At this time, Xiaozhi and others waited quietly in the hall for the treatment of Pokémon to end.

"Speaking of Chi Hong, why are you in that hole?"

Xiaozhi looked at Chihong curiously,

"I didn't see you in the crowd in Dasha Valley either?"

After all, few people would wear a red hat like Chihong, so if Chihong was really in the Dasha Valley at that time, then Xiaozhi should also be able to see Chihong.

But in fact, Xiaozhi never saw any trace of red in Dasha Valley.

"...didn't go." Chi Hong shook his head slightly, and then he explained to Xiaozhi and the other two why he was in that cave,

"... got in somewhere else."

Dasha Valley is just a more distinctive valley in a series of mountains, but from this point of view, the area of ​​the pothole may be several times or even ten times larger than everyone imagined.

In this case, it may not be an easy task to completely ban it.

"I don't know how the league will deal with it then."

"Maybe there will still be a certain number of places open at regular intervals?" Serena thought for a while, "Maybe it will be reopened after the alliance sends people to explore?"

"Well... maybe so."

Although there is no fossil pterosaur, the Pokémon with sickle helmets left in the cave are not something ordinary trainers can handle.

Everyone waited for a while, and the Pokémon finally finished replying.


Then, when everyone took the poke ball back, everyone saw that the lights in the hall suddenly flickered rapidly, and within a few seconds, they were completely turned off.

"power cut?"

Before everyone was surprised, Xiaozhi and others saw Miss Joy at the front desk looking up at the light tube, then turned her head indifferently and walked to a small room next to her. Not long after, Miss Joy came After launching a generator, she walked into the backstage with ease, and after a few minutes, the light in the hall was restored.

"Everything is normal here, please don't panic."

They heard Miss Joy who came back say,

Seeing Miss Joy's flowing movements, Serena on the side couldn't help but said,

"...Miss Joy, is there a frequent power outage here?"

"Yes." Miss Joy nodded, although she was used to it, but Miss Joy's expression was still a little helpless, "Basically, the electricity will be cut off once or twice a week, and then you have to wait for a few hours to recover Power supply, so there is no way, we can only configure a generator by ourselves, and when there is no electricity, we will first generate electricity to deal with it.”

"It's too hard, isn't it?" Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but said, "Isn't there anyone looking for the reason?"

"Of course everyone has already looked for this." Miss Joy explained, "But even if the reason is found, it is not so easy to deal with."

"There is an abandoned power plant not far from the outskirts of Heiyun City." Looking at the curious eyes of everyone, Ms. Joy continued, "It is said to be abandoned, but in fact there are still some generators working inside, and this There are some wild electric-type Pokémon gathered there, and from time to time they will absorb the electricity of the city, causing a large-scale power outage."

"Is this too much?" Xiaozhi shook his head, "Even wild Pokémon must be reasonable."

"... Wild Pokémon have to be reasonable?" Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Ms. Joy froze for a moment, and then she looked at Xiaozhi strangely.

It was the first time she had heard of reasoning with wild Pokémon.

But fortunately, Serena over there said something that Miss Joy could understand,

"Then Miss Joy, haven't you organized people to deal with that power plant?"

"Of course we have done it." Ms. Joy sighed, "But I don't know why, the Pokémon level in that power plant is unexpectedly high, and our trainers here want to drive those Pokémon away. Almost impossible."

"We also reported this matter to the Alliance." After speaking, Ms. Joy sighed, "I don't know when the Alliance will send someone to deal with it."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi immediately patted his chest,

"In that case, let me talk to those Pokémon!"


"Yeah! I'll reason with the Pokémon!"

"..." Seeing that Xiaozhi was really going to reason with wild Pokémon, Ms. Joy opened her mouth, and then she turned to look at Red and Serena beside her,

"Are you with this boy? Are you going too?"

"Yeah." Serena nodded, "I'm with Xiaozhi."

"...same." Chi Hong thought for a while, then nodded in the same way,


Chapter 149 Chapter 140

Now that it has been determined to help solve the unmanned power plant, Xiaozhi and his party naturally followed Miss Joy's guidance and walked all the way to the unmanned power plant in the suburbs.

Heiyun City is a serious industrial city, so the distance between the unmanned power plant and the urban area is not too far, and Xiaozhi and Chihong's footsteps are not too slow, so it took only 10 minutes Left and right, Xiaozhi and the others arrived at the destination pointed by Miss Joy.

" the unmanned power plant?"

Looking up at the building in front of him, Xiao Zhi's expression was a little surprised.

"How does it doesn't look like an abandoned building?"

That's right, the factory building in front of him feels very new to Xiaozhi, so new that he even wonders if the power plant is still in operation.

It's fine if the windows and doors aren't broken, why doesn't the ground look dusty?

Could it be that the electric-type Pokémon cleaned it?

Such a thought flashed through Xiaozhi's mind.

If this is the case, then the Pokémon here still make sense?

But just when Xiaozhi thought that the communication with the Pokémon this time should not be too strenuous, Xiaozhi heard a movement in the room, and then, everyone saw a small tree standing on its head. A dull brown-haired girl and a blond-haired girl wearing a straw hat were talking and laughing as they walked towards the door.

Let’s not talk about the girl with yellow hair, the girl with a messenger bag, everyone can say that they all know each other,

That's right, it's the traveling girl Bilan.

At this time, the two girls hadn't noticed Xiaozhi and the others at the door, and then they heard Bi Lan say to Xiao Huang enthusiastically,

"Xiao Huang, are you sure it said that as long as I properly arrange the Pokémon here, it will go with me?"

"'ve already asked me five times." The girl called Xiaohuang sighed a long time,

"And even without me, if Lightning Bird didn't recognize you, he wouldn't let you meet so many times, right?"

"Hey hey...I know." Bilan scratched her head, she said a little embarrassedly, "But I'm still a little nervous..."

"It's better to think about what to do next than to be nervous here." Xiao Huangbai glanced at Bilan, "Lightning Bird only gave you three weeks."

"That's not a problem."

Bilan patted her chest, she said confidently,

"I've already figured out how to arrange these Pokémon, the next thing is to find a way to persuade them, Xiao Huang, you can't abandon me at this time! I still count on you to help me persuade these Pokémon! "

"Yes, yes." Xiao Huang rubbed his temples tiredly, "Who told me to have you as my friend?"

"Hey, Xiao Huang, you are the best."

Hearing what Xiao Huang said, Bi Lan made a gesture to pounce on Xiao Huang and use the cheek rubbing move...

"Come on, let me rub my face~"

And before she could really move, at this moment, the blue peripheral vision accidentally glanced at her, and she finally found Xiaozhi and the three standing silently at the door.

"...Chihong, Xiaozhi, Serena? Why are you here!?"

Bilan looked at the three in shock and asked.

"Should we ask you this?"

Hearing Bilan's question, Xiaozhi couldn't help but say,

"Didn't you tame Pokémon in the Galar region? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"How long has that been?"

Bilan waved her hand,

"How precious my time is, it must have been rushed back non-stop after the Pokémon was conquered!"

"It doesn't seem like a long time has passed..." Xiaozhi scratched his head, then he looked around Bilan, "Did you not come to the Kanto region with you?"

"No." Bilan shook her head, and she briefly told Xiaozhi about Keke's recent situation, "After getting a general understanding of some common sense in society, he asked me to register him as a trainer, and then he was alone in Galle. Traveled to the Seoul area."

"I see..." Hearing what Bilan said, Xiaozhi nodded slightly, "It seems that Keke has already chosen her own path."

"However, if this is the case, it should mean that Coco has learned jungle healing and has become a real Zarund?"

"Of course!" Bilan embraced her chest proudly, "Buying and selling with integrity is my way of doing business!"

"Since I have promised Ke Ke, I will definitely get things done for him no matter what!"

"Then you are really amazing..." Before Bilan could continue bragging, Xiao Huang next to him said faintly, "Xiaolan, I think the share between us...or change it to Sanqi share?"

"do not!"

Hearing what Xiao Huang said, Xiao Lan, who was still in high spirits, immediately changed her expression.

"I made a mistake, Xiao Huang, don't change the share!"

"Even if you really want to change it... at least wait until I beat Chihong and Qinglu fat!"


Hearing Bilan mentioning herself suddenly, Chihong couldn't help but patted her head.

He looked Bilan up and down, was silent for a moment, then gave Bilan a thumbs up,

"...come on."


"Look, look!"

Bilan angrily pointed at Chihong directly, and she said with a sad and indignant expression,

"Look at how arrogant this bastard is! How can he say that if he doesn't hurt him!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Huang also hesitated for a moment, "Uh...I think he should be simply cheering you up."

Although being cheered up by the opponent does make people feel crazy...

Seeing Bilan like this, Xiao Huang couldn't say much, she looked at Xiaozhi and the three curiously, and then looked at Bilan,

"Xiao Lan, why don't you introduce me?"

"Ah, sorry, almost forgot."

Saying that, Bi Lan hurriedly walked between Xiao Huang, Xiao Zhi and the others, she first turned to look at Xiao Zhi and the others,

"This is Little Huang Dai Tokipan Lilac."

"Hello." Xiao Huang waved to everyone, with a faint smile on her face, "Nice to meet you, everyone can call me Xiao Huang."

"Then here is Chihong, Xiaozhi and Serena. Xiaozhi and Chihong are both newcomers like me. As for Serena, she traveled here from the Carlos area."

"Eh? Carlos area?" Xiao Huang looked at Serena with some surprise, "Is that far away from here? Why do you want to travel here?"

"Part of the reason is because I want to participate in the gorgeous contest here." Serena said a little embarrassedly, "on the other hand, I used to come here to participate in the Pokémon Summer Camp when I was a child. I figured out these things and that's why I came here."

"That's right... have you found the answer now?"

"Yeah." Serena glanced at Xiaozhi next to her, and she said with a smile, "So my current goal has been changed to something else."

"That's it."

Xiao Huang couldn't help but glance at Xiaozhi next to Serena. Although Serena didn't say anything clearly, as long as there is no problem with her EQ, she can basically see what Serena's goal is.

This pure feeling also made Xiao Huang raise her small fist, and she cheered at Serena,

"Come on, you can definitely do it!"

"Yeah." Serena nodded as well, and she said with a smile, "Thank you for your encouragement."


Xiao Zhi looked back and forth between Serena and Xiao Huang, and always felt that with just a few words, the relationship between them heated up sharply.

But because Xiaozhi knew very well that many girls' thoughts were beyond his comprehension, so he didn't guess wildly, and then Xiaozhi looked at Xiaohuang curiously,

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