Maybe because of the reminder from that voice, or maybe because of thinking of Taichi's face, she finally found herself.

——I have sworn to him, no matter when and where, I will protect him, no matter how many times, no matter how long... I will never leave him, what the hell am I doing, how can I be confused by this stupid illusion Woolen cloth?

The Celestial Beast opened its eyes and found that although there was darkness around it, it could see specific purple or red energy shapes. Even the darkness had its own color, and then it was the person who woke him up.

Her black hair is coiled into an elegant shape, she wears a golden crown in the shape of devil horns, and she wears a graceful purple-black dress. There are two pairs of devil wings, one large and one small, on her back. She looks seductive and beautiful, but her face is very cold. , and does not have the feeling of kitsch women.

There is no doubt that the opponent is an undead demon king type Digimon.

"who are you?"

Celestial Beast finds it very strange, although it is nothing new to find a Digimon of the dark system in this kind of place, but the other party helped him, and the powerful aura on her body also made Celestial Beast feel full of pressure... I don't know if it is the enemy or friend.

She didn't answer, just smiled inscrutablely, and then disappeared like that.

"...Strange guy."

She shook her head, throwing away distracting thoughts from her mind, yes, now is to find Taiyi and find a way to return to the digital world.

But how to find it?There are no signposts in this place, and she doesn't know how to open the portal, but she believes in the bond between herself and Taiyi, they are the most correct combination of humans and Digimon, and the two of them already had some kind of relationship before. Telepathy, you can perceive the location of the other party in a place not far away.

For now, just trust your feelings.

"Taiyi, where are you... tell me quickly."

She clasped her hands together in a gesture of prayer, closed her eyes to block her vision, and strengthened her perception. She began to imagine Taiyi in her heart, and gradually she seemed to have found a mysterious "coordinate" in the dark. If you don't concentrate, that coordinate will disappear again, so she refocuses...

This thing is also very simple to do, that is, just keep thinking about Taiyi, Taiyi who thinks about talking usually, Taiyi who thinks seriously when fighting, Taiyi who is not serious when he wants to joke with himself, and Taiyi who thinks about Tianhua fairy beast. On the bed at home, Taichi looks very interesting.

"I feel it, I found that position!"

She opened her eyes, and her body was unknowingly surrounded by a layer of crimson halo. Tiannv Beast didn't know what it was, but she knew that through this thing, she could find Taiyi!

The Celestial Beast spread its wings and began to fly in the dark space, and the warm red halo on its body became more and more intense as it got closer to Taiyi.



Taiyi just wanted to understand that the zombie Satan beast is the one who opened the gate of hell, and the Clown King was just playing a double act with him. At first, he used this bad move to scare Taiyi and the others from taking any action, for fear that they would stay where they were. Disappeared, and now they wanted to let them attack, but they accidentally exposed the clown king's tricks.

He also fell into a nightmare like Tiannvshou...Taiyi's dream was also something from his childhood, and he was caught in the nightmare cycle of the Guangqiu incident and could not escape. In fact, it is difficult to tell a complete and reasonable plot in a real nightmare.

In this dream, Taiyi saw the Rolling Ball Beast, and also saw the Tailu Beast, and the Dilu Beast even showed a weird smile, which made him feel numb all over. They all appeared like ghosts to block him, and even ate his body.

He understood that this was a dream, and it must be a trick of the zombie Satan beast, but it was difficult to wake up.

However, this disgusting dream didn't torture him for too long, the ring around his waist that had obtained permanent authority and already possessed the authority of the divine plan burst into light at this moment, making Tai Yi regain his sanity in an instant.

He knows that he must find the Celestial Beast as soon as possible and let her undergo the correct ultimate evolution. This is the only way to defeat the Chaos Clown Emperor. He must see her as soon as possible... because she must be in the same nightmare and cannot extricate herself from it. , Now is the time when she needs herself most.

Regardless of the clown king or something, the Digital World can also be put aside for a while, but the only thing Taiyi can't stand is that the celestial beast is now tormented by the dark nightmare, and it will even lose itself completely here after a long time.

——Move quickly, you must wake up as soon as possible!

Taiyi pushed his body desperately, and finally managed to open his eyes, but what he saw was not the filth in the dark field, but the true red light that belonged to the badge of love.

He suddenly realized something, his body was in good shape

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Like a magnet, it is sending a traction signal in a certain direction, pulling itself.

"The Celestial Beast...? Is that you?"

The badge of love is shining, and there will be no second Digimon that can resonate with it in this place.

Taiyi gritted his teeth, and finally got rid of the nightmare with the help of the light and ring of the love badge. He stood up, tried hard to give birth to the true red digital soul of love, and flew towards the direction that pulled him.

Chapter 115 Chapter 110 Fusion sublimation, battle tyrannosaurus!

Before leaving, Taiyi was worried that the few friends who stayed in the digital world would go crazy because of losing himself, so he hurriedly contacted them.

You know, they have very deep feelings for themselves, if they were "erased" by the Clown King in front of them, what terrible things would they do?Tai, who turned into a black rampage, felt scared when he thought about it, so he hurriedly tried to use the ring to get in touch with Beetlemon.

To put it bluntly, Taiyi finally persuaded the Bhikshumon's crazy behavior, and asked them to temporarily delay the time by pretending to cry, so the previous scene happened.

As soon as Tai Yi finished the call, he continued to speed up his progress under the guidance of the love badge, but not long after he left, a guy blocking the way suddenly came out from the middle, it was the zombie Satan beast under the Clown Emperor.

"Chosen child! You really have escaped the nightmare!"

Zombie Satan Beast was shocked to see Taiyi escaped from his prison, and Taiyi was also very frightened when he saw him.


It's not because Tai Yi is afraid of him, but because he feels weird.

——Did Beetlemon not act as I said?Or is it that his acting skills are just too clumsy?Would it be counterproductive to ask him to help?

"Only you? Where's the Clown King?"

"Of course I'm going to intercept the Celestial Girl Beast. Neither of you can escape today! She will be killed by the Clown Emperor, and you will die by my hands!"

The zombie Satan beast waved the bone staff in its hand, showing a fierce look.

In this hellish space, the other party is a hideous and terrifying skeleton demon, but you are a high school student under the age of 18. There really is no other Digimon to help Taichi this time.

Although it seems to be in a desperate predicament, for Tai Yi now, the sense of oppression of the Zombie Satan Beast is far less than when he first saw it.

Because he and his master, the Clown Emperor, are no longer unknowns, their abilities have been seen through by Tai Yi, and now they are even furious, wanting to get rid of themselves before they meet with the Celestial Girl Beast... Combined with the words of the Zombie Satan Beast The Heavenly Girl Beast must have gotten rid of his control now, otherwise the one who came to kill him should be the Clown Emperor, not this guy.

"I don't have the patience to play with you anymore."

"It's time to get off work."

——I will attack in the form of War Greymon!

Taiyi finally took out the sacred white ring from his waist, filled it with his digital soul, and awakened it, then took out the card in his other hand, and sent the card into the center of the ring for reading.

"Battle Tyrannosaurus."

【Battle Tyrannosaurus! 】

After accepting the card, the ring made a reading sound effect recorded by Beetlemon himself.

"Lend me the power of your ultimate dragon warrior!"

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

That card is not a data card made by Beetlemon, but a bond card produced between Taiyi and Agumon. It is a completely ideal bond card. The data belonging to Battle Greymon is released to form a beam of energy The whirlwind surrounded Taiyi ring by ring.

Seeing this, the Zombie Satan Beast didn't understand what he was going to do at all, and just reflexively wanted to stop and interrupt Taiyi's transformation, but just as he wanted to get close, the huge amount of energy released by the ring forced him back. Right now, the storm receded, and that frail human boy... turned into a golden dragon warrior, a normal battle tyrannosaur!

"Human... turned into a Digimon???"

The two empty eyes on the head of the Zombie Satan Beast's skull were deformed with fright.

I thought that an ordinary person could not be his opponent even if he had some means, but... but the Clown King never mentioned that he could directly evolve from a human to an ultimate body!

"Thanks to you, my love badge is shining."

Taiyi, who has the shape of a battle tyrannosaurus, fully enjoys the inexhaustible pleasure of filling his body with energy, and the feeling of a badge of love has not disappeared.

"So, this is my return gift!"


Taiyi gathered all the energy between his hands, then straightened his body and lifted it up high, instantly rubbed out a large orange-red energy cannon that was sprouting red, and for a while there seemed to be a small sun appearing in the boundless darkness.

"Energy Cannon!!"



At this time, the Tiannv Beast was also blocked by the Clown King.

Naturally, the other party also made a lot of nonsense, explaining why she was there, and telling her that the Yagami Taichi she was thinking of had been cleaned up by her subordinate zombie Satan beast at this time, and next, she could not evolve into the ultimate monster alone. She will also be killed by herself, as long as Tiannvmon and Taiyi are not there, then no one can save the digital world!

"You mean your subordinate?"

"That's right!"


After hearing this, Tiannv Beast almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Taiyi can directly evolve into an ultimate body without the need for himself

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Don't worry, and Taichi must be rushing towards her... The red light on her body came from the badge's light, just like Taichi's badge of courage had a reaction to Pichumon at that time, he will be fine .

"why are you laughing!?"

The Clown King found out that the woman was not in a hurry but was secretly delighted, and said angrily at the moment.

In his opinion, this is a perfect battle plan!Facing Taiyi who has the ability to break through his own magic tricks, his choice is to send him to the isolated and helpless dark realm, and destroy him and his partner Tiannvshou separately. There will never be any accidents!

"Your biggest mistake is being too self-righteous, King Clown."


The Chaos Clown King felt that the Celestial Maiden was just delaying time, so he stopped hesitating immediately, pulled out four ace throwing knives from the magic box behind his back and threw them at her. This is one of the upgraded abilities of the evolved Clown King. Throwing knives doubled.

Tiannv Beast hurriedly dodges, but it is useless, because the Clown King can manipulate everything he touches as he likes, including the ace throwing knife.

In an instant, four flying knives disappeared in front of her, and then flew from all directions that she couldn't see. This was a blocking attack with absolutely no dead ends, no matter how she dodged, she would at least be stabbed!

But at this moment, behind the Celestial Beast, a distorted wave suddenly appeared in an area close at hand, and then a golden shadow rushed out of the vortex like a thunderbolt, hugging her and leaving the surrounding area. The siege range of the flying knife was blocked, and the shield of "Brave Seal" was used to block the flying knife in front, and her crisis was resolved.

Tiannv Beast didn't realize what happened, but only remembered that a pair of strong arms hugged her, and her head hurt from being hit by the opponent's strong breastplate.

This scene used to happen to the two of them often, but now the poles are reversed, and this time the Celestial Beast has become the one being protected.


She lay in Taichi's arms, her face full of surprise.

"I finally see you, Celestial Beast."

Taiyi let her stand up again, and he did not cancel the transformation and evolution of the battle tyrannosaurus, because to deal with this clown king, at least two people are needed to cooperate with the attack.

"Who are you?"

The Clown King has never seen this kind of guy. The only battle tyrannosaurus in his memory is the black warrior that evolved from Yagumon, but isn't that guy already the ultimate V-dramon?And he still hasn't got rid of the predicament created by the zombie Satan beast, it can't be him!

"Didn't you know him after such a short time? The Clown King."

"Are you...? No, how could this happen? How could you become a Digimon!"

Of course the Clown King remembered who this hateful voice was.

Chapter 116 Chapter 110 Three battle angels, beautiful angel beasts!

—Damn it!

What the hell is going on with this guy? ...As a human being, it's okay to directly attack Digimon, but they also have the ability to transform into Digimon?So why didn't he use it in the first place?

"You are too despicable! The chosen child! How dare you plot against me!"

"You let the two of them cry so exaggeratedly, is it just to lure me here!"

The Clown Emperor was so angry that his voice changed, and his expression was extremely ferocious.

It turned out that everything he saw was what Yagami Taiichi wanted him to see, including luring himself to send him to this place, and using some means to make his two subordinates, Bichumon and Beetlemon, pretend to cry in front of him , Tricked himself to come here... He then used this useless hole card to evolve into a Digimon... He is really too cunning!

"……what are you talking about?"

Taiyi didn't quite understand what he said... Could it be that he was being tricked?Although this calculation is useless, it is nothing more than changing Taichi's expected battlefield from the digital world to the dark realm.

He seems to have some kind of misunderstanding... Forget it, let him continue to misunderstand, anyway, when fighting, it is of course best to piss off the enemy.

The previous Zombie Satan Beast was blasted to death by his Gaia energy cannon. That guy is a typical high attack and low imitation. It is the right solution to kill him before he reacts.

"As expected of you, I admit that I have indeed lost to you in terms of wisdom."

The Clown King finally showed an expression of unwillingness, and even his vicious eyes showed a look of frustration for a moment.

"But! Don't think you've won like this!"

He clenched his hands into fists and said angrily.

"I designed these just to let you taste the fear, but if you really fight, my form will not lose to anyone!"

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