"Then come to my house and sit down. Qiren and Kielmon can also come."

At this time, Jianliang looks like a gentle big brother next door.

"Really? You shouldn't deal with it casually, right? I want to eat Chinese food."

For Li Jianliang, Tai Yi still has a sense of intimacy when he sees a fellow villager, especially since his family is not as wealthy as Liu Ji, but he is also very wealthy. If he goes to his house, he should be able to eat very authentic hometown dishes. Tai Yi is looking forward to it.

"No problem at all."

"Okay! You can have a big meal! I want to eat a bun bigger than my face!"

The big-eared beast happily clapped its little hands, and its two big ears swayed back and forth like ponytails, dancing on Jianliang's generous shoulders.

Chapter 161 Chapter 150

"Gu Niu~ Gu Niu~"

Gu Le Beast joined their team again at some point.

At first Taichi wanted to bring her here too, but Kaito felt that fighting was not suitable for a cute, peaceful and playful little Digimon like her, so he refused, but Gulemon followed behind secretly, and now everything is over , of course she came back.

"It doesn't matter, just let her follow me, anyway, I don't have Digimon around me now, I'm not used to it."

Tai put Gulas in his arms, and gently stroked her soft little body with his hands.

"Will Taiyi be the trainer of Gulemon? But Gulemon doesn't like fighting."

She said in a soft, milky voice.

"It's a friend, not a beast trainer. Since you have nowhere to go, why not just follow me."

"Follow me Yagami Taichi, and I will let you satisfy your hunger."


As soon as he heard that there was something delicious, Gu Le Beast's eyes instantly became brighter.

He is still very confident in his cooking skills. After all, he has lived independently outside with Tiannv Beast for so long, which gave him the opportunity to hone his not-so-weak cooking skills to a stronger level, satisfying a small The little ancient music beast is definitely not a problem.

"Great, if there is Taiyi taking care of Gulemon, there is no need to worry at all!"

"Great! But Kielmon also wants to satisfy its hunger, Qiren."

"I'll try my best to bake bread you like."

Kaito and Kielmon also laughed happily.

Others are beast trainers watching Digimon to fight, but Iori Taichi doesn't seem to need to be so troublesome, he can transform into Digimon himself, so this is also very suitable for Digimon like Kulemon who don't like fighting.

"Well, I also have a question, Taiyi, where do you live now? Didn't you just come to this world recently?"

Seeing this scene, Jianliang suddenly thought of a question.

"It was at a friend's house."

Tai Yi answered with a guilty conscience.

"Friend? Is it the animal trainer?"


"...Actually, I noticed it when I saw you. Your clothes seem to be very similar to a famous animal trainer I once saw."

"It seems that you also know her, yes, these are her clothes."

Tai Yi knew that he couldn't hide it, so he could only admit it with a wry smile.

"So that's why you are friends with that Ms. Makino Ruki who once won three consecutive Digimon card battle games, and lived in her house?"

If it were someone else, it might be full of fantasies and eccentricities, but Li Jianliang is a good person, so he wouldn't gossip like this.

"Eh? Makino? That's right, is that the fox trainer we saw before?"

Qi Ren was surprised when he heard this.

"It's her."


Qi Ren frowned, not very happy.

He is not good at communicating with that person, because they treat Digimon with completely two extremes in concept. Qiren seems to be raising a son and a wife, but Ruhime uses it as a weapon.

And he also felt reconciled, even a little envious

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Ruhime, if he met Taichi earlier, he would also invite Taichi to his home, and then they can rent a house together, so that they can happily communicate with Digimon every day, and they can also ask him more Ask how to raise Keel beast.

"Why is it her? Taichi? Don't you think there is something wrong with her attitude towards Digimon?"

Qi Ren couldn't help asking him.

"I know what you mean, Qiren, but you misunderstood. In fact, Liu Ji is a good girl. When we meet next time, you should change your opinion of her."

"If you didn't really like Digimon, you wouldn't become a beast tamer."

"There are no bad guys who like Digimon~"

Taichi patted Kaito on the shoulder, and said with a relaxed smile.



Li Jianliang is indeed a wealthy family, his father is from Hong Kong, and his mother is Japanese. If I remember correctly, his father, Li Zhenyu, was one of the scientists who developed the digital world of this world, and played a very important role in the later period.

But this time Tai Yi didn't see him, even if he did, Tai Yi wouldn't ask him now "Does that red card have something to do with you?", because at this time, Li Zhenyu might not know what the red card is, but he He will definitely know about Di Limo's affairs, so don't be in a hurry.

The cooking aunt of Jianliang’s family learned that Tai Yi was an important guest of the young master, so she cooked a table full of sumptuous dishes, most of which were Cantonese and Jiangsu and Zhejiang dishes, and the taste was considered authentic. Tai Yi even had a cooking session with that aunt. Art exchanges, and plan to try it myself when I go back.

After all, he can't live in Liuji's house for nothing. Now Liuji's grandmother is responsible for most of the food in Liuji's house. It is not easy for the old man to cook every day when he is old, so Taiyi plans to share some of it for them.

In the afternoon after lunch, they sat together and had an in-depth exchange.

Jianliang put forward his own idea, that is, he didn't want the big-eared beast to become the type that likes to fight, but after Taiyi said that their world had given birth to a monster that would endanger the real world, there was nothing wrong with it. worried.

"So that Emperor Limo is like a monster like the Apocalypse Beast, right?"

After Tai Yi's brief explanation, Qi Ren and Jian Liang understood what kind of creature the so-called Di Li Mo was.

As the small audience of "Digimon Adventure" back then, they all knew that in this world, only beast tamers like them could stand up at this time

"His purpose is to clear the entire digital world, and even the data in the real world. If this is the case, then we will never stand idly by."

"We'll join the fight too!"

Taichi was very pleased with their determination, but he also expressed the hope that they would not act too hastily. Even though most of the Digimon have fighting instincts, he did not want them to spoil the seedlings, but let nature take its course and find ways to establish a deeper bond with their partner Digimon. Way.

In short, I just told the two of them again what I said to Ruhime yesterday, because they are boys, so Taiyi's words are a bit more intense, but they are all adults, and they can understand Taiyi's thoughts.

Tai will serve as their shield until they can walk side by side with Tai.

So after chatting for an afternoon, Taiyi had dinner at their house again after Jianliang's warm invitation, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when he returned to Makino's house. Back in front of his room, there happened to be a girl sitting in the corridor there, looking at him with resentment.

"Where did you go to play?"

This tone reminded Taiyi of the Celestial Beast when he came back late.

"I chatted with the other tamers, the two you met earlier, the tamers of the Kiel and the Big-Eared."

"Those two rookies? Tsk." Liu Ji thought of the unpleasant incident with them before. "Don't you also like playing Digimon?"

"What's wrong? You don't like me, what about the fox beast? I'm going to play house with her now, and then admire your jealous expression."


Liu Ji knew that that kind of thing was absolutely unnecessary, so she ignored him and started talking about business.

"The demon fox evolved today."

"Oh? Isn't that great?"

"The problem is, she has been maintaining her mature form now, and she can't turn into a fox beast anymore. You have to help me find a way."

Liu Ji pressed her forehead and said in distress.

Immediately afterwards, a big fox taller than Taiyi came out from the back of the house with all four feet on the ground. It also had nine tails. You can tell by the color of her fur that this is the mature stage of the evolution of the fox. Nine-tailed fox.

"Sorry, Liu Ji, I'm so useless."

The nine-tailed fox bowed its head in shame.

Chapter 162 Chapter 150 Chapter [-] Demon Fox Beast: Tai Yi is Really Powerful

"The fox beast has absorbed too much data, and the amount of data is obviously excessive at this time, and it is normal that it cannot degenerate on its own."

Taiyi walked up to the big fox, reached under her fluffy neck, touched her neck, and then touched her head. The nine-tailed fox also bent its legs and lay down on the ground very cooperatively. Enjoying this kind of petting, should it be said that it is a canine animal?

"For Digimon, self-degeneration is actually more difficult than evolution, especially for those Digimon who have been able to maintain their normal state above the mature stage, forcibly reducing themselves and compressing data is very harmful to the body.

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. "

"Stop explaining, help me find a way, if this goes on, the foxes and beasts won't be able to stay at home."

Seeing that he was only concerned with smoothing the fur of the nine-tailed fox, Liu Ji couldn't help urging.

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me, Liu Ji, it's not impossible for me to find a place outside to rest."

The nine-tailed fox blinked and said.

"Don't talk nonsense." Liu Ji was a little anxious. "How could I leave you alone?"

"And don't keep messing with other people's Digimon!"

Seeing Taichi enjoying the Nine-Tailed Fox's fur all the time, Liu Ji felt even more upset. What's more, the Nine-Tailed Fox didn't resist being touched like this. the meaning of.

"It's very simple. Since she has excess energy, why not let it out?"

"What do you mean?"

Taiyi let go of his hand, and took a few steps back, his body was ignited with enough orange-red digital souls to envelop his entire body.

"Nine-tailed fox, attack me with all your might."

He extended his arms and extended an invitation to the other party.

"This...how can this be done? Taiyi, what if I hurt you? Besides, this is Liu Ji's house, it will be bad if you accidentally destroy the surrounding walls."

The Nine-Tailed Fox also straightened its legs and stood up, immediately taller than Taiyi. The big fox's sense of oppression was very strong under the moonlight, but in Taiyi's eyes, it might be more like a large pet.

"Whenever you can hurt me, it means that student Liu Ji has graduated. Even without me, you can easily deal with future crises. I can leave at any time with peace of mind."

The nine-tailed fox obviously thought too much. The barrier created by Taiyi's digital soul can't even be cracked by many complete Digimon, and it can even cause explosive damage to the ultimate blood-sucking monster. Let her fight all night without moving, and she can't break the defense.

"Since when did I become your student?"

Liu Ji frowned slightly, crossed her arms in dissatisfaction and protested, like an angry orange cat.

Even if Tai Yi really taught her how to be an excellent animal trainer, she couldn't admit it!

"It's just a metaphor, a metaphor!"

Taiyi also gave her face not to be entangled in this problem, and then reminded her with a smile.

"Then, Liu Ji, sit still."


Taichi stabilized his mind, and released the Digisoul wrapped around his body for a second time.

In the picture shown in the fifth generation, the mature Digisoul is only the size of a fist, the perfect body needs to cover the whole body of the Digisoul, and the ultimate body is enough to cover the user's body within a radius of [-] meters Huge energy, the size gap between the three also fully demonstrated the strength gap between the three levels.

But now, Taiyi releases the digital soul again, covering the small courtyard and the corridor where Liu Ji is sitting. It was the first time Ruhime was wrapped by the digital soul, and it produced a very wonderful feeling.

Her shawl hair gradually floated up, her body became much lighter, and the surrounding gravity was no longer stable under the influence of the digital soul. Liu Ji could still see all kinds of block-shaped data in front of her eyes, and she I couldn't help reaching out to touch it, but I couldn't touch anything.

——Is this the digital soul?Is this Taichi's... the power to connect the hearts of the tamer and the Digimon?

Once again, Ruuhime Makino understands the difference in the world. If she really wants to catch up with Taichi... she is really far behind.

"Let's get started. Now here, you don't have to worry about being heard by others. No matter how big your moves are, I can bear them all."

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