Until, when you are bored with me and want me to leave. "

"Hmph! You think too much!"

Anna straightened her chest and looked directly at the smiling Siegfried:

"You are already this lady's person, so you will be for the rest of your life!

Never try to escape from my palm! "


Siegfried said nothing, just looked at Anna with a smile, until Anna turned around:

"I will win, wait for me to come back!"

Chapter 245 Pre-war Mobilization (?)

On the land covered with ice and snow, the girl turned around resolutely and went to face the enemy that once made her fall into fear and despair.

Although there is still fear of the opponent in her heart, but at this moment the girl really wants to defeat the opponent for the first time.

Regardless of whether the Herrscher of the Sky really made it to that step, the girl needs to allow herself to do it.

At this moment, she has a reason to do so.

And when he saw Anna coming in front of him again, his appearance was almost exactly the same as Anna, but the eyes of the Herrscher consciousness, pale and bloodless, also moved imperceptibly, quietly watching the momentum and will Anna, who had undergone earth-shaking changes compared to just now, didn't say a word.

And once again in front of this most powerful opponent I have ever faced in my life, and at the same time, to a certain extent, it can also be said to be another Herrscher consciousness of myself, it is impossible to say that Anna is not nervous.

But thinking that there is another person silently supporting her behind her, Anna, who is already full of energy, is even more excited:

"I will beat you."

Looking at the Herrscher consciousness in front of her who was no different from her except for her unusually pale complexion, the fear in Anna's heart after removing the fear filter completely disappeared.

After all, even if it's just a Herrscher, to me, the other party is just a——


And after hearing Anna's declaration, the Herrscher Consciousness in front of Anna finally showed a subtle expression change on his face that had never changed in the slightest like ice for thousands of years. It's just that the guy with a dead duck's mouth will have this change.

And following Anna's declaration, the space that had seemed a little dim just now suddenly brightened a bit, as if to indicate that Anna's victory was not far away.

And this change further strengthened Anna's confidence, and her momentum became even stronger.

"not bad……"

Looking at Anna with his back turned to him, Siegfried thought to himself.

Although when I left at that time, because of the urgent time, I only left a mark, and there was no way to do too many things.

But through this imprint, Siegfried still exerted some influence on Anna, who is a Herrscher.

For example, to teach some things through dreams, to strengthen the girl's spiritual power and will, and at the same time to discover the supernatural energy in her.

But as far as Siegfried has observed now, the experiment was a success.

Although the one-year monkey version of teaching did not make Anna's strength grow by leaps and bounds, from the original A-level growth to even the standard S-level strength of a certain car-turner.

However, with the help given by the imprint, Anna's strength still increased to a certain extent.

However, because this growth is mainly reflected in the spiritual aspect, it is not very obvious in daily life and battle.

Therefore, Anna, who didn't make a fuss about it, regarded it as normal growth, but at a slightly faster speed...

But in fact, with the help of those dreams that Anna regarded as strange dreams, her mental power and will have made great progress compared with before.

And because Siegfried had certain expectations about Anna becoming the Fifth Herrscher, although the mark couldn't directly point to Anna, or provide more intuitive help.

However, in the process of teaching Anna, the imprint, according to the formula Siegfried set up in advance, retained the supernatural energy that gradually formed after Anna's mental power and will were strengthened, and did not allow it to exert its due power. It is reflected in the further enhancement of Anna's combat power, but it is stored.

And this is also an important reason why Anna had a loophole in her heart, and when she was caught becoming a Herrscher, she didn't lose control of her body in an instant, but was able to escape from the crowd and come here.

But now, after receiving Siegfried's encouragement and encouragement, Anna, who is in high spirits, is highly concentrated in her mental power and will, and the supernatural energy has once again revealed its traces.

Although Siegfried helped to open a back door, which enhanced the basic level of mental power.

However, being able to rely on her own will to subconsciously drive supernatural energy for her own use without systematic teaching, although Anna's talent in this aspect is still not as good as that of Ulandal, who can unconsciously use supernatural energy at a high intensity Daughter of Destiny, but it can also be said to be excellent——

After all, Urandale is equal to Zhenqiyana, and Zhenqiyana is the final body in the parallel world, and the capitalized "Daughter of Destiny" is not a joke.

"Anna, can you hear me?"

Feeling the aura of Anna, Siegfried started his own actions after making a plan.


The voice that suddenly appeared in the bottom of her heart made Anna startled, and the powerful aura on her body also dropped suddenly.

Immediately, Anna, who realized that the owner of the voice was her boyfriend whom she had just met twice, subconsciously turned her head to look at Siegfried behind her, who illuminated the once desperate space.

"it's me."

Siegfried nodded slightly, and the voice continued to come directly from the bottom of Anna's heart:

"This is a special technique that allows us to speak directly in this way, and at the same time allows my power to be used for you.

If you want to talk to me, just imagine yourself talking to me. "


After a pause of two seconds, Anna gave a response.

"Very well, that's it."

Smiling and nodding to Anna, Siegfried continued:

"If you are interested, I can teach you later.

But time is running out now, the first thing we need to do now is to defeat this guy in front of you. "


Hearing Siegfried's words, Anna nodded emphatically, turned around again to look at the Herrscher consciousness in front of her, and her aura climbed again, which was no worse than before.

After all, now it is the strength of two people!

"According to the information I have, when Herrscher is born, Honkai will make different choices according to the situation.

If the body itself has a strong anti-social tendency, then the collapse will intensify this emotion and make it destroy human beings.

And if the body itself does not have such a strong negative emotion, but only has a loophole in his heart, he will create a Herrscher consciousness based on the negative emotions of the body.

But judging from the current situation, there is nothing wrong with you saying that she is a counterfeit. "

Chapter 246 Preparations before the war

"It's just that, although it is a consciousness created by Houkai.

However, because there are enough strong negative emotions as support, and at the same time, there is the Herrscher core as the backing.

Therefore, even if the Herrscher's consciousness is only acquired in many cases, it is difficult for the original consciousness of the body to defeat the opponent. "

Siegfried explained the origin of the enemy in front of Anna in the shortest possible words, and inevitably conveyed some bad news.

However, Anna didn't have too many emotional fluctuations about this, she just quietly looked at the opposite Herrscher's consciousness, listening to the voice from the bottom of her heart.

"However, it is also because of this that it is possible to control the power of the Herrscher with a human heart.

Just like what we are doing now, as long as we can successfully defeat the consciousness of the Herrscher opposite you, then the power of this Herrscher will no longer be the driving force for human destruction, but a barrier to protect human beings.

Ana, I think with your knowledge, you should know what this means. "


Anna responded immediately.

Although compared with the high spirits just now, the mood has dropped a little bit, but it is also a little more calm.

Originally, for Anna, defeating the Herrscher was almost impossible.

Although she saw many difficulties now, compared to the fear and despair she knew nothing about before, the feeling that someone was analyzing and preparing for her made Anna feel more at ease.

"Anna, it may be difficult, but whether it's for humanity or for ourselves, we have no choice.

However, don't put too much pressure on yourself.

No matter what, I am by your side and face it with you.

You just have to trust me and hit the ground running. "


Nodding slowly, Anna's pink eyes were extremely bright at the moment, and her eyes were full of determination.

"Please believe me, I will definitely defeat her!"

Here, Anna in the Herrscher's body began to fight back against Herrscher's consciousness under Siegfried's chicken soup, and on the other side, several people who formed a dangerous alliance had just completed the successful formation of the alliance to their respective headquarters. report.

In this regard, Otto held a noncommittal attitude. Gray Snake, who represented the World Snake, just let out an uncomfortable laugh, while Walter Yang and Einstein expressed their concern to Youlandell and others.

"Captain, according to the information collected by each team, there are a large number of Houkai beasts on Coral Island.

Although most of their appearances are of the advance level, knight level, and chariot level, in a certain range around the bodies of these Honkai beasts, there are extremely terrifying low temperatures in each of the small areas.

Even if everyone in Blade of Immortality has the protection of the Valkyrie armor and the protection of the Houkai energy in battle, they still cannot engage in long-term contact battles.

According to the available data, the temperature in the area around the bodies of these frozen Honkai beasts is definitely below minus 160 degrees.

However, due to the lack of specific measuring instruments, the specific temperature distribution cannot be known. "

And when her side was forming a battlefield alliance, Alvette, who was faithfully performing her duties as a data analyst, received a piece of bad news:

"This means that once the armor is damaged, we have to greatly shorten the time of contact with the battle, or even withdraw from the battle directly.

If the battle is forced, in this environment where it is very difficult to restore the temperature, it is likely to directly lead to attrition. "

Hearing Alvette's report, Yolandelle didn't make too much fuss——

As early as when she came here, Ulandal had psychological expectations for this situation.

Therefore, after hearing Alvette's report, Yolandelle just nodded and said:

"In this case, Alvette, inform the follow-up troops to bring enough response equipment on the transport ship."

After a pause, Ulandal continued to ask:

"Yarvette, how is the search and rescue work going now? How many survivors have you found?"

"Reporting to the captain, each team found a different number of survivors on the way forward.

Except for some people who died because of the [ultra-low temperature field] around the Houkai beast, those who were only affected by the glacier formed by the dissipated Houkai energy when Herrscher was born did not suffer much harm, most of them were just Because of the thin clothes, it is difficult to bear the cold environment around.

However, because the glacier formed when Herrscher was born formed a hard layer of ice outside the building, many survivors were trapped in houses or even cars, making it difficult to escape smoothly.

At the same time, because of the solid ice on the ground, the escape route is difficult to travel. "

Yalvette, who claims to be a "reliable tool man", is indeed very capable at work, and she directly gave the answer when Yolandal asked questions.

"Inform the follow-up troops to come with relevant response equipment and prepare to establish a defense line in the urban area passing the cross-sea bridge.

At the same time, all members of the first team immediately went to the vicinity of the sea-crossing bridge to investigate the situation, clean up the Houkai herd, and prepare for the establishment of a defense line later.

The rest of the team temporarily slowed down their progress and paid attention to rescue survivors. "

Urandale said, and issued a new order——

When Yalvette had just reported the situation of the survivors, Ulandal received a message from the headquarters on the communicator——

Through satellite scanning and analysis of related information, the coordinate position (XX, YY) of Herrscher has been basically confirmed.

"This location is..."

Beside Ulandal, Rita, who also received the news, also showed a dignified expression:

"Master Youlandell, the Snow Lotus team lost contact here before."


Ulandal nodded, and looked at the allies around:

"Next, the Valkyries of Immortal Blade will be responsible for the rescue of the survivors, and we will go to support the Snow Lotus team that is likely to be fighting against Herrscher, and at the same time prepare to end that Herrscher.

And based on the situation of the Houkai beast herd on the coral island, fighting close to Herrscher may need to withstand low temperatures that can kill ordinary people instantly.

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