Moreover, the several Titan rampage incidents caused by the Herald of Thousands made Raiden Mei a little worried that there would be problems in the connection between himself and Siegfried through technological means.

Therefore, Raiden Mei chose to trust her intuition.

At the same time, in an unknown laboratory, Otto showed a smile on his face:

"Has the protagonist finally made his debut early?

Unfortunately, not at the right time yet.

But...forget it, that's the only way to go..."

Talking to himself, Otto came to an experimental table and took out a sealed container from it.

Casually opening this expensive special container, Otto stroked the crimson crystal inside, but his eyes did not fall on the Herrscher gem, which caused the temperature of the entire laboratory to rise significantly after appearing in the air, but It is looking into the void, as if looking at someone who is not here.

"My dear friend, you have really... created a big problem for me."

In Otto's rather resentful voice, the red gem disappeared into the laboratory...

But on the floating island in the headquarters of Destiny, in the bishop's office, Siegfried was suddenly taken aback.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

Noticing the abnormality in Siegfried's expression, Anna asked puzzledly.

"It's nothing, I made a new discovery."

Siegfried, with a slightly abnormal complexion, shook his head lightly, and did not mean to explain carefully, but looked at Chang Guang opposite:

"Director Changguang, please give me the Herrscher core again."

——Although the core of this Herrscher is weak and embarrassing, it is still a Herrscher core after all.

To be on the safe side, Changguang properly placed the core in a special container after Siegfried returned it.

Hearing Siegfried's words, everyone was taken aback.

However, Chang Guang quickly reacted, and easily opened the special container in front of him with his slender fingers, took out the Herrscher Core from it, and handed it to Siegfried.


Without asking Siegfried what he wanted to do, Chang Guang just looked at this man with interest in his beautiful eyes.

Obviously, he suddenly had an idea and was about to take some action.

Although he didn't understand why the man who said there was nothing he could do for the time being changed his mind suddenly, but Changguang believed that he would be able to see what this man wanted to do in the future.

The same idea also appeared in the hearts of several other people, so they all stared at Siegfried's movements intently, and at the same time made preparations for battle, and were ready to deal with possible changes at any time.

After getting the slightly dim Herrscher Core, Siegfried didn't look at it carefully like before, but held it in the palm of his hand.

"If it's just such a core, it really won't allow me to open the way to dominate the theater.

However, just now, my token appeared in the Domination Theater, providing me with a clear coordinate location.

In this case, going to the Theater of Domination is no longer out of the question. "

Chapter 382 The Group Chat and Enthusiasm Without the Group Leader

"Qiana entered the Dominion Theater alone, Xier and Bronya were also trapped inside, please save them..."

Just now, this sentence suddenly appeared in Siegfried's heart, without any warning, it suddenly appeared in Siegfried's heart.

Moreover, this voice, Siegfried is also very familiar, it is Raiden Mei.

Because he has always maintained his position on the green flower ring he gave to Qiyana, Siegfried directly confirmed the authenticity of this message.

Regarding the identity of the other party, Siegfried has no doubts——

After all, in the original plot, Leiden Mei once did the thing of blackening the will of the "group leader" after joining the "Herscher Group Chat".

It is not impossible to use this channel to contact himself now.

However, if it is really that passage, Siegfried will have one more problem to be solved next——

If this "Herischer Group Chat" based on Herrscher's identity can directly send information to himself, then it also means that the will of the Herrscher can also affect Siegfried through a similar channel.

However, this is not the most serious problem now.

For now, the most important thing is Kiyana's side.

If only Kiana was tricked into the Domination Theater, Siegfly would not be so eager to enter the Domination Theater——

In this world that has been changed by me, the only power that can be obtained is the undefeated legend——Walter Duck. The strength of the Thousand Herrscher is extremely limited. It is not too difficult to defeat the Qianren Lawer who does not have enough support head-on.

What made Siegfried so eager to enter the Domination Theater was something else——

A few days ago, the quantum power in Siegfried's body fluctuated slightly, and he received a little feedback from the outside world——

The Plague Gem that Siegfried threw into the Sea of ​​Quantum together with the broken God Meteor Sword had returned to this world.

However, the previous Plague Gem was in a normal position, and after connecting with the mark he left on the Plague Gem through quantum entanglement, Siegfried saw a familiar figure and a huge giant around that figure. The locomotive—the second god's key, the thousand worlds, after a ride, Siegfried also understood who fished out the plague gem from the sea of ​​quantum.

But just now, when Siegfried repeatedly confirmed Kiana's location, he discovered that the Plague Gem also appeared in the same space, very close to each other.

Apparently, Otto sent the Plague Gem to the Theater of Domination.

Although I was a little curious about how Otto did it, but thinking about Otto's calculations later, and using a powerful body to get the core of Qianlu, Siegfried also had some ideas in his mind.

However, these are not important for the time being, the important thing is to take a few people to the domination theater.

It is very likely that Qiyana's transformation will appear soon, and it is better for a few viewers to watch in person...

And this is why Siegfried needs to show in front of several people that he has the ability to go to dominate the theater, instead of going alone after leaving.

And for the rest of the people in the room...

Although Siegfried has never considered the rationality of his current identity carefully, so that there are actually many doubts about his identity and behavior, this behavior has put a big question mark on his current identity.

However, because everyone present also understood that now is not the time to carefully explore Siegfried's true identity, so no one raised any objections to Siegfried's lame excuse——

It also includes Ulandal, the upright girl who used to write the background board, but actually read it as "true heroine" from beginning to end.

Even because of the increasingly harmonious and close relationship with each other, Ulandal is not willing to believe this man who has been helping her with a smile from the beginning to the end.

However, Urandale can still detect the loopholes in Siegfried's words——

It's such a coincidence, and this turning point is too blunt.

Ulandal's intuition told her that the reason Siegfried said was not the real truth... At least, it was not complete.

However, after experiencing Rita's misfortune a few days ago, Ulandal, whose favorability and recognition for Siegfried has risen again, is still willing to believe that Siegfried did not tell the truth because of his His own reasons, not to harm himself and others.

Therefore, Ulandal didn't think too much, and asked directly:

"Jiuxiao, do you need our help?"

"However, just relying on this unactivated Herrscher core should not be enough to support you to open the door to dominate the theater."

Almost at the same time, Chang Guang, who was sitting next to Youlandal, also raised his own question.

It's just that, unlike Youlandelle who wants to quickly eliminate the thousands of heralds who have been making waves all over the world during this period, Changguang's question is more professional.

"Just a Herrscher's core is naturally not enough to be the key for us outsiders who are not masters to open the door to dominate the theater."

As Siegfried said, a bright smile appeared on his handsome face:

"So, the next thing I have to do is to find the address, and then directly break into the door, so that the owner inside can feel our enthusiasm."

As Siegfried said, the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge who had been lying quietly in the pocket of his windbreaker flew out soundlessly, and the two Herrscher core fragments embedded in the bolts of the double guns burst into bright flames.

The sudden rise in temperature in the room proves that this is not a flashy fake.


Seeing the two familiar weapons that suddenly appeared, Chang Guang was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a strange smile:

"It's really... enthusiastic..."

As the director of the research institute located in the headquarters of Tianming, Chang Guang is no stranger to Tianhuo Shengcai.

And Siegfried took out the Holy Inquisitor of Skyfire to talk about enthusiasm, which is obviously not enthusiasm in the conventional sense...

The focus is obviously on "heat".

"It's natural."

As Siegfried said, he looked to the side of Youlandelle:

"Later, I will forcibly open the Domination Theater and enter it.

If possible, I hope you can go in with me, Ulandal.

And after entering, you can follow my command as long as it does not violate your principles. "

Rarely, Siegfried made a request on such a matter.

"sure, no problem."

Based on the sense of trust established during this period of getting along and experiencing, Ulandal did not hesitate, and directly agreed to Siegfried's request.

Chapter 383 A Little Accident...

Regarding Siegfried's sudden request, Rita, who had always played the role of filling in the gaps for Ulandal, was actually a little hesitant.

Although, as the helm of today's destiny, it seems that Ulandal should not go to that unknown place to fight.

But on the one hand, Siegfried was there as an insurance policy, and on the other hand, it was against Landal's character to leave it alone.

Therefore, under the circumstances that Urandale herself has already agreed, Rita can't say anything more, so she can only say to Siegfried:

"Lord Jiuxiao, please bring back Master Youlandal in its entirety."

It's not that Rita doesn't want to go to the domination theater with Urandale, but that she and Urandale are determined not to leave at the same time as the ostensible and actual helmsman of today's destiny.

Otherwise, it is easy to make big troubles.

"Don't worry, Rita, I will return your Lady Ulandal to you intact."

Upon hearing this, Siegfried answered Rita with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Siegfried closed his eyes slightly, and with a wave of his right hand, opened a space channel.

It's just that this passage didn't expand rapidly enough to accommodate Siegfried and Ulandal, two people of adult size, but it was maintained at a not too large level.

And Siegfried didn't have the idea of ​​going in, but directly stretched in with one hand.

Then, under the curious eyes of several people, Siegfried's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly withdrew his extended palm.

As Siegfried retracted his palm, the not-so-large passage was instantly closed.

At the same time, a small pink creature was held by Siegfried and appeared in this office.


With a lovely voice in his mouth, the pink creature didn't show any surprise due to the sudden change in the environment, but just looked around curiously, and waved his little hand happily after seeing a familiar person:

"Yo, long time no see, Yolandelle, Rita, Amber...

Well...and a new friend.

Hello, I am Alicia, as you can see, I am a beautiful girl like a flower. "

"Hello, Miss Alicia, I'm Chang Guang.

Although it seems to be the same name, but unfortunately I am not the swordsmith who left his name in history. "

Facing the pink mascot passed on by word of mouth among the Valkyries at the headquarters, Chang Guang also greeted him with a smile.

"'s also a good name..."

Alicia nodded with a smile, and immediately looked at Siegfried who brought her here:

"Jiu Xiao, you brought me here in such a hurry, what happened?

I was still accompanying you just now..."

Seeing that Alicia, who still had a trace of moisture on her long pink hair, was about to say some bully words, Siegfried quickly interrupted the guy:

"Ai Li, next, I'm going to take you to the Domination Theater.

There, you may be able to see something, what you expect. "

Although it was to intercept Alicia's tiger-wolf speech, Siegfried was still very solemn when he spoke.

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