The three of them didn't read the rules of the game, so naturally they didn't know what the content of the game was.

But they don't care, it's just this level of mechanism, and it won't affect their speed at all.

Then Xiaozhi and the others stopped paying attention to this thing. At this time, the dense fog had dispersed. Seeing the sign ahead, the three of them immediately continued to accelerate.

"No.1 must be me!"

"You're thinking about farting!"

"...I will win."

The three of them rode Juechen into the forest, but they didn't realize that the sign behind them, not long after they passed by, the wind blew, and it split into several pieces of wood !

It's like a fake brand!

"The plan works! Meow."

Then I saw a Miaomiao head popping up in the bushes. It snickered and looked at the three of Xiaozhi who got into the jungle. Then, Miaomiao took out a walkie-talkie,

"Hey, Musashi, Kojiro, the first phase of the plan has been successful."


Musashi and Kojiro, who were in the crowd, said a little through the small walkie-talkie on their ears. Afterwards, Musashi and Kojiro looked at the trainers in front of them,

"These Pokémon are usually considered relatively rare Pokémon."

"But it's a pity, there are more cherished Pokémon..."

Musashi and Kojiro glanced at each other, their faces secretly showing the same sinister smile as Meow Meow,

"Catch them all now!"

Chapter 121 Chapter 110 IX I'm Not a Stepping Stone (Addition 23)

The Rockets’ trio’s strategy is actually very simple. Miaomiao, who did not participate in the competition, misled the three guys running in front and led them to the wrong route, while Musashi and Kojiro who participated in the competition were responsible for making moves to save the rest of them. All of the trainers have been resolved.

... Musashi and Kojiro's level of trainers, um... To be honest, they are not very strong, but they are not actually serious trainers. In fact, when they were in the Rockets school, they learned about training. Home knowledge only accounts for a small part of all the learning content, and most of the remaining content is modern scientific and technological knowledge such as secret service engineering blasting and so on.

Although the cadres of the Rockets are all very powerful trainers, and even their boss Sakagi is the most powerful trainer of the entire Rockets, but that is to say, because the Rockets use Pokémon as tools. The concept naturally makes the Rockets not stick to using only Pokémon, and it is precisely because of this concept that what the Rockets run the school to teach is no longer the various knowledge of the trainer. A kind of application of human technology... The members of the Rockets who come out of here are counted as one, and they are all the kind that even if they are separated from Pokémon, they can also rely on technology to have good combat effectiveness.

And Kojiro and Musashi, who graduated with honors, are also proficient in this knowledge... In fact, as the best graduates of the Rockets school in recent years, if they really let them do their best, regardless of the means of trainers , let alone the cadres of the Rockets, even Boss Sakagi may not be able to do better than these three guys who are at full strength.

To give a very simple example, just like the big mech made by Biotope Company before, taking advantage of the fact that most of Biotope’s researchers were mobilized to steal the home, the Rockets trio stole the manufacturing materials, and then looked at After they finished, they showed disdain for this mecha, saying that this rubbish thing would be a shame, and they could make something better than this with their eyes closed and just amassing some parts.

What's even worse is that they aren't bragging yet...

Then what makes people feel even more incomprehensible is that the scolding is scolding. After scolding, the Rockets trio digested and absorbed all the relatively eye-catching designs in the drawings to strengthen them!

…Better talented than most people, and I am studious enough to learn, this is a fart. To a certain extent, the talent of the trio in tools is almost the same as that of Xiaozhi and the three of them. A peerless genius that is rarely seen.

Even relatively speaking, they have gone further on this road than Xiaozhi and the others.

After all, although the three of Xiaozhi are very strong, they probably don't dare to be called the number one in the world... This is understandable, after all, they have only debuted for a few months, and they still need to continue to grow.

As for the three of them...there is probably no problem at all with being number one in the world.

After all, probably not many people can match these three freaks in terms of ingenuity...

So when Musashi and Kojiro really decided to make a move, these trainers were caught off guard by their self-made big nets, together with the Pokémon.

In the process, they also directly hacked into the channel of the live drone, and put the video they had edited in a few minutes before - the technological content of the drone is not too big, let alone It is not easy to decipher the civilian type, so so far, neither the audience nor the staff have noticed anything strange.

And after finishing all this and taking all the trainers in one pot, Musashi and Kojiro naturally continued to run towards the finish line slowly, riding Abo monster and Dashihua.

Musashi and Kojiro are not fools either. How could they not know that it is basically impossible to win the championship with the two Pokémon that are not very fast, such as Arbor and Dashihua, but they still use it like this. Naturally, they have their reasons.

It's like Crimson using Kirby, but the three of them are thinking of playing outside the game. As long as I do all the contestants well, then this No. 1 will be easy to catch?

At that time, it doesn't matter what the speed is or not. I will still be No.1 even if I compete with a jug!

This is how Team Rocket races!

Hmm... I have to say that although the trio did not regard Pokémon as a tool too much because of their kind nature, the Rockets' tool concept still deeply affected their thinking, causing them in many places, They all prefer to engage in some out-of-the-box tricks, and even sometimes even if they are sure of winning, they will still do some tricks, which will eventually make things fall short.

But it is true that this kind of thinking also makes their thinking a lot more flexible.

It can only be said that there are pros and cons.

What's more, as a cute and charming villain, he should do what such a villain would do!

Jie Jie Jie Jie!

"Our side is stable." Kojiro walked slowly in Oshika's mouth, he turned his head to look at Musashi, "I don't know if it will be smooth for Meow Meow."

After all, there are two goals they want to achieve on this trip, one is to win the competition championship and get a prize, and the other is to snatch all of Xiaozhi's Pokémon... Pikachu's words can only be used this time because he didn't follow the competition. Let it go for now, but they don't have any regrets. After all, although Pikachu is missing, the trio is still planning to give the red and green Pokémon to them—rare Pokémon with Wind Speed ​​Dog and Snorby Pokémon, presumably the quality of the Pokémon they tamed would not be bad, right?

With such a simple thought, they were ready to deal with the three of them in one go.

So they split into two groups, Musashi and Kojiro guarantee the victory of the game, while Miaomiao will help them eliminate these three ruthless people, and at the same time, be prepared to wipe them all out.

Of course, it's not that they don't know how ruthless these three brats are, but even so, they still dare to do it. After all, it should be said or not, if the three of the Rockets fight with all their strength, they may be the champions I also want to be deflated...

As long as technology is in hand, a mere champion is worth nothing!

This is what the trio really thinks.

"It should be no problem." Musashi thought for a while, and she said firmly, "We have made major changes and upgrades to Meow Miao No. [-], and there is absolutely no problem facing those three brats!"

Mechas attacking Pokémon is not the first biotope, the Rockets are the originator of this aspect, and the trio of graduates who are the most outstanding Rockets are the best among them. To deal with the three brats of Xiaozhi, the Rockets spent a lot of money, even spent all their funds, buying a bunch of high-quality materials, and then stealing...well, all kinds of materials collected, such as What about the energy shield in the biotope, the Gundam ruins in the Kalos area, the artificial intelligence technology of Silver Corporation... In short, all the technologies that feel useful are all piled on the mecha, don't worry about them. How to integrate different technologies, but in short, the final result is that they successfully produced the unprecedented Meow Meow III.

With Miaomiao No. [-], not to mention three monster trainers, even if it is three powerful legendary Pokémon, the trio is also confident that they can take them all together!

As for why Miaomiao did this, firstly, it is because Miaomiao is the main designer of the main body of Miaomiao No. [-], and is more familiar with the various functions of Miaomiao No. [-] than the two participants, Kojiro Musashi Some, and the other is that Miaomiao has rich experience in mecha driving, and his driving can make the mecha more flexible, and it will not appear in the situation of Dr. Jiedo who regards the mecha as a standing machine.

In short, from the mecha to the driving, the trio has put out all their strength. It can be said that this Meow Miao No. [-] is the highest technological crystallization that the trio can produce so far. Knowing that the three of Xiaozhi are real scumbags, the trio is equally confident that they can take them down.

This wave, this wave is called technology and hard work!


"That's right."

Hearing Musashi's analysis, Kojiro summed it up and found that it was true, so Kojiro's expression immediately became turbulent,

"At that time, dedicate all these Pokémon to Boss Sakagi..."

"We'll definitely get promotions and pay raises."

Musashi and Kojiro looked at each other, they couldn't help laughing silly,

"What a great feeling!"



And although Musashi and Kojiro here are thinking well, at the other end of the forest, the situation of Miaomiao is not so good.

According to the original plan, he drove the strongest Miaomiao No. [-] to the front of Xiaozhi and the three of them. At the beginning, none of their attacks caused any damage to Miaomiao No. [-]. Seeing their surprise Miaomiao was still very proud of the expression, but before Miaomiao dropped the cruel words to make them surrender, he saw the three of Xiaozhi and the three suddenly showed a frenzied expression after being surprised,

"What a tough machine, even tougher than Biotope's robots!"

"So hard... Maybe it can be used to detect tactics?"

"...nice one."

Then, the three of them regarded Miaomiao No. [-] as a test machine, and experimented with various new moves with one brain.

...Meow Meow [-] is different from the previous mechs. The mechas are not too bulky, not even bulky.Under the driving of Miaomiao, you can also do the extremely unimaginable operation of emergency evasion, and then add all kinds of weapons covered all over your body, as well as skilled combat skills in close combat, and more importantly, the opportunity to match the previous biotope. Armor is similar but requires a more powerful energy shield. Even if the three of Xiaozhi want to play this thing accidentally, they will suffer a big loss.

But are they the kind of people who don't get on when they have trouble?

Obviously not, it should even be said that they are the kind of monsters whose eyes shine brighter the more difficult they are.

After all, only by going through more difficult situations can one forge stronger strength!

They...not only didn't get angry because Meow Meow-[-] wanted to capture their Pokémon, but happily used it as a whetstone to make themselves stronger.

If you want our Pokémon, come get it if you can!

So, I saw the scarlet Kirby and Meow Miao No. [-] fighting each other head-on, and withstood all the melee attacks of Miao Miao No. [-] head-on, and when Miao Miao No. Gou Bian did his part, using firepower against firepower. Although the firepower of Meow Miao No. [-] was not suppressed, the three of them were not suppressed by the firepower of the mecha either.

The last Xiaozhi was responsible for prying open the mecha shell of Meow Miao No. [-]. After all, compared to the other two, he was the only one who had the experience of crushing the energy shield.

None of the three used other Pokémon.

Firstly, in the face of such mechs, more Pokémon may not make the situation better. On the contrary, it is very likely that the situation will go wrong due to the large number of people. And the second point...that is, naturally, all three of them I feel that just relying on the current three Pokémon, I can already deal with that weird meow mech.

Some people may say how can a Pokémon that has just joined the team be so fierce, um... This is not bad, after all, Huozhiji has not been training for a long time. The strength of the seniors like Nioqiu who joined the team earlier is indeed much weaker, but in fact the current Huozhiji is not just fighting alone, just like the big needle bee. At this moment, it has actually superimposed all of Xiaozhi's strength. The power of the Pokémon, in other words, it looks like a Pokémon at the moment, but in fact, Xiaozhi and the frog are all swarming up and attacking Meow Miao No. [-].

Since the big needle bee can carry the power of fetters and transform into a bee pillar force, it makes no sense that the fire chicken cannot become a chicken pillar force!

It is precisely because of the development of this skill that the frog did not follow Xiaozhi all the time in this game, but chose to stay with Pikachu and wait for Xiaozhi and the others to come back.

After all, with this ability, even if the frog is not around, he can still help Xiaozhi defeat the enemy with all his strength.

As Xiaozhi said before.

They are a whole.

And Miao Miao here, after realizing what the three little devils were doing, naturally felt that Miao Miao, who was underestimated, was out of anger.

"Meow meow is not a stepping stone, meow!"

So, the angry Meow Meow pulled the lever to the end.

Feel the wrath of the cats!

Rocket Fist!


Then, after 10 minutes, Musashi and Kojiro slowly moved to the finish line by riding Abo monster and Dashihua.

Looking at the straight horizontal bar at the finish line, Musashi and Kojiro immediately showed complacent expressions on their faces.

The plan was a complete success.

Champions, here we come!

Then under the cheers of the audience, the two rushed out of the line almost simultaneously,

Immediately afterwards, the excited voice of the explainer sounded,

"Here it is! Let us congratulate the runner-up and third runner-up of this competition!"

"Hahahaha we are champions... What did you say? Runner-up and third place!?"

Musashi stared at the explanation platform with wide eyes,

"What nonsense are you talking about, how could there be someone earlier than us..."

Before they finished speaking, the two saw Serena holding an Eevee coming from a distance,

"Well, have you seen that boy riding a turkey?"

Serena's face was full of question marks at the moment.

What's the situation, why did I just go to help bandage an injured Ibrahimovic, and she became the number one in a blink of an eye?

Where did the three of Xiaozhi in the front go? ?

And Musashi and Kojiro here also stared at Serena with wide eyes, what's going on, didn't they take all the trainers in one pot?Where did this little girl come from? !

Before they could ask any questions, everyone suddenly heard a roar coming from a distance. They turned their heads to look, and immediately saw a meow running upright with a flustered expression, and behind him, You can see Xiaozhi's blue, green and red three people staring closely at Meow with their eyes shining,

"Meow, don't stop fighting, our battle is not over yet!"

"Hurry up and get on the plane for me!"


Before Musashi and Kojiro realized what had happened, after seeing the two of them, the Meow over there rushed towards them without hesitation.

"Hey, meow, what happened..."

"There's no time to explain, these three brats are simply lunatics!"

Meow interrupted Musashi roughly, and then it reached out and took out Kojiro's pocket in an instant, and then, in the blink of an eye, took out a red cannonball,

Seeing the firecracker's Meow Meow's face beam with joy,

"This is it!"

Seeing the things in Meow Meow's hands, Musashi and Kojiro's expressions changed,

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