She is the biggest victim of this incomplete state, and she is naturally the one who encourages Siegfried the most.

If Siegfried can succeed, Mebius can directly get rid of the current state of serious lack of basic knowledge, and eliminate the -50% research speed debuff called "Insufficient Basic Knowledge".

Of course, among the few people who supported it, there were also those who opposed it.

However, although they opposed Siegfried's plan, the opposition of several people was not as firm and strong as Mebius' support. They just put forward their own reasons and opinions and let Siegfried make his own decision.

However, in the end Siegfried made that plan.

Of course, this is not because the attitude of Mebius as a supporter is far more than those who hold other ideas——

If Siegfried's plan fails, other people may come to comfort him, but it is basically impossible for Mebius, who has a considerable part of arrogance in his character, to comfort Siegfried.

Compared to consolation, Mebius is more likely to give Siegfried a poisonous tongue with a gun and a stick, and then throw Siegfried a plan that he has been thinking about for a long time. Ziggy walked away quickly, don't disturb Dr. Mebius's experiment...

Tsk, Snake, Tsundere has retired, you have no future like this...

Of course, Siegfried, who didn't decide to implement the plan because of this, naturally didn't choose to change the plan because of this reason.

What prompted Siegfried to revise his plan was Eden, who was drunk and passed out on the sofa in front of him without any defense.

Of course, although Siegfried did not deny that he had some not-so-good thoughts about Eden because of his hopelessness as a man, this did not prompt Siegfried to make a decision to change his plan. reason.

Siegfried would change his decision because during the short hour with Eden, he saw many strange things in Eden before him.

There is no doubt that this is caused by the gap between the Eden in Kevin's memory and the self in Eden's own cognition.

Just having a drink with Eden, Siegfried was able to detect the difference between the Eden in front of him and the Eden he was familiar with.

This means that the gap between Kevin's memory and reality is much larger than Siegfried's previous prediction.

At the same time, this also means that the uncertainty of the plan is much higher than Siegfried originally expected.

It should be noted that the main reason why Siegfried had such an adventurous plan before was that he thought he was familiar enough with most of them.

But the reality gave Siegfried a blow without hesitation, making him realize how wrong his previous thinking was.

Although Siegfried also has Kaslana's unique tendon, Siegfried is still good at flexibility in this kind of matter.

After Eden got drunk, Siegfried thought about it for a while, and finally chose to abandon the original plan.

At least, after getting to know them well enough, they can start to make plans to avoid the plots in some bloody romance dramas.

After making a decision, Siegfried temporarily stopped thinking.

"Hey, Sister Ellie, look quickly, that man has made moves!"

Padufelice, who had been staring at the two people in the lounge, immediately noticed that Siegfried had moved.

"I saw it, I saw it, don't say anything, just keep reading."

Of course, Alicia, whose keen Leziman detector has taken effect, did not let go of her attention to the two people in the lounge. Her beautiful eyes also noticed Siegfried's movements immediately:

"Phyllis, if that man shows any unruly intentions later, you must rush out to protect Eden."

"Leave it to me, Miss Ellie!"

Hearing the words, Paduofelis was gearing up for a while, looking eager to try.

However, Mao Mao's heart was far from being as positive as it appeared on the surface, and she crazily prayed for Alicia to forget the conversation just now, so that she would not suffer later.

However, under the watchful eyes of the two people in the corner, Siegfried did not do anything out of the ordinary——

He just changed his posture, put his arms on his legs, folded his hands together, put his head on the back of his hands, and quietly watched the sleeping Eden.

Mr. Lu Xun (not) said: learn to look for the beauty in life with your eyes, because beautiful things will make people feel better and raise more hope for life.

There is no doubt that Eden is the kind of beauty that is enough to make people feel happy just by looking at it.

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Chapter 97 You (you) are also my target


I don't know how long it took, many wonderful scenes in my mind dissipated one by one, and Eden's consciousness gradually returned to his body.

However, Rao Eden's body is a fusion fighter with a strong system, and the memory quality is not too weak, but facing the fine wine that Siegfried brought out, he is still a little bit overwhelmed, even after the mental shock , but the body is still inevitably in a state of drunkenness.

He raised his palm feebly, and pressed his slender fingers on the Fengchi acupoint. Eden gently rubbed the acupoint to relieve the dizziness in his brain.

"That's why, Miss Eden, even if you are a fusion fighter and have a physique far beyond ordinary people, don't be greedy."

With the sound coming into his ears, a finger touched Eden's smooth forehead, and the cool feeling like a ray of breeze in a hot summer instantly spread to every corner of Eden's brain, making his mind a little dizzy The chubby Eden suddenly felt his mind cleared up.

After a while, the fingers on the forehead left, but the coolness did not dissipate, but continued to act in Eden's mind.


Taking a deep breath, although there is still a little discomfort in the body, Eden, who has regained his sobriety, has basically got rid of the negative state caused by drunkenness.

Slowly opening his eyes, what Eden saw was Siegfried sitting across from him with a smile on his face.


It has almost become a habit before, which makes you laugh. "

Sitting upright and with a slightly uncoordinated body due to drunkenness, Eden did not show any displeasure at the slightly abrupt words of this stranger, Siegfried. He just thanked Siegfried for his help and explained Being drunk is the norm.

Then, Eden paused, with a bright smile on his face, and a rare hint of playfulness:


Hehe, to be able to taste this kind of fine wine is to get drunk, so what's the problem? "

The undisguised drunkard's speech came from Eden's mouth, but it didn't make people feel disgusted at all, but it made people a little more real.

"Ha, should it be you?"

Hearing this, Siegfried didn't show any surprise, but felt a sense of familiarity——

When Siegfried brought the wine to Eden in his own inherent barrier, the drunk Eden made the same statement.


Eden showed a look of curiosity when he heard the words:

"Speaking of which, I still don't know your name, but you seem to know me very well?

Where have you seen our information? "


Siegfried shrugged and did not deny:

"My name is Siegfried, Siegfried Kaslana.

You should be able to guess from my appearance that I have a certain blood relationship with Kevin.

I am a member of the family of the descendants of the child that Dr. MEI created with his and Kevin's genes in the new civilization.

If you really want to count, Kevin should be regarded as my ancestor.

However, because the seniority is too far apart, and I am not from this world, so when I communicate with him, I will not address him by seniority, but talk directly about our peers.

As for why I know you well...

Pretty much what you said, I got some of your stuff elsewhere.


Siegfried said, pointing to the wine bottle on the low table between the two:

"The wine we just drank is another one of your favorite."


Even though Eden's state of mind and self-cultivation were among the best among the Thirteen Heroes, he couldn't help showing surprise after hearing Siegfried's words.

"As I said, literally."

Siegfried shrugged, saying that he was telling the truth, but he had no intention of explaining further.

"Is that so?"

Looking down, looking at the wine bottles of different styles on the table, Eden murmured softly.

Lifting his head slightly, his eyes returned to Siegfried's face, and the surprise on Eden's face had disappeared by this time.

For the pre-civilization era that created the second God's Key Thousand Realms and formulated the Hengsha Plan, the existence of parallel worlds is not inconceivable.

Regardless of Yingjie's identity or the identity of the sponsor of Flaming Moth, Eden is qualified to know this matter.

Therefore, after the initial surprise, Eden didn't mean to continue asking, but instead asked:

"Well...Mr. Siegfried, you just said that you got the information of several people including me through some means, but there are only a few people's information.

So, are you coming to Paradise for the sake of other people? "

Although I was a little curious in my heart, what kind of form did Siegfried get the information——

If it's just pure information, why is there such a thing as "another favorite wine"?

If it is a paradise of the past in another world, why are there only a few people's information?

Although Eden knew that most of the successors who came to the paradise of the past in these years could only meet a few of the thirteen heroes.

However, with Siegfried's identity as a descendant of Kevin, his incomparably powerful spirit, and his strength that cannot be detected for the time being, Eden believes that Siegfried will meet everyone in the Paradise of the Past.

Because neither of the two possibilities could be explained, Eden inevitably had some curiosity in his heart.

However, curiosity is curiosity. After all, Eden is not a social phobia patient like Alicia, who can get to the bottom of it without any scruples.

In contrast, Eden is more willing to reveal the secrets little by little in the usual relationship.

Facing Eden's question about having a little drunk mouth habit after getting rid of the aftereffects of drunkenness, Siegfried shook his head lightly while feeling a familiar feeling in his heart:

"I came to Paradise, and I do have this idea.

However, in addition to this, you (you) are also my target.

After all, humans are greedy creatures, aren't they? "

"Ha ha……"

Facing Siegfried's words with a hint of self-mockery, Eden didn't comment, just stood up with a chuckle, and Siegfried said:

"Please come with me. After tasting the fine wine you brought, I should complete my task."

After speaking, motioning Siegfried to follow him, Eden left the lounge and walked towards the center of the hall.


Outside the entrance in the corner of the hall, the cat Padufelice, who had been watching the two people's movements, was already a little incoherent:

"Sister Ellie, did you see what he was saying just now?"


Alicia's expression is rare and serious:

"This is a war!"

Chapter 98 Eden's Return Gift

Alicia, who has always regarded herself as a beautiful girl like a flower and always has a smile on her face, is serious at the moment, with her palms on Padufelice's shoulders, a look of "the organization has important tasks for you "The appearance said:

"A war to defend Eden!

How can we stand still when someone is about to lay hands on our common wealth, Eden? "


Looking at Alicia, who was obviously not joking (it seemed she was messing around), Padufelice felt her cat's life darken in an instant, her pink lips opened and closed, and she wanted to say something, but I couldn't say anything under Alicia's heavy gaze...

Sister Ellie, isn't it, it's just a joke, you don't really take it seriously, do you?

——Whether it is Patofelis, whose hard power is really touching, who can only increase her survival rate by mastering more skills, or Alicia, who is an absolute elite, both of them have certain lip language skills.

Although the place where the two of them are located is relatively far from the lounge, and there is a glass barrier in between, but with the strength of the fusion of the two fighters, it is not difficult to see Siegfried's mouth shape.

Perhaps because they are not professional lip language experts, the two cannot fully understand what Siegfried is saying, but the last few short sentences can still be read out.

And because he wanted to tease the two people in the corner, Siegfried deliberately erased the mouth shape of "we" when he was speaking, so that the two people in the corner could only get "you are also my target" "This answer—

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