Second, Leiden Mei knew very well that the gem of conquest that was crucial to her becoming the Herrscher of Thunder was in Kiana's body at the moment.

Raiden Mei, who had been pinched by the Herrscher of the Sky to grab the Conquer Gem by the neck and almost lost her life, knew exactly how dangerous it was.

Therefore, Raiden Mei, who can make up her mind not to hesitate to become a Herrscher but also to become stronger just to keep up with Kiana's pace, will never take out the conquest gem from Kiyana's body for this reason.

"Ha ha……"

Siegfried chuckled, and said to Raiden Mei:

"Mei, you have to be clear about one thing, if it wasn't for my treatment, and then Bella to share the Honkai energy for Kiyana, now Kiyana is still appearing in her body because of multiple Herrscher gems Too much Houkai energy and suffering from the erosion of Houkai energy.

Even now, although she doesn't appear to be corroded, Qiyana is still passively and slowly improving the adaptability of the body's Houkai energy under the influence of too much Houkai energy in her body.

And the taste of it is not good.

Therefore, for Qiyana, it is not unacceptable to take out the gem of conquest in her body.

At least, for the current Qiyana, this is a relief for her. "

"Having said that, taking out the Herrscher core in her body is still too dangerous for Qiyana."

Raiden Mei didn't question Siegfried's words, but just had doubts about how to take out Herrscher's core.

"As for the damage you're worried about taking out the conquest gem..."

Siegfried spread his hands:

"I didn't say to take the gem of conquest directly from Kiana's body, Mei."


Raiden Mei really wanted to ask directly how to become the Herrscher of Thunder without taking out the conquest gem?

But thinking about her purpose of coming to find Siegfried, Raiden Mei let go of the impatience in her heart, stared at Siegfried, and waited for his next words.

Seeing that Raiden Mei didn't mess up because of the concern and worry in his heart, Siegfried also nodded slightly, and then explained:

"Mei, do you still remember the scene where I pulled the newly born Herrscher core into Ye Xiao's body on Coral Island two days ago, making myself a new Herrscher?"

"of course."

Raiden Mei nodded——

The scene where Siegfried lightly incorporated the newborn Herrscher core into his body and became a Herrscher almost without any abnormality left a deep impression on Raiden Mei, who also believed that Siegfried could help him one of the reasons.

"I can say unceremoniously that among the Herrschers in the world, only Anna can compare with me in terms of completion."

As Siegfried said, he habitually threw out a three-dimensional projection and began to explain to Mei Raiden——

"Based on what Miss Wendy from Oceania experienced, you should understand that whether a person is suitable to become a Herrscher is not as simple as simply being able to bear the core of a Herrscher.

A complete Herrscher should be able to meet the following basic conditions——

First of all, there is a herrscher core in the body, or a herrscher gem with the power of a herrscher and the ability to become the core of a herrscher, such as the gem of conquest and the gem of desire.

Secondly, there is an imaginary singularity in the body that allows Herrscher's core to communicate smoothly with the imaginary space.

This is the key to Herrscher's continuous large-scale extraction of Honkai energy from the imaginary space.Otherwise, relying on what the Herrscher core spontaneously absorbs is not enough to support a Herrscher to accomplish such things as destroying human civilization.

As for the last, it is the body that can complete the communication with the core of the Herrscher, and can smoothly control the power in the core.

To achieve these three points, a talent has the foundation to become a complete Herrscher. "

Siegfried paused as he spoke, and only continued after Raiden Mei digested it:

"And now the Herrschers in the world...

Bronya has the core of the Herrscher in her body, but due to physical reasons, she is still unable to support the full operation of the imaginary singularity, and at the same time, she cannot completely control the core of the Herrscher, so she still has a long way to go before being a complete Herrscher. Walk.

Although Qiyana's problem is very complicated, the main reason preventing her from becoming a Herrscher now is that another consciousness in her body prevents her from completely controlling the core of the Herrscher.

As for you, Mei, the original you lacks all three——

The gem of conquest has entered Kiyana's body, and the imaginary singularity has left your body because of Kiyana's actions at the beginning, and stayed in Changkong City. As for the control of the Herrscher's core, because of the dissatisfaction of Li personality with you, it is also hard to say .

But now, I believe that your personality can barely accept you who are no longer escaping now.

The imaginary singularity is also in Changkong City. As long as you have enough will to attract it back, then with enough Houkai energy, your body, which is already a perfect herrscher body, will naturally produce New Herrscher of Thunder Core.

And the conquest gem in Qiyana's body will disappear naturally. "

Although Otto did not carry out the second God's Key experiment in Changkong City, it is not that simple for Raiden Mei to get back the imaginary singularity.

However, in the case that Qi is willing to do some tricks, this matter is not completely impossible.

After listening to Siegfried's words, Raiden Mei was silent for a while, and after digesting, he asked again:

"So, how do I get the imaginary singularity back?"

"Follow your heart and strengthen your will. When you have the will to destroy the Herrscher who is desperate to destroy the world, you will naturally return to your throne."

Chapter 316 See if the busy world is still...

At two o'clock in the afternoon local time, in the underground palace that was supposed to be dark because of the relatively narrow entrance, but was filled with brilliance because of the little sun placed by Siegfried, the Lu Sanjia was ready to come again under the leadership of Siegfried here we go.

"Walter and Tesla have left Changkong City by driving the Helios to avoid being affected. Later, I will temporarily isolate Changkong City from the outside world through the operation that I arranged in Changkong City a month ago to avoid Herrschers of Corruption slip through the web and wreak havoc.

During this time, you can fight without worrying about causing too much damage.

And your task is to defeat the Herrscher of Corrosion who broke through the seal. "

Standing in front of the three with his hands behind his back, and behind him with hip-length gray long hair, Bella Siegfried with a cool demeanor explained the current situation to the three:

"However, before that, I have one more piece of information to tell you.

Although the Herrscher of Corrosion has already broken through the unfinished God's Key prepared by Dr. Mei 5 years ago as a seal.

However, 500 years ago, Kallen Kaslana, the Holy Maiden of Destiny at that time, sealed it together with the witch Yae Sakura from the local Yae Village with the help of the God's Key Judah's oath sent by Otto.

However, due to the limitation of strength, the two could only seal the Herrscher of Corrosion in Yae Sakura's body in the end, and the price was that Yae Sakura fell into a deep sleep with him.

And now, although the seal has not been completely destroyed, with the passage of time, the power of the seal has reached a very dangerous level.

And because of the subtle relationship between Yae Sakura and Herrscher of Corrosion, the two can almost be considered as one now.

As for Yae Sakura, it can almost be regarded as a quasi-hersher.

However, because of the agreement with Kallen, Yae Sakura has been using her will to resist the temptation of the Herrscher of Corrosion, and then maintain the seal.

And now that Kallen Kaslana is dead, you should be able to guess the strength and stability of Yae Sakura's resistance.

Therefore, I suggest that you negotiate with Yae Sakura and join forces with her to fight the Herrscher of Corrosion.

Of course, this is just a suggestion, and at the same time, I don't know what attitude Yae Sakura has.

So, how to do it in the end is still up to you. "

Although I was a little surprised to hear the name of Otto's dead golden retriever here, the attention of the three of Qiyana did not stray too far, listening carefully to the information given by Siegfried.

Siegfried didn't ask again until the thoughtful expressions on the three people's faces dissipated:

"Okay, one last question, any questions?"


Although they were still thinking about how to negotiate with the witch lady from 800 years ago, the three who were ready for battle still gave a firm answer.

"Then, get ready.

After 3 minutes, I will clean up the soil layer below. How to act is entirely up to you. "

Before Siegfried could finish his words, his figure and Bella behind him had already disappeared in front of the three of them.

"Sister Mei, you may be required to negotiate with the other party next."

Bronya reminded aloud:

"Although the idiot Kiana and I can communicate in modern Japanese, after all, the other party is from 500 years ago, and the language is likely to be very different from modern Japanese. In this regard, it is Mei sister who is a person from the Far East. It's more advantageous."

"give it to me."

Leiden Mei nodded, and responded to Bronya's words, but did not forget to remind:

"However, we also need to pay attention. The other party has now integrated with the Herrscher of Corrosion. It is still a question whether he is willing to join us in destroying the Herrscher of Corrosion.

So, never forget to always be ready for battle. "

"Don't worry, I will protect Mei."

Kiyana, who has recently suffered from the violence of Raiden Mei Leng, hastily began to "show her loyalty".


Nodding calmly, Raiden Mei didn't respond too much.


Seeing this, Qiyana could only show an awkward but polite smile, and stopped talking, preparing for the next battle.

In this deep underground palace which is quite a distance from the ground, time passed silently amidst the breathing of the three of them.

Then, the 3 minutes that Siegfried said was up, and the three people standing in a corner saw a change in the empty soil surface, and the soil with an ominous smell rolled silently, flowing into the void Disappear.

And as the covering soil layer disappeared rapidly, the unknown source hidden by it also appeared in front of the three of them.

The densely packed chains occupy most of the space, and the long-term contact with the unknown source makes these chains, which were originally used to seal the unknown, also tainted with a strong ominous atmosphere.

And in the center of the densely packed chains, a pink-haired priestess dressed in a historical priestess costume also slowly opened her eyes.


There was a flash of red light in the blue pupils, and the witch who had been sleeping here for more than five hundred years finally returned to the world.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that someone has discovered you..."

A voice with undisguised malice appeared in the mind of the pink-haired witch before the witch's mind recovered.

Frowning unconsciously, Yae Sakura subconsciously resisted the voice in the 500 years of dreaming against this voice countless times.

At the same time, Yae Sakura also began to subconsciously observe the surrounding environment and sort out the memories in her mind.

"Is this someone coming to the village again?"

Quickly sorting out the memories in my mind, I don't know that I have slept for 500 years, I only know that I should be Yae Sakura who has slept for a long time. In addition to the judgment of the surrounding environment, the first thought is naturally—— —

"I don't know, what happened to Karen..."

"Oh, don't think about it, hundreds of years have passed, that woman has died so long ago that there are no bones left."

"To shut up!"

There was obvious anger on the face, and Yae Sakura scolded the other party in her heart.

"Oh, you yourself know this is the truth, don't you?"

The voice didn't care, and continued to mock the damn witch.


Yae Sakura wanted to continue to refute, but was interrupted by the change of the environment——

Yae Sakura was densely blocked around, so that she could only know the changes in the outside world from the faint light obtained from some gaps, and the chains broke quietly one after another.

Chapter 317 Lonely Spinning Around

In an instant, the dark space that could only provide a little light through the faint light entering the seal through the gap became bright.

Eyes narrowed slightly, ears trembling slightly (?), Yae Sakura fixed her eyes on the outside of the seal.

Relying on the intuition brought by practicing swordsmanship all the year round, Yae Sakura can be sure that there are three people there, and one of them should also be a good swordsman.

Then, after becoming a Pseudo-Herserscher's greatly improved physical fitness, she quickly adapted to the changes in the light, and after seeing the people outside the seal clearly, Yae Sakura was stunned——

Regardless of the black-haired swordsman and the curly-haired girl with a strange machine floating behind her, it's just that girl with silver-white hair that attracted all of Yae Sakura's attention——

It was the same silver-white hair as Kallen, the same blue eyes, and even the face, Yae Sakura, who had seen Kallen countless times in her sleep, could see the countless similarities with Kallen.

Almost at the moment of seeing Kiana, Yae Sakura concluded one thing, the silver-haired girl in front of her must have a connection with Karen.

Seeing that the witch in the seal stared at Qiyana in a daze as soon as she met, Lu Sanjia was also a little puzzled.

However, the three of them quickly thought of Siegfried's story, in which the witch seemed to seal the Herrscher of Corruption together with Kallen Kaslana.

Contacting the iconic appearance of the Kaslana family, the three of them were able to guess the reason for Yae Sakura's expression.

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