"Taiyi... You can't be acting, right? Have you actually coveted me for a long time?"

"That's because the evil thoughts have been vented, of course I won't have that kind of dream!"

"That's true. It's really an evil aggregate. This thing has polluted the righteous One."

Tiannv Beast gritted her teeth and smiled, and directly locked on the place where evil thoughts were stored with precise guidance, which was simply too skillful.

"Don't, Tiannv Beast, the food you cooked is cold, let's eat quickly."

"It's already cold anyway, and you don't care." The Celestial Beast pushed her hair behind her ears, and then used her hands together to remove the protective layer of pants that looked like evil gathering points. "The most important thing now is to deal with Tai Yi's crimes as soon as possible."


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I still have things to do today, I will go home to see my parents later. "

Taiyi tightly grabbed the waistband of his trousers to prevent her from doing it.

"That kind of thing can go in the afternoon, hurry up, it is my duty-bound responsibility to destroy the evil, the archangel Digimon."

"Don't... woo!"

"Oh, isn't this very spiritual?"



Of course Taiyi is not her opponent, so he can only endure the humiliation and bow down to her. ,

On Christmas Day, Taiyi and Tiannvshou stayed at home all morning. After lunch, they went to a ramen restaurant for a casual meal. In the afternoon, they went to the movies with Jiaer, and went to KTV to sing for two hours. Song, Jiaer's singing voice is very sweet, but Tiannv Beast... her singing voice is very talented, it is not inferior to some first-line singers, and it is very penetrating. It may be because she is a Digimon, and she is not restricted by the breath of human beings. reason?

Anyway, she is so much taller than the former Gorillamon who was known as a big star, Taichi thinks that she should take the idol route in the digital world!

In the evening, Jiaer was sent home... Taiyi and Tiannvshou were at home, carefully prepared a dinner for two, and exchanged gifts prepared in advance.

What Tiannv beast gave Taiyi was a handmade bracelet, which was composed of a mixture of orange and blue, with a small silver metal ornament hanging on it, which was the symbol of the "love" badge she used.

And what Taiyi gave Tiannvshou was a newest model of compact mobile phone.

"Is this thing expensive? Where did you get the money?"

Tiannv Beast is of course very happy, but she is even more curious.

"Painting makes money."

"Pfft, your paintings cost an average of 3000 yen a piece, how can you afford it?"

"Actually, I recently received an entrustment from a big boss."

Taichi replied proudly.

"Designing toys for a big company starting with B, they seem to be quite satisfied."


Chapter 135 Chapter 130 Su Na's Thoughts (Please Refresh)

The New Year comes right after Christmas, and on the first day of the New Year, too, Taichi inevitably went to the shrine twice to pray, once with his family, and once with Tennyumon... After all, it is not yet possible for his parents to know that he has passed away. There is a girlfriend thing.

It wouldn't be a big problem if the object was a student of the same level as Su Na, but no matter how you look at the image of the Celestial Girl Beast, I am not so serious when I am with her, and I will be constantly interrogated.

But Taichi didn't want Tennyomon to miss such a rare opportunity, so he took her to the shrine to make a New Year's wish.

——I hope that nothing will happen in the coming year, everything will remain the same, and I can come here to pray with the Celestial Beast next year!

Taichi silently expressed his wish.

Although when he came with his parents and Jia'er in the morning, he made a wish that he could perform perfectly in the exam. I don't know if I can fulfill both of my greedy wishes, but at least one must be fulfilled!



Hearing someone calling himself, Tai looked over and found a girl in a light blue winter coat and a red scarf standing beside him, it was Sona Takenouchi.

Her crimson eyes were full of astonishment, and then she was a little flustered, and forced a smile as if trying to hide something.

"What a coincidence... You, did you come with Miss An Qi?"

"Happy New Year, Sona-chan~"

Tiannv Beast came from Tai Yi, smiled and waved to So Na.

"The first day of the new year is so loving, you two."

Su Na continued to smile.

"Ah, I actually want to show her the customs of our side."

Taichi said in embarrassment, and then quickly changed the subject.

Seeing that Su Na came here alone, with no family or friends around her, he tentatively asked.

"Su Na, did you come alone?"

"Well... because I had a quarrel with my mother, and it was very fierce." Su Na smiled bitterly. "It's ridiculous, quarreling or something on the first day of the new year."

"What's the matter, I often quarrel, but it just happens to be today, so don't think about it so much."

Tai Yi knew that she was in a bad mood right now, so he tried to persuade her carelessly.

"The quarrel I said should be different from what you said."

Su Na knew that Tai Yi wanted to make herself happier, but when it came to this question, she really couldn't laugh.

"It's time to break off the relationship."


I remember that in the original plot, Su Na had a deep conflict with her mother, because she was an energetic girl who loved sports, but her mother hoped that she would inherit the family business of "Flower Road" in the future, but later on with After Bichumon got acquainted with each other, he gradually untied such a knot in his heart.

But here, she didn't go to the digital world, so it's not difficult to understand why she would develop like this.

"Actually, most of the time, I don't need to take to heart what my parents say when they are angry."

Tennyomon went over there to use her new mobile phone to take pictures of the shrine here as a souvenir, while Taiyi and Su Na stood side by side by the fence talking, and Tennyomon knew not to disturb them, so she interrupted the parent-child topic If you don't talk, let the more experienced Taichi comfort the other party.

"I understand the truth...but I really can't communicate with her anymore."

Su Na's complexion improved a lot after accepting Tai Yi's words, but she still couldn't solve the fundamental problem.

"Although I know in my heart that this is not the case, it is really difficult for me to control my thoughts. Maybe I am her

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A tool used to inherit the family business. "

Hearing her say Taichi is still very sad. Although the original Sona had conflicts with her mother in elementary school, she also grew up after the adventure ended, and understood her mother's "love" for herself, and even accepted it when she grew up. She learned the way of arranging flowers taught by her mother and became a quiet girl.

"Since the unavoidable pessimism, let's focus on studying first." Tai Yi tried his best to help her solve problems. "Don't think about these things, no matter what you can't give up on yourself, try to make yourself stronger, so that you can have the right to choose."

"I'll do my best, Taichi, thank you." So Na said to him with a smile. "I feel so much better talking to you, thank you for being my trash can!"

"How's Taiyi's exam preparation going?"


"What major do you want to go to?"


"Hey~ Taichi, do you want to be a lawyer? I thought you would choose art."

Su Na's emotions quickly adjusted back, but Tai Yi knew that this was just an illusion. If she wanted to really get rid of such troubles, she might have a long way to go. There was no way. In fact, these people were selected as the chosen children. , itself because of possessing but losing a certain quality.

The brief encounter with Su Na ended soon, Tai Yi sympathized with her, but he couldn't do more, and he could only hope that she could get out of this predicament by herself.

So in many cases, problems that can be solved by fighting are not considered problems at all... Even Tai Yi, who has defeated the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, can't do anything about things like this.



Early in the morning on the second day of the new year, Kokoro came to Tai's house with a big suitcase.

This is the time they agreed to return to the digital world. Taiyi happened to be going to pick up the flower fairy beast, and he also brought Koshiro with him. They planned to stay there for a week, as a relaxing activity before the exam.

"Mr. Yagami, Mrs. Yagami, are you ready?"

Koshiro entered Taichi's house and smiled expectantly.

"Huh? Who is Mrs. Yagami? It's so ugly. Don't name me indiscriminately."

Wearing a tight sportswear, the Celestial Beast retorted dissatisfiedly.

"The two people who can make the neighbors downstairs complain that the shaking bed is too loud at night should not be so hard-spoken."

"……How did you know?"

Tiannv Beast asked in shock, but immediately thought of the reason without him answering.

"Taiyi, why do you tell others everything?"

Tiannv Beast gritted her teeth and stared at Tai Yi, and even stretched out her hand to pinch his waist.

"I... don't I just mention it when the good brothers are chatting to make him happy?"

Taichi laughed nervously while hiding.

In such a pleasant and troublesome atmosphere, Taiyi used the ring again after half a year. Under the long-awaited eyes of Kokoro, he created the digital soul again to activate the ring and lead to that digital world The door opened again.

When I came back... everything seemed to have changed. The black-gray desert that used to be like a place of death almost completely disappeared, and the server continent regained its vitality.

Taiyi and Yagumon met again, and it seems that only a year has passed here... I don’t know if it is because of the restoration, the time difference between here and the real world is no longer so exaggerated.

Koshiro and Beetlemon hit it off right away. In another world, Beetlemon was just a small assistant beside Koshiro, but now, Beetlemon is definitely qualified to be Koshiro's teacher in learning the digital world.

Because it is Taichi's human friend and the second human being who arrived in this world, the Digimons treat Koshiro very kindly, and the Beetlemon has an indescribable affection, which can only be described as seeing each other late.

"Talk slowly, it's time for me to meet that child."

"She's doing well now, Taichi." Agumon muttered to Taichi while eating the meeting gift Koshiro brought them from the human world, a box of snacks. "Flower Fairy Beast, no... Rosa Beast is now the queen of that piece of Xinhai Garden, where she has many, many plant-type Digimon, as well as a large number of flowers and plants."

Chapter 136 Chapter 130 [-] Spiritual Evolution

"Taiyi, look!"

Yagumon took out a stack of photos and handed them to Taiyi.

Now Digimon are no longer the kind of primitive people or talking animals, because under the leadership of the pioneer Beetlemon, people including Yagumon have learned to use long-distance communication, cameras and video recorders, etc. , It is very convenient to communicate and contact.

"It's grown like this in a year?"

Taichi flipped through the photos and was startled.

It is obvious that those terrains are the land of death where they fought against the Titan beasts, but now they are full of all kinds of strange-shaped plants, huge morning glory, huge flowers and plants, and there are only a few trees... There is also the kind of Zuli beast that is obviously a virus species, but it is not so vicious, but has a cute face instead.

The place where she used to bloom as a rose beast has now bloomed a huge rose flower. The petals are not the blood-like crimson of other roses, but a kind of orange red that leans on the flame, more like a phoenix Flowers, roof-like petals, each a different color.

"The rose beast is the queen of flowers and plants, so it is not surprising that it possesses such power."

The beetle laughed.

"Isn't Tai Yi clear? Could it be

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Is it because I forgot the knowledge of Digimon after staying at home for a long time? "

"Maybe it is... My brain has been filled with knowledge from high school classes recently."

"It's almost like Alice in Wonderland."

Koshiro couldn't help but exclaim when he saw these photos.

"Then let's go see her together~ I think there is no more beautiful place than her place if we travel."

"No no, you should go, Taichi." Koshiro refused. "I want to read the Digimon Encyclopedia that Beetlemon talked about."

"Why do you still have to read books when you come to this place? Are you a fool? You are obviously a guy who is only 1 meters."

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