"Do you want to be friends with me? Okay, my name is Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town,

We will be partners from now on. "

Chapter 67 Chapter 65 Rivers of Blood

Although they ran ten kilometers away, it actually took less than a minute for Xiaozhi and Huozhiji, so after a little tidying up, Xiaozhi and Huozhiji naturally took a few minutes to return .

They even went to the turkey's nest during the period - the area where Xiaozhi stayed before was indeed contracted by the turkey, and the turkey would go there to pick a suitable pile of dead branches almost every once in a while In the chicken coop, keep your own little nest dry and comfortable.

But since Huozhiji has decided to travel with Xiaozhi, then this chicken coop is of no use to it. In this case, it is better to dismantle it directly, and contribute the last bit of heat to a pot of delicious dishes.

Well, even though Huozhiji is a purely wild Pokémon, its requirements for food are still very delicate. Otherwise, Huozhiji might not know that there is a phoenix pear fruit tree ten kilometers away.

And when Xiaozhi found Serena, Serena had just put the pot on the stove.

They came back just in time.


Serena was stunned for a moment when she saw Xiaozhi with a disheveled face, and then saw the turkey next to him. She should have wondered why Xiaozhi brought back a turkey , but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't help but say,

"You...couldn't you be fighting with the turkey?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

"I'm sorry Huozhiji, Xiaozhi is a little frizzy." Seeing Xiaozhi's face covered in circles, Serena confirmed her guess, and then she apologized to Huozhiji, " But he definitely didn't fight you on purpose, I can assure you, I've never seen a human being who loves Pokémon like Xiaozhi, so there must be a reason for him to fight you..."

"If you don't mind, would you like to stay and have dinner together? I have some confidence in my craftsmanship, so it should be an apology to you..."

"No, Serena..." Hearing what Serena said, Xiaozhi couldn't help but interrupt, he looked at Serena with some helplessness, "What do you think of me? How could I do this for no reason? Beat Pokémon."

"Eh? Isn't it?" Serena was taken aback, "But your appearance...why doesn't it look like you are living in peace with the turkey?"

"We just had a sprint race." Xiaozhi explained helplessly, "We didn't fight at all."

"Sprint race?" Serena was dumbfounded, and when she saw the understanding expression of the croaking frog beside her, she even put a question mark on her face,

So what does sprinting have to do with this look of being in a fire?

It's a pity that Serena hasn't entered the realm of monsters yet, so as an ordinary person, she doesn't know how outrageous things real monsters can do...

Cough, but let's not talk about Serena's confusion, after hearing Xiaozhi's explanation, the croaking frog looked at Huozhiji curiously,

It looked up at Xiaozhi,


How fast is this guy?

"How fast..." Xiaozhi scratched his head, he opened his mouth and didn't know how to describe it, this question was simply embarrassing him as a husband!

Fortunately, Xiaozhi now has a sharp weapon from the technological age.

"Hey, after the calculation, the instantaneous maximum speed of Huozhiji is 180m/s, and the instantaneous maximum speed of Xiaozhi is 350m/s Luoto."

"..." Hearing this value, Serena blinked, and she took a breath,

Unlike Xiaozhi, Serena, who has been educated in human civilization, at least knows what these two values ​​are. Not to mention an initial Pokémon with a speed of [-] meters per second, why Xiaozhi, a human being, can run Out of the speed of sound! ?

Even if this is the Pokémon world, but this speed... is it reasonable?

And the frog over there, after hearing the value reported by Rotom on the phone, he couldn't help but glance at Huozhiji,

This kid is really fast.

Before I met Xiaozhi, my speed was about the same, right?

Then, the croaking frog looked up at Xiaozhi,


This kid is our eighth member?

"Eh?" Hearing the question from the croaking frog, Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, then he scratched his head, "I haven't subdued the fire chicken."

Croaking Frog: "?"

"Huozhiji just wants to train with us." Looking at the puzzled expression of the frog, Xiaozhi said with a smile, "It's just like a dream."

"Hey." Before the croaking frog could respond, the fire chicken over there suddenly raised its head and called out to Xiaozhi,

"Are you asking about Dream? Yes, it is the Dream you know, it is traveling with us now, it is our companion."

Saying that, Xiao Zhi shouted towards the surroundings,

"Fantasy, dreamy!"

As a result, Dream didn't reply.

"Dream just said to go out and play for a while, and come back after dinner." Serena, who came back to her senses, explained, "I don't know where to play now, right?"

"That's it..." Xiaozhi then spread his hands at Huo Zhiji, "Dream is like this, don't worry about it."

Huozhiji looked at Xiaozhi, although it had never seen Dream, but from Xiaozhi's tone, it could tell that they were in an equal and friendly relationship.

That is, a very simple friend like that.


Realizing this, Huo Zhiji looked at Xiao Zhi thoughtfully.

Then, the meal was ready for an hour, but everyone still didn't even see the shadow of Dream.

In the end, it was Xiaozhi who made the decision, let's not wait for it, the big deal is that Xiaozhi will find fruit for Mengmeng later, and they will start eating.

There was a bowl of clear soup in front of the turkey chicken, and the turkey chicken sniffed it lightly, then he took a bite with its beak,

Huo Zhiji's eyes lit up instantly.

Very bright, very delicious,

This chicken soup... this clear soup is really a rare treasure!

And more importantly, the fire chicken also tasted the taste of phoenix pear fruit.

Obviously, Xiaozhi directly took out the Huangli fruit he had won and made it into a dish.

While drinking clear soup, Huozhiji looked up at Xiaozhi secretly,

At this moment, Xiaozhi is talking with the frog,

"Frog, are you sure you want to get my fist?"


Nonsense, you can take my sword, why can't I take your fist?


"Crack!" The croak-headed frog glared at Xiaozhi,

If you say more, I will chop off your head!

"Ah..." Xiaozhi scratched his head, "That's fine."

Because of his lack of defense, the croaking frog is going to compete with Boss Kedora for Xiaozhi's fighting position, and Boss Kedora has no objection to it—it's useless to have an opinion, croaking Frog Hammer it doesn't even use two swords.

But in fact, as far as Boss Kedora is concerned, as long as someone can fight with it to enhance its defense, it doesn't matter who it is, and the attack power of the croaking frog is higher than that of Xiaozhi. It's even better.

It's just that Xiaozhi gave Boss Kedora a deep impression at the beginning, so Boss Kedora now regards being able to get tired of Xiaozhi as his ultimate growth goal...

Well... the goal is ambitious.


But speaking of it, two months ago, Quacking Frog gave Xiaozhi and Mibiqiu a special beating training together, but now it's Xiaozhi giving the Cackling Frog a special beating training...

It can only be said that things are right and people are wrong, and some people are starting to be inappropriate.


And just as Xiaozhi and the frog had just finished chatting, Serena, who was also peeping at Xiaozhi, hesitated for a moment, she still called Xiaozhi,

"That, Xiaozhi."

"Huh? What are you doing..."

As soon as Xiaozhi turned his head, a black and gold elf ball was printed directly on Xiaozhi's forehead,


Then the next moment, the poke ball opened in front of Xiaozhi with a bang,


Xiaozhi looked at Serena who regretted taking back the poke ball with some strangeness,

"what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, just to verify something." Serena took back the luxury ball, and she muttered, "Isn't it really a Pokémon..."

The luxury ball was bought by Serena at a low price from Silver Company in Golden City. Well, of course she didn’t buy this to subdue Xiaozhi. , is definitely not the main idea, Serena bought this mainly to increase the intimacy of Pokémon, um, yes, that's it.

But this time, after hearing Xiao Zhizhi running at supersonic speed, Serena couldn't help but took out the luxury ball and tried to subdue it.

After all, human beings running at supersonic speed... no matter from which point of view, they are too grassy.

It is precisely because of this that Serena has doubts about Xiaozhi's identity.

It's a pity that it turned out that Serena still lacked knowledge.

Serena's expression was a little pity, should I say it or not, if she really subdued Xiaozhi, after the relationship was closer, even if she wanted to express her feelings, it would at least be easier than it is now, right?

And at that time, Xiaozhi should also be closer to her, right?

But alas it's just Serena thinking about Peaches.


But speaking of it, Serena, who regards Xiaozhi as a Pokémon and really wants to have something to do with him, seems to be quite amazing to a certain extent...

In fact, Serena was not like this before, until she met a certain old ghost and obtained some ancient knowledge from that old ghost...

Guisi, you are so harmful! (happiness)

cough cough.


Huozhiji quietly watched the scene in front of him. Xiaozhi, Serena, and Pokémon, with Xiaozhi as the core, formed a group that maintains equality in all aspects.

No...it's more like a family than a group.

The fire chick doesn't quite understand either, after all, it has been a chicken living alone since it was born in an egg.

Afterwards, Huozhiji looked at Xiaozhi again.

It is a fire-type Pokémon, and it is supposed to bring warmth and light to others, but looking at this cheerful and enthusiastic boy, Huo Zhiji felt something more dazzling and warmer.

Like the incarnation of the sun.

Huozhiji always thought that he would only pursue the coolness of the wind, but now, maybe the warmth of home is also what he wants.

Huozhiji's eyes moved down slowly, and it looked at Xiaozhi's waist.


Not long after, Xiaozhi felt a movement coming from his waist. He looked down, and immediately saw the turkey chicken peck out an empty elf ball, and then directly pecked the switch.

Whoosh~ The fire chick was taken in by the elf ball.

After a symbolic shake, the elf ball stopped shaking, and then the torch chicken ran out of the ball again with a whoosh.

"Hey." Huozhiji looked at Xiaozhi solemnly and apprehensively,

Please, please advise.

It was a little afraid that this unauthorized action would cause Xiaozhi's discomfort.

"... Please teach me more."

And Xiaozhi just showed a bright smile after being dazed for a moment,

"Let's work together to become stronger from now on!"

Seeing this smile, Huozhiji's heart warmed up, and then it nodded even more excitedly,

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