Of course, if Siegfried really reveals some shocking conspiracy in the end, Alicia's choice is conceivable.

However, under the current circumstances, Alicia has already started the life of a fun person——

"Could it be... that is also a beautiful girl you know?"

From Siegfried's previous explanation to Kiana and others, Alicia can probably guess that Siegfried should have the characteristics of a spiritual fusion fighter, and he can detect it remotely by placing his spiritual power on certain items. To the general state of the carrier, so there is this question.

As for why it is said to be a beautiful girl... Although it seems that Herrschers are indeed mostly women, Alicia's question is more about making fun of Siegfried.


Although Siegfried could tell from Alicia's brisk tone that she was teasing herself more.

However, when this ridicule came true, Siegfried was still a little embarrassed.

And when Alicia noticed that Siegfried was strange after hearing her words, she couldn't help opening her mouth slightly——

Seeing Siegfried like this, he seemed to be... guessed right?

"You guessed it right, the Herrscher of Ice is indeed a...beautiful girl."

After a pause, Siegfried still told the information he got:

"And, if I could, I could even take her down now."

"But you don't seem to want to do that?"

Alicia, who noticed the abnormal emotion in Siegfried's words, also suppressed the relaxed smile on her face, and asked softly.


Seeing that Alicia had already asked the question, Siegfried no longer kept it secret, and said directly:

"Although I can directly take down this Herrscher of Ice, or even the following Herrschers, or even the Herrscher of Restraint that completely led to the failure of the previous civilization, as long as there is no Herrscher like the second Herrscher of this era If there is any problem, I can take it directly.

However, this is not a long-term solution after all.

One day, I will leave this world, and the ones who will meet the next battle can only be themselves.

Therefore, rather than going off the field myself, I prefer to use this as a more dangerous training to hone them and give them the possibility to continue winning.

It's just that, compared to me doing it directly, in the process, more people may be sacrificed..."

In some empty living rooms, only Siegfried's deep voice echoed slowly, and in the corners where the lights couldn't shine, it seemed that in those difficult victories, people who could not have died under other circumstances were unwilling Resentment is common, everywhere, making people feel a chill for no reason.

"Okay, I understand all this, so there's no need to be sad."

However, Alicia, who once again showed her usual relaxed smile, used her brisk voice to dispel the heavy atmosphere in the living room, revived the original warmth again.

As if she was not affected by the atmosphere Siegfried just created, Alicia smiled and said:

"A young eagle cannot learn to fly without going through the most painful trials.

These are what they should face. Now that you can stand at the end and give them the last guarantee, it is already a great help. No one will blame you for this kind of thing. "

Although from the beginning to the end, Alicia sincerely loves this world, and loves the people who make this world colorful.

However, Alicia is also a very rational person.

She is very clear about what should be and what should not be...

Although, 5 years ago, Alicia had already expressed at the cost of her own life that she was a person who didn't mind sacrificing herself to fight for a glimmer of hope for the world.

However, Alicia is very clear that this is just a personal choice, and she has no position to ask other people to do something, and she will not do the DD kidnapping that some sanctimonious guys are handy...

Or, Alicia, like the protagonist in some stories——

Although she is always full of flamboyance, flirting with flowers and messing around, she is not in good shape.

However, when the situation is extremely critical, she will not hesitate to sacrifice herself so that her loved ones can live, praying for a better future for them, and she is extremely reluctant to sacrifice others like herself.

However, the only difference is that what Alicia loves is the whole world...

Therefore, although according to Alicia's understanding, Siegfried should not be a person who would be sad because of such things.

However, Alicia still chose to express her relief:

"Speaking of which, after they successfully defeat the Herrscher of Ice, you should also save her, right?

After all, although the things you give away are all small items, they are also very cherished things.

Speaking of which...is this considered a hero saving the beauty?! "

——The role of relief is to relieve depression, and changing the subject can also change the mood, so it is also relief?!

Chapter 230 Destiny Conference

The Floating Island of Destiny Headquarters, the combat command room.

Otto, Bishop of Destiny, sat on the main seat, the captain and deputy captain of the Immortal Blade, and two S-rank Valkyries sat on the left and right sides of Otto. They are lined up behind Ulandal and Rita.

In the rest of the positions, although no one was sitting there, virtual projections quietly appeared one after another. Male or female figures participated in the memories remotely through the projections, and they were the branch chiefs of the major branches of Destiny.

It is worth mentioning that, behind Bishop Otto, who is rarely sitting upright, two white-haired (?) beauties line up on both sides, one on the left and one on the right.

One is the secretary of the bishop that everyone is familiar with, Miss Amber.

And another petite white-haired girl made the branch leaders who didn't know why doubtful.

However, at the moment of the collapse, a new Herrscher has appeared, so how could it be stagnant... Everyone didn't pay too much attention to the white-haired girl who newly appeared next to the bishop, but just guessed the two in their hearts. relationship between people.

It's just that maybe those branch chiefs who are thousands of miles away have no feelings for Youlandelle on the opposite side.

However, Rita, who was sitting opposite Ulandal, clearly felt the subtle atmosphere between Amber and Otto Villa who had just appeared in front of everyone——

Didn't you see Bishop Otto with a serious face, sitting upright?

You must know that Bishop Otto still had that look of ease when he held a meeting because of the Herrscher of Thunder two years ago.

One minute later, after the projection on the last vacant seat lit up, Otto, who remained silent all the time and looked serious in thought, spoke:

"Okay, everyone is here, the meeting begins, Amber!"

As Otto spoke, Amber, who was originally standing behind Otto, bowed slightly, and then began to operate on the instrument behind him.

And with Amber's operation, a projection also appeared above the conference table where everyone was sitting.

With the emergence of the projection, Amber's voice also appeared in everyone's ears:

"Ten minutes ago, a large-scale Honkai broke out suddenly in the Coral Island Autonomous Region. According to the reality of the last data sent back by the testing equipment, the maximum instantaneous power of the local Honkai energy has exceeded the minimum standard for the birth of Herrscher.

According to the data sent back by the satellite, there is indeed a suspected Herrscher within the Coral Island Autonomous Region.

And after the local Houkai energy detection equipment sent back the last set of numbers, we completely lost contact with the Valkyrie team stationed on Coral Island.

Therefore, we can say that we don't know anything about the specific local situation. "

In the shortest words possible, Amber introduced the current situation to the participants.

And after Amber's voice fell, the serious Otto also said:

"Everyone, the Fifth Honkai has broken out, and a new Herrscher has appeared. As the guardian of the world, Destiny must not sit idly by."


For Otto's performance, the ministers of each branch were a little surprised, and they looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes——

Although compared to the insects in the countries where everyone here is, Bishop Otto's ability is nothing to say.

However, as a superior, Bishop Otto made such a clear statement, which is really rare.

You must know that Otto, the Archbishop of Destiny, expressed his will so clearly without waiting for his subordinates to open their mouths. Once his actions were frustrated, his prestige would decline irreversibly.

Even if Otto has absolute control over the destiny, it is the same——

Since ancient times, no matter how talented a monarch is, there will be countless people staring at the chair under his buttocks, not to mention that Otto is not a monarch who is "destined by heaven" and "given by the gods", but a... who has lived for 500 years monster!

Of course, Otto knew clearly about these little Jiujiu under his command.

However, Otto turned a blind eye to these things today, and still said to himself:

"Although due to the loss of contact with the local Valkyrie team, we are still unable to determine the strength of the new Fifth Herrscher.

However, in view of the damage caused by the recovery of the Herrscher of the Sky half a year ago, all branches need to raise their vigilance to the highest level, and the Valkyrie troops from all over the place are ready to dispatch at any time to wipe out the accompanying small-scale Houkai.

As for the Herrscher of Ice on Coral Island, the nearby Valkyrie troops are ready to intercept the Herrscher at all costs once the Herrscher starts to move! "


Although this order seems a little unreasonable, the branch heads of each branch still responded immediately——

To be able to sit in the position of the head of the branch, everyone here may have the skills no less than ordinary political figures, but at the same time, they also have the awareness they should have.

Seeing this, Otto nodded slightly, and continued to speak:

"Urandelle! Rita!"


Urandale and Rita, who were sitting upright, got up immediately, ready to accept the order.

"You lead the No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] teams of the Immortal Blade to set off immediately to Coral Island to carry out the battle against the Herrscher.

At the same time, from now on, Rita has the right to control all the weapons in the Destiny Arsenal except the Honkai fission bomb. For the time being, only two Honkai fission bombs can be used. More than two need my consent.

At the same time, Ulandal has the command right of all the troops of the Mandate of Heaven, and can directly command the Valkyrie troops directly across the headquarters and branches if necessary.

For the above two, each branch shall not disobey for any reason. "

As Otto said, his sharp eyes scanned the branch leaders below, so that these bigwigs who were also unambiguous in their respective areas did not have the courage to oppose at all, and responded one after another.

"Then, the action begins.

Urandale, Rita, I wish you success soon. "

Seeing that the branch ministers were not overthinking, Otto turned his gaze back to Ulandal.


Ulandal and Rita saluted Otto, and then left the meeting room with the team leaders behind them.

"Immediately gather all members of the first, third, fourth, and fifth teams, prepare all weapons and emergency supplies, and gather at the third training ground, and set off in 15 minutes."

After leaving the building where the command room was located, Ulandal didn't say much, and directly issued the order.


Although some didn't understand why their team leader had to gather at the third training ground instead of the airport, the team leaders responded without hesitation, and then dispersed, contacting their team members through the communicator, while dividing the work to Each warehouse applies for materials.

"Rita, I will trouble you in coordinating with various departments, and I will invite Jiuxiao."

As Urandale spoke, she had already disappeared from Rita's sight.

Chapter 231 Cooperation?

"Well, Tianming got the news a few minutes ago."

In the living room, Siegfried was communicating with the gray snake on the other side of the communicator——

After getting Void Manzo from Otto, Kevin started again...retreat?

——After completing the initial transformation, although Kevin's strength is still strong enough, there is still a big distance from the previous peak.

Only when he completely completes the practice prepared for him by Siegfried, Mebius and others, can Kevin's strength be completely and thoroughly transformed, and reach a higher level.

As for how high he can reach in the future, it depends on Kevin's own circumstances.

After all, Siegfried and Mebius are not Kevin, so they can only prepare some basic things for them. The rest can only be explored by Kevin himself.

It's just that, although the road ahead in the rear is extremely difficult, but only in the current "rebuilding" stage, Kevin can still do two things at once——

While strengthening his strength step by step according to the practice method provided by Siegfried, he was distracted to receive the information given by Kongkong Wanzang, so that he could quickly understand how far this civilization has developed.

During the period of Kevin's retreat, the connection between World Snake and Siegfried was transferred to Gray Snake.

For Siegfried, Gray Snake maintained the respect due to a strong person. Although he was not as fanatical as he was towards Mebius or Kevin, he would not be as dismissive as he was towards other people.

Therefore, Gray Snake, who knew that Siegfried had his own plan, would not bother Siegfried unless necessary.

However, what happened today forced Gray Snake to take the initiative to contact Siegfried——

The Herrscher was born, although he was only the fifth Herrscher, and his strength should not be too outrageous, but he was still a Herrscher.

Now that the World Snake no longer hides and reveals its own figure, it can no longer be silent like before, and must react to a certain extent.

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