Xiaohao took out the rainbow feather,

He said excitedly,

"So, am I the brave man recognized by the Phoenix King?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone saw the rainbow feather in Xiaohao's hand suddenly glowing.

"Eh? The rainbow feathers are glowing?" Xiaoxia exclaimed in amazement.

"Does this mean that the Trial of the Rainbow is about to begin?" Xiao Gang analyzed beside him,

"But where is the trial location?" Serena also had a confused expression on her face.

"Try to move the position of the rainbow feather," Qinglu suggested casually,

And everyone looked at the feather in Xiaohao's hand. As his movements shifted, the light of the feather began to flicker.

"The place where the feathers are the brightest should be where the trial ground is located."

Qinglu expressed her conjecture,

Then, he looked at Xiaohao with great interest,

"How about it, do you want to participate in this trial?"

"Of course I'm going to participate!" Xiaohao stood up excitedly, "Okay! This time, I'm going to subdue Phoenix King as well!"

"You can't even defeat Emperor Yan and still want to subdue King Feng?"

"It was just an accident!"

On the other hand, Qinglu looked at Xiaozhi,

"Xiaozhi, do you want to go and have a look?"

"This, uh..."

Xiaozhi scratched his head,

"I kind of want to go..."

Although Suicune told him not to go to the Rainbow Trial, this is not his own Rainbow Trial, so...

Should be fine... right?


At this moment, in the Oki Research Institute,

Dr. Oki is studying the Suicune data sent by Xiaozhi,

While researching, he suddenly sighed,

"Hey, if only Suicune could appear in front of me."


And at this moment, Dr. Oki heard the sound from the Pokémon teleporter again,

"Oh? Has anyone uploaded another Pokémon? Let me see what Pokémon it is..."

Afterwards, Dr. Oki called out the Pokémon data in this Poké Ball,

"So that's it, it's Emperor Yan."


"Huh? Emperor Yan!?"

"Who subdued it??"

Section 33 Testimonials, Rewards and Group Numbers

Currently collecting 1515, this achievement... not to say that it is a book that becomes a god, but it is also boundless.

After it is put on the shelves, the update can be guaranteed to be updated every day, with more than 4000 words per update, but you may occasionally ask for a day off every month. After all, the free leave slips are not for nothing ().

In addition, the reward rules are 2000 recommended tickets = 100 monthly tickets = 100 blades = 10000 rewards = one update. I read this book for a week, and the number of props is about half of the reward, so it is about half a month. One update, the reward is reasonable, and it will definitely be paid off, everyone can rest assured to tip the reward ()

There is no upper limit on the reward time until the end. If the reward is not paid before the end, uh... then the rest will be converted and returned to everyone.

Then, although the collection of this book is low, but there are more recommendation votes, so only for the first-order authors on the shelves, an additional update is also set, which is also very simple and rude. If the subscription ratio is 5:1, add 2 updates, 4:1, 4 changes, 3:1, 8 changes, 2:1, 16 changes; if the subscription ratio fluctuates between 4 and 5, it will be rounded down, such as 4.5:1, it will be calculated as 5:1.

It seems that there are quite a lot of updates, but it is still difficult to receive subscriptions compared to the previous ones, so I estimate that at most 4 chapters will be added, so the problem is not big ()

Two chapters will be updated on the shelves tomorrow, one chapter is more than 4000 words, so although the amount is not much, the amount is not small ()

Cough, in addition, adding updates is guaranteed to be more than 4000 words per update.

Group number: 200121390, because the author is a diving monster, so the advanced group will send management seats on a first-come-first-served basis.

That's all, see you tomorrow.

I haven't finished a chapter yet...

The rabbi's message in Chapter 34, Chapter 32

Although the rainbow feathers began to glow, there was no time limit after all, so there was no need to rush to participate in the trial.

Of course, the most important thing is not knowing where the place is. Although the rainbow feather pointed out the direction, no one knows how long it will take to reach the destination from that direction. Month... Then you have to prepare for the hike.

After all, not everyone can live in the wild like Xiaozhi or even live better than Pokémon.

So everyone agreed to rest for a few days before rushing to find King Feng, and it happened that Qinglu could also take this opportunity to look up the description of the Trial of the Rainbow in the ancient book.

Since there is such a rumor, there must be at least one source. By consulting the information, it should be possible to confirm the specific location of the Trial of the Rainbow.

Of course, Qinglu did not do this for Xiaohao, it was purely because he himself had a great interest in Fengwang, but his words were not because he wanted to capture Fengwang, Qinglu's purpose was the same as Xiaozhi's, just to meet Fengwang Touch it, and try to see how heavy the divine beast is.

In fact, Qinglu also had this idea when he met Suicune before, but before he had been fighting with Suicune for a long time, Hunter J jumped out on the back and wanted to cut off the beard. How could Qinglu agree, so he released it directly. Bi Diao beat J like a grandson.

To a certain extent, Suicune was so easily caught by the Pokémon hunter, but part of it was the green pot.

Of course, most of them are Shui Jun's own hips...


As for delaying the search for King Feng for a few days, regardless of what Xiaohao said, Xiaozhi really agrees with it.

After all, the gorgeous contest in Dead Leaf City will be held tomorrow.

Serena will be preparing to compete tomorrow, and Xiao Zhi, as a companion, naturally needs to accompany her to watch the match.

"Glamourous Contest? Oh, speaking of it, there is indeed a glamorous contest going to be held tomorrow." Qinglu nodded suddenly, and he looked at Serena with some surprises, "I didn't expect you to be a coordinator trainer? I thought you were A Pokémon breeder."

"I do have some research on Pokémon cultivation." Serena nodded, "But I'm actually a Pokémon showman..."

"Performer?" Qinglu recalled for a moment, "You... are the trainer in the Carlos area?"

"Since you are a performer, why did you participate in the gorgeous contest?" Qinglu looked at Serena with some surprise, "And you still ran so far to come here?"

The distance between the Carlos area and the Kanto area is not short. Even by plane, it takes half a day. In comparison, isn’t it closer to Fengyuan or Sinnoh?

Facing Qinglu's question, Serena's expression changed slightly,

"Well, there are some reasons for coming here."

She looked at Ash, and Ash just looked back at Serena in confusion,

Obviously he has forgotten the reason why Serena came to the Kanto region in the first place.

Serena sighed secretly, but thinking of this, Serena immediately looked at Qinglu again,

"Well, Qinglu, do you have a good research on all kinds of Pokémon?"

"Almost." Qinglu nodded slightly, because of her family education, and Qinglu herself is relatively intelligent, so I dare not say everything, but Qinglu still understands most of the Pokémon.

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Then what do you know about the legendary Pokémon?" Serena then asked again,

"The legendary Pokémon?" Qinglu frowned slightly. He really didn't know much about this. It should be said that there is not much information on the legendary Pokémon in the academic world. Although Qinglu is not afraid, she has to admit that these treasures Compared with ordinary Pokémon, Kemeng is completely two levels, and there is nothing wrong with calling it a god.

Even that Suicune also has the magical power to purify water.

Qinglu is not superstitious about the so-called mythical beasts, but as a matter of fact, the academic world really knows very little about these Pokémon.

"...I have browsed all the information about Legendary Pokémon in the academic world." So Qinglu could only say this, "What do you want to ask about Legendary Pokémon? If I know will tell you."

"Well, I just want to ask a question." Serena struggled for a moment, "Is there...a legendary Pokémon that can travel through time?"

"Traveling through time?" Qinglu froze for a moment, he looked at Serena strangely, "You want to go back in time?"

"Uh...why can't it be to the future?"

"Because all the people who ask whether they can travel through time are basically because of some shortcomings that happened in the past." Qinglu replied casually, "As for the future, no one wants to see how their future is determined, especially the big ones. Most people can't be who they want to be."

"..." Serena was speechless, after such an analysis, it seemed to be true.

"Serena, have you ever had any shortcomings?" After hearing what Qinglu said, Xiaozhi next to him turned his head and asked curiously, "What is it?"

"No, no, I have no regrets." Serena quickly waved her hand to deny, "I just... want to go back to the past to confirm something."


"All in all." Seeing Xiaozhi's puzzled expression, Serena suppressed the panic in her heart, and looked at Qinglu, "Is there such a Pokémon?"

"The legend of time and space twin dragons has been circulating in the Sinnoh region. According to the legend, the god of time, Dialga, can control the flow of time, so that he can travel in the past and future at will. There are even rumors that it is precisely because of the world of Dialga that With the flow of time." Qinglu talked about the information of the ancient books that she had seen at the beginning, but then Qinglu continued, "But so far there are very few materials that have witnessed Dialga, and there are rumors that they seem to be It’s living alone in a separate space.”

Before Serena was disappointed, Qinglu continued to say: "But besides Dialga, there is also a legendary Pokémon that is also recorded as having the ability to travel through time."

"That Pokémon is called Celebi. According to legend, it will only appear in peaceful times. At the same time, Celebi will only inhabit the forest, and the forest inhabited by Celebi will also become very lush." ​​Qinglu said Based on the information he knew, "and most importantly, the academic circles have confirmed that there is not only one serabi, it is a legendary Pokémon that exists in groups."

"In other words, in forests everywhere, it is possible to encounter rabbi."

Qinglu casually said,

"So if you really want to go back in time, then it might be a good choice to seek the help of rabbi."

"Is that so..." Serena was thoughtful, this is indeed a very good method, and then she quickly asked, "Then there will be a rabbi in the Viridian Forest here?"

"This..." Qinglu thought for a while, "According to the lushness of the Viridian Forest, this possibility should not be small."

"Oh..." Serena was lost in thought,

"Maybe I should find time to find Rabi? Qinglu, do you think King Feng will know where Rabi is?"

"Are you referring to whether there is communication between the legendary Pokémon? This has always been a hypothesis. I personally think that they know each other, or the possibility of knowing each other should not be small." Qinglu touched his chin, his eyes Flashing with thoughtful light, Qinglu expressed her judgment, "If you say that, Suicune should probably know where Rabbi is, but it's a pity that it's not here now, but it's not a big problem. If the Rainbow Trial is true If so, then we may also get something from Fengwang's mouth."

Then, Qinglu turned his head naturally, and he saw Xiaozhi staring at him with a very strange expression,

"...what do you see me doing?"

"Hmm... nothing." After watching for a while, Xiaozhi looked away, scratching his head, "I just found out, Qinglu, you seem to be the grandson of Dr. Oki."

"Just like Dr. Oki, he can say some difficult words."


Forget it, he lost if he learned from his husband.

Qinglu rubbed his temples, then he said to Serena,

"Since you have some nurturing foundation, that's fine. I'll teach you some nurturing skills. They're not too advanced, but they're all quite useful, and can better show the physical state of Pokémon."

"Eh?" Hearing what Qinglu said, Serena was flattered immediately, and she even used honorifics, "I don't need this, you should have worked so hard to sum it up, right?"

"I said, it's just some little tricks." Qinglu said indifferently, "And I didn't say it for nothing, if you can, help me make some Bao Fulei as a reward."

Qinglu had tasted the baofrei made by Serena before, and it was indeed a very good dessert. At the same time, he thought that it might enhance the bond between himself and Pokémon, which is why Qinglu opened his mouth I want this thing as my reward.

"Bouflei, right?" Hearing this, Serena also heaved a sigh of relief. Since the other party has a need, it will be easy to handle, so Serena agreed, "No problem, I will make it now."

"There's no rush for this."

Saying that, Qinglu signaled Serena to come out with her,

"Let me tell you a few tips first."


Although Qinglu is not a Pokémon coordinator, he has a very high level of cultivation and has a very deep understanding of the status and skills of Pokémon. In this case, Qinglu's suggestion is for the first time participating in the gorgeous competition Serena still has a very high reference value,

If it was said that Serena was [-]% sure, now it has directly increased to [-]%. It can be said that even if the dark horse is really killed, Serena is also confident that they can overthrow them all.

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