A Different Pokémon Journey Author: Pity


Instead of Pikachu, there are croaking frogs.

There are no familiar threesomes, some are lonely solo travelers.

Friends, rivals, partners...everything has changed beyond recognition.

But even in the wrong world, even if he is no longer the protagonist, our Xiaozhi is still Xiaozhi, the enthusiastic boy who has remained unchanged for 20 years, and the eternal Pokémon protagonist in our hearts!

This is the story of Xiao Hao, the main character who was overturned by a car, and returned to the throne of the protagonist step by step from a supporting role, our Xiao Zhi's story.

"Koga Ninja Frog, let's go!"

"Cool Ga!"

Section 2 Chapter 1 different origins


The black-haired boy sat up abruptly. Looking at the familiar scene in the room before him, he couldn't help scratching his head.

"It turned out to be a dream..."

Then the boy glanced at the time on the bedside,

08: 30.

"Ah, is it already this time!"

The boy hurriedly got out of bed, washed his face, brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, and then hurried downstairs. At this moment, his mother had already prepared breakfast for him.

"I'm stuffed!"

The young man finished all the breakfast in a turbulent manner. He walked to the entrance, put on his sneakers, picked up the red and white hat on the shoe cabinet, and put them on. The young man said hello and went out.

"I am leaving!"

"Don't run so fast, it's still early, Xiaozhi, did you hear what I said? Xiaozhi? Xiaozhi!"


Looking at the boy who had already run away, my mother shook her head helplessly,

"This kid is still so reckless..."


His name is Xiaozhi, and he is an ordinary boy in Zhenxin Town who aspires to become a Pokémon master.

Today is the day for him to collect Pokémon. Originally, because he was too excited to sleep last night, Xiaozhi would probably get up late and be late, but because of a nightmare, Xiaozhi woke up before the prescribed time for the first time .

And even though he is very excited to finally be able to lead his Pokémon, Xiaozhi still can't help but think about that nightmare scene.

He couldn't remember the content of the dream, but he had a vague feeling that someone had snatched everything from him...

But immediately Xiaozhi stopped thinking about it.

Because Dr. Oki's research institute has arrived.

"Dr. Oki, I'm here to claim the Pokémon!"

"Xiaozhi? Why are you here now?" Looking at this reckless young man, Dr. Oki said dissatisfiedly, "The others have already received their Pokémon and set off."

"Eh? But isn't it just the appointed time?" Xiaozhi looked at the clock, "It's nine o'clock now."

"Come 10 minutes earlier, young people can't even do a roll?" Dr. Oki said slowly.

"I don't really understand." Xiaozhi said the truth, and then his expression was already excited, "Let's not talk about this, doctor, where is the Pokémon? Where is my Pokémon?"

"What's the rush?" As he said, Dr. Oki went to the console to operate it, and then a table slowly rose up, with four poke balls on it.

"I already thought about it last night." Xiaozhi picked up one of them without saying a word, "It's up to you, come out, Charmander!"

call out!

Nothing happened.

"? Doctor, why is the elf ball empty?"

"Little Charmander has been taken by the person who rolled in front."

"Why..." Xiaozhi was a little disappointed, but immediately, he turned his attention to the other poke balls, "Then it's up to you, Frog Seed!"

call out!Still empty.

"Jenny Turtle!"


"Misaka Mikoto!"

Still empty.

"Why are they all empty, Doctor!"

"Well, there is no way, there are too many people involved." Dr. Oki looked at Xiaozhi, "But there is indeed another Pokémon, but this Pokémon has always had some problems, so it has never been picked up. Take it."

Xiaozhi, who was already desperate, said without hesitation, "Just give me that, Dr. Oki!"

"Are you sure? Alright." Dr. Oki took out a poke ball from his pocket, "here, this is it."

"Come out, my friend!"

Xiaozhi threw out the Pokémon Ball without hesitation,

call out!

There was a burst of white light, and the next moment, a blue Pokémon appeared in Xiaozhi's eyes.


"Eh? What kind of Pokémon is this?" Xiaozhi looked at this Pokémon, he said in amazement, and then he couldn't help muttering to himself, "And why isn't it Pikachu..."

"This is the original Pokémon in the Kalos area, called Guaguabaoba." Six nine four, nine three, six one three five

"Quack puff baby?"

Xiaozhi nodded slightly, then he leaned down, stretched out a hand, and said to Guguabaowa who was looking around,

"Guaguabaoba, I'm Xiaozhi, please give me more advice from now on."


Guagua Paowa followed the outstretched hand, and slowly looked at Xiaozhi's silly face. After seeing the sincerity in Xiaozhi's eyes, Guaguapaowa let out a cry, and then it put its little hand in Xiaozhi's. superior,

A smile appeared on Xiaozhi's face, but the next moment, he heard Dr. Oki say slowly,

"However, there is a little problem with this croaking doll,"

Then at the next moment, Xiaozhi saw that the quack puff in his hand disappeared in the blink of an eye, and after another flash, the puff puff appeared directly in front of him. In a second, Guagua Paowa stretched out his foot to Xiaozhi, and then kicked forward fiercely!


Xiaozhi made a 720-degree gyration directly in the air.

"It's amazingly fast."

Only then did Dr. Oki speak the second half of the sentence slowly,

"It hurts..." Xiaozhi covered his cheeks, he looked in shock at the quack puff who had fallen to the ground and stood with his hands behind his back, "Is this Pokémon so ruthless?"

"Yeah, so it's almost impossible for a novice trainer to command it." Dr. Oki continued, "Do you want to change Pokémon? But the next batch will have to wait another week."

"It doesn't matter, I'll choose Guaguabaoba!"

Xiaozhi said without hesitation, and then he stretched out his hand to Guaguabaowa again, Xiaozhi showed a big smile to Guaguabaowa,

"You are so strong, Guaguabaowa, my name is Xiaozhi, and I am currently practicing with the goal of a Pokémon master."

"Although I am still weak now, I will become very strong in the future, so, Guaguabaoba, can you help me?"


Seeing Xiaozhi who was beaten severely by him and still showing kindness to him, Guagua Paowa was stunned for a moment, this human being looks a little different from other human beings.

Moreover, the feel of his hand is completely different from others, and he feels more comfortable.

Guaguabaowa fell into deep thought,

Pokémon master?Hmph, interesting.

In the next second, Xiaozhi found that the Guagua Paowa in front of him disappeared in an instant. Before he could react, he saw the elf ball in his hand suddenly emit red light, and the Guagua Paowa had returned to the poke ball before he knew it. .

Xiaozhi froze for a moment, then the smile on his face widened,

"After that, please teach me more."


The quack puff in the elf ball heard Xiaozhi's voice, and he let out a cry that no one responded to.

Don't get me wrong, it's just that your hand feels better than others, and you are more suitable as a target.


Section 3, Chapter 2, I have subdued the Pokémon!

Joban Forest.

At this moment, Xiaozhi has been lost in the forest for two days.

He originally wanted to go to the nearest Tokipan City to challenge the gym, but because of the heavy rain just after he left the house, Xiaozhi ran into the forest to hide from the rain in a panic, but he accidentally ran into a unicorn, and directly Attracted a large needle bee colony...

Originally Xiaozhi wanted to let Guaguabawa fight. After all, with its strength, it should not be a problem to solve a wild bee colony, but who would have thought that Guaguabaowa would not play the ball at all... No way, Xiaozhi also He could only run into the depths of the forest, and when he came to his senses, the big needle bee escaped, but he didn't know where he was now...

But Xiaozhi only panicked for a short while, and then stopped panicking.

After all, panic is useless.

And he is quite familiar with Viridian Forest. Xiaozhi often came here to play when he was a child. He is very familiar with the distribution of food and water sources, so he doesn't have to worry about the problem of starvation. In this case, it is only a matter of time before he can go out.

After figuring this out, Xiaozhi focused on Pokémon.

He wants to tame some Pokémon here.

Viridian Forest is the largest forest in the entire Kanto region. There are all kinds of Pokémon inhabiting it. Xiaozhi thought that at least one or two Pokémon should be tamed here. Not even a Pokémon...

After all, Guaguabaowa doesn't listen to his orders at all now.

But now there is a problem.

He needs a Pokémon for a Pokémon battle.

But he has no Pokémon to command, so he needs to tame a Pokémon first.

But subduing requires Pokémon battles, but he has no Pokémon.

...So, the problem enters an infinite loop.

"Please, Guaguabaoba, even if it's just once, help me defeat that Bobo?"

Xiaozhi almost knelt down for Gua Gua Pao Wa.


But Guaguapaowa just lay comfortably on the rocks and basked in the sun. To Xiaozhi's entreaties, he just waved his hand, acting as if he was doing his own thing.


Seeing the appearance of Guaguabaoba, Xiaozhi could only give up the idea of ​​asking him to help, but when he looked at Bobo who was pecking at the food, he suddenly felt evil,

"Forget it, I can catch Pokémon without you."

As he said that, Xiaozhi lay down all over the ground, hiding in the grass as much as possible, he pressed against Bobo over there, and approached Bobo silently,

After getting close to the same distance, Xiaozhi raised his butt slightly, his legs gathered strength, his eyes were fixed, and the next moment Xiaozhi rushed out,

Hungry tigers rush for food!


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