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Isn't the eating appearance of the demon fox beast cute? What do you want to say? "

The two sat side by side under the eaves of the corridor, and Taichi let out a sigh of regret.

"You bastard! Why are you always thinking about other people's Digimon?"

"House flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers~"

"He's such a man who is always on the move... I don't know what your celestial female beast will say after knowing these things."

"Probably I'll be beaten."

Taichi thinks about what would happen if the Tiannv beast suddenly appeared here, and she feels scalp numb. She will definitely pretend not to be angry and care about herself, and then go back and wait until no one is around, and then come to interrogate herself, or have some fun Small punishment?

However, she is only expressing her dissatisfaction in this way, just like Tiannvshou said, she will not interfere with Taiyi's choice.

"Dare she hit you?"

"How dare you."

Thinking of when the flower fairy beast returned home, Taiyi once had a battle with Tiannvmon in the digital world. She used the form of the angel beast to fight against her battle tyrannosaurus, and the result was that he was beaten badly. With the ability to fight back, under the premise of not being able to use special moves, and the Li Angel Beast is not a dragon, he really has no advantage.

But to Liu Ji, this was unreasonable, at least she couldn't imagine what it would be like for a fox to beat her.

"You are so strange, why do I sound more like a young couple?"

But any normal person will think that there is a problem with the combination of the animal trainer and the Digimon, but Koshiro has already seen through this point, so he sees through it without telling it.

"It's almost like this between us..."

"Is that how it started?"

In fact, Liu Ji is quite envious of Tai Yi, because according to his description, he and his partner are more like a pair of old friends who talk about everything, and she is also very eager to become such close friends with Yaohu Beast.

"No, at the beginning she was similar to a fox beast, just like a loyal dog, but after our relationship got better and better, she became less polite to me."

This is good news, since Dilumon and Yaohumon used to have similar personalities, if she encounters some problems, she can always ask Taiyi for advice.

"Actually, I'm also a little scared. I just thought about it carefully, and I realized that I don't seem to understand the fox beast at all."

"What she likes to eat, what she is interested in, what kind of music she likes... I don't know at all."

In the chat with Taiyi just now, Taiyi said that his Tennyomon likes to eat sardines the most, likes to read combat comics, and likes to listen to the background music of more exciting animations or movies, and these are a blank sheet of paper for Ruki ...she doesn't know anything about her partner.

"Get to know her slowly from now on, don't be afraid to make mistakes, because mistakes can also create very interesting memories, right?"

"I'll try."

In fact, Liu Ji has never had any experience in making friends, but if the partner is a fox beast, she is willing to give it a try.

I remember that in the original work, Liu Ji gave the audience the impression that she purely regarded Digimon as tools at the beginning, but that was only because she was too young and immature. It's just an angry word from the boss, Liu Ji regarded the fox beast as her friend from the beginning, let alone now that she is an adult, she has already passed the age of extreme behavior.

After talking about this topic, no one spoke between them, they just quietly admired the moonlight.

Although he didn't speak, Taiyi didn't feel embarrassed, instead he was immersed in this quiet peace.

However, Tai Yi is still very clear about his next task. Now that he has arrived in this world, eliminating Di Li Mo is his most direct task. However, Tai Yi faintly feels that there may be characters other than Di Li Mo. Like Lilithmon.

Having said that, Taiyi still doesn't understand who destroyed the sacred plan, and who sent the red card that became the key to him to deal with Di Limo?None of this can be explained.

But at least, Taiyi has a lot of time now, and can slowly wait for the Tiannv beasts to find him, and let Liu Ji, Matsuda Qiren, Li Jianliang, including Akiyama Liao, these protagonist group members grow up quickly.



The next day, Liu Ji still went to the street with Yaohu Beast to find out if there was any digital domain. Recently, this kind of thing has become more and more frequent, which is also because of the crisis in the digital world, and Taiyi accompanied her. After walking for a while, I went to the park yesterday.

On the one hand, it is to check whether there are any residues of Dili demon fragments. After all, this thing is no longer that simple program. It can actually become like "Sfia" and can be possessed by something to form New monsters have arrived and become more and more difficult to deal with.

On the other hand, Taichi wanted to find the place where Keito hid Kielmon. After all, it is also a place that holds many good and sad memories.

For this reason, Taiyi specially bought a large bag of freshly baked bread as a gift, and he knew that Keelmon liked it very much.

Although the time has changed, the place is still the same place, the abandoned small house that can be seen next to the road in the park, and a small path extending upwards, Taiyi feels like he is visiting a three-dimensional holy land now.

Taiyi is still wearing Liu Ji's coat today, but she herself has changed into a darker one. Taiyi doesn't know why, maybe he thinks he looks better in it?

"Kill beast?"

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He called tentatively, but there was no response.

"I brought delicious bread!"

There was still no response... Taiyi felt a little embarrassed. Could it be that he was fighting wits with the air?Or is it that Kielmon hasn't been born yet?

But soon, there was a rustling sound in the small house, and then a little cute white head poked out, a cute creature like a doll, with an inverted red triangle symbol on its head, and She made a "cuckoo" sound, and she was lying on a small dinosaur about the height of a primary school student, with big nostrils, and she was more naive than an ancient beast.

"who are you?"

Big cutie and little cutie asked in unison.

Chapter 158 Chapter 150 Qiren, don't contact me, I'm afraid Taiyi will misunderstand

Matsuda Keito, although he is 18 years old and considered a quasi-college student, but he has a childlike baby face, and he is not too tall. "Yi" kind of cute, but in A Zhai's eyes, that may be a very good lady boss.

But recently, he encountered some things that no one would believe. The animation he watched when he was a child actually became a reality... When he was a child, he once drew an original Digimon in a doodle book, and did this kind of animation. He wasn't the only one involved, but one day recently when he was looking back on his childhood, that page was accidentally squeezed into a battle toy, and then a miracle happened.

That page of graffiti and the ability settings written in a few pages later were all read in. It was too late when Qiren came back, and his old first-generation battle toy had turned into a small and miniature handheld terminal device , and there is a beating digital egg inside.

No matter how stupid he was, he could understand what this meant, and soon after, Kiel was born.

Feeling confused about his own life and unable to see the direction of the future, the teenager fulfilled his childhood dream at an inopportune time, which was to have a Digimon of his own.

But for Qiren, this incident did not have such a big surprise impact. He was very happy about it for a long time, and then he began to think... He didn't understand the meaning of the birth of the Kiel beast, and he didn't understand How should I deal with this creature that suddenly appeared beside me.

Seeing that he was about to enter university for further studies, it would be much easier to deal with, so now he is temporarily hiding him in a hidden corner of the park.

——The exam is finally over, and I finally have time to spend time with Kielmon!

Qiren walked to that place slowly, carrying the bread baked by his mother in his hand, which is what Kiermon likes to eat. He will have about a month to spend with his little friend. The next step is to consider taking him to Tokyo to go to university.

So, when Qiren came to the "Kill Beast House" full of expectations, he saw an unexpected scene.

"Haha, Kielmon, do you like this taste? I like it too!"

"Kilmon likes to eat!"

A man about my age was sitting on the ground, and Kielmon sat down in front of him, and the two chatted and laughed together, eating bread, and the cute little Digimon Gulemon they met yesterday , also lying on Taichi's head at this time, looking very happy.

The scene of the three of them enjoying themselves together, like a family of three, pierced Qi Ren's heart like a sharp knife, and at this moment his inner world has started to snow heavily... That mysterious man embraced his own Keel beast, As for Matsuda Keito, he was illuminated by a spotlight and wailed hysterically.

—— Qiren, don't bring me bread, I'm afraid this person will misunderstand.

--No! ! ! !

——Kill Beast! ! ! !

Of course, Qiren only had this kind of thought for a moment, but he quickly realized that the identity of that person must be unusual, and he could get along with Kielmon without changing his face... Could it be that he also got along with Jianliang and that Is the female animal trainer the same as the animal trainer?

Taichi also heard the sound of footsteps, so when he turned around, he happened to see Matsuda Keito, who looked like a magnified full scale, but he could also see that his face was not as round as when he was a child. Although there were some edges and corners, he still looked very immature , like a middle school student.

"Ah~ Qiren, you're here."

When Kielmon saw Qiren, he stood up happily and threw himself into his arms, and accidentally wiped the bread crumbs from his mouth on Qiren's clothes.

"Well, may I ask... are you a beast tamer too?"

Qiren patted Kielmon's head and smiled dotingly, then quickly looked at Taichi with a serious face.

"That's it."

Taiyi knew that the person he was waiting for was coming, so he stood up and brushed off the bread crumbs on his body... It's broken, won't Liu Ji scold him when he goes back?

"Wait! You, why are you so familiar?"

Qi Ren felt that he had seen this man somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Qiren! Taichi is a good man, he gave Kielmon delicious bread, and told Kielmon a lot of interesting things! Taichi is a friend!"

Kielmon laughed innocently, because now he has good friends other than Kaito.

"Taiyi? are!!!"

Qiren repeated the name in a murmur, and finally his expression gradually turned into an uncontrollable ecstasy.

"I am Taichi Yagami, and I am the world about Digimon.

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The one in the painting..."

"But aren't you a child?"

"You've grown up, don't you allow me to grow up too?"

Taichi replied as a matter of course.

"Oh my god, uh...haha, is this kind of thing, is this kind of thing real? You are Yagami Taichi! That Taichi!"

Qiren was so excited that he couldn't even speak coherently, he hesitated, maybe there was so much to say that he didn't know where to start.

"Calm down, I'm really Taichi, I'm here to ask for your help, Matsuda Keito."

"You actually know my name... woo woo..."

——Why do you feel that Liu Ji has grown up and matured, but Qi Ren has not changed at all.

——Isn’t it just seeing the male protagonist in the animation?And don't you doubt it, what if I'm a fake?

But Taichi just thought that if he had seen a transforming Ultraman human body or a Kamen Rider on the way in the past, then he would probably have reacted in the same way.

"The thing is, I came to your world to hunt down a monster, but I didn't know that I would be a character in the animation in your world. Please don't worry, I am actually the same as the one in the animation. Tai is not quite the same person."

Taichi wished he could calm down a bit.

"Sorry I got a little too excited, but, can you let me see Agumon first?"

After Kaito cooled his mind a bit, he realized that he had indeed overreacted, mainly because the fact that this person could make Kielmon like him so much meant that he must understand Digimon, but he didn't follow his partner Digimon.

"I said that I am different from the Taiyi you know."

Taiyi repeated yesterday's speech to Qiren.

His current idea is to unite the original protagonist group, help them to speed up their progress, and then quickly clear the copy of Di Limo and return to his original world, so that he can return to his original life.

Taiyi said a word to Tiannv Beast at that time, his biggest dream is to be able to maintain this life with her, even though he is forced to separate now, but Taiyi is not pessimistic, as long as the problems here are solved, they will be able to meet again of.

Kielmon and Gulemon were playing and eating, and the two of them sat and chatted for a long time.

"I'm really sorry, Taichi, it's all because of the monsters in our world that caused you so much trouble."

"Why are you apologizing?"

Taiyi laughed out loud.

"This has nothing to do with you. On the contrary, you should work hard to help me in the future."

Among other things, Qiren still recognizes Taiyi as the "heroine" of the three generations. Such a strong empathy ability is really rare at his age.

But in fact, Liu Ji has also done a good job in this aspect, but she is not good at expressing it.

Chapter 159 Chapter 150 The second chapter is a living battle tyrannosaur!

Qiren couldn't believe the series of events that happened recently, and even thought he was living in a dream.

First, the Digimon that I scribbled on my notebook as a child turned into a real creature, and now I see the grown-up male protagonist Yagami Taichi from the animation. It turns out that miracles and magic are real!Not just mere fantasy.

And seeing Yagami Taichi, all the confusion before Qiren disappeared. He already understood the meaning of Kielmon's appearance and meeting him, and that must be to help Taichi defeat the unknown powerful enemy!

"That's not right. It didn't appear because of anything I did. Even if I don't come, Kiel will still appear."

Taiyi can’t agree with his rhetoric. Qiren really worships himself, but it’s not entirely beneficial. No matter how you say it, blind worship is not advocated. He is fighting for himself, for this homeland, definitely not for too one.

"It's you, Qiren. The meaning of your encounter needs to be found by yourself."

At that point in time, it was probably when Qiren and Kielmon were combined for the first time, and when the network evolved, just like the song sung in the incomparably exciting BGM, when they merged into one, he would understand that they The meaning of meeting.

"I remember."

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