But the one who exploded before her was Miura Yuiko who was sitting next to her.

"Enough, stop talking nonsense!"

Yumiko Miura patted the table in front of her heavily, then glanced at the classmates angrily and helplessly.

As expected, what happened yesterday has been fermented in the "Current Charge Group".


"If you make Yui cry, I can't spare you!"

After finishing speaking, Yumiko Miura gave Hayato Hayama another hostile look.

She has already begun to think that the current filling group will smear Amano Makoto in this way, all of them are Hayama Hayato's drop-outs.


Originally, I wanted to explain yesterday's Hayama Hayato, but now I can't explain it clearly.

But it is not what he wants to see in the classroom now.

"The matter of Amano-san is just a misunderstanding, please stop talking nonsense."

It seems that Makoto Amano is right, everyone's awareness of keeping secrets is really not high...

I almost slipped my tongue in front of Yuigahama-san just now.


Under Hayama Hayato's persuasion and eye gestures, everyone finally gave up on the topic of Amano Makoto.

However, they also seemed to be more convinced by this that Makoto Amano did have a handle on Miura Yumiko, and was using it to threaten Miura Yumiko.


"Where did Cheng offend them? Why did you speak ill of Cheng like that?"

Although the current charge team in the class has apologized and no longer mentioned Makoto Amano, Yuihama Yui is still very angry.

"Ignore them..."

Although Miura Yuiko wanted to explain everything clearly, she knew that she could no longer explain it clearly to Yuigahama Yui.

Even the people in the current filling group couldn't explain it.

They seem to have decided that she was being threatened by Makoto Amano.

But in fact……

She seems to have been threatened a little...

Yumiko Miura remembered Makoto Amano's invitation after school.

If I don't go, will he really tell Yui what I like about him?

what a mean guy...

If he dares to bully me like last time again this time, I will really...

I will never let him go again.

She, Yumiko Miura, is not a woman who can be manipulated by others.

Don't underestimate me, bastard...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Just 'prove' slowly, anyway, it's absolutely impossible for you on my sister's side."

Xue Nai continued to maintain her own coldness.

Although Makoto Amano's current harem behavior seems to be a complete victory on the surface.

But after last night, in the bath, she tried to test her sister...

She had fully understood her sister's slowness in this respect.

That's right, since she was a child, my sister seems to have always regarded Makoto Amano as a "younger brother".

Now it is impossible for Makoto Amano to change his sister's impression of him.

After all, that's my sister...

Yukino couldn't imagine the scene where her sister would fall in love with anyone.

It's impossible for a person like my sister to be tempted by anyone, right?

Although due to various reasons, Xue Nai hated her sister when she was a child, but this did not prevent her from having a high opinion of her sister.

On the contrary, she has been chasing in her sister's footsteps.

Because Amano Makoto's pervert is too difficult to catch up to, only the elder sister seems to be easier to catch up.

"Absolutely impossible?"

Could it be that sister Yang Nai already has someone she likes?

Hearing what Yukino said with such certainty, it was hard for Makoto Amano not to think in this direction.

But how is it possible...

How could a person like Sister Yang Nai have someone to fall in love with?

That sister-in-law... probably wouldn't treat anyone other than Yukino...

Wait, besides myself...

This is really not Makoto Amano's narcissism, but a fact.

Because of a person like Yang Nao, she never interferes with things she doesn't care about. In fact, if you don't consider the "mask" she wears on her face, she is definitely an existence dozens of times colder than Yukino.

"If you understand, give up early, apologize to Yuigahama-san, and..."

Yukino hopes that Makoto Amano can return to the way he was three years ago.

Go back to that boy who is a bad fart, but never said 'I want to be a harem king'.

"I don't understand, but the only thing I know is that Yukino said before that Yui was impossible, and now Yui has become our companion, and then said that Kasumigaoka-senpai is impossible, and now Kasumigaoka-senpai has also We got on the line, and now it's impossible for Sister Yang Nai..."

Makoto Amano didn't finish his sentence, but his meaning was obvious.

Did Xue Nai say these words to hurt him, or to encourage him and give him confidence?

"Dream...go to die..."

This guy is really helpless.

During the next class time, Yukino never said a word to Makoto Amano.


And Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was hooked up with Makoto Amano by "Legend", is sleeping soundly in class at this time.

She finally finished the beginning of the third volume of "Metronome in Love" last night.

That was a wonderful beginning, which not only made up for the various logic gaps in the second volume, but also maximized the readability and anticipation of the work.

As long as she continues to write at this pace, her novel, and... the previous reviews will definitely be reversed.

Those who look down on her and scold her for selling her "hue", and those who earn traffic from Miko's hot spots will also shut up because of this...

She will become a best-selling author and never face the dilemma of having her novel cut in half.

Thinking of this, she slept very relaxed this morning.

She didn't even notice that someone had put something on her desk.


"Megumi, shall we go to the Atrium for lunch?"


The ordinary girl Kato Megumi also has an ordinary small circle and friends.

At this time, she was heading to the flower bed in the school atrium with her two female classmates, planning to find a place to eat lunch.

And An Yilun, who was secretly paying attention to all this, could only temporarily extinguish his desire to "talk" to Kato Megumi at noon.

"If it's Eirori, and Kasumigaoka-senpai..."

To make a game, artists and script editors are essential.

Sawamura Spencer Eri...

An English-Japanese mixed race, one of the most beautiful girls recognized by the whole school.

Possesses a strong drawing ability and is the trump card of the art department of the school.

Behind the scenes is the book artist under the pseudonym "Eri Kashiwagi", who is an excellent talent.

At the same time, he is also An Yilun's childhood sweetheart.

With this relationship, An Yilun also felt that it shouldn't be too difficult for him to persuade Ying Lili to join him.


Kasumigaoka-senpai is in some trouble.

Although he helped in the incident at the shrine last time, he was also the one who benefited in the end.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa's shrine maiden costume video helped him gain a lot of fans...

It may be difficult to convince the other party to use this incident as a favor to invite the other party to help him make the game.

However, if Kasumigaoka-san is a die-hard fan and asks her, maybe... it will work.

With this in mind, An Yilun also went to Ying Lili's class first, but...

Noon is really not a good time. As the daughter of a daughter and the "present charge" in the class, Ying Lili at noon is surrounded by girls who want to eat bento with her.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for An Yilun to go over and talk to him.

"Xiazhiqiu-senpai's side...it's okay, but..."

are you asleep?

Standing at the classroom door of Class C of the third grade, An Yilun could easily see the iconic white headband.

In this situation... If I go to get close to my senior sister now, I will definitely be kicked out by the seniors in the third grade as a pervert, right?

In fact, even if he stood at the door of the classroom and looked around, he was already regarded as suspicious by the female students in the classroom.

I have no choice but to look for another chance after school in the afternoon...

An Yilun also looked at the rewritten game plan in his hand, and sighed.

He is very confident in his new plan, but he can't give this proposal to the three girls in a short time.


"I'm so hungry..."

After a full morning's sleep, Kasumigaoka Shiyu finally woke up under the reminder of hunger and the noise of classmates around her.

Gently rubbing her stomach, this black long straight senior sister planned to get up and go to the convenience store to buy some bread to satisfy her hunger as usual.

Then she noticed a bento box on her desk.

"Who put it?"

Which of my suitors?Or has someone accidentally misplaced it?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked around.

But there were no suspicious-looking people around.

Fortunately, there is a note with a message on the bento box.

"Thank you for the bread last time, this is a return gift, please return the bento box to the service department after eating - Makoto Amano"


Because she was hungry and a little bit anemic, Kasumigaoka Shiwa didn't immediately think of Makoto Amano's appearance.

Until she remembered the half piece of pineapple bread that was "cheated" by someone yesterday.

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