And this also made Alicia believe that Kiyana can do something that she can never do——

Faced with Fu Hua's behavior of sacrificing herself on the grounds of "mission", Qiyana could not accept it.

Through the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, Qiyana forcibly distorted this already extremely unstable space, opened a passage by virtue of her connection with Fu Hua, and rushed in without the slightest hesitation.

In this seal built by Fu Hua with all of herself, Qiyana experienced Fu Hua's pain when she was deceived, and the sadness when she lost someone she valued.

However, all kinds of emotions that are almost enough to cause a mental breakdown have no effect in front of the emotional Qiyana, and they are all completely ignored by Qiyana.

After piercing through the surface seal, Kiyana traveled through an unknown distance, and finally, relying on the induction between her heart and heart, she came to the real seal——

"I won't leave you—alone!"

Like the protagonist of a youthful and passionate show, Qiyana punched the almost flawless seal, causing dense cracks to appear on its surface.

Then, it shattered suddenly, revealing the thin figure among them.

"Qiana? Why are you here?"

For Qiyana who suddenly appeared, Fu Hua's face was full of disbelief, and he subconsciously reached out his hand to hold the hand that Qiyana extended to him, but withdrew his hand as if thinking of something, and subconsciously stepped back a few times. step.

"If the seal is broken..."

Unfortunately, the retreat of the "heroine" did not embarrass the "male protagonist" in the slightest—

"Then I'll beat her up again!"

Qiyana grabbed Fu Hua's hand, the scars on her face were like medals, adding a bit of credibility to her words:

"Want to escape from me? There is no door!"

Mysterious light diffuses from the protagonist's body, sweeping the entire seal.

"After a while, the seal was completely broken, and the protagonist and the heroine successfully escaped from birth. Congratulations, congratulations..."

Little Alicia clapped her little hands happily, with a look of "knocked".

"What's going on in your head?"

Although she didn't say it explicitly, Alicia still saw the meaning in Siegfried's eyes without hindrance.

"Don't you think this is very similar to those stories in which the hero and heroine finally have a happy ending despite the twists and turns in the middle?"

Little Alicia said with a smile.


Siegfried was silent for a while, and spit out without any emotion:

"The male and female protagonists in your family are both female, aren't they?"

After finishing speaking, Siegfried closed his eyes without hesitation, ignored little Alicia's reaction, and projected more experiences to the other side of the earth.

Noticing Siegfried's actions, and knowing that Siegfried would not respond to her, little Alicia puffed her face, and said angrily:

"I don't think about it myself, so why don't you play the leading role for me?"

Saying that, little Alicia, whose sweet girl's heart was mercilessly beaten, stamped her little feet, trying to make the sinful man reflect on his mistakes.

It's a pity that now that Siegfried has diverted his attention, the fairy-like beautiful girl seems to have nothing to gain...

In the white spiritual world, Fu Hua and Fu Hua (?) who are somewhat similar in appearance but quite different in temperament and clothing are having a dialogue.

After being defeated by Qiyana and Fu Hua, Fu Hua (?) seemed to have calmed down a lot, and his temperament was more decadent.

This time, Fu Hua (?) finally admitted his identity, he is not Fu Hua, but the Herrscher, the guy he has been trying to eliminate.

Regarding Fu Hua's (?) abandonment, Fu Hua chose to comfort him, which made Fu Hua's (?) mood pick up a little bit.

It's a pity that Fu Hua, who has no experience in coaxing children, quickly stepped on the thunder, and was completely unaware that Shi Bao, who started yelling again, was in the rebellious stage of a bear child and needed to be smoothed, so he just replied dryly. Say "I'm sorry".

In this regard, Zhibao, who did not get the answer he wanted, felt helpless, and also felt that he could not hold back his face. After a burst of ridicule and "curse", Zhibao said that he would bring the power of the Herrscher who could kill Fu Hua Leaving, very arrogantly said "See you again!"

Faced with Fu Hua's very rational "Hengkai erosion threat theory", Shibao was both moved and out of breath——

Can't you give in and beg me?

Even though you beg me, I will reluctantly stay...

"do not."

In the end, without getting a satisfactory answer, Zhibao, who could only choose to "leave", was about to disappear from Fu Hua's field of vision——

Even if everyone knows that I am not leaving, I will leave as soon as I say, and I will never procrastinate!

However, before Zhibao really disappeared from Fu Hua's field of vision, a voice quietly appeared in the ears of the two——

"If you're going to take a quick trip, how about coming to me as the first stop?"

The golden glow flickered, and the third person quietly appeared in this world that should have belonged only to "Fu Hua":

"With me, you can get sufficient funds, and many things that you can never get in the outside world. It is absolutely limited to the version."

Siegfried, with the tone of a mysterious businessman (compelling the promotional tone of the Krypton store), quietly appeared in front of the two of them.

Chapter 346 Discussing why the Shangxian is frequently deflated


For the sudden appearance of Siegfried, Fu Hua was stunned, obviously he did not expect to see Siegfried here at all:

"Jiuxiao? Why are you here?"

On the other side, I also saw Siegfried's Zhibao frowned slightly, and was also a little surprised.


However, she didn't ask like Fu Hua, she just smacked her lips and turned her head away.

For Siegfried, the first guy who showed great kindness to himself after his "birth", Zhibao naturally knew him.

On the contrary, for Siegfried, Zhibao was very impressive.

However, at this time, Zhibao didn't really want to say anything to Siegfried——

Now that he has accepted the reality, Shibao has also realized that even Kiyana and the others can recognize at a glance that they are not Fu Hua, so Siegfried, who is many times stronger than the three of them, will not be able to see it I am not the real Fu Hua?

Zhibao feels that this possibility is almost zero.

Coupled with the fact that Fu Hua called out Siegfried's name (pseudonym) in an instant, the kindness that Siegfried had shown before was overwhelmed by Zhibao who had just been deceived by Qiyana and Fu Hua. It is also considered to be deception.

It's just that Zhibao didn't directly question him because he still had the lowest expectation in his heart.

After all, for Zhibao, the kindness from Siegfried seems to be the only kindness she has ever felt.

At least, she didn't want to shatter this cognition with her own hands.

As for not responding like this, is there any suspicion of being a coward?


See that old antique on the side?

She will ask for all the information I need.

"Of course I'm here to clean up the mess."

Spreading his hands, Siegfried said that he was also forced to help——

"Although it seems that the contradiction has been resolved, there are undoubtedly many problems left on you.

If you don't solve it properly, there is a high probability that it will become a fatal weakness in the future. "

At this moment, feeling Fu Hua's state, plus what Shi Bao just said in a fit of anger, the writing was ridiculed and read as words of concern, Siegfried felt that Fu Hua's body had recovered in the previous life plot, how would he behave in the follow-up plot? There are also some conjectures about the unsatisfactory performance——

No matter for the body or the soul, the head is undoubtedly an extremely important part.

And the head was severely injured twice successively, Fu Hua suffered not only the body, but also the soul——

The head was severely injured twice, and Fu Hua's soul had already suffered huge trauma.

In this world where there is almost zero research on the soul, such injuries are almost irreversible.

Especially for the second time, what penetrated Fu Hua's head was Otto's Heavenly Fire Sacred Order simulated by Void Wanzang.

Although it is only a parallel import, the Skyfire Sacred Order simulated by Void Wanzang still possesses some of the power of the original version——

Such as higher lethality and difficult to heal injuries.

This is not only in the body, but also in the soul——

Even though the Holy Order of Heaven Fire did not specialize in attacking the soul, the power of burning and destroying everything would still cause great damage to the soul.

This is true even if what Otto has in his hands is just a copycat.

In this case, Fu Hua also cut his own soul, and remotely transferred his consciousness to the feather on Kiyana's body.

Although this risky action was successful and did not completely kill Fu Hua, it still caused Fu Hua's already severely injured soul to be severely injured again——

A considerable part of the soul was abandoned and remained in the body, becoming the nourishment for the birth of Zhibao.

Now that Zhibao has become another independent consciousness, it is absolutely impossible for Fu Hua to absorb those souls back.

The previous confrontation with the Herrscher of the Sky and the blocking of Kevin made Fu Hua's situation even worse——

As Zhibao said, with Fu Hua's current poor soul state, he can't even control his body independently, not to mention that there is a Herrscher core in this body.

"Do you have a solution?"

Hearing Siegfried's words, Zhibao finally turned his head, and Ziegfried with a bad face asked——

Although he would not admit it even if he was beaten to death, the facts proved that Zhibao still cared about Fu Hua very much.

After hearing Siegfried's vague hint, Zhibao, who was already out of his temper, asked.

As for Siegfried's attitude... For the guy who seems to have deceived him, it is undoubtedly difficult for Zhibao to show any good looks.

The reason why Siegfried didn't give the title of "little bastard" like those traitors is because the two sides have not torn the window paper—she is not the kind of guy who doesn't understand the general situation!

Even though he knew that it was caused by a sliver of expectation that shouldn't exist in his heart, Shibao still chose not to pierce the window paper for the time being.

"You can try."

Siegfried didn't realize Bao's petty temper, and didn't talk too much——

"A qualified doctor will not talk about a guaranteed cure until he is completely cured."

"Then what did you mean by what you just said?"

Although I was still thinking about asking Old Antique to ask for me, but when Shibao opened his mouth, he still couldn't help asking——

In other words, she had already made great efforts not to ask the sharpest question.

"literal meaning."

Siegfried folded his hands on his chest, with an unaffected smile on his face:

"If you want to leave for a while, my place should be a good place to go."

"What are you going to do? Can't you just look at Otto's face and sulk?"

Zhibao's tone can be described as quite unkind——

Not asking the most pointed question had almost exhausted all her endurance. ,


Siegfried chuckled and answered Shibao's question:

"On that point, don't worry.

That guy Otto is already soaking in the laboratory now, and now Ulandal, Rita, and Kohaber are in charge of the destiny work.

In a short time, you should not see that face that you smashed once. "

"Tch, that guy, I hit him every time I see him."

Still very puzzled and shook his fist violently, Zhibao still showed a slow look of resentment.

"If you have a chance, remember to let me know, I like to shoot on the spot immediately, and it will be very troublesome to shoot afterward."

Hearing this, Siegfried showed great interest, as if he was very interested in beating up Otto.

"Huh? Aren't you and Otto allies?"

In this regard, Zhibao was puzzled.

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