At the end of Skadi's speech, she also set her sights on the space behind Ophelia——

Although Skadi was not originally a god who was good at fighting like Thor, but he was also a hunting master with not bad eyesight.

Moreover, the current Skadi still incorporates the special state of the Queen of the Shadow Kingdom who is famous for fighting and teaching others to fight, and her eyesight is better than before. It can be seen that Sigurd, who has become a spirit, is not too big. The problem.

And as Skadi's voice fell, the swordsman holding a magic sword and wearing a black armor that covered his body materialized from the spirit seed state and appeared in Ophelia's behind.

"what's up?"

They did not salute to Skadi, the current Nordic Lord, like the four of Ophelia who came in before, and "Sigurd" with abnormal red light in his eyes was not in Skadi's temple The self-awareness in the middle, but as if in his own vegetable garden, he directly set his sights on Siegfried and issued a provocation:

"Because of that boring puppet next to you?"

"If you don't know how to keep your mouth clean, even if your master Ophelia is my old acquaintance, I don't mind letting you exit here."

Siegfried naturally did not turn a blind eye to "Sigurd's" provocation, and showed a gloomy look very cooperatively, narrowing his eyes slightly, and said coldly.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

Regarding Siegfried's anger, "Sigurd" was quite indifferent, and even continued to provoke.


As if irritated by "Sigurd", Siegfried will continue to argue with him.

"Saber, shut up! Don't be rude in front of Her Lady Queen!"

Ophelia was also a little helpless about her servant's bad mouth. In order to avoid making Skadi and Siegfried unhappy and affecting future cooperation, she had to speak out before the conflict between the two parties continued to escalate.

Sure enough, as Murphy's Law says, if there is a chance that something will go wrong, no matter how small the possibility, it will always happen.

Although the two parties did not seem to have any conflicts yesterday because they did not meet, today, the two who had just started talking started to quarrel because of the inescapable point of Brunhilde.

Distressed in her heart, Ophelia thought about how to deal with the next situation.

"Haha, it's okay."

However, Skadi did not show dissatisfaction with "Sigurd"'s impoliteness and his quarrel with Siegfried, but with the usual smile:

"A quarrel between men because of their love for the same woman? It's really rare.

Ha ha, love, is really a magical existence.

Even after thousands of years, I still can barely comprehend such things. "

However, although it seems that he has entered a state of emotion again, it seems that Skadi has become more interested in the dispute between the two men, and said with great interest:

"However, since there is a conflict, it must be resolved, and one-sided suppression will not solve the problem.

Since you are both excellent performers, why not go out to fight and use the swords in your hands to convince each other, how about this? "

"My Lady Queen!"

Ophelia was a little anxious, trying to stop Siegfried from fighting Sigurd.

Although when she got along with Siegfried, Ophelia did not see Siegfried go all out.

But just relying on the power of several servants summoned by the Great Holy Grail to create that kind of "alien world" that is almost impossible to achieve, it is enough to make Ophelia infinitely overestimate Siegfried's strength——

As for the identity of the "princess of root" of Satiao's love song, apart from Siegfried, who had read the script, only Gilgamesh and Meili, who were clairvoyant, could see it.

Even Alquette and Morgan were only vaguely aware of the extraordinaryness of Shatiao Aige, knowing that it was a rather terrifying existence, but they didn't clearly know its extraordinaryness, let alone Ophelia?

After meeting yesterday, he hadn't communicated with Siegfried, but in Ophelia's mind, Siegfried must be stronger now than before.

If such a powerful Siegfried fights with "Sigurd", it is very possible to defeat "Sigurd".

And if something unexpected's unimaginable.

"Hehe, Ophelia, don't be nervous."

Skadi smiled and said:

"Determining victory with the sword in hand, using victory to obtain everything, this is what every brave man will do.

Moreover, in the age of the gods, there are countless battles to compete for the favor of beauties, and even some gods will send blessings.

As the daughter of a great god, Brunhilde has this qualification.

Moreover, even with resentment, the great dragon-slaying hero did offend Brunhilde verbally.

As Brunhilde's lover, Siegfried also has the right to defend his lover.

Even if I am a god, I cannot deprive him of this right.

Besides, Sigurd is your follower and Siegfried is your friend, both of them are very important to you.

Presumably both parties will keep their hands, right? "

Skadi said, looking at Siegfried.

"Of course, I'm still pretty good at beating the enemy to the brink of death and taking a breath."

As if completely enraged, Siegfried showed a malicious smile on his face, and stared fiercely at "Sigurd" beside Ophelia with his blue eyes, viciously said.

"Hmph, is it?"

Facing Siegfried's undisguised threat, "Sigurd" let out the same malicious laugh:

"However, I'm the exact opposite.

Compared to beating the enemy to the brink of death, I prefer to kill them with a single blow without leaving any future troubles. I hope your strength is as good as your verbal skills. "

"Hehe, well, let's go, fight outside the city, and use the sword in your hand to make the other party accept your point of view."

Skadi, on the other hand, looked like he was watching the excitement and was not afraid of big troubles, as if his household registration had been transferred to Greece.

Of course, Skadi did not forget to take care of Ophelia's mood, and added:

"At the same time, I hope that the two of you can pay attention during the battle, so as not to hurt the lives of the place."

"As it should be."


Responding to each other, Siegfried and "Sigurd" glared at each other and walked towards the outside of the hall, with a strong smell of gunpowder permeating between them.


Seeing that it couldn't be stopped, Ophelia sighed helplessly in her heart, and was going to ask Skadi for instructions, and went out to watch the two fight to prevent accidents.

However, before Ophelia opened her mouth, Skadi, who had always given Ophelia a good impression on the throne, blocked her mouth:

"Ophelia, regarding the deal with Siegfried just now, I have some points that I need to refer to your opinion."

Chapter 63 Ophelia's Change


Although I really want to watch the battle between Siegfried and "Sigurd", so that I can intervene at any time to avoid uncontrollable accidents.

But looking at Skatina on the throne, although she was still smiling, but with a hint of irresistible red eyes compared to before, Ophelia hesitated a little, but finally did not insist on following out.

At the beginning, in the Fourth Holy Grail War in the parallel world different from here, although Ophelia only stayed for a short period of time, she experienced an unprecedented life——

No one asks me to do anything, so there is nothing that must be done, and there is no need to realize everyone's wishes.

No one makes any demands on everything, everything can be decided by oneself.

Although she was approaching death like never before, Ophelia unexpectedly got the life she longed for most during deep self-reflection during that time.

And during that time, Ophelia not only tried some things that she could only dare to do in her imagination amid deep anxiety, but also gained some growth from the influence of that time.

This made Ophelia a little more decisive than she used to be.

"Ophelia, what do you think of my cooperation with Siegfried and the Great Qin Strange Belt that he now represents?"

Siegfried and "Sigurd" left quickly, and when they walked out of the hall, the figures of the two disappeared immediately, obviously they wanted to have a speed competition first.

After the figures of the two disappeared, the smile on Skadi's face subsided a little, and he asked.

"About the collaboration with that Lost Belt..."

Hearing Skadi's inquiry, Ophelia, who had already thought about this question yesterday, answered in a deep voice:

"Although according to what Mr. Siegfried said, that Odorbelt is not unsuitable for expansion like Mustard Seed said, but a very powerful Odorbelt, which seems to be a good partner for cooperation.

However, I'm still not very supportive of the idea of ​​your working with it on a deep level.

The first is the problem of cognition.

Daqin and Northern Europe are almost two irrelevant worlds, and there are almost no similarities between the two sides, which makes the understanding of the two sides very different in many places.

Then there is the question of the concealer.

When I got along with Kua Hinako, I didn't know much about her.

But based on her previous remarks, we can tentatively draw the idea that she is not cooperating with others, including us.

Whether it's because he wants to swallow all the other Lost Belts alone or for some other reason, this makes the other party not a suitable partner.

Finally, there is the question of rulers.

The other party is an emperor, an emperor who has obtained the fate of immortality, entered the eastern fairyland, and once ruled the world.

The experience of the other party makes it difficult for us to judge the other party's attitude towards gods, especially gods in other histories.

Compared with the Great Qin Lost Belt, which has two completely different versions, it is obvious that the cultural customs are relatively closer, and the Greek Lost Belt, which also has the existence of gods, is more suitable as a collaborator.

However, everything has two sides, and cooperating with the Daqin Oddbelt also has advantages that cooperation with the Greek Oddbelt does not have.

Presumably Her Majesty the Queen is already well aware of these things, so I won't repeat them here.

Therefore, although Mr. Siegfried brought completely different information from before, it made the Daqin Strange Belt an optional partner for cooperation.

But because of its uncertainty, I still have doubts about using it as a partner. "

Although during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Ophelia was helped by Siegfried, and therefore had a considerable affection for him.

But because of the time spent together, Ophelia's perception of Siegfried is closer to that of a more mature...strange friend.

And what about the other side?

Ophelia is not only more familiar with and understands Kirshtalia, but before experiencing the events of the Fourth Holy Grail War in the parallel world, Ophelia also had a considerable feeling for Kirshtalia. goodwill.

Although now, Ophelia has gradually let go of the hazy favor she once had.

But, besides that, Kirshtalia also saved Ophelia's life.

But that's all.

Although she was overwhelmed by the mind revealed behind Kirshtalia's behavior, Ophelia, who greatly expanded her knowledge during the Fourth Holy Grail War, was not completely convinced by her original destiny. Ershtalia's personality charm——

Should it be called Kirshtalia?With such a convincing mind and courage, just like those... kings.

However, while being almost completely swayed, if one were to directly pledge allegiance to it, it would seem that...

Ophelia, who has already experienced a life that only existed in her imagination, was not completely convinced by Kirshtalia. After thinking about it, Ophelia chose to give herself a test, and also gave the other party a test— —

If you are defeated by Kirshtalia, then give your allegiance to him.

In the end, Ofelia thought this way, but she didn't tell Kirshtalia, making it something she wanted to do after leaving all the restrictions once again.

However, although Ophelia didn't have the original heart for Kirshtalia.

But this is enough to offset Ophelia's affection for Siegfried, making him look at the problem from a relatively calm standpoint.

"Well, a qualified answer."

For Ophelia's answer, Skadi gave an affirmative answer.

However, Ophelia did not feel the slightest joy——

At this moment, the godly smile on Skadi's face has disappeared.

Instead, there was an unprecedented serious expression, as well as an expression that only occasionally appeared before... the majesty of a god!

Under Ophelia's suspicious eyes, Skadi, who showed unprecedented seriousness, asked:

"Ophelia, I have always seen what you do.

I can be sure that although you are not absolutely loyal to me, at least you have done your best in cultivating the fantasy tree.

So, I give you a chance to choose, Nordic and Surut, who do you choose? "

When "Sigurd" appeared just now and Siegfried was arguing with "Sigurd", Skadi observed "Sigurd" carefully and carefully.

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