throwing knife and various props appeared on each clone, and now it seemed invulnerable again.

"The one with the red heart on the mask is the Clown King! Hunt and kill the Clown King!"

Tai one sees through his trick with one glance after another, and the presence of a red heart symbol above his wickedly black-and-white mask tells the story.

"...you brat!"

The Clown King was furious at the moment, and at the same time, he also noticed one thing, that is, the black steel plus

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Lulu has been wiped out, and now at least he is alone here. He absolutely does not want to fight with Ultimate V-dragon and Rosemon at the same time, so he must retreat now!

Suddenly, the Clown King had an idea, he felt that the real body was seen through by the Taijian only because he had to choose one of four, if he conjured up dozens of clones, wouldn't this problem be solved?

So he once again used the unskilled avatar technique to create dozens of fake bodies at once, and the situation became chaotic for a while. Many clowns with different appearances reappeared like ants, fat, thin and tall. There were all short ones, and this sight made the Rosemon, whose mind was not so strong, immediately feel physically uncomfortable, as if it had suffered from trypophobia.

——No, how can I back down here, I'm already the ultimate body!

"Don't panic, Rose Beast, just beat them all once!"

Taiyi understands that the Clown King is in a hurry to jump the wall, but this swarm of clowns really doesn't have a good way to deal with it.

"The Whip of Thorns!"

Rose Beast stabilized its mind, swept across with a whip and smashed a large number of clones of the Clown King, and swung the long whip back and forth to destroy these false bodies. +Intensive fear psychology.

… All fear stems from lack of firepower, and it is true.

But even so, his real body disappeared in an instant, because in addition to a clone that came to stop them, there were also a large number of clones that surrounded his body and fled.

Regardless of the combat power of the King Clown Digimon, if he wanted to escape, it would be too easy. The methods are all kinds of strange, and relying on this group of inferior clones can really delay his escape for a long time.

"That bastard!"

Seeing that the Clown Emperor disappeared, Rose Beast wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Tai Yi.

"... Forget it, Rose Beast."

"Taiyi? Just let that guy run like this? This is too cheap for him!"

The Rose Beast didn't understand it very much, and there was a good chance of killing it if it continued to chase.

"No need, the battle over there is still unresolved, and the Clown King may have more tricks in the future, it's unnecessary."

Taiyi doesn't want to give up, but if this goes on, he may be tricked by the Clown King in other ways, such as turning himself into a doll or something... Once that kind of thing happens, it will be over, because there is no one on his side who can lift the curse Badass.

The one who pursues first will definitely fall into the disadvantage of the enemy being the dark and the clear, and this is what the Clown King likes to see the most, so Tai Yi does not intend to touch this bad luck.

"But don't worry, just be happy."

Taiyi saw that she was not very happy, so he persuaded with a smile.

"I believe that today is our complete victory. Of the six ultimate Digimon we decided to fight, now only the King Clown remains."

"Now we are only one step away from saving the world."

They decided to turn back to the main battlefield of Infinitydramon's city, but at this time, Ultimate V-dramon rushed over from behind, and Taichi greeted him with a smile, but what was weird was the straight-tempered Ultimate V-dramon But he didn't say a word, he didn't even pay attention to his greeting, he just came to Tai Yi silently and handed him a card.

Taiyi took it suspiciously, and saw that it depicted a normal, not pitch-black image of Steel Garuru, and this card was very thin, and it was a real card. The one that Beetlemon gave him before was actually just a kind of thin data Storage media, like hard disks, is a technology-inspired thing.

But this card is too thin, just a simple card, it is closer to the magic and mystery side.

"This is... Steel Garuru? Where did you get it?"

"Called child, you are finally here."

Ultimate V-Dragonmon spoke, the voice was still the same, but this tone seemed to see through the world, and the voice was devoid of emotion, it could never be him... At this moment, Taiyi thought of a possibility.

"Are you permanence?"

"Yes." Ultimate V-dramon nodded. "Thank you very much for everything you have done for the digital world. You have brought vitality and hope to this world that I have been unable to do anything about."

"Isn't this guy an Agumon?"

Rose Beast doesn't know what's going on, Yagu Beast suddenly became gentle, and the sense of disobedience is too heavy, but it is quite suitable with his appearance of the ultimate V Dragon Beast, just like a cold and powerful knight .

"What are you looking for me at this moment?"

Tai frowned.

"I'm here to help you and tell you something."

"Go ahead."

"When you just revived this Digimon with the power of the badge, a magical card was born from his body."

"You're mistaken, this is Steel Garuru's card."

"No, it's this one."

Ultimate V-Dramon shook his head, and took out a second card from somewhere in his chest, on which was painted a Battle Greymon, a normal red-haired and yellow-skinned warrior.

"It's unbelievable, because I didn't provide any other help except for the Tyrannosaurus machine that allows you to play the digital soul."

"So, what can they do?"

"Give me that ring device, please."

The persistently possessed Ultimate Vdramon stretched out his hand and said politely.

Taiyi did as he said, handed over the "Taiyi Ring" of Beetle Beetle, and held it in his hands constantly, his hands and eyes began to glow, and the ring seemed to be disassembled and recast

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Similarly, it was poured with a layer of dazzling gold, and the original ordinary gray-black metal ring was transformed into a white ring with blue patterns on the inner ring, which looked like a divine plan as a whole.

"Try these cards when you get stuck, it will give you the power you lost."

Chapter 108 Chapter [-] Who wants this thing!

"Why didn't you give it to me sooner?"

Taiyi didn't have a very good face towards it.

From my point of view, Persistence is just an emotionless computer network administrator. In the original plot, there is no real reward for the children who helped him save the system crash crisis, but deprived them of The possibility of being with a partner, so Tai is very wary of it, and doesn't even want it to come out and interfere with anything.

Saving this digital world has never been for permanence, but for all beings in this world.

"Giving you help too early may limit your personal strength development."

"I have also given the selected children the power of ultimate evolution, but their strength is not as strong as imagined. After all, humans and Digimon still have to rely on their own strength to defeat the enemy. value."

Constancy answered slowly.

"That's why I'm observing you, and I chose Dilu Beast, who escaped from birth, as your partner. I'm very satisfied with your combination."

"So, what is going on in this world? Why was the divine plan destroyed? And why did it take so long to send me here?"

Taichi decides to tell them something he has always wanted to know.

"That's because of the influence of fluctuations from other systems, the dark forces have obtained the power to change fate from outside the world... So I have no good way, I can only choose a very reliable candidate from other worlds .”

Constancy feels helpless.

"Luckily you're the one who's right."

"Then that means, the human world connected to this digital world is not the human world I am in, right?"

This can explain why the human world where Taiyi lives is not affected by the fluctuations in the digital world, and events such as "abnormal weather" or "gas leaks" occur. It is not the real world corresponding to this digital world.

"Yes, so I hope you can return to your own world after this is over, do you understand what I mean?"


Taichi's first feeling was that of course I had to go home, but immediately realized something was wrong.

"Are you saying that I have to cut off all ties with this side? Including the Tiannv beast, our partnership will end at that moment?"

"Yes, this is for the stability of the world, please understand."

Sure enough, the last thing he wanted to hear came.

——For the sake of stability, you have to say goodbye to your companion forever, I will go to your uncle!

"I understand you &*&* (beautiful Chinese)!"

"Pay attention to quality, chosen child."

Constancy is somewhat unpleasant to say.

"Then let me ask you, I came all the way to you to help you save your world and save you from fire and water, am I your great benefactor?"


"I have spent so much effort and defeated so many powerful enemies. In the end, I lost everything and even my companions. What am I trying to do? Huh? I'm not working for nothing. I'm begging on my knees?"

Taiyi can't bear this kind of thing at all, if Perseverance insists on separating him from Tailumon, then Taiyi doesn't mind going to Lilithmon, and let her use her "power outside the world" to educate Permanence, The big deal is to join her Lilith Beast's command to do things. Her boss is much more reliable than the boss of Constancy, and she can let herself experience the happiness that only adults know, why not do it!

Let this guy know that he is not an honest person, and he cannot be willing to be exploited by it!

"So, this ring prop is my compensation to you."

Constancy said.

"And when you separate, you can also get the cards of these companions. Your bond will not be interrupted, and you will be by your side in another way."

"Who wants this thing!"

Taiyi got on top all of a sudden, and directly threw the ring that he had just obtained.

"Now let me make it clear. If you don't explain this matter clearly, don't want me to continue working for you!"

"No matter what, I will not part with my partner Digimon, I will take them back to my world! If you don't accept, then I will clean up with you! You should know the Seven Great Demon Kings from other worlds One—the information that Lilithmon also came to this world, right?"

"...No, you can't do that."

Constancy was stunned for a long time, it never thought that this child would be so resistant to this matter, logically speaking, shouldn't these human beings be easily deceived?Taiyi, who can possess so many badge qualities, should also be the kind of person whose sense of justice is above all else. He should have the pattern of "although I don't want to be separated, but for the sake of world peace, all living beings have to do so".

"I will join hands with Lilith Beast and let her conquer the world. Anyway, she values ​​me very much, and I don't need any reward from her. I just need to keep the world as it is."

"She is the devil from the digital world corresponding to your real world. Her ability is evil beyond your imagination. You are playing

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fire! "

Constancy sounded its own warning.

"It doesn't matter." Tai Yi was not soft-spoken at all, there was no room for negotiation on this point. "The requirements of Digimon are also very simple. It is enough to keep them alive and be able to freely choose to fight or survive, and you are not the only one who can give them these."

Lilith Beast is not like that kind of brainless villain, she doesn't want a world where everything is destroyed and nothing is left, that can't create any benefits.

"...Well, you win, Chosen Child."

With so much threat, constancy has no other way.

It can't live without Taiyi, and it can't accept its own management right to leave others...Moreover, in fact, Taiyi doesn't need to do this. If he disagrees, even Permanence can't interfere with his choice, even if he directly takes Celestial girls, beasts, flowers, and fairy beasts go home, and there is nothing they can do with permanence.

"After defeating the dark forces, I will no longer interfere with your choice, but I still want to tell you that maybe you will face more difficulties and tests after you go back."

Constancy said slowly.

"In particular, your digital world has already produced Digimon of the level of Lilithmon, so the evolution of Digimon has probably reached a very exaggerated level... Please proceed with caution."

After finishing speaking, the mysterious light on Ultimate V-dramon faded away, and Ultimate V-dramon regained his usual wise eyes, looking at Taichi in a daze.

"Fat, what happened? Why am I here... eh? Have I lost my memory? I remember I was still there just now..."

"It's nothing, Ultimate Vdramon, you've worked hard."

Tai is not in a very good mood, but it is quite comfortable to be able to express the complaints that have been simmering in his heart to Persistence, and force it to compromise.

What he didn't expect was that after saving the world, his adventure was far from over. If the difficulty of this digital world is normal, then the difficulty of the digital world is probably at the level of ruthless enemies.

But at least, get rid of the Clown King and Apocalypse Beast as soon as possible, and get off work early if you can.

"What is this? Taichi?"

Ultimate V-Dramon was in a daze, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a white ring on the ground, and picked it up curiously.

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