"Okay, let's get down to business, what are you looking for me for?

It can't be just to let me share a little more financial pressure, right? "

"What? Is this starting to dislike me?"

Glancing at Ye Xiao who didn't give him a good face, Raven's face was full of amusement, and he said slowly:

"Good news, your sister is awake."


Although Chen Tianwen's physical condition was getting better day by day, when he really heard the news, Chen Tianwu stood up from his chair with a look of surprise on his face.

"Here, go see for yourself."

Tilting his head, Raven signaled Chen Tianwu to go and see for himself.

"Thank you for the message."

As Chen Tianwu said, he jumped over the crow, left the office without looking back, and ran towards his sister who would never have a chance to see him again.

Chapter 368


Looking at the back of Chen Tianwu going away, Raven chuckled lightly:

"Even after going through so much, he is still a child who hasn't grown up."

From Raven's point of view, although Chen Tianwu has experienced a lot and has become much calmer and more mature than when he first met, he still has a lot of childishness after all.

But, thinking about it, he should soon reach real maturity, right?

After all, he still has a younger sister to raise, unlike himself...

Thinking of the little girl who opened her eyes and looked at the world blankly, looking for her brother in fear, the smile on the corner of Raven's mouth became even stronger.

Thinking of Kong and the others, whose physical conditions have improved significantly after being treated with the upgraded stigmata technique, Raven felt even happier.

However, speaking of it, it seemed that both his children and Chen Tianwu's brothers and sisters had accepted that man's love.

Especially Chen Tianwu, that brat, his younger sister was rescued by that man, and when she became a Herrscher, because that man took away her Herrscher's core, she became an ordinary person again...

At least the kind that jackals with research in their hands aren't interested in.

And here I am...

Although, based on Raven's current view of Kevin, if he raises his face when he should be in a good mood after completing the deal with Otto, he may be able to succeed and bring the children back...

But, after all, he was a man who came out of a ruined civilization, and Raven would never be arrogant to think that he had seen through this man.

So, counting it, I have accepted that guy's love more than once...

Applying to Kevin to take the children back to give them safety and new technology to treat their physical ailments...

If you think about it more...

Jackal, a woman with a somewhat problematic brain, is now obsessed with the research of new technologies. She hasn't been a demon in the past few months, so it should... can be regarded as some benefits?

And those Herrscher girls seem to be on a better and better path because of that guy?

In this way, this guy seems to be quite amazing?

After all, whether it is turning a Herrscher-like person into an ordinary person again, or the technology to treat those children, or to make the Jackal guy calm down, it is not an easy matter.

Thinking about those things related to a certain person in his heart, Raven also turned around and left here, walking towards an exit.

Counting it, she hasn't seen her lovely students for more than a week...

The World Snake and the Destiny are both on the alert at the moment, but the anti-entropy on the other side has a little more everyday air——

In order to celebrate the [-]th anniversary of Anti-Entropy, Dr. Einstein is going to send Seele to purchase supplies.

After Xier, Bronya, Kiyana and others discussed, it was decided that Kiana would accompany Xier to purchase, while Bronya and Mei stayed at the base to prepare for the celebration.

Early the next morning, Qiyana took Xi'er away from the anti-entropy Yancheng base, which already had a somewhat festive atmosphere, and went to the city to make purchases.

Upstairs, Dr. Einstein, Leiden Mei, and Bronya looked at the back of Kiana and Xier leaving together, and the room was quiet.

"Doctor, is it too dangerous to let Qiyana out like this?"

When the backs of Kiana and Seele disappeared, Bronya asked quietly.

Last night, Dr. Einstein disclosed the information shared by Destiny to Qiyana, Raiden Mei, and Bronya, the three law families. Among them, the new Herrscher is likely to send Qi, who has not fully grasped the power of Herrscher, Information about Yana and Bronya as key targets.

Faced with this situation, Lu Sanjia discussed with the high-level anti-entropy conservatives and Theresa who was far away in Huberian for most of the night.

In the end, Kiyana succeeded in persuading everyone, using herself as a bait to lure the Herrscher of Domination to make a move, in order to probe the opponent's ability and strength——

"Mei has now become a full-body Herrscher, before obtaining power from other Herrschers, they should not attack you when they are still weak.

In the same way, the possibility of being attacked by Uncle and Anna on the side of Destiny is not too high.

In comparison, Bronya and I are weaker.

Moreover, not only did I fail to fully grasp the Herrscher core in my body, but I was also troubled by Sirin's consciousness. There are even two Herrscher cores in my body, which are undoubtedly the best targets.

But actually?

Although Bronya can successfully enter the Herrscher posture to fight, once the core of the Herrscher is affected, Bronya's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

And although my combat effectiveness will be greatly affected after losing the core strength of the Herrscher, even if the power of the Herrscher of the Sky and the recovery ability of the Serenity Gem are all affected, I still have the strength of my body and the Taixu Sword god. "

Although it is still very risky, but considering that if everyone stays in a group, there may not be any immediate danger, but the social situation of anti-entropy and everyone under the protection of anti-entropy will become more and more dangerous——

In fact, not only Destiny and the World Snake have discovered abnormal events, but there have also been incidents of mech attacks on Anti-Entropy recently. In recent days, Tesla has been arguing with members of Congress because of these incidents——

Those congressmen have forgotten who helped their ancestors to get rid of the shadow named "Otto" in the last century. They not only questioned the anti-entropy, but even tried to supervise Kiana, the herrscher of the sky, in the name of the government. Defined as the culprit... Herrscher!

In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, everyone must not sit idly by and must take the initiative to find and defeat the Dominant Herrscher hidden in the shadows.

Otherwise, before Otto could do anything, Anti-Entropy would be destroyed first, and Qiyana and others who were still wanted would be even more sad.

Therefore, although they didn't want Kiyana to take risks like this, everyone finally agreed with Kiyana's plan and released Kiyana today Went out and started Hanger.

Although Bronya was very dissatisfied with Kiyana's suckling speech last night, she was still worried for a while after Kiyana went out.

"It's really dangerous, but it's the best option when you can't sit still."

Einstein's expression was as cold as usual, but his eyes were still looking out of the window, his gaze was erratic, as if he saw something that was no longer in front of him...

"They are all the same kind of people, they will do everything for the people around them and the beauty in their hearts, even at the expense of their own lives."

Chapter 369 Rita Like a Flower

A new Herrscher has appeared, Destiny and the World Snake are waiting in full force, anti-entropy loosens the outside and tightens the inside, releases Qiyana, uses insects as bait, and starts fishing, trying to use the information gap to deal with the new Herrscher——

So far, those who know that the three parties have already known the ability of the Herrscher of Domination are all high-level people of the three parties.

Although each has its own filth, the three parties undoubtedly spare no effort in fighting against Honkai (Otto:?).

Therefore, the anti-entropy people chose to agree to Qiyana's bait plan after a one-night discussion.

However, I don't know if it was because a certain archbishop's suspended animation plan was too successful, or because he didn't expect that possibility at all...

In short, when the anti-entropy crowd was about to catch the newborn Herrscher by surprise through information, a certain individual in the domination theater had already seen all of this.

It's just that this puppet, who is loudly echoing the words of the puppet leader who is standing on a high place, has no intention of saying all this.

Of course, this is just to prevent those children from suffering an irreversible failure, and it does not mean that he will give up the opportunity to advance the plan——

As a frustrated clerk of Destiny, after joining the warm family of the Thousand Lawrence, this social animal named Otto, who has the same name as Otto Apocalypse, Archbishop of Destiny, used the The information "all" has been released——

For example, although Destiny has two living Herrschers, they are all powerful Herrschers who have fully mastered their own powers. One of them is even the core of a Herrscher that was forcibly snatched from another Herrscher. It has the fighting power of a shredder.

For example, anti-entropy civil strife, the herrscher of emptiness is deeply troubled by the personality of the herrscher, and there is no one in strength, and the herrscher of trust in reason is incompetent, and he has been defeated repeatedly. It can be called an invincible legend in the new era. The Herrscher of Thunder, the so-called anti-entropy is just a group of chickens and dogs...

After obtaining this precious information by accident, the Thousand Lawrence immediately became overwhelmed.

After a discussion about the master, freedom, each expressing their own opinions, and seeking common ground while reserving differences, the thousands of lawyers have a more unified opinion on the next action, and are actively preparing to put it into practice...

"Heh, with such enthusiasm and action in this kind of matter...

It really is……"

In a little-known Destiny laboratory, Otto, who rarely stopped his experiments, had a mocking smile on his lips, showing no sympathy for those frustrated and frustrated guys who had achieved nothing in reality——

Otto, who was obsessed with the research of the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle, regained his senses for a while due to a message from a body that was once used.

After some confirmation, Archbishop Otto Apocalypse of the world's largest anti-Honkai organization, Destiny, accepted the invitation from Domination Theater without any resistance, and became a glorious Herrscher of Domination—

At the cost of a clone that is insignificant to it.

Although he wanted to let this group of poor people who are more like clowns to test the quality of his good friend, but after confirming the poor strength of these poor people, Otto still gave up. idea--

This group of Muggles who are not even worthy of being clowns in Otto's place is really too weak. Dominating the theater is interesting, but Otto doesn't think this special space can stop the Penglai Temple Jiuxiao ( Siegfried).

Or...that dear friend of mine will just tear up this space?

While lamenting the weakness of this group of Muggles, all Otto can do is to guide them to attack the girls hidden in the anti-entropy, as an insignificant stepping stone for Kiana to get what she expects. .

"It's a small surprise, but it's a pity that it's too small..."

Otto sighed with emotion at the end, turned around and devoted himself to the study of the Thousand Worlds——

The Lawrence of Thousand People is just a dispensable surprise. Even without them, Otto believes that the very good girl who has grown up will one day achieve the appearance he needs.

It's just that the Herrscher of a Thousand People may reduce some unacceptable losses for little Qiyana than Otto himself?

Or... more?

Otto didn't know, and he didn't care, he had already done what he needed to do, and then it was up to the group of Muggles to do it themselves.

However, Otto still had a little bit of expectation for them——

What kind of darkness lurks in the hearts of losers, the man named Otto Apocalypse can be said to be very clear...

Siegfried didn't know that Otto had quietly hacked into the family group of the Herrscher of a Thousand People.

Now Siegfried is in a pleasant "teaching time"——

"Okay, Rita, let's call it a day."

Slapping away the scythe in Rita's hand, Siegfried pointed at Rita's body, making Rita, who was attacking him with her last breath, suddenly soften and fall into her arms.


Because there was a slight problem with the landing point, a certain part of Rita's body just hit Siegfried's palm that was about to support Rita's body.

And with the delicate body in his arms, a gust of fragrant wind penetrated into Siegfried's nostrils——

Although in this fierce battle, Rita has already sweated a lot.

But because he took care of himself very cleanly, instead of smelling any sweaty smell, Siegfried smelled a faint fragrance, as if what Siegfried held in his arms was not a charming beauty, but a peerless flower in the shape of a human being. .

"Rita, although this kind of training can better force out your hidden potential.

But doing it all the time, once you get used to it, can spell disaster for you in real combat. "

Not at all aware that he just took advantage of the maid, Siegfried said with a serious face, the palm that just had a little accident has naturally moved up, and hugged her slender waist.

"Thank you for reminding me, Rita will pay attention."

Although the usual respectful tone was maintained in the words, no one knew whether Rita's flushed face was due to the fierce battle during the training, or the little accident just now...


Siegfried could only shake his head helplessly for Rita, who actively admitted her mistakes and never repented:

"Forget it, let's take you back to take a shower first."

After Siegfried finished speaking, the figures of the two disappeared in the training ground.

Of course, out of polite considerations, Siegfried just brought Rita outside her house, and did not directly teleport to Rita's home.

Chapter 370 Rita's Strangeness

In Rita's house, Siegfried sat on the sofa in the living room with a delicate expression, looking at his nose and heart, and did not do anything pleasant...

Although Rita did not bathe in the large bathroom at home, she chose to simply freshen up in the small bathroom attached to the bedroom.

However, the sound of drizzling water could still be heard clearly in Siegfried's ears.

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