Although Siegfried's neighbor was Zhao Yun when he first came to Xianyang, after being awarded the post of Wei Wei by the First Emperor, Siegfried moved to the residence allocated to Wei Wei, and the mansions on both sides were all Without a master, there are no neighbors. Li Shuwen and Zhao Yun came to Siegfried's place together when they practiced martial arts at night.

However, after the first emperor sent Ji Lingshi to Siegfried to assist in the research, this well-known general in the Qin Dynasty became Siegfried's neighbor——

Although Kuaiji Zero stated that he does not need a residence, only reasonable maintenance is enough, but for the aforementioned tasks of protection, surveillance, and research assistance, Kuaiji Zero has become Siegfried's neighbor.

However, because the residence here is Kuaiji Zero Style, there are no servants in the mansion, only necessary personnel such as gardeners who are responsible for daily care.

At the same time, it is also because the Kuaiji zero type lives here, but the gate here is basically not closed.

Therefore, when Siegfried brought the two of them here, he didn't ask anyone to open the door, and he didn't ask anyone to report. He just drove straight in with the two of them, and ran directly to the backyard, where Kuaiji Zero Type usually rests.

A moment later, a huge wave of magic power suddenly appeared in the backyard:

"Damn you!"

Chapter 22 Not only the command, but also the battle is like a mustard seed

This is a rather terrifying existence——

The muscular lower body has four hooves like a horse;

The armored upper body also has six arms that are different from humans, and each of the six hands holds a long sword with a cold light;

The connection between the upper body and the lower body is covered by armor and cloth, making it impossible to see how they are connected together;

And the most frightening thing was the face that showed no trace of humanity.

The moment he saw this existence, a thought that he couldn't believe appeared in the mind of the already distraught mustard child.

And at the next moment, Siegfried's words verified Kabanko's absurd idea——

"This is the ancestor of all the puppet soldiers in the Great Qin. The General Ji Zero Style who made great military exploits for the Great Qin is the Xiang Yu you are looking for."

When he heard that Siegfried, who was already facing him, pointed his palm at the strange existence behind him and introduced to himself, and knew that Xiang Yu in this world had already become like this, and only the word "experiment" was left in his mind. Mustard Chiko's eyes instantly turned blood red, and she sternly reprimanded:


Before King Lanling could react, Mustard Chick had already moved——

Although he has not yet returned to his true posture because he has not been sacrificed by King Lanling, an extremely terrifying magical aura erupted from Musta Chuzi's body, and two long swords instantly appeared in his hands, carrying terrifying scarlet magic power , fiercely pierced Siegfried in front of him, vowing to kill this guy who played with Lord Xiang Yu's body with one blow.

Seeing this, King Lanling was terrified and anxious.

Of course, as an old acquaintance of Mustard Seed and his servant, King Lanling was not anxious because his master had erupted such terrible magic power and combat power.

What makes Lanling King anxious is that once the angry blow of Jiachuzi hits, no matter whether Siegfried will be killed or not, the relationship between Jiachuzi and Siegfried and the Great Qin Empire behind Siegfried will become rigid. Hinako's plan will be more difficult to carry out, and it will be even more unsatisfactory.

And this is something that King Lanling doesn't want to see.

However, the next moment, something even more unexpected happened to King Lanling——

Facing Musta's angry attack, Siegfried didn't seem to care, and stretched out his right hand lightly, as if he wanted to block Musta's attack with one hand.

But before Siegfried's palms came into contact with the two long swords with blood-red horseshoes, two long swords reflecting dim light in the sun had already sent the two sharp swords that Mustard Seed had thrown out. .

But it was Xiang Yu who was behind Siegfried's side...Kaiji Zero-style left Akabako's long sword...or the moment Akazuko raised his hand(?) He had already stepped forward and came to Siegfried Flying to the side, he directly used the long sword in his hand to fly away the two flying swords that contained the huge magic power poured into the mustard child's anger.

In front of King Lanling, the erupting aura of Musta Chizi, who was also unbelievable by this scene, stagnated suddenly, his eyes widened, and the bursting blood in his eyes also stagnated suddenly, and he asked in disbelief:

"How is it possible? Master Xiang Yu, you actually..."

However, before Kua Hinako finished asking, Kuaiji Zero Style, who had blocked Kaa Hinako for Siegfried, kept walking, and in just an instant, came to Kua Hinako.

The six flashing sharp knives in Kuaiji Zero's hands mercilessly slashed at Mustard's body, just like Mustard had attacked Siegfried before. under the sword.

To this, I couldn't react in time...or the unbelievable mustard child didn't react at all, and stood there blankly, only the cold light flickering on the tip of the knife and the innocent eyes in Kuaiji Zero's eyes in his eyes. Emotional radiance.

However, although Mustard Chuzi was still in a daze, King Lanling behind him quickly realized what had happened.

Although King Lanling, who only had one sword, could not completely block Kuaiji Zero's attack, he barely blocked the attack of two swords, created a safe gap, and kicked mustard seed to the safety. The place.

However, is it so inconvenient for the Kuaiji Zero Type, which was made by the Great Qin Dynasty to imitate the relics of the immortals?

Seeing King Lanling jumping out to disrupt the situation, one of the remaining four swords of the Kuaiji Zero Type pierced him from an angle that King Lanling was trying to block, and the remaining three were completely unavoidable. He continued to slash at Kazuko mercilessly, vowing to slash her under the sword before it escaped from his attack range.

As for this, Kao Hinako, with all kinds of memories surging in her mind, still didn't respond, staring blankly at the sharp sword that slashed at her mercilessly.

King Lanling saw this and was anxious in his heart, but at the moment he was greeted with three sharp swords by the extremely powerful Kuaiji Zero Style, but he didn't have the energy to go any further.

Seeing that the sharp sword with faint cold light in Kuaiji Zero Shiki's hand was about to fall on Kua Chuzi's body, causing his blood to splatter for five steps, when the body was separated, a large sword suddenly appeared in front of Kua Chuzi's body , blocked Kuaiji Zero Type's three sure-to-kill swords from an extremely tricky angle.

"Stop it for now, it's a misunderstanding."

The right hand used Bai Zhirong as the mustard child to block Kuaiji Zero's attack. Siegfried held the mustard in his left hand, which was a little smaller than himself, and instantly escaped from Kuaiji Zero's attack range. At the same time, he opened his mouth to stop Kuaiji Zero Actions.

It was said that Kuaiji Zero Form stopped instantly, even the sharp sword that had pierced King Lanling's armor with unparalleled strength and pierced into his body also stopped instantly, and did not enter at all.

As an artificial human whose first priority is to execute orders... or a weapon of war, Kuaiji Zero executed the order very well as soon as it received the order——

The next moment he stopped, Kuaiji Zero Form retracted the long sword that had pierced into King Lanling's body. At the same time, the two swords wrestling with King Lanling also exerted appropriate force, forcing Queen Lanling back and returning to their original positions.

"Siegfried, who are they? Why did they attack you?"

Although he stopped attacking immediately and was usually a taciturn person, he was given the order to protect Siegfried by the First Emperor, and he was also used to the Kuaiji zero style of communicating with Siegfried during this period of time. asked out.

"The origins of these two are a bit complicated, and it may take a while to talk about them.

As for why you attacked me, as I said before, it was just a misunderstanding, and this Miss Kua Hinako directly attacked me because she was too emotional. "

With a little effort in his left hand, he sent the mustard seeds a few steps away from him. Siegfried shrugged and said helplessly.

Chapter 23 Kuaiji Zero Type: The Rebel Is Myself?

"Also, Miss Kua Hinako, I can understand that what you saw in front of you conflicted too much with the impression in your memory, and your emotions were too violent, and you didn't take it to heart, but please let me know Keep calm and listen to me explain the situation clearly.

Come to think of it, Miss Kua Hinako doesn't want something to happen that will cause a lifetime of regret because of an error in the information, right? "

Although Siegfried spoke politely, there was an extremely powerful aura exuding from him, which made the comforting words in him full of threats at this time.


Although Kao Chiko doesn't like to get close to people, she can hear the meaning of Siegfried's words clearly. At this time, she has recovered and realized the huge gap in strength and information between the two sides.

Therefore, faced with Siegfried's words that could be regarded as comforting or threatening, Mustard Chiko was not annoyed. Instead, he forcibly suppressed the irritability and panic in his heart, and said in a low voice:

"Sorry, I was the one who lost my temper."

As a person who came from that era that could be called barbaric, Kazuko knew very well that strength is the confidence to speak, and she had taken it for granted that Siegfried's strength was not as good as her own.

But now not only is Xiang Yu, who just now knew Siegfried's poisonous hand, is helping Siegfried, but Siegfried himself has shown quite unfathomable strength.

Therefore, because of Kuaiji's zero-style behavior just now, Kua Hinako, who had received a blow to the head, barely calmed down and now saw clearly the situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, so he decisively apologized.

What?As a flesh elf similar to the true ancestor, how can he bow his head and apologize to a mere human being, and suffer such a great humiliation?

Forget it, do you know how outrageous the strong (old and immortal) of the group of humans were thousands of years ago?

Mustard Seed, who still has a fresh memory of the strong human beings he saw during the time when he first appeared, has put away the arrogance nourished by the fact that he has not encountered a strong enemy for thousands of years, although he still has the same mentality as before There is a slight gap, but it is also much better than before.

"It doesn't matter, this is human nature, and I might have done more excessively."

Seeing that Mustard had stabilized, the seriousness on Siegfried's face turned into a polite smile before, pointing to the stone table and bench in the pavilion and said:

"Don't stand here anymore, let's talk over there."


Gently nodding, Musta Chuzi, who had just given King Lanling some more magic power through the contract connection, and helped him speed up his recovery from his injuries, led King Lanling to the gazebo that Siegfried was pointing at.

Siegfried couldn't help being a little surprised to see Kua Hinako cooperate so well, but he didn't think too much about it, and called Kuaiji Zero Style to the pavilion together:

"Let's go, this time you are the protagonist."

It is said that some monks in Kuaiji Zero Style are confused, but they don't ask too much. According to the current situation, Siegfried will definitely explain what the so-called "misunderstanding" is next. If you still don't understand by then, you can ask again. not too late.

Just like that, Jiachuzi and Siegfried sat facing each other, with King Lanling and Kuaiji Zero standing behind them respectively.

King Lanling is not suitable for sitting at this time because he is a servant of Mustard Seed, but Kuaiji Zero Style has no such concept at all, laughing dead, how do you want him to sit?

As for this, Kua Chiko didn't say much, but stared at Siegfried with burning eyes, waiting for his explanation.

"Because I have limited knowledge of Xiang Yu in the history I know well, and I don't know whether the history you and I know are the same, so I need to confirm with you one by one when explaining next, I hope you can cooperate."

In view of the gap in cognition between the two sides, Siegfried said this to Kaban before he officially started to explain.

"it is good."

Mustard nodded.

At this time, when it was Xu time, the golden crow fell, the jade yutu tutu hung high, and everything on the earth was covered with a misty silver glow.

Because in the battle just now, the pair of glasses on the bridge of Akabako's nose that gave her the temperament of a literary girl, but also sealed her beauty, were destroyed.

Therefore, the mustard child sitting opposite Siegfried at the moment has no makeup.

Although the mustard child under the plain makeup has lost the temperament of the literary girl, the natural beauty of Zhong Tiandi Shenxiu has been released.

Because mustard seed is still forcibly suppressing the turbulent emotions in her heart at this moment, her beautiful face is serious, and under the misty silver light, she is as inviolable as a legendary fairy.

And because although mustard seed suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, his heart was full of melancholy after all.

So under that awe-inspiring look, it was a little more haggard, which made people's hearts soften after seeing it.

Rao Siegfried often gets along with all kinds of stunning beauties day and night, and he can't help but lose his mind when he sees Mustard Seed at this moment. Although he just regained his senses for a moment, he still sighs that he is worthy of being the darling of nature.

However, although he was in a trance for a moment because of the beauty exuded by mustard seeds, Siegfried did not stop his explanation:

"First of all, I need to confirm that Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, is not the grandson of Xiang Yan and the nephew of Xiang Liang, the famous general of Chu, as recorded in the historical records, but a man-made man made by Emperor Shi Huang imitating the treasures left in the remains of immortals. Man, Miss Kua Hinako, is your Xiang Yu like this?"


Mustard chick nodded slightly upon hearing this.

Although even Xiang Yu himself was not very clear about his origin, he also knew that he was not originally the nephew of his uncle Xiang Liang, but a tool used to complete the commands entered during startup.

"In this way, the current Kuaiji Zero Type is indeed the parallel world counterpart of the Xiang Yu you are familiar with."

Siegfried's words made the somewhat dim light in Kazuko's eyes light up slightly.

"So, I'm really Xiang Yu who you said ended Daqin?"

Although it is not very good to intervene when Siegfried and Kua Chiko are talking, but it is related to him. Rao Kuaiji Zero Shiki does not like to talk too much, so he couldn't help asking at this moment.

But before that, after Siegfried got to know Kuaiji Zero Form, he mentioned Daqin, who intentionally or unintentionally mentioned pan-human history, when chatting with him while collecting data.

As a man-made human whose mission is to realize and maintain the great Qin's prosperity and eradicate all factors that endanger the Great Qin... the current puppet soldier, Kuaiji Zero is naturally very concerned about how the Great Qin in another world will be destroyed.

Siegfried, who knows that Kuaiji Zero Type is Xiang Yu in the pan-human history, made fun of Kuaiji Zero Type in the form of storytelling.

In this regard, Kuaiji Zero Type just took it as a joke of Siegfried, but he did not expect Siegfried to mention this matter again at this moment, and still in such a sure tone.

Chapter 24 Xiang Yu?Kuaiji Zero Form!

To be honest, Kuaiji Zero Type feels panicked now.

Although being one of the most valuable assets of the empire, Kuaiji Zero can ignore most things in the world;

Although as the ancestor of the Qin Army's mechanized corps, he is also a standard bearer, and finally fulfilled the long-cherished wish of the eternal Qin Empire. He has experienced countless fights and established countless meritorious deeds. In Daqin, Kuaiji Zero Type can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand;

Although Kuaiji Zero Type is very strong, Kuaiji Zero Type also knows that he is very strong, and none of the sleeping people in Lishan has a force value higher than his own.

However, Kuaiji Zero Type is still panicking——

God... no, Your Majesty, what are these two guys in front of me talking about?I, Kuaiji Zero Type, the number one general of the Qin Dynasty, was actually the direct driving force for the destruction of the Qin Dynasty in another history?

Rao's Kuaiji zero-style mentality, which has gone through thousands of years, has long been as stable as Mount Tai, and at this moment, he couldn't help but directly intervene in the conversation between the two.

"Although it may make you a little unbelievable, it seems that this is the case."

Siegfried turned around and looked at Kuaiji Zero, affirming this conclusion again with a smile on his face.


Hearing this, Kuaiji Zero Type shut himself off immediately.

Siegfried was not surprised by this. The cognitive impact was too great. Even though Kuaiji's zero-type mentality is much firmer than most humans, it is normal to have some doubts about life at this moment.

It’s as if a recently rising Austrian art student who was attending an art exhibition in Berlin was told, “According to reliable information, you are the gravedigger who led Germany to destruction in another world.”

Rao is a person with an extremely firm will, and it is normal to have emotions such as doubts and disbelief when he suddenly learns this kind of information that conflicts with his own cognition.

However, Ziegfei didn't worry that Kuaiji Zero would really be autistic or even make logical mistakes because of this.

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