
It is somewhat credible to say that Ling has no rhythm.

However, even after Siegfried pinched his small face and rubbed it round and flattened, Mebius' conspicuous long green hair and remaining snake-like dangerous temperament still allowed Kevin to confirm the identity of the other party.

"Stand for protection! Kufu is on!"

Because Siegfried pinched his small face, Mebius could only make a vague protest.

It's just that Mebius's small hands were not so much beating as flirting, but it made people feel that she didn't have any thoughts of resistance, but was enjoying it. ,

Anyway, it's just a taste of love, because Kevin, who can only stop at holding hands and kissing in the past because of the constraints of reality, thinks so.

"Dr. Mebius, I'm sorry for disturbing your experiment.

However, have you forgotten the agreement between us? "

Siegfried didn't care about Mebius' soft counterattack, instead he continued to knead the little face that felt so good.

"I'm resigning, Kuf!"

Although I really want the guy in front of me to know what is "maybe a little pain" and what is "the moment of ascension to God".

But considering the desperate strength comparison between the two, compared with the miserable record in the past, Mebius, who knew that the situation was stronger than others, obediently admitted his mistake.

Confess straight, never repent!

Mebius said let me down, I can still support!


Letting go of Mebius's little face, Siegfried put his hand on the top of Mebius's head before the girl fled in front of him, and rubbed the smooth long green hair.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a snake, and it feels good!

"You bastard, pay attention to me!"

Obviously, this is not the first time this has happened, and Mebius didn't really get angry, but just stared at Siegfried angrily.

However, compared to that terrifying smirk, the angry Mebius didn't bring Siegfried any sense of crisis. On the contrary, a lovely aura came over his face.

"Okay, I'll bring you some more foam paper later, and now it's time to get down to business."

After completing the unattainable achievements of countless snake dogs, Siegfried said as if nothing happened:

"I brought you an old friend, why don't you have a chat?"

Under Kevin's unbelievable eyes, Siegfried, who let go of the ravaged little Mebius, just started talking about business.

After hearing Siegfried's words, Mebius, who had already sensed that other people followed him into his laboratory, also turned his head to the left, and saw at a glance that it was almost exactly the same as Siegfried, but The temperament on his body is far from that of Siegfried Kevin.


Calling out Kevin's name in one gulp, Mebius glanced at Kevin with some surprise, and then turned his gaze back to Siegfried.

"You found this guy so quickly? It's pretty fast."

"No way, you should know his character better than me.

You should be able to guess what he will do. "

Siegfried spread his hands, with a forced and helpless expression.

In this regard, Mebius is rare and did not refute Siegfried's words.

On the other side, Kevin clearly heard the conversation and actions of the two, but Kevin felt a sense of oppression that he hadn't seen for a long time——

A sense of oppression from being smarter than oneself, or being a super academic.

Although he knew that he was indeed not a good player at playing tricks and tricks, he also knew that even if he had an active lifespan that far surpassed that of Mebius, it was impossible for him to catch up with this doctor in terms of research ability.

However, hearing these two guys arrange themselves in this way, Kevin still inevitably felt some uncomfortable emotions——

No, what do you mean, is it really okay to say such things in front of me?

It seems that because of the 500 years of lonely life in the Quantum Sea, Kevin's control over his expression has not grown much. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Kevin's somewhat depressed eyes, and Mebius turned his eyes again. Turned to Kevin:

"Kevin, when Dr. Mei is still here, it's okay to be a small follower, after all, her wisdom is enough to help you exert your own strength.

However, after Dr. Mei left, you still looked like this, faithfully carrying out Dr. Mei's orders. "

There is no doubt that Mebius' words are quite harsh.

Even Kevin, who has gradually developed facial paralysis due to long-term lack of expression changes and body genes, frowned after hearing what Mebius said, and stared at him with ice blue eyes. Mebius.

At this moment, Kevin had some doubts about the authenticity of Mebius in front of him.

After all, although Mebius can't say anything that makes people happy, such straightforward and harsh words are not like Mebius' character.

However, Mebius turned a blind eye to the suspicion and coldness in Kevin's eyes, and said to himself:

"Even if you can't reach Dr. Mei's level, at least you must have enough knowledge reserves, right?

Do you know that because your knowledge reserve is not enough, I have directly lost a lot of knowledge.

If you want to conduct research and make plans, you must first learn the knowledge you have learned.

Do you know how much trouble this has caused my research? "

In the end, Mebius looked at Kevin the way he looked at Paramecium.

Although Kevin had begun to doubt her identity because of what Mebius said, he still listened carefully to what Mebius said.

Therefore, when Mebius finished speaking, Kevin easily understood the meaning of Mebius' words.

Chapter 38 Jie Mie vs Jie Mie

We all know that silence is golden.

So, Kevin is panning for gold right now—meaning keeping quiet.

Although some key information is indeed there, it is not clear about some of the relationships.

But Kevin can still understand what Mebius wants to express——

Because of her insufficient knowledge reserve, Mebius (?) in front of her lost a lot of knowledge, which seriously affected her research progress.

Therefore, Kevin also understood why Mebius in front of him was so angry after seeing him——

Scientists whose research has been influenced by others are pretty scary, as was May, and Mebius wasn't far behind.

However, even though he understood the reason for Mebius's rude remarks before, Kevin's doubts about his identity did not diminish at all, but became more intense.

However, intimidated by Mebius' eyes looking at the paramecium, the former Kaslana scumbag Kevin still remained silent.

After all, the current Mebius reminded Kevin of the rare appearance of Mei who was angry with himself.

Well, that's it, it's definitely not the innate fear of the scumbags about the top students (). ,


Seeing Kevin's obedient scolding, Mebius breathed a sigh of relief, but instead of continuing to pursue his responsibility, he turned his gaze to Siegfried beside him:

"You didn't bring him here to make me vent your anger, did you?

Tell me what's the matter, I have to go to some giant samples to re-experiment later. "

"As expected of Mebius, he directly saw through my thoughts."

Beside Mebius, Siegfried, who was also forced by Mebius's aura just now, first complimented Mebius who was rounded and flattened by himself just now, and then stated his purpose:

"I will take Kevin away for a while later, please find everyone, Mebius, there are some things that need your help to explain and testify."

There is no doubt that the current Kevin has identified the Laoshizi stigmata plan that killed eight hundred enemies and self-destructed one thousand.

Although he is not a traditional Kaslana, Siegfried has a good understanding of the character of the Kaslana family. They are all the kind of stunned young people who don't want to turn back when they hit the south wall.

As the patriarch of the Kaslana family, Kevin is even more so.

It is not easy to change Kevin's mind. Siegfried needs teammates who have special meaning to Kevin in the Inherent Barrier to help him convince this guy.

"Okay, I get it, let's go now."

Although the almost unreserved reprimand to Kevin just now made Mebius feel better, but it doesn't mean that she is in a good mood after being disturbed by the experiment and being rubbed.

After listening to Siegfried's request, he immediately started chasing people away.

"Then I'll leave first."

Seeing that Mebius didn't object, Siegfried, who knew that the other party agreed, didn't stay any longer, and walked directly to the outside of the laboratory.

On the other side, although Kevin vaguely guessed from what Mebius said just now that May was not here, Kevin, who rarely saw a glimmer of hope, couldn't give up just like that.

But considering Mebius' attitude towards him just now, Kevin decided to avoid the edge first, and left the Mebius laboratory with Siegfried.

After leaving Mebius' laboratory, Siegfried and Kevin walked out of the base that Siegfried specially built for them after walking a series of tortuous roads.

Along the way, both of them remained silent, not saying a word.

Kevin's heart is filled with more and more doubts, he needs some time to think about these questions, and at the same time think about the purpose of Siegfried, a mysterious person who has never revealed his identity to him, doing these things.

And Siegfried is thinking about whether he can convince this madman who is dedicated to carrying out the stigmata plan if he explains to Kevin now.

In the end, it was Kevin who broke the silence first:

"Is there anything else to do?

If not, get down to business. "

I don’t know if it’s because what Mebius said just now made Kevin recover some of the state that May was still alive back then, or because the mystery shown by Siegfried has been able to make Kevin face up to it. Siegfried's tone of voice was no longer as cold as it was at the beginning.

"Since you said so."

Hearing this, Siegfried also stopped thinking, turned around, and looked at Kevin seriously.

The two pairs of blue eyes of the two almost identical men looked at each other, conveying each other's unflinching will.

After staring at Kevin for a while, Siegfried suddenly laughed again:

"Sure enough, I still think too much. At this time, it is more reliable to just say it."

Hearing this, Kevin, who realized that Siegfried was about to have a showdown, fixed his eyes on this guy who was only a few steps away from him, ready to go into battle at any time.

Not caring about Kevin's gaze, Siegfried stated his purpose:

"I personally take an absolutely pessimistic attitude towards the stigmata plan you are currently working on, and I don't think that kind of plan that kills the chicken and takes the eggs can defeat the Honkai.

Besides, now is not the time to implement such a desperate plan. "

Hearing that, Kevin's cold expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, but as Siegfried's voice fell, those eyes that were slightly moved because of the interaction with Mebius just remembered the past with Mei But something has changed -

Those icy blue eyes were instantly as cold as a thousand-year-old glacier, empty and devoid of emotion, memory, temperature, nothing that should be in human eyes.

However, Kevin did not interrupt Siegfried's words, but continued to listen to Siegfried's words, but the cold eyes made people feel that he was listening to the last words of the dying man.

"If you want to stop a plan, there are generally two ways.

One is to forcibly stop the plan with absolute power, and solve all the people who will cause problems, so that the stop plan becomes no problem.

The second is to propose a plan that can bring greater benefits, replace the original plan with greater benefits, and absorb the original planners.

However, considering the character of Kaslana in the past, you are not someone who will be easily persuaded.

So, I brought you here to let you know that I have the ability to do things that were impossible in the first place, so that my subsequent words have a certain degree of reliability.

Of course, I also know what to face in the end to fight against the collapse.

Therefore, this step is also indispensable. ",

In the end, in a burst of blazing fire, Siegfried appeared in Siegfried's hands, the Heavenly Flame Tribulation Transformed by Power.

The tip of the sword pointed obliquely at the ground, but the meaning was already very obvious.

"Come on then!"

Responding to Siegfried was the Heavenly Fire Tribulation Extinguisher in Kevin's hand.

Chapter 39 The Battle Begins

On the dead moon, a battle that only existed in myth broke out.

For thousands of years, the flaming sword that guarded the Garden of Eden in the myths passed down by human mouth once again bloomed here with the glory that destroyed Sodom.

On this dead land, the two flame swords that also emitted destructive flames unscrupulously radiated their power.

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