Only when one of you calls me, or the spell detects that one of you has received serious damage, will I wake up and restore my perception of your state and the outside world. "

Although he didn't want to put too much trust in this mysterious guy, but under the circumstances that he couldn't drive him away, Hei Xi'er could only reluctantly accept the result.

As for Seele?

The limp little girl still hasn't completely shaken off the influence of shyness, she was already overjoyed when she got this result...

Fortunately, during this period of time, this guy whom Xi'er called "teacher" was fairly well-behaved, and basically had no bad deeds on his own initiative, which made Hei Xi'er gradually relax his vigilance.

However, now that the other party suddenly appeared on his own initiative, Hei Xier was still very vigilant——

This guy... unexpectedly lived in Xi'er's body without his consent... unforgivable...

He didn't know that he had been posed as a "teacher" by a certain tsundere Qi who didn't want to reveal his name, and he didn't show any embarrassment when he asked Hei Xier in a bad tone.

On the contrary, the "teacher" is also full of resentment——

"Yesterday you actually directly entered the domain of the Herrscher of Domination, can I not wake up?

In case you guys are really folded inside, I don't have to follow suit? "

"Oh, then you can choose to leave."

In an instant, Hei Xier, who realized that yesterday's damn doll's nonsense had been heard by this weird guy, suddenly became unkind.

"Heh... I left, and then I watched you get enraged, act recklessly according to your temper, and finally lead to an irreversible tragedy?"

With a sneer, the "teacher" sneered back without showing any weakness.


For the "teacher"'s ridicule, Hei Xi'er, who was already emotionally unstable, was naturally very angry.

I wanted to "persuade each other with kind words" immediately, but thinking of the other party's words, Hei Xi'er could only hold the words in her heart, and became even more depressed.

"So...a girl who is obviously very smart, why does she start acting stupid when she comes up with something related to Xi'er?"

Suddenly, the "teacher" sighed like an old father worried about his daughter...

"You bastard... Who are you saying is stupid?"

Knowing that it would be difficult for him to win against this guy in a bickering, Hei Xier simply broke the jar.

Chapter 378 Think about Xier...


What He Xier answered was a wordless silence.


Hei Xier tilted her head slightly, her eyebrows frowned, she didn't understand why this guy suddenly fell silent.

However, just when Hei Xier was about to ask aloud, she heard a sentence that made her whole body stiffen instantly——

"Oh... I really can't do anything about you..."


For an instant, Hei Xier fell into absolute silence——

In other words, she is too familiar.

It's just that, in the past, Hei Xi'er was always on the strong side who said this sentence, so she didn't feel much about it.

But now hearing the "teacher" say these words to herself in such a doting tone, Hei Xi'er instantly had the urge to cross the other party out of the book and silence her.

It's a pity, because Hei Xi'er didn't have the ability to do this, so Hei Xi'er could only freeze in embarrassment, not knowing how to react.

"Since you took the initiative to ask as the person involved, I'll tell you kindly."

But as the instigator of this result, the "teacher" seemed to have not noticed Hei Xier's abnormality, and continued to say:

"You are a smart girl, although you have not received systematic training, you have spent most of your time in Xier's body since you appeared, accompanying Xier in the sea of ​​quantum.

However, because most of the time you look at events from the perspective of a third party, your thinking is still very good, and you are much more mature than Seele.

It's just that, because of your own particularity, your maturity basically fails when it comes to things about Xi'er. "


Hei Xier, who was originally embarrassed and almost wanted to go all out to fight this mysterious guy in front of her, heard this guy's praise for her. Although she was very disapproving subjectively, she was still happy subconsciously.

Quickly getting out of that embarrassing state, Hei Xier waved his hand, and the huge blood-colored claws drew a terrifying bloodstain beside the "teacher" who appeared as a golden figure, and said in a very disapproving tone:

"Don't think you can mock me here by saying something nice."

However, although the words are full of disgust, the tone is clearly saying:

"Quick, talk more, I still want to listen!"

"Although Xier was afraid of you because of the things you did when you first appeared, you still have absolute concern for her.

As the will born from Xier's natural stigmata, you are undoubtedly the closest person to Xier, and you are also protecting and caring for Xier in your own way.

However, as the saying goes, care leads to chaos.

When you become the person involved, you still inevitably fall into the misunderstanding of thinking..."

"Hey, you bastard, speak quickly if you have something to say, don't play tricks on me here!"

Hei Xier, who really wanted to hear what this mysterious guy wanted to say, was very dissatisfied with his slow speaking speed, and urged impatiently.

"To put it simply, you overcorrected a bit, and because you cared too much about Xier, you overlooked some things."

It is said that the "teacher" can only speed up his speech:

"Although Xier did have a certain fear of you at first because of the not-so-good background when we first met and your too weird appearance.

However, in the boundless sea of ​​quantum, as the only one who can communicate with her and make her feel alive, do you think she really still only fears you at the beginning? "


He Xier stopped talking...

Judging from what he said last night, Xier obviously no longer has such a strong sense of fear towards her, but his own actions undoubtedly still treat Xier as the coward who could only shiver in a box...

"No matter who it is, facing the people who have gone through the most difficult time in life with them, they will have some special emotions, let alone Xier, who is already delicate and sensitive?

Thinking about it, even without Xier's words last night, you should have gradually discovered this point.

It's just that, in your eyes, Xier has always been the crying child hiding in the box.

So, who knows, when that will be.

And before you realize it, your expectation of Seele's approval will continue to torment you.

And over time, no one knows what the consequences will be.

However, judging from yesterday's situation..."

"To shut up!"

Although it is expected that the "teacher" knows about his experience in the domination theater.

But when he mentioned this matter, Hei Xi'er couldn't help but yelled loudly and stopped the "teacher".

For the current Hei Xi'er, yesterday's wavering is undoubtedly a black history that cannot be forgiven and cannot be directly looked at.

Now being mentioned by the "teacher", Hei Xi'er's emotions that had just calmed down a little bit became agitated again.

"Okay, don't worry, I didn't mean to make fun of you because of this."

Although they were only quite plain words, they quickly calmed down Hei Xier's emotions along with a wave of mental fluctuations that Hei Xier hadn't noticed at all:

"I just want to tell you that there is nothing wrong with being a bit petty, it is your character and your characteristic.

However, sometimes, an attribute like Tsundere will cause big problems.

So, when it's time to be honest, it's better to be a little more honest. "

Completely ignoring Hei Xier's expression that became more hostile after hearing "Tsundere"'s evaluation, "Teacher" continued:

"Besides, think about it, you, who have always acted very cold, are suddenly honest with you...

What kind of cute expression will Seele show? "

In an instant, Hei Xier's attention was diverted from someone's "tsundere" evaluation.

Seeing this, the "teacher" continued to strike while the iron was hot and said:

"And, come to think of it, what will Seele say when she introduces you to her dear sister Bronya?

This is my best friend, is it another me?She was the one who stayed with me when I was in the Quantum Sea..."


Following the words of the "teacher", Hei Xier, who was gradually immersed in her imagination, suddenly opened her eyes, snorted coldly, and said impatiently:


How could that coward say such a thing? "


Regarding Hei Xier's sudden scolding, the "teacher" didn't care, shrugged easily, and continued to cheer up Hei Xier who lacked confidence:

"Is there really anyone in the world who would speak coldly to someone who accompanied, protected, and cared for him for a period of years?

Or, do you think Xier would be that kind of person? "

Chapter 379 "Invincible Legend"

Seele didn't know about the conversation between another self and the teacher she respected in the space of her consciousness——

In order to face the attack of the Herrscher of Dominance, Dr. Einstein dismissed most of the staff in the base, leaving only Kiana, Raiden Mei, Seele and Bronya as defenders .

Although the other self still hasn't told himself what the puppets said to the other self that day, Xier is still carrying out her own actions——

Xier also had a conversation with the "teacher" in another situation without her knowledge, the key content of which was the discussion about Hei Xier.

After the discussion, Xier confirmed some thoughts in her heart——

Although it seems that he doesn't like to take the initiative to talk to himself, and he always has a little intimidation when talking to himself.

But in fact, this is just another self as a freshman's consciousness that is worried about being too close to oneself, so that it does not dare to get too close to the protective measures taken by itself. In essence, the other self is actually oneself A part of me, now I can also be regarded as my best friend and most reliable partner...

Hidden under that attitude of indifference to everything is actually a deep fear of my own disappointment and alienation.

It was also after that conversation, after a few small trials, that Xier also started her own "Another Me Transformation Plan".

And in this plan, confessing like yesterday is only the first step, making some psychological preparations for the other self.

Afterwards, Xier is also planning to gradually introduce her other self to the people around her——

Sister Bronya, Sister Kiana, Sister Mei, Dr. Einstein...they are all very good people.

Xier believes that if she spends more time with everyone, her other self, Hei Xier, as the teacher said, will definitely become more cheerful.

However, before Xier took advantage of the rare time alone with Bronya's sister to test Bronya's attitude on the sidelines, the Titan Mecha, which had been debugged without any problems, began to riot.

The Herrscher of Domination is here!

After a fierce battle, Seele and Bronya cleaned up a group of Titans that ran out of control and found a space crack somewhere in the base.

After passing through the space rift, Seele and Bronya came to the dimly lit Theater of Domination.

But this time, Xi'er still maintained a clear consciousness after entering the domination theater.

However, Xier was still flustered——

Obviously they entered the Domination Theater together, but after appearing in the Domination Theater, Xier found that she had been separated from Bronya.

Simply after this period of training, Xier has gained some confidence in her own strength, and quickly calmed down under the comfort of a gentle and high-pitched voice in her mind, and set foot on the road to search for Bronya. the way.

On the other side, Bronya was warmly welcomed by the puppets——

Obviously staying there quietly still has an inexplicable sense of beauty, but when these dolls pose in strange poses and speak annoying words, this sense of beauty is completely destroyed All that's left is the inexplicable weirdness.

It's just that Bronya, who is originally the strongest character among the three of the law, has grown up through a series of incidents, and she is no longer the one who can shake the mind with a few bad words.

What's more, the pictures I saw in the Herrscher's core during this period and Walter's teachings strengthened Bronya's confidence, making Bronya almost indifferent to the bad words of the Thousand Herrschers——

Ignoring the bad words of the Thousand Herrscher, Bronya began to explore the domination theater.

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