Taiyi didn't bother to explain right now, and quickly turned around and picked up the computer.

"I'll let him talk."

A strange-looking creature that lost the SAN entered the screen, he looked very weak, and his appearance really scared the relatives and friends behind.

"It's an honor to meet you, the great savior Yagami Taichi."

The Cosmic Brain Demon revealed a light of surprise when he saw Empress Tai Yi.

Taiyi is already a legendary hero in the digital world, seeing him once is enough to comfort his whole life

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However, his words were also heard by the Yagami couple. They were dumbfounded, not knowing why their son was so respected by the monster.

"You're welcome, tell me what you found."

Chapter 148 Chapter 140 [-] Mom and Dad, I'm Going to Fight

"This thing... this thing is a quantum life form, and all its energy comes from a quantum channel connecting another world!"

Cosmic Brain Demon, judging from his brain shape, he should know that he is also a senior scientist, so he quickly gave the answer.

"However, he probably hasn't fully grasped the principle of quantum transformation and quantum entanglement yet, so it needs to keep learning... But it won't take a day for it to fully grasp the physical rules of this world. At that time, the climate and temperature of the earth will be changed by it! The earth will no longer be a livable home for human beings!"

The Cosmic Brain Demon speaks its conclusions.

These words also frightened everyone present, including Guangzilang, who were already breaking out in cold sweat.

And this is also in line with Tai Yi's cognition of Di Limo. At the end of the third generation of the world, the protagonist group defeated Di Limo who had fully adapted to the real world. That's why he understood that every second counts.

"Is there any way to restrain it?"

"It's still available now, but it may not work if you wait a little longer."


"It has a large temporary host body in this world. There is a superluminal wormhole in the body of this thing. As long as it is cut off, it can disconnect it from its main brain and prevent it from continuing to materialize!"

"But we can't get in at all! Once we get in, we will be forced to cancel the evolution. How can we beat the main body that is several times stronger than those clones?"

Belstarmon's angry voice came from outside the screen.

"So that's the crux of the matter, you can't beat it if you can't figure out how to fight inside it."


Taiyi gritted his teeth in anger. If the computer was his own, he might not be able to help but drop it directly.

He obviously found the key to the problem and came up with a battle plan, but he couldn't implement it!It feels like when you encounter a problem during the exam, you come up with an idea to solve the problem, but the time left is not enough to finish writing the answer. It makes people mentality.

"I have an idea, Taichi."

Black Saint Gargomon said.

"We all go into that bubble ... to delay its calculations and create an opportunity for the final attack."

"But this is only theoretically feasible... maybe after entering, all of us will become lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

"No, I can't let everyone die in this place, I will never use this sacrifice tactic!"

"Then do you have any other options? Taiyi!"

Belstarmon was also in a hurry, she squeezed into the screen and shouted angrily at Taiyi.

"Now is not the time to worry about these things, you are our savior, give orders Taiyi, just do it, Rose Beast and I will lead the battle for you!"

"I said no!"

Tai Yi's angry voice seemed to echo through the two ends of the communication terminal, everyone was stunned, they had never seen Tai Yi lose his composure like this.

He put down the computer, took a deep breath, and finally took out his card box with trembling fingers. His trembling hand couldn't even hold it steady. The card box fell to the ground, and all the Digimon cards inside fell to the ground.

He bent down to pick it up in embarrassment, but among those scattered cards, he suddenly...saw an extra card.

The bright red is very conspicuous, but it seems that the only ray of color that appears in a black and white movie directly lights up the whole world.

"Red card! It's a red card!!!"

Taiyi was so surprised that he was about to cry. He picked up the card and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Taiyi? Are you alright? You have to be sober! If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood!"

Seeing him like this, Kokoro thought he was crazy, so he hurried over and hugged him and cried out.

"I'm not crazy, Guangzilang, there is a way, we can destroy Di Li Mo!"

"Taiyi, what is the red card?"

Sangalukomon in the computer asked curiously.

"Although I don't know where it came from, it may be an item that was just produced in the cyberspace against Dilimo... But with it, we can fight safely in Dilimo's body!"

Now I don't have the mind to think about where this card came from, but I can be sure that this is not a dream or an illusion, it exists here, and the key to victory is here!

——Although I don’t know who sent the red card, but you must listen to me thank you!Listen to me hard!

"Wait for me, I'll be right there with you!"

Taiyi stood up, he regained his confidence, full of fighting spirit, now is finally the time to fight back!

——Damn Di Li Mo, I will let you go back to your world right now!

"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving."

He turned around and resumed his usual winning smile.

"Taiyi, what are you going to do?"

Yuko Yagami had already guessed it, but she still asked.

"That monster is going to destroy our world, and I can't just ignore it, I'm going to stop it."

Taiyi took out the ring in his hand, as if he felt Taiyi's unprecedented fighting spirit, unexpectedly here

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At this time, the dazzling divine brilliance once again glowed, which was exactly the same as when fighting the Apocalypse Beast.

"Stop it? Taiyi, you..."

"Trust brother, Mom and Dad."

Even though Jiaer was also worried about her brother, she would not stop him.

"He never let you down, did he?"

"Jia'er, do you know these things about your brother..."

"I'm leaving, you stay here, everything will be over soon!"

After saying these words, Tai Yi turned around and ran towards the direction of the huge monster. The strong wind blowing in front of him made his coat flutter.

As he ran forward with all his might, he took out the card.

"Battle Tyrannosaurus!"

【Battle Tyrannosaurus! 】

"Steel Garurumon!"

【Steel Garurumon! 】

The phantoms of the golden dragon man and the blue steel wolf appeared above his head and flew forward together with his running.

"The power of courage and friendship, I count on you!!!"

Taiyi yelled hysterically, letting more power enter his body.

[Fusion Sublimation! ! ! 】

【Omega Beast! 】

The energy of gold and blue converged on Taiyi, and in the eyes of those relatives who watched him go, a dazzling white light burst out from Taiyi's body, and then, a huge white paladin rose from the ground, wearing a cloak like a god descending from the earth , Fly towards the battlefield ahead.

"That is... the strongest Digimon in the Digital World! Omegamon!"

Koshiro only heard Beetlemon talk about Taichi's posture, but unexpectedly saw it with his own eyes, and was surprised and delighted for a while.

"Is that our son?"

Looking at the flying paladins in the sky, Yuko Yagami covered her mouth, feeling mixed feelings for a moment, tears streaming down her face, not knowing what to say.

"Quick! Get the computer quickly, Koshiro, we want to watch Taichi's battle!"

Yagami Jin reacted and said hastily.

Chapter 149 Chapter 140 Three Heroes Disappearing in the Darkness (Two Chapters in One)

Taichi evolved into Omegamon for the second time, and almost completed the evolution under the momentum of draining all the power from his body.

Carrying the incomparable Omegamon body, Taichi finally rushed to the battlefield at the most critical moment.

And after seeing the appearance of Omegamon, all the Digimon were relieved. Compared with Omegamon's combat power, they were more relieved that Taichi came, which meant that he must have a way to defeat this Tough opponent.

"Let's move quickly, you are connected to my body, and I will add protection buffs for you."

Taiyi didn't talk nonsense, now every second counts, and Di Limo can't be allowed to continue to develop.

Turning into Omegamon is not the same as turning into BattleGreymon. During BattleGreymon, his body is almost completely transformed into a Digimon, but Omegamon itself is placed in Omegamon. In the digital core, it is wrapped in warmth, a bit like three generations of human () beasts, but Taiyi didn't burst into clothes.

"It's all up to you, Taiyi."

Belstarmon leaned against him, creating a stream of data with its skillful hands, which connected with the transparent energy released by Omegamon, and other Digimons also formed a circle around Omegamon, with five different Colored laces are attached to Omegamon.

Taichi felt the existence of the outside world, and he seemed to be able to see the different cores of the five ultimate Digimon in his eyes. He took out the ring, and then began to read the red card that was like a gift from fate.

——Although I don’t know who you are and how you came here, I will make good use of it!

The data from another world formulated as bright red energy was released, and at the same time all the Digimon bathed in this light also began to turn red all over, as if they were covered with a layer of transparent film.

"Let's go, with this, we can move in its body!"

Taiyi led the way at the front, followed by the other Digimons. Under the watchful eyes of the live broadcast camera and other Digimons watching, a team finally pushed into the interior of the Dilimo Bubble.

Although the army has also rushed here, they have done their best to deal with the pendulum substitutes on the periphery, and have no time to take care of other things. The decision made after deliberation according to the army command system is also not to interfere with the monsters and those In the battle of Devil Bubbles, you only need to protect the people as much as you can.

"Why... can't you see it? Taiyi and the others won't be in danger if they go in, right?"

Seeing Taichi's transformed knight disappear into the camera, mother Yuko Yagami couldn't help becoming anxious.

"I don't know, but since Taiyi dares to go in, he must be sure, Auntie, don't worry."

"That... Mrs. Yagami, Mr. Yagami, shouldn't it be better for us to leave here quickly? Everyone is almost gone."

The other three parents stood aside and asked cautiously.

"Let's go first, my family and I will wait here for Taiyi's return."

"No, it's too dangerous! Uncle and aunt, you can't stay here!"

Su Na was very anxious, she had been persecuted by Di Li Mo herself, and knew the power of this kind of thing very well.

"We can't hide in a safe place by ourselves while our son is fighting, and didn't Tai Yi say that? As long as we can win, we can destroy the monster, so we have to wait for him."


Looking at the ardent expectation and determination in the eyes of the parents, they couldn't say anything anymore, and they all

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It's the parents, who understand this feeling very well. If it was not Taiyi who just went to the battlefield, but Koshiro or Sona, they would do the same thing.

"Mitsukoro, do you want to stay?"

"I believe Taichi will win, he is stronger than we imagined, I want to stay, sorry, Mom and Dad."

Looking at his parents, Kokoro also gave his answer with a smile.

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