"It's okay, anyway, your mother has misunderstood it, hasn't it? Wait a few days for me to solve the matter here, and you tell your mother that we broke up, and then I will never show up again, perfect solution!"

While eating the watermelon cut with a toothpick, Taichi turned around and smiled at her.

"Shame, great shame!"

Liu Ji buried her face in her knees, with an expression of lovelessness, and her body shape seemed much smaller than usual.

She will never be able to forget what Rumiko said just now... In short, it is to advise young people to be restrained, it is too early to do such things, and they must think carefully, and they must first finish their university studies. Think again.

Rumiko herself was probably at the same age as Ruhime when she gave birth to Ruhime, so she was very concerned about this kind of thing, and it was rare for her to take it seriously. She asked Taiyi to go outside for a while and talked to her a lot.

Taichi didn't eavesdrop, but he can probably guess what Rumiko said. It must be based on her early childhood and ignorance experience. The dream love was shattered by reality, and finally divorced Ruhime's father. Of course, what she said must be more Conceal, otherwise Liu Ji should be really angry now, after all, the father-related matter is a wound in Liu Ji's heart that cannot heal

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"Come and eat, there is nothing to worry about."

Tai put a fruit plate in front of her.

"The fox beasts are also coming to eat!"


The demon fox poked out the fox's head from under the quilt, moved its nose slightly, but looked at Liu Ji who was still sad, and didn't intend to move any more.

"I'm not worried, I'm just bored!"

"Why am I forced to honestly listen to my mother talking about marriage and childcare when I haven't even entered college..."

Liu Ji grabbed her own hair, the golden brown hair was mixed with white fingers, and her knees, which were slightly flushed, were brought together.

She lowered her head, not wanting Tai Yi to see her depressed expression.

This kind of thing is indeed quite excruciating. The crisis of urging marriage has come to Liu Ji in advance, not to mention that she is still determined to pay attention to those who do not plan to marry. She will encounter the marriage urging crisis later.

"Even if it's fake, it's uncomfortable."

"Actually, your mother should understand you quite well. After I leave this world, you should explain your thoughts to her clearly, and she will not interfere with your choice."

"How can you be so sure?"

Liu Ji raised her face and pouted.

"I'm sure that your mother was also deeply persecuted by this kind of thing. How could she force her daughter to marry for the sake of marriage? It's only human."

——Actually, it was because Taichi knew that in the later radio drama of the Beast Tamer King, the 28-year-old Ruhime was still single, and besides still not reuniting with the fox beast, she did enjoy a period of what she hoped for. In life, compared with Su Na, Tai Yi felt that Liu Ji must be freer and happier in the future.

"...It makes sense."

Liu Ji thought about it seriously. Her mother never forced herself to wear skirts except when she was a child.

In fact, she also understands this, but the feeling of being told so many things she doesn't want to hear and can only bear it is really uncomfortable, just let it out a little.

She moved her butt in a carefree and masculine way, and then picked up a toothpick and inserted fruit to eat. Seeing that Liu Ji was fine, she put it down and came over.

"Come on, fox beast—"

Taiyi liked to tease her very much, so he tied a watermelon to make the fox beast open its mouth and wanted to feed her. Unexpectedly, Liu Ji stared at her murderously, and his body froze, so he could only turn around and give it to her. The ancient music beast around.

"You said you want to tell me something serious, what is it?"

Liu Ji didn't seem to have any appetite either, she rested her chin with her hands, and looked at Taiyi lazily.

"It's not convenient to talk about it now, let's talk in detail in my room."

Taiyi glanced at Gule Beast a few times, Liu Ji of course understood the meaning, even though she was reluctant, she followed Taiyi and left the room.


While in the corridor, suddenly a gust of cool night breeze blew, and the girl behind her sneezed cutely.

Tai Yi stopped, looked back at her, and noticed the coat on his body again... He took it off and tried to put it on her, but she gave him another stare.

"Don't forget it."

Recently, Liu Ji seemed to be targeting him a little bit, and just now she insisted on asking herself whether she likes So Na or Mei Mei, Tai Yi knew that she was not really curious about this question, she just wanted to take the opportunity to see herself blushing in embarrassment.

This woman is difficult to deal with, Taiyi wanted to take it back after she finished speaking, but unexpectedly she snatched the clothes over, put them on in a very sassy movement, and straightened the collar.

"This is mine!"


The clothes were warm, and still had Tai Yi's body temperature, just like she had her body temperature when she handed it over to Tai Yi.

Liu Ji doesn't know what's wrong with her, she always doesn't want to show Taiyi a good face for no reason, always feels that he has taken advantage of her, and she will be very happy to see him suffer... But in this case, she should be very happy It was right to hate Taichi, but she knew it wasn't.

--No way?I will never fall in love with an animated character, right?

Liu Ji thought about it, maybe this is the so-called best friend, right?Just friends.

"The power to evolve Digimon is sealed on the top of Gulemon's head. As long as it is there, you will be able to evolve into a perfect body or even an ultimate body in the future."

"You just told me."

Ruki nodded.

"So, I think in the future, there will probably be many stronger Digimon coming here to take her away. I would like to ask your opinion. How do you think we should deal with her better?"

"Will she die if she is taken away?"

"Hard to say."


Liu Ji was silent for a while, and probably understood that Tai Yi was testing her character, trying to test what kind of animal trainer she was.

In this regard, Liu Ji's character will not lie, she will say what she has.

"She is very cute, but if keeping her will cause more powerful enemies to invade the real world and cause chaos, then we can only send her away."

"Yes, I thought so too."

This problem is actually Taichi's temporary idea, mainly because in his original world, in the follow-up "TRI" plot of the Digimon Adventure, such contradictions occurred, and Taichi and his party over there were vacillating between the pros and cons. It's a cerebral hemorrhage.

But now, Taiyi can basically conclude that Liu Ji has a much higher awareness than other animal trainers.

"But if you lose the ancient music beast, the demon fox

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Beasts cannot continue to evolve, what choice would you make? "

"...I will still choose to send her out." Liu Ji said firmly after thinking about it. "Because someone said that as long as I establish a deeper bond with the fox beast, I can evolve, so the power of Gulemon is not necessary."

"But in the end, why do I have to choose such a multiple-choice question? Either sacrifice the Gule beast or sacrifice innocent citizens?"

After Liu Ji finished answering, she found that something was wrong, because no matter how she answered this question, it was not the answer she wanted, so she added another sentence angrily.

"Let me use an analogy, of course I wouldn't let that happen."

"So, why can't I find the person who caused this problem and beat him up? Can't I choose to have them all?"

"Of course you can, but that means you need stronger strength to pave the way for you."

"I know, that's why I invited you to live in my house, and I have to endure being told by my mother about getting married and having children. You have to help me!"

Chapter 165 Chapter 150 Eight Demon Fox Beast: I Can't Betray Liu Ji!

"Actually, you should know that in order to deal with Emperor Limo, I will go to the digital world soon."

Taiyi wants to try his best to get rid of Di Li Mo in the world over there, and prevent him from harming human beings in reality. Although Taiyi secretly feels that this kind of thing is very difficult, he will still try his best to do it.

"Do you want to go together?"

"Of course I want to go." Liu Ji replied almost without thinking. "There should be more and more powerful Digimon out there, right? If Foxmon and I can walk around the Digital World and come back safely, wouldn't that count as conquering the Digital World?"

Liu Ji felt that unlocking this achievement was very meaningful, far more meaningful than a few consecutive championships.

"It's very difficult. As far as I know, this digital world has healthy four holy beasts."

"Are there still four holy beasts? If they can absorb their data, wouldn't they just take off?"

"...Let me tell you."

Tai Yi was very speechless, although being able to eat the experience of these four people is indeed quite a temptation.

"First of all, it's inhumane. Without the Four Holy Beasts, the order of the Digital World will collapse. Then I told you that blindly absorbing data is not a good thing."

"Just kidding, why are you so serious?" Liu Ji narrowed her eyes and chuckled lightly. "Actually, I just want to take Yaohumon on an adventure together, and if there is really a force that targets Gulemon, it is better to start a war in the digital world than in the real world."

"That being said, it would be very dangerous if you go to the digital world like this now. I go there by myself to find someone to fight with. I don't want to bring a few troubles over there... So, Ruhime, at least wait until you have I will take you to the digital world after you can fully evolve the ability."

"What, such a stinky fart, do you look down on me? It's just a bonus from a supermodel like Digital Soul."

Taiyi might be a little anxious if someone else said this, but he was not angry when Liu Ji said this, but wanted to correct her statement.

"You are right, I did get a bonus, but this bonus is not the digital soul."

"what is that?"

"I can be so strong because I have a partner who is strong enough to crush everything."

"Heavenly Beast? Is she strong?"

At present, Liu Ji has no concept of the Celestial Beast that Tai Yi said. In her impression, the Celestial Beast is just an angel who can attack the dark-type undead Digimon. It will be difficult. In card games, she doesn't like this kind of partial card.

"If you see her by chance, you will probably understand."

"Sooner or later, I will have a fair and just competition with you, a battle between beast trainers, after my fox beast can also evolve to the ultimate body."

Liu Ji is very eager to surpass Taiyi, at least to obtain the qualification to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, so that she can be worthy of the sacrifices she made to keep Taiyi in her own home.

"I hope, I miss her very much now."

Thinking of her over there, Taiyi couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Although the life here is still stable and nourishing, without Tiannv Beast by his side, Tai Yi always feels that something is missing... Now I can only hope that Beetle Beetle and Koshiro can quickly work hard to find the universe they are in .

--correct!When the animal trainers in this world bond with Digimon, they will automatically generate the "arc" Tyrannosaurus machine in Ruhime's hand, also known as the Digital Ark. In that case, is it possible for me to also achieve network evolution, and merge with Tiannvmon into one? What about creating a new evolutionary form?



In the morning of the next day, Taiyi accompanied Gulemon outside to play football for half the morning, and Yaohumon accompanied them at his kind invitation, while Ruhime went to school to go through some formalities, and she would go to Tokyo in a few days. It is quite troublesome to report to the university you applied for...

This made Taiyi sigh, if he hadn't encountered these accidents, he might have been dealing with these trivial matters.

Playing football with Kulemon and the others is also very interesting. This feeling is a bit like when Jiaer came to Taiyi when she was a child, hoping that I could teach her how to play football... and it is even more outrageous than that. I have the feeling that I am a part-time kindergarten teacher. illusion.

"No, you fox beast, you won't be able to break through me by kicking like this."

Taiyi saw that the shooting posture was not right, which led to the fox beast being frequently thrown away by Taiyi, so he couldn't help but educate him.

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"Sorry Taichi, I don't seem to be very good at this kind of game."

The demon fox feels that he can't grasp the strength well. If he kicks hard, he may hurt Taiyi. If he doesn't use force, he can't break through Taiyi's blockade, and he can't kick Taiyi at all. curveball.

"Let Gule Beast come~ Hehehe!"

Gulemon picked up the football that fell on the ground, then shoveled it deftly, and then jumped up and headed the goal. Taichi pretended to be "working hard" to catch it, but let the ball go.

Of course Taichi can block this kind of simple ball, but Gulemon will be very sad... Of course, adults and children can't take it too seriously. This is the reason Taichi summed up. Wild ball, because no one can only play against a few junior high school students, and they have conflicts with each other.

You play seriously, they say you bully people, you don’t play seriously, they say you look down on people, it’s really... difficult to deal with, since then, Taiyi has basically only played against his peers, of course peers sometimes This kind of situation will also happen, so generally Taiyi will not fight against them, just play casually.

But in the face of the fox beast, he had to use all his strength, because her strength was not weaker than that of a man in his prime.

"Yeah!! A goal!"

"Gulemon did a good job! The posture is also very standard."

"Taiyi...how did you know that she is in the right posture?"

Yaohu Beast felt a little bit upset, felt that Taiyi was treating them differently, obviously everyone was in the growth stage, why did Taiyi only let Gulemon and not himself?

She has a body shape close to that of a human, and she has a completely animal fur. This kind of body is very subtle, and it has also caused her to become the protagonist of many Digimon Fu Rui-related books... In other words, she is like a human being, so many of her actions are in Taiyi Seems to have too many flaws.

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