cough cough.

Afterwards, Xia Bo took back his runaway and divergent thinking. The battle has not yet been finished, and thinking about it now is a bit unprofessional.

Xia Bo set his sights on the field again.

Although Ye Dou Xiabo would like to call Xiaozhi the strongest, he will never lose the Pokémon battle before him!

Xia Bo looked up at the split tile that split the magma column in half. Although he had to deal with it, Xia Bo couldn't help but mutter in his heart, damn, the split tile of the physical attack has been played as a special attack, whether it is Xiaozhi or his Pokémon are so fucking evil, hey!

Maybe it's because Xiaozhi's evil way infected his Pokémon?

700 racial value virus?


Then Xia Bo continued to issue instructions to the fire-breathing camel,

"Fire-breathing camel, use your energy!"


Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately saw the volcanic camel tense all his muscles,

"Power up?"

Hearing this skill, Xiaozhi immediately thought of Lijia's energy-storing big food flower in Rainbow Gymnasium, so Xiaozhi immediately shouted,

"Stop it, use Lightning Blink!"


Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, the strong chicken that had just landed on the ground immediately rushed towards the super fire-breathing camel again, and when it rushed to the fire-breathing camel, the strong chicken even lifted its chicken legs directly, as if Like a sickle, it slammed down on the forelegs of the super fire-breathing camel, six nine; four'"[-]

Kick down!


Then the strong chicken felt as if his legs hit some iron pillar.

The super fire-breathing camel has been strengthened!

And not only that,

"Go ahead and use Grow!"

"Huh huh huh huh huh huh!"

Accompanied by a strong (?) cry, the body of the super fire-breathing camel swelled in the wind, and doubled in size in the blink of an eye. This giant monster with a height of five meters really looked like It's like a small volcano, and it's not over yet,

Xiaozhi saw that Xiabo took out another bracelet from his pocket, and he put the bracelet on his right wrist. As soon as he turned his wrist, Xiaozhi immediately saw a piece of earthy brown in the middle. Prismatic gemstone.

"What it is?"

Xiaozhi looked straight at the bracelet, he could feel the huge energy contained in it,

That is a different kind of energy from mega stones!

"Huh? Haven't you seen Z pure crystal yet?" Seeing that Xiaozhi was paying attention to his bracelet, Xia Bo couldn't help but said,

"This is the Z pure crystal from the Alola region. Just put it on the Z bracelet and wear it on your hand, and after a dance ceremony, you can let the Pokémon use the powerful Z move!"

"Z move..."

"Even the least powerful Z move has a full power of 100, and the most powerful Z move has a full power of 200!"

"In addition to my super fire-breathing camel that has been greatly strengthened..."

As he spoke, Xia Bo slowly crossed his hands,

"If you can even follow this move, then I offer you the crimson badge of the Red Lotus Gym!"

As soon as the words fell, Xia Bo raised his right hand above his head, then bent down and smashed the ground hard,


In an instant, Xiaozhi saw a golden energy emerge from Xia Bo's body and transmit to the whole body of the super fire-breathing camel,

"Earth Rising and Howling Sky End!!"


The super fire-breathing camel stomped hard on the ground.


Several huge cracks with a width of several meters spread out from the center of the super fire-breathing camel in an instant. Seeing this, the strong chicken immediately used its high speed to dodge and try to avoid the attack, but the ever-expanding cracks seemed like An invisible ghost hand gradually spread to the entire field, and finally, when all the cracks reached the limit of its ability to spread.


After a loud bang, the battlefield... was blown to pieces.

The super fire-breathing camel and the powerful chicken that lost their focus naturally fell into the magma.

"Strong chicken!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately looked down, but at this moment, the strong chicken and the super fire-breathing camel had already been submerged in the thick magma pool, even with Xiaozhi's eyes, he couldn't see the strong chicken at all status.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately closed his eyes,

Through the fetter link, Xiaozhi reached a connection with the strong chicken again,

The burning pain affected the whole body, and more importantly, the super fire-breathing camel's attack did not end. The terrifying shock wave continued to affect the body of Li Zhuang Chicken, as if it was about to shatter it into a puddle of meat. Same.

Xiaozhi can 100% feel the pain of the powerful chicken, and at the same time, he can also feel the fire of the strong chicken's growing fighting spirit.

Even under such burning pain, Li Zhuang Chicken's idea of ​​wanting to win has not changed in the slightest, and even, it is still tempered in the raging fire to become more pure!

"The strong chicken didn't give up, how could I give up!"

"Together, let's create a ladder to victory!"


Xiaozhi yelled violently, and with his shouting, Xia Bo could clearly see a golden flame that was exactly the same as that of the strong chicken emanating from Xiaozhi's body.

"How is this going?"

How could there be sparks from the human body! ?

But before Xia Bo was shocked, a bright white light shot out from the bottom of the magma in an instant, like a beam of light reaching the sky, everyone present was attracted by this white light,

"That's... the light of evolution!?"

Chapter 164 Chapter 160 The Mysterious Mega Stone

Looking at the white beam of light, Xia Bo's eyes widened and his pupils slowly shrank,

"That strong chicken...evolved!?"


At the moment when Xia Bo lost his voice, everyone heard a majestic and high-spirited voice, and then saw a huge magma bubble bulging from the magma pool below, and then the magma bubble exploded, and the super fire-breathing camel looked like a ball Flew out directly from the magma pool.

Looking at the painful expression of the super fire-breathing camel while spinning, Xia Bo's mouth also gradually grew,

"This...kicked the super fire-breathing camel into the air!?"

Moreover, it is also a super fire-breathing camel whose tonnage increases after growth.

What the fuck... what absurd leg strength this must be!

Then the super fire-breathing camel drew an arc in mid-air and then fell straight down. The thick magma splashed several meters high. Looking at this scene, Xia Bo also gritted his teeth,

"Even if it evolves, it's nothing. With the current super fire-breathing camel, it can definitely resist its damage!"

"I can't believe that the Z move just now didn't cause you any harm!"

As if trying to convince himself, he saw Xia Bo waving his arms violently,

"Fire-breathing camel, use the power of the earth!"


As a result, a large-scale "splash" exploded instantly in the magma pool,

But for this, Xiaozhi here just raised the brim of his hat,

"Flame Chicken, jump onto the rock wall to avoid the attack!"


The flame chicken jumped out of the magma pool in an instant. This Pokémon with a face like a jujube had a serious expression. It kicked sideways, and its feet touched the side rock wall. Then the flame chicken didn't stay in place for long. It With a swift force on both legs, relying on its strong leg muscles, the flame chicken ran directly on the rock wall as if walking on the ground.

Now, even if the super fire-breathing camel's power of the earth is the whole field's attack, it can't attack the flame chicken.

And it's not over yet.

The flame chicken ran back and forth around the rock wall, and its speed became faster and faster, and finally rushed directly along the rock wall to the field again.

The flame chicken stood on the field that had been shattered to the point that only a few stone pillars existed. The flame chicken standing quietly at this moment looked more restrained and calm than when the strong chicken was in power, but the flaming flame on its wrist The radiating flames can show that the fighting spirit of this fighter is still as alive as before,

Even more explosive!

"Flame Chicken..."

Xiaozhi raised his head slowly, he held the brim of the hat and reversed the hat, then, Xiaozhi raised his right hand upwards,

"Jump up high!"


In an instant, the flame chicken's figure disappeared from below, as if teleporting, the flame chicken appeared high above the sky.


Looking up at the flame chicken in the sky, the croaking frog couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but then his eyebrows eased again.

There was a hint of relief in the frog's eyes.

After such a long time, this kid's speed has finally surpassed himself.

It can be regarded as the fulfillment of a long-cherished wish of the flame chicken.

In the next words, the flame chicken will probably challenge himself.

The frog thought to himself,

When the Monarch Snake had just evolved before, it had invited a battle with the Croaking Frog, and as a result of that battle, the Croaking Frog was at a disadvantage, and in the end it was defeated by the Monarch Snake.

It is precisely because of this reason that Monarch Snake's steps are eight degrees lighter when walking now.

Really... this bitch is just so promising.

Croaking Frog shook his head slightly. Although he had sworn that he would not lose again, it didn't matter to his partner whether he lost or not.

It's too late for the frog to be happy when his partner becomes stronger, so how could he be unhappy.

Hmm... Although the character of the croaking frog is completely different from Xiaozhi, to a certain extent, the croaking frog and Xiaozhi are indeed becoming more and more similar.

Then the flame chicken in front of him, with its superb speed, might he be able to win himself in the end?

But with the temperament of the flame chicken, maybe he will only race against his own simple competition?

Thinking of this, the croaking frog couldn't help shrugging,

Everyone is making great strides to make progress, and my side must not be left behind.

With the current power of the croaking frog, it is naturally able to evolve long ago. As for why the croaking frog has been suppressed and does not evolve, there is actually no special reason. A powerful life energy - Pokémon will burst out a very powerful life energy for its own evolution when it evolves, but in fact, the energy actually used for evolution only accounts for a part of all life energy, and the remaining energy will be directly Dissipate in the world and reintegrate into the cycle of the world.

Of course, this kind of situation only exists in the kind of Pokémon that have been brought for a long time at this stage and have been able to evolve. The reason why this can be discovered is that the croaking frog was already quite downgraded when it was croaking the frog. Because of the long time, and after discovering this situation, the croaking frog is consciously suppressing its own evolution, and it is constantly accumulating strength. In the true sense, it can cut the sky and split the earth!

This is also the reason why the frog was sure that he had a way to save Xiaozhi after Xiaozhi was taken away by the fossil pterosaur.

But in fact, this trick was prepared by the frog for those unknown enemies that the God of Creation said.

In fact, the current behavior of the croaking frog is almost the same as that of accumulating energy skills, except that one is to accumulate the energy of moves, while the croaking frog here... directly accumulates life energy.

This can also be regarded as a kind of hidden swordsmanship, but as the strength of the croaking frog gradually increases, it seems a bit outweighed the gain to suppress the evolution for this trick.

There is a critical point between the growth of the frog's power and the power of this shocking sword, and now the growth of the frog's power has almost reached this critical point.

If there is nothing worth cutting at that time, then this shocking sword will probably have to be wasted in the end.

But to be honest, it can't be considered a waste. After all, the purpose of the croaking frog is to protect Xiaozhi, and when the croaking frog evolves into a Koga ninja frog, it will naturally have more powerful power, and it will naturally be more powerful at that time. Can better protect Xiaozhi.

Therefore, it is better to use this sword, but it doesn't matter if it is not used.

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