
Blinking, Kevin, who came back to his senses, once again set his sights on little Alicia.

"Even though it's been so long, I'm just happy that you still miss me so deeply.

However, don't delay your business because of missing me! "

As if it was when the guide was a rookie who had just stepped onto the battlefield, little Alicia said to Kevin, who was much bigger than herself, in a rare and serious way.

However, given the size gap between the two, when little Alicia said this, Siegfried on one side had the urge to laugh.

And on the throne, Kevin once again felt the familiarity that made his heart that had been cold for tens of thousands of years tremble.


Looking at Kevin who was still silent, little Alicia put a jade finger on her pink lips, and the lonely figure on the throne was reflected in her beautiful blue eyes as boundless as the sky.


Facing Alicia who began to act maliciously, Kevin continued to remain silent.

It's not that Kevin has nothing to say to this old friend, on the contrary, Kevin has countless things in his heart that he wants to say to Alicia.

However, tens of thousands of years of reticent life have made Kevin no longer as eloquent as he was when he was a high school student tens of thousands of years ago.

Although in normal times, this kind of silence combined with the occasional riddler's speech, coupled with that cold temperament, enabled Kevin to solve most of the conversations.

However, facing the eccentric Alicia, Kevin, who was familiar with the silence, didn't know what to say for a while, so that there was a bit of Cosmo's shadow.

"Hee hee, sure enough, even after so many years, you still haven't changed. You have a lot of words in your heart, but you can't express them well.

When I was young, I mixed what I wanted to say in a lot of words, and let others guess.

Later, he was promoted as a role model, but with the burden of being an idol, he gradually became less talkative, at least he was no longer talkative.

Now it's silent, which is a bit like Cosmo. "

Suddenly, little Alysia laughed out loud, covering her pink lips with her small hand, her eyes were already narrowed, and she smiled with no regard for the image of a lady:

"How about, let you compete with Cosmo and see which of you two can drag the other side to speak first?"

"As expected of you, Alicia..."

Hearing the nonsensical idea put forward by the other party, such an idea instantly appeared in Kevin's mind.

However, Kevin, who deeply understood that if he expressed this idea, he would definitely be entangled by Alicia, firmly buried this idea in his heart, turned his eyes slightly, and looked at little Alicia's side , although he never intervened in the conversation between the two, but there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth, Siegfried, who was watching a play that Kevin was very familiar with:

"how did you do it?"

As we all know, as long as I am not embarrassed, it will only be someone else.

And when the other party is not embarrassed, then if you want to avoid embarrassment, the best way is to change the topic or ask Dora to join the conversation.

With this in mind, Kevin decisively changed the subject.

At the same time, Kevin was also really curious about the little Alicia who appeared in front of him, the memory of Alicia in the Paradise of the Past, and...

What is the relationship between the crystal flowers that have been frozen for 5 years?

Hearing Kevin's question, although little Alicia wanted to continue teasing Kevin about changing the subject... Cough, I just want to greet Kevin.

But because she was more curious about her current state than the pleasure of teasing Kevin, Alicia remained quiet and waited with Kevin for Siegfried's answer.

"It's troublesome to explain the specific principles, and there are many knowledges that are beyond your knowledge, so I won't explain the principles."

Siegfried didn't evade this question, the smile on his face faded a little, his expression became more serious and he said:

"Although my lack of understanding of scientific knowledge prevents me from fully understanding some of the principles in the Paradise of the Past, the Paradise of the Past is not entirely composed of science and technology.

Instead, the existence of Afterlife relies heavily on Alponia's abilities.

Therefore, although everyone in Paradise of the Past is said to be a memory, it can already be regarded as a special kind of creature, not just memory data.

And it just so happens that because of my personal experience, I'm pretty good at souls.

So, I made a certain attempt.

The body that Alicia is using now is a toy I got from the treasure trove left by the Norse gods in other worlds, and it can store a little soul.

It was originally a small toy given to friends by a certain god before a trip to relieve mutual missing.

And after the transformation, this little toy that could only hold a little spiritual consciousness in a special way not only expanded from a little spiritual consciousness to most of the soul and consciousness, but also had some functions of nourishing the soul .

After touching this little toy, Alicia's consciousness in the Paradise of the Dead split into it.

And this is also the reason why this original doll will become the current appearance of Alicia. "

Chapter 183 Resurrection?

"It's just that, according to the information fed back to me by the puppet, although there is a little soul element in Alicia's residence, it is so weak that it can be ignored in general.

That is to say, from an essential point of view, although Alicia in the Paradise of the Past can be regarded as a soul, her current essence is actually closer to consciousness.

However, from the perspective of mysticism, the existence of consciousness must depend on the soul.

The soul exists, even if there is no consciousness at first, it can gradually give birth to a new consciousness.

But if the soul is lost, then the consciousness is like a rootless duckweed, which will dissipate when the time comes.

Like Alicia's consciousness, if it leaves the special environment of the Paradise of the Dead, it is only a matter of time before it dissipates without special items stored.

As for Alicia in front of you, because of the dependent relationship between soul and consciousness, although the body of this doll allows her to basically do most of the things that normal humans can do.

However, Alicia is just a consciousness after all, and the shallow soul-retaining function of the doll cannot help her recover a complete soul, let alone the subsequent resurrection. "

Seemingly aware of some of Kevin's thoughts, when Siegfried explained, he poured cold water on him without hesitation——

One Otto is enough for this world, and another Kevin, the strongest human being... It is estimated that this world will not even be able to become a world bubble, and it will explode directly.

"The soul can give birth to consciousness, but consciousness cannot give birth to the soul?"

Seemingly unaffected by Siegfried's words, Kevin summed up the main points of Siegfried's words.

"Based on the knowledge and strength I currently have, without the intervention of external forces, this is indeed the case."

Siegfried responded in the affirmative.


Hearing this, Kevin fell into silence again, and the heart that had just recovered a little under Alicia's teasing before regained its ice-coldness again.

After all, everyone in the Paradise of the Past is just consciousness, and there is no soul. If you want to be resurrected, you need to restore your soul.

And to recover the souls of a group of consciousnesses with a soul that is so weak that it can be ignored... Kevin is very clear that this is more difficult for him than defeating the collapse.

However, little Alicia on Siegfried's shoulders didn't show much sadness.

On the contrary, that pretty face, which is either joyful or angry, is full of thoughts at the moment——

Although there was no evidence, Alicia's intuition told her that Siegfried hadn't finished speaking.

Sure enough, after hearing Siegfried pause for a while, seeing that neither Kevin nor Alicia had any intention of continuing to speak, he opened his mouth again:

"Kevin, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you think that they in Paradise of the Past are just pieces of simple memory, or individual... people?"


Kevin, who did not expect Siegfried to ask this question suddenly, gave an answer after a little silence:


It is rare that Kevin, who has experienced 5 years of thinking and thousands of years of exile, has become so strong that only a pervert like Otto can compare to him, fell silent for a question.

"They're a continuation of those who were.

Now that those people have passed away, they can indeed be regarded as their continuation, and can be regarded as an individual.

However, they are not them after all. "

After a little silence, under the gaze of Alicia's burning eyes, Kevin said so.

"Is that so..."

After receiving Kevin's answer, Siegfried carefully interpreted the meaning of Kevin's words.

And Kevin also noticed from Siegfried's question that he seemed to have something important to say, and his eyes were fixed on this... offspring from the parallel world.

As for Alicia?

After Kevin changed the subject, little Alicia's eyes moved back and forth between Kevin and Siegfried with great interest, looking forward to what information she could get today.

Under the gaze of the chief and second seat of the former Flaming Moth, Siegfried slowly said:

"Kevin, Alicia, the next question is for both of you at the same time.

It is not necessary to give an answer, but please think carefully. "

As Siegfried said, his spiritual power suddenly surged out, and little Alicia, who was sitting leisurely on Siegfried's shoulder watching the play, suddenly rose out of thin air and came to an invisible platform in midair, making the three of them Can communicate more smoothly.

Little Alicia, who noticed something unusual from Siegfried's movements, didn't continue to be funny, but nodded slightly with Kevin, waiting for Siegfried's question.

"Kevin, Alicia, what do you think is the resurrection?"

"?" × 2


"!" × 2

Looking at each other, the two Ying Jie who once stood at the apex of civilization reached a consensus——

What Siegfried said before, there is a high probability that he just wants to exaggerate before suppressing, so that the two of them are interested enough.

Based on what Siegfried said today, it is basically certain that he has the means to revive the dead.

It's just that the "resurrection" he masters seems to be different from the "resurrection" in people's normal concept, so that Siegfried asked this question.

Of course, the two of them did not ask directly, but began to think about this question according to what Siegfried said.

But when they really started to think about this question, the two of them suddenly discovered that there seemed to be too many points to consider in the topic of "resurrection".

Even though Kevin and Alicia were both heroes who once stood at the apex of civilization, they couldn't help frowning when thinking about this issue.

"Okay, the time for thinking is over for now, both of you, please look at me."

Not long after, Siegfried's voice sounded again, attracting the attention of the two of them.

But at this time, there was already an extra teapot in Siegfried's hands.

Although both Kevin and Alicia set their sights on the teapot for the first time.

However, no matter how the two observe, they can only come to the conclusion that this is an ordinary assembly line mass-produced teapot.

"It's just an ordinary teapot I picked up randomly, there's nothing special about it."

Noticing the gazes of the two, Siegfried first explained something, and then said:

"I once saw a very rough analogy, so rough that the two can hardly be compared.

But if you just want to get an attitude, it's not impossible.



Chapter 184 What Is Resurrection?

Under the perplexed gazes of Kevin and Alicia, Siegfried spread his fingers without hesitation, and the teapot in his hand fell to the ground instantly under the action of gravity.

With a crisp sound, the ceramic teapot instantly shattered to the ground.

Kevin and Alicia, who didn't know what Siegfried wanted to say, watched Siegfried quietly, waiting for his next words.

"After a normal and intact teapot was broken, it became fragments all over the place, no longer having the function of holding tea.

Although there is an essential difference between the two, let us still regard it as a person's death. "

Siegfried didn't continue to play tricks, and with a slight wave of his hand, the pile of fragments of the teapot on the ground quietly floated up, floating in the mid-air in front of Siegfried.

Pieces of large or small fragments flew randomly, allowing Kevin and Alicia to clearly see that the teapot was completely damaged, and normally, it was no longer possible to repair it.

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