The God's Keys that Joyce used to fight against Otto's Star of Eden and Destiny all came from that glorious civilization tens of thousands of years ago. "

"You mean...the World Snake is an organization left over from the pre-civilization?"

Listening to Siegfried's seemingly incongruous words, Einstein asked his own question.

"Obviously, I have no reason to talk nonsense here."

Siegfried spread his hands and continued:

"It is a bit biased to say that the World Snake is an organization left over from the pre-civilization. To be precise, the World Snake is an organization founded by people who survived from the pre-civilization to the present civilization.

And this is also the main reason why the World Snake's style and plan are extremely extreme in your opinion.

You can imagine, if in the subsequent increasingly powerful collapse, all the old friends who have supported you all the way through the past few years all died, and the familiar people around you died one by one. Even the grassroots staff in the base are changed three times every six months. What will happen to your mentality? "

"Even so, we won't become lunatics who destroy the world!"

Walter Young's words were resolute and resolute.

"If it's just this level, it's naturally not enough to make you who have lofty beliefs in your heart become like that."

Siegfried was not displeased by Walter Young's interruption, and continued to speak slowly:

"So... Mr. Walter Young, let us imagine—

If, after a few years, an incomparably powerful Herrscher like the last last Herrscher of the previous civilization arrives.

All your familiar friends and even your subordinates have died in battle. Even Dr. Einstein by your side has lost his life because of the unpredictable Herrscher. The number of human beings has also been reduced from billions to pitiful. Tens of thousands or even less than ten thousand.

The only thing that can make you feel the temperature of life is only a few comrades who fought side by side, and Dr. Tesla in front of me.

In order to avoid the ruined future, you and your comrades set off together to face the unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

However, even if you try your best and put all your power into this battle, you can still only delay the opponent's progress of destroying civilization for a few hours.

In order to prevent the civilization from being completely extinct, you failed, and returned to the final base with the remaining comrades, preparing to enter the hibernation cabin, trying to wait for the end of the world, and continue to fight against Honkai with your current experience in the new civilization.

However, when you return to the base, you find that the last Dr. Tesla in the world who can make you feel warm has also passed away.

You can't even go to heaven with her in despair, because he left you with her last effort——

Several plans to fight against Honkai, and a child that you cannot abandon, which belongs to you.

Tens of thousands of years later, you woke up, and you luckily escaped the final destruction and came to the new world.

However, your actions are not going well, and the plans she left behind have failed one by one.

Having lost all warmth and only a few comrades-in-arms who are absolutely unwilling to lose, what you think about day and night is the powerless figure lying on the test bench and how to defeat Honkai.

However, fortunately, you still have hope, and that is the final plan——

One may cause great casualties, but there is a considerable probability that the civilization will defeat the collapse and continue successfully, instead of being completely destroyed like your civilization, leaving only a few remnants of the defeated army.

Total destruction, and silver lining, let you choose, which one will you choose? "

In these words, Siegfried used certain spiritual means rather unkindly.

Although the effect on Einstein and Walter, who were separated by the Pacific Ocean, was not so good, it still made the other party listen to his words honestly, and was immersed in that assumption to a certain extent.

Chapter 163 Understandable, but definitely not agreeable

On Siegfried's shoulders, little Alicia sat there quietly, her little face stopped smiling, her calf didn't shake anymore, and she just quietly leaned against the shoulder strap next to her.

Although Siegfried didn't say who that person was, based on the information she had obtained before, little Alicia could still guess that that person belonged to Kevin——

After returning to the final base after the defeat of the Moon at the hands of the Final Herrscher, most of the few heroes who survived except Kevin performed the last memory synchronization.

Through communicating with them, Alicia knew that Dr. May had created a baby with her and Kevin's genes.

Therefore, when Siegfried claimed to be a descendant of Kevin, Alicia was not surprised.

However, although Alicia knew all the information that Siegfried said, but listening to Siegfried's narration, Alicia still couldn't help feeling sad...

Because Einstein and Walter Young are on the other side of the ocean, Siegfried needs to release it in a special way if he wants his spiritual means to work.

Therefore, even though it was not the main target of the spell, little Alicia, who was sitting on Siegfried's shoulder and closest to Siegfried, was inevitably affected.

Even though Alicia herself is a complete optimist, even though little Alicia's small body was made by the Nordic gods back then.

But the mental means used to face Siegfried's extremely powerful soul were also affected.

"Sorry, Alicia, I didn't notice you, which affected you too."

When Alicia was feeling sad, Siegfried's voice suddenly appeared in her mind.

What appeared together with Siegfried's voice was the warm current permeating little Alicia's body, sweeping away all the sadness in her heart.


She raised her eyebrows in a little surprise. As far as Alicia knew, this kind of ability seemed to be something only Su and Alponia, who were of the spiritual perception type, could barely achieve.

But according to Siegfried's previous battle with Ulandal, Alicia speculated that Siegfried is a fusion fighter with a strengthened body and shouldn't have this ability.

However, Alicia is not an ordinary person after all, and her psychological endurance is terribly high.

Considering the destruction of Siegfried's world... as a traveler, Alicia didn't think it was impossible, but just found it interesting that a physically strong warrior can also have such powerful spiritual power.

"Don't worry, I'm second in Zhuhuo Yingjie, so I'm not that fragile."

Based on past experience, Alicia gave Siegfried a response in her mind.

"It's good that you're fine. I'll treat you to a big meal and make up for it later. How about it?"

"Well... a meal can't make up for the price of hurting my soul."

Alicia replied playfully.

"Okay, as many meals as you want."

Siegfried responded with a smile.

"Well...then I will forgive you graciously."

Little Alicia raised her head and responded.


Before, under the action of Siegfried's mental power, following Siegfried's narration, all three of Walter closed their eyes unconsciously, immersed in Siegfried's hypothesis.

While Siegfried was chatting with little Alicia, Walter, the strongest of the anti-entropy trio, had already left that state and opened his eyes.

However, it seems that because of Siegfried's excessive force, Walter's eyes are bloodshot at this moment, which is daunting.

After exhaling for a long time, Walter did not angrily scold Siegfried, who was most likely the instigator, because of the obviously abnormal phenomenon that all three of his party had fallen into the illusion. Instead, he closed his eyes again and calmed down. own emotions.

When Walter Yang opened his eyes again, the blood in those eyes had faded a lot.

During this period, Tesla and Einstein, who were also affected, as well as Qiyana and Raiden Mei, who had suffered disasters around them, also opened their eyes.

Although it's not like Walter's hypothetical protagonist's double-eyed eyes, but judging from his expression, he is more or less affected.

Seeing that several people had opened their eyes, Siegfried said:

"I'm sorry, in order to reduce your subjective resistance, I used a little trick. I hope you don't mind, Mr. Walter."


Staring fixedly at Siegfried in the picture, the bloodshot eyes in Walter's eyes that haven't completely dissipated made his eyes look fierce.

After being silent for a while, Walter just shook his head slowly:

"It's nothing, the skills are not as good as people."

"You can understand."

Nodding, Siegfried continued to ask:

"So, can you understand what I said, the reason why the world's snakes are so extreme?"


This time, Walter Yang didn't deny it any more, and nodded slightly.


"However, being understandable does not mean that you can agree."

Walter Yang said with an extremely serious expression, as if he was declaring his belief to the shadowed figure on the other side of the ocean.

"It's okay to understand,"

Siegfried nodded, with a hint of a smile in his words:

"Speaking of which, as a newcomer who has joined World Snake for a short time, I understand many of World Snake's concepts but do not agree with them.

I didn't intend for you to agree with me. I said so much just to let you know more about the world snake.

Although it looks like a terrorist organization many times, it does do things that terrorist organizations can do from time to time.

However, in essence, World Snake, like Destiny and Anti-Entropy, is an organization whose ultimate goal is to fight against Honkai.

Moreover, isn't it normal for a large organization to have many people with different ideas?

Just like in anti-entropy, there are existences like the three who have lofty ideals, and there are Cocolia's... um...

And in the world snake, it is the same, there are both radicals and conservatives.

Although originally, both radicals and conservatives will completely obey his will after Kevin returns.

However, because of the acquisition of some new technologies, World Snake has now canceled the original stigmata plan and updated and upgraded the original technologies.

When the technology upgrade is completed, the stigmata plan will bring a greater possibility of defeating Honkai at a far lower cost than the original.

And based on this technology, World Snake has cooperated with Destiny to reduce the side effects of artificial stigmata as much as possible.

Presumably, the intelligence network developed in Destiny with anti-entropy should be able to collect relevant information. "

164 Present the facts and reason (bushi)


If it were placed on the set of a funny movie, there would probably be a big question mark above the heads of the three of Walter at this time, to express their doubts——

As the founder of Anti-Entropy who rebelled from Destiny's North American branch, one of the ideas adhered to by the Anti-Entropy Conservative Big Three is to use mechanical equipment such as Titans to replace Valkyrie, a biological weapon that costs human life.

The reasons are very complicated, but the physical damage of the artificial stigmata to the Valkyries is undoubtedly a very important one of the many reasons.

Now that Siegfried said that there is a new technology that can greatly reduce the side effects of artificial stigmata, and that he is cooperating with Destiny, the three of them are naturally quite emotional.

The first reaction is to doubt——

As the archbishop of Destiny, Otto can be regarded as the developer of artificial stigmata and the biggest promoter of its application, and he has also put a lot of effort into its optimization.

Even so, the research on artificial stigmata still hasn't made much progress, and the Valkyries of Destiny still lost their lives at a young age because of the huge side effects.

This kind of technology that even Otto, a guy who almost controlled the whole world, has not developed so easily, it will always be a little unbelievable.

However, as Siegfried said, since the destiny of this technology has been obtained, it will definitely be applied on a large scale.

And as long as the Mandate of Heaven is applied on a large scale, anti-entropy will definitely be able to get relevant news.

In this case, there is no need for Siegfried to deceive a few people by falsifying this kind of news.

And if this news is true, then the World Snake will definitely make changes to the original plan.

After all, judging from the impact of this so-called "new technology" on artificial stigmata, it must be beneficial to the World Snake's plan.

Although I don't know how much it will cost to implement the other party's plan after it is revised.

However, as long as the World Snake temporarily stops its original plan of harming itself and killing the unknown enemy, then Anti-Entropy is willing to contact the World Snake.

In the process of contact, whether it is to increase one's own understanding of the world snake, to prepare for possible conflicts in the future, or to try to understand each other and change the world snake's thinking, the three of them with lofty ideals are willing to go. made.

However, although the information provided by Siegfried has given the anti-entropy conservative Big Three the idea of ​​contacting the world's snakes and even carrying out certain cooperation.

However, the three of them still didn't have the idea of ​​using Kiana and Raiden Mei as the Herrscher experiment as Siegfried said—

Glancing at Einstein beside him, Walter Yang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said:

"Thank you Mr. Baige for the information you provided. If the World Snake is willing to give up the plan at the expense of countless people, anti-entropy is very willing to cooperate with the World Snake established by the pioneers who once fought to save the world.

However, regarding what Mr. White Pigeon said just now, targeting Kiana and Raiden Mei to conduct experiments on human beings controlling the power of Herrscher...

Sorry, we still can't agree.

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