It was so close that Xiaozhi could even feel Serena's gradually rapid breathing. Of course, this is not the point.

She seemed to flip some strange switch.

"Xiaozhi, don't move..."

She pulled Xiaozhi and walked to the table in a short while.

Then, Serena went to rummage through the cosmetics in her bag.

"Let's dress up...hehehe."


Looking at Serena who was smiling strangely while talking, Xiaozhi couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat. He wanted to run away but didn't dare,

after all...

Serena in this state is really a bit scary.

Chapter 22, Chapter 21, can we meet again?Suicune

Since that day, Serena has been soft on Xiaozhi, forcing Xiaozhi to make an agreement that as long as Serena wins the Ribbon Medal in the Dead Leaf City Gorgeous Contest, Xiaozhi will dress up as a girl and go shopping with Serena for a day Street to reward her, and as for why this is considered a reward for Serena...

Xiaozhi didn't dare to ask, and he didn't dare to think.

Then because of too much anticipation, Serena acted as the speed limiter on the way, but this time Xiaozhi became Serena's limiter. Serena urged Xiaozhi to hurry up along the way, even sleeping. Every now and then, I have to remind Xiaozhi to get up early tomorrow and hurry...

It made Xiaozhi not want to go to Dead Leaf City anymore.

Of course, this is just a thought, after all, it is impossible for him to prevent Serena from participating in the gorgeous contest.

But to be honest, because Serena was so excited that Xiaozhi couldn't even finish the daily training, and he was on the road every day.

"In this case, let's rush to Dead Leaf City first!"


Before Serena could react, Xiaozhi raised Serena and put her on his back.

"Ehhhhh!?" The sudden movement made Serena panic instantly.

Completely ignoring Serena's struggle, Xiaozhi hugged Serena tightly and fixed it, then looked down at the croaking frog,

"Quacking frog, running a long distance without breathing, is it okay?"


"Okay, then I'll count one, two, three and we'll start, one, two,"

"Wait a minute! Xiaozhi, I suddenly feel that it's okay for us to walk a little slower—"


Whoosh!Storm attack!


The girl's scream pierced through the jungle, instantly startling a resting sparrow...

After six hours.

Xiaozhi carefully put down the dazed Serena, panting slightly, and then looked at the croaking frog with some surprise,

"Exercising like this seems to be more effective, or should it be included in regular exercise in the future?"

"croak." But the croaking bubble frog shook his head slightly,

It takes too long, and it is usually impossible to drive such a long distance. It is impossible to use it as a routine training, but it is good as a surprise warm-up training.

"That's true." Xiao Zhi nodded in agreement, "You understand."

Afterwards, Xiaozhi turned his head to look at Serena excitedly,

"Serena, if you still want to hurry in the future, let's go like this?"


Serena, who had just regained her strength, heard Xiaozhi's proposal. She hesitated to speak, stopped and wanted to speak, and struggled for a while before Serena asked cautiously in a low voice,

"Yes, yes, but can the speed be reduced a little?"

"Eh? Why?"

Because then I can really feel your back.

She doesn't reject being carried by Xiaozhi, and even has some expectations, but to be honest, if Xiaozhi carries her at a speed that horses can't keep up with every time...then she doesn't have to think about romance, Or think about where to buy good motion sickness medicine...

But this reason is too perverted. The innocent Serena blushed when she thought of this old man, and then she began to speak nonsense seriously,

"Because in this way, the muscles can be better exercised. Isn't there an old saying that aerobic exercise can exercise muscles better than anaerobic exercise."

"Hmm...sounds reasonable." Xiao Zhi thought for a while, then nodded, "I see, I'll slow down a bit after that."


Hearing Xiaozhi's promise, Serena couldn't help but secretly made a scissors hand, with a bright smile on her face, then bent slightly, looking up at Xiaozhi,

"Then let's go to the Pokémon Center to fix it first?"


Because Xiaozhi ran like a bull and a wolf, he shortened the original one-day journey to about half a day, which resulted in three days before the opening of the gorgeous competition.

But it can’t be said that it’s too early. After all, it’s a customary thing to come to the venue in advance to familiarize yourself with it. Judging from the state-focused appearance of the accompanying Pokémon, most of the trainers should come to participate in the gorgeous contest in Dead Leaf City.

In other words, these people are Serena's opponents.

But even though she knew this, Serena didn't feel any nervousness. After all, Serena had participated in a national-level performance competition before, and she was not the kind who would get nervous and make mistakes because of the audience's gaze. She is a novice, as long as she can display her strength normally, Serena is very confident that she can win this competition.

So, during this period of time, Serena is going to stay in the Pokémon Center to do the final pre-match warm-up together with the demon fire red fox and Xiao Fudan——Although I said so, today, Serena is still going to go with Xiaozhi went to watch his gym competition together.

And now, Xiaozhi is communicating with Dr. Oki,

"Xiaozhi, have you tamed any Pokémon recently? Are there any legendary Pokémon?"

"...Dr. Oki, why are you so snobbish?"

"How can this be called snobbery?" Dr. Oki on the opposite side of the video spread his hands, "This is called the urging of the elders, if I hadn't been urging you, you lazy boys would definitely not be able to work so hard to subdue Pokémon. "

"..." Xiaozhi opened his mouth to say something, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

Forget it, if you are serious with Dr. Oki, you will lose.

Then Xiaozhi said, "I recently tamed the rattan snake."

"Vine and vine snake? Pokémon from the Hezhong area?" Dr. Oki was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Xiaozhi strangely, "Xiaozhi...why do you always subdue the Pokémon from other regions? Are you Is it because you don’t like Pokémon in the Kanto region?”

"No, it's just, uh..."

Xiaozhi wanted to refute. He couldn't help recalling his experience of subjugating so far. He didn't know that the croaking frog was his initial Pokémon. Where did Mystery Hill live before, and the rattan snake was even smuggled from the Hezhong area...

Thinking about it this way, except for the Iron Shell Pupa, which is a Pokémon in the Kanto region, my other Pokémon are really from other regions...

Upon discovering this, the corners of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched,

"Well, it's a coincidence, because of one reason or another..."

Seeing this, Dr. Oki didn't say much,

"Well, forget it, anyway, you should hurry up and capture the Pokémon to complete the illustrated book."

"Let's not talk about the red and blue guys, even Xiao Hao has already tamed more than half of the Pokémon in the Kanto region, and Xiaozhi, you have only tamed four Pokémon until now, four, four Only!"

"You have to keep working hard, Xiaozhi!"

"Understood..." Xiaozhi scratched his head, and suddenly he thought of something, "By the way, Dr. Oki, didn't there be four people who set off at the same time as me? Why didn't you tell me about the other person?"

"Huh? You mean Bilan?" Hearing this, Dr. Oki couldn't help but sigh, "That child hasn't contacted me for a long time, so I don't know where she has gone now."

"Oh." Hearing this, Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up,

That's right, you don't have to contact Dr. Oki, or he will...

"If you dare not contact me, then I will no longer provide a place for your Pokémon to live." Dr. Oki said leisurely like a prophet.

"Uh..." Xiaozhi scratched his head with a smirk, "Why, how could I not want to contact you, I respect Dr. Oki very much."

"Really." Seeing Xiaozhi's appearance, Dr. Oki couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Okay, I have already understood your specific situation, if there is nothing else, I will hang up first..."

"Wait a minute, Dr. Oki." At this moment, Xiaozhi suddenly thought of the Suicune he met before, "I met a Pokémon I didn't know, and it was included in the illustrated book, Dr. Oki, you Can you tell me what kind of Pokémon this is?"

"A Pokémon you don't know? Let me see..." Dr. Oki looked at the image sent by Xiaozhi, and he recognized Suicune's appearance at a glance, and then Dr. Oki looked at Xiaozhi in shock, "You actually met Suicune?"

"Suicun? Is this also a legendary Pokémon?"

"That's right, and he's also one of the guards of the legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh." Dr. Oki explained, but he shook his head again, "But it's nothing unusual to see Suicune, there are witnesses everywhere. According to Suicune's report."

"However, if you can meet Phoenix Lord through Shui Jun, it will be very precious information."

"Is that so..." Xiaozhi was thoughtful, "Then if you meet Suicune next time, please ask him to help you. I really want to try fighting against King Feng."

"You still want to see Suicune again? Don't think about it, so far no one has ever reported seeing Suicune for the second time." Dr. Oki shook his head, and he poured cold water on Xiaozhi, "Compared to you, this is unrealistic. Thinking about it, Xiaohao who holds the rainbow feather is more likely to meet Phoenix King."

Xiaozhi did not refute Dr. Oki's words. The probability of seeing Suicune again is indeed very slim, but Xiaozhi always feels that his fate with Suicune is not over. He has a feeling that one day he will Will meet Suicune again.

And that day may not be too far away...

After chatting with Dr. Oki for a while, Xiaozhi hung up the communication, and at this time, Serena, who had been waiting for a long time, also came forward,

"Xiaozhi, what are you going to do next? Are you going to fight in the gymnasium?"

"Today?" Hearing Serena's question, Xiaozhi shook his head when he came back to his senses, "I don't plan to play gymnasium games these days."


"My friend of the rattan snake, that doll disappeared in Dead Leaf City." Xiaozhi explained, "Although it has been more than ten days, there should still be many people who remember what happened that night. In the past few days, I am going to go door-to-door asking to see if I can find out the whereabouts of the doll."

Hearing this, Serena was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't help but look at Xiaozhi: "But, aren't you looking forward to the gymnasium battle? It won't take long, right? Surely everyone won't forget it in just such a short while What happened that night?"

"I won't forget." Xiaozhi nodded, and then he said casually, "But the sooner we know about the doll, the better we can find it earlier, know its specific situation, and whether it is safe, so that we can rest assured Come down, won't you?"


Serena was a little speechless. For Xiaozhi's words, Serena thought about it carefully. If her demon fire fox or Xiao Fudan got lost, she might indeed be able to find them as Xiaozhi said. Put it first, but if it is a wild Pokémon, of course Serena will look for it, but the priority in my heart is probably no longer the first...

"Xiaozhi..." Thinking of this, Serena couldn't help feeling, "Do you like Pokémon so much?"

"Well, I like Pokémon the most." Xiaozhi said the truth casually, and then he took out the poke ball and released the rattan snake.


The rattan snake looked at the surrounding environment, it looked at Xiaozhi curiously,

It seems that there is nothing to ask it to do, so what does Xiaozhi let it out?

"Vine and Vine Snake, you should still remember the road that Qibawa left the ship port from before?"

Xiaozhi said to the rattan snake,

"Let's go to the port now. You can tell us which direction the almost doll left in the first place, and then we will follow this direction to inquire. This way, the chances of the almost doll's whereabouts will be higher."

"what do you think?"

"Cha..." The rattan snake looked at Xiaozhi in disbelief. It was very concerned about being a doll, but who would have thought that Xiaozhi cared even more than it did.

"Ya Cha!"

Then, the rattan snake nodded heavily,

This trainer, she followed.

His dream will be realized by her rattan snake!

"Okay, then let's go to the port now."

Xiaozhi didn't know what the rattan snake was thinking. After getting the rattan snake's consent, he put the rattan snake on his shoulder,

"Wait a minute, Xiaozhi, I'll be with you too." Seeing that Xiaozhi was about to leave, Serena called him quickly.

"Serena? But, don't you still have a game to prepare for?"

Xiaozhi intends to refuse. After all, unlike him, the Gym Tournament can be played at any time, but the Gorgeous Tournament is only available for a few days.

And Serena interrupted Xiaozhi directly, she said with a smile: "One more person is more strength. Now, it is true that the baby's safety is more important."

Seeing what Serena said, Xiaozhi immediately stopped talking,

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