
It seems that there is no need, both sides have agreed to this battle, and it is not so easy to die...

422 Shout My Name Loudly, Chongchong Banya Cooking Woman, Gracie Ryu Sanjia Form

But when everyone didn't know what to do, Rosemary, who came to everyone's side with Gracie in her arms, said:

"Master Jiuxiao provided us with an opportunity to observe a battle between the strong who are truly at the top of the world. What we should do is not to hesitate what to do here, but to think carefully. Next, we should pay attention to What, think about it, what do you want to see from the next battle."


As for Rosemary's words, the crowd who were still a little bit unable to react came back to their senses. Anna also nodded and said:

"What we need to do now is to trust our predecessors and not waste everything he has prepared for us."

"But, with Uncle's fighting power, can the Paradise of the Dead bear it?"

Although Kiyana is also willing to believe in Siegfried, she also clearly remembers that in order to let herself and others fight freely, Siegfried specially strengthened the Paradise of the Past.

Now that Zig Fei, who is far more powerful than himself and others, comes, can the Paradise of the Past really hold up?

Kiana was deeply skeptical about this question.

"Stupid sister Kiyana,"

The answer to Kiyana was a somewhat ethereal girlish voice, but everyone who was familiar with Bronya calling Kiyana a fool did not look at Bronya, but looked at Gracie in the arms of Rosemary standing next to Bronya.

But seeing Bronya mocking Qiyana's special expression on Little Lolita's face, she looked at Qiyana with contempt:

"If you can think that your battle will affect Paradise, brother Jiuxiao will naturally not forget that his own battle will also be the same."

"Bronya agrees."

Although for Bronya, who didn't get along so much with Gracie, seeing the legendary Gracie dyed with other people's color is also very novel, but the IQ of mocking Kiana can't let go.

"Bronya, look at you, you have taught Gracie badly!"

Realizing that she seemed to be thinking too much, Qiyana immediately pointed her finger at Bronya.

It's a pity that he was once again sanctioned by Gracie:

"Okay, sister Kiyana, stop bickering with sister Bronya, and think about what needs to be paid attention to next."

This time, everyone's eyes turned to Raiden Mei.

"Little Gracie, long time no see."

At this time, Siegfried, who had finished discussing with the other twelve Ying Jie, also came to the vicinity of the crowd, walked up to Gracie and squatted down, looking at the only real Lolita that would never expire .

"Uncle Smelly Jiuxiao, it's not the first time I come to Paradise to see Gracio."

It's just that, compared to Gracie, who was pure white for the first time, Gracie, who has a group of people around her now, has a lot of colors to use.

And everyone's eyes were on Qiyana who was blinking.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, I'm sorry, little Gracie, it's my brother's fault, don't blame my brother, okay?"

Facing the little Lolita's coquettishness, Siegfried naturally held up the French military salute to show his respect.

However, it was sweet candies that coaxed little Gracie in the end.

Taking a last look at Gracie, who was nestled in Rosemary's arms and quietly eating candy, Siegfried looked at Kiana and the others:

"I believe that you have all considered clearly now, what you need to pay attention to in the next battle.

In this regard, I will not say anything more.

And in order to raise the level of this battle as much as possible, I have asked them to collect information in the Paradise, where you can recover those god keys that you may or may not be familiar with.

And in the next battle, I will also use some of the world-destroying spirits I have mastered to imitate the aura of the Herrscher Destroyer that destroys everything. "

"Don't worry, senior, we will not disappoint your efforts."

Although after hearing that Alicia and the others were even collecting God's Keys to enhance their combat effectiveness, Anna was even more worried——

No matter how solid Siegfried's confidence is, when he is about to face a strong enemy, Anna will always feel tense in her heart involuntarily.

However, in order not to continue to stagnate, Anna still held back the worries in her heart, mustered up the courage, and rushed to speak before Qiyana.

"Well, I trust you."

Nodding his head, the smiling Siegfried glanced at the girls he had brought as a final exchange, and then he was about to turn around and leave.

Behind Siegfried, with the concerted efforts of all the heroes, the God's Key that once shone brightly in their hands has returned to their respective owners——

The Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment that accompanied Qiyana's entire childhood has merged into one, and the great sword of Jie Mie was burning quietly in Kevin's hands, but no trace of temperature was transmitted to the hall of Paradise;

Like a flying flower, the longbow appeared in the palm of Alicia, and the beautiful crystal reflected a terrifying light at this moment;

Red feathers fluttered all over Alponia, making it look more ethereal;

The Star of Eden that Bronya was researching with all her strength before has appeared in the hands of Eden who changed its name from "Star Sea Harmony" to "Star of Eden", blooming with a charm that Bronya has never achieved. light...

Around Sakura's waist, in addition to the spiritual knife Sakura Fubuki, there is also a purple long knife, which makes Lei Dian Mei's heart throb...

"Jiu Xiao, give me a hard beat up on Alponia, okay?"

Although he understood that the reason why Fu Hua became what he was before, the divine sound extended from the precepts was only one of the reasons, and Mei's calculation was also an important part.

But the unhappiness in his heart still made Xiaoshi start to contact Siegfried, wanting to add some material to Aponia.

But after hearing Xiaoshi's words in his mind, Siegfried didn't make any response, just turned around with a chuckle.


I have already learned my lesson...

And after Siegfried turned around, whether it was the heroes facing Siegfried, or the group of Qiyana who was looking at Siegfried's back, they could clearly sense that the man was turning around at the same time. In a moment, earth-shaking changes have taken place——

It wasn't just that the gentle smile on his face turned into indifference, and the aura on his body changed from the easy-going to terrifying.

Although it is impossible to make a clear evaluation, everyone with good strength can feel that the man in front of him seems to have undergone some kind of fundamental change, from that gentle man to... the destroyer of civilization.

There was no communication, but this name appeared in everyone's minds.

Step, step, step...

It's not heavy, nor fast, just the sound of slight steady footsteps, but as Siegfried advances, it turns into a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts time and time again, making everyone's hearts tighten continuously .

Chapter 423 Maomao: Ahhhh——

Although everyone knew it beforehand, it was just Siegfried borrowing the breath of a power simulation that he and others could not understand yet.

But almost irresistibly, the thought "Should be the same for the Herrscher of the Last Yan" appeared in everyone's mind.

He even said, "Siegfried/Jiuxiao/Uncle won't be the ultimate Herrscher from the parallel world, right?" Thoughts such as "Siegfried/Jiuxiao/Uncle can't be restrained" emerged in everyone's minds, making everyone look at Siegfried incomparably dignified.

Of course, these thoughts are just fleeting.

Kiyana and the others, who quickly came to their senses, were not taken by Siegfried's aura. Instead, after reacting, they carefully felt the aura that made them involuntarily emit physiological fear, and thought about what would happen if it was true. Faced with this kind of enemy, can you summon up the courage to face it.

On the other side of Siegfried, facing Siegfried's terrifying aura like that of a world destroyer, everyone also showed serious expressions...

Of course, there are also cats and cats like this, who are obviously about to cry, but they still have to face it tremblingly...

It's just that, looking at Padufelice's white hands holding the weapon, anyone can understand that this cat, which doesn't have much fighting power, probably only has one outbreak in silence at this moment. capable.

Although the other people's condition is not as bad as that of Padufelice, the weapons in their hands also light up quietly, brewing a powerful attack, in order to destroy Siegfried's body, which will become more terrifying as he advances. momentum.

And during the period of preparation between the two sides, the environment in which everyone lived also changed rapidly——

The originally magnificent hall of Paradise quietly distorted and turned into a dead land, and the soft lights above everyone's heads also quietly turned into cold starlight.


For the surrounding environment, many people recognized it at a glance——

moon watch.

During the time of talking about Aponia, the power given by Siegfried was also integrated into the Paradise of the Past, and based on the space composition of the memory of the thirteen heroes, he successfully rebuilt the A piece of space, that is, the moon surface where everyone is now.

The object of reference is naturally Siegfried's stigmata space and the inherent barrier.

And many people in Yingjie are very familiar with the dead satellite under their feet——

In the final battle, they were defeated here, and finally returned to Earth and hid in the hibernation cabin...

The Destroyer of Civilization's association with the Moon always reminds them of the Last Herrscher.

And when I think back to that figure...

It's just that I didn't allow my comrades to have emotional changes due to changes in the environment and affect the chance of fighting. The dazzling pink arrow on the flying flower in Alicia's hand has already left Alicia's fingers :

"This flower, please accept it with gratitude."

As the arrow flew out, Alicia's witty words also appeared in everyone's ears, which instantly relieved the extremely stiff environment due to Siegfried's intimidating aura.

And the pink arrow with Alicia's words didn't shoot straight at Siegfried, but went straight into the sky, reaching the sky almost instantly, and then exploded like fireworks, countless As the pink crystal fragments flew, it turned into a pink barrier, which continued to spread downwards, covering almost all the heroes and Siegfried in one breath——

Although because they are in the Paradise of the Past, a group of heroes have a continuous supply of almost Herrscher-level energy supply, which can be regarded as occupying a certain advantage of the venue.

But in the face of the terrifying pressure brought by Siegfried, Alicia still chose to add some advantages to her side as much as possible.

It's just that no matter how fast Alicia's arrow is, it's still a bit slower——


The sound of thunder echoed in everyone's ears. After Alicia's arrow shot out and exploded, Siegfried threw a sun gun several meters long.

However, although the speed of his attack was a step slower, Siegfried's Sunshine Spear was still the first to strike, and achieved the result with an absolute advantage in speed——

Siegfried's Sunshine Spear, like Alicia's arrows, shot high into the sky.

However, before Siegfried's Sunshine Spear reached the height of Alicia's arrow, it suddenly turned into a thunder sea like a sea of ​​stars dyed with gold.

From the golden thunder sea like the legendary catastrophe, countless thunder guns shrunk a lot compared to the previous ones, but also shone with a dazzling color like the sun. The space where Jie was standing was completely enveloped.

Under the dazzling light, 1 Alicia's enchantment, which was supposed to be a piece of pink, was now also stained with a layer of golden brilliance.


Although I didn't want to be so embarrassing, but facing the overwhelming, seemingly indiscriminate firepower covering the split thunder guns, even if Mao Mao dodged with all his strength, he was hit by countless split thunder guns.

The next moment, before the destructive power contained in those split thunder guns erupted, Mao Mao, who was still screaming involuntarily because of the heavy guns, disappeared on the battlefield——

Although it is a memory, it is only a bunch of data in theory, but considering that they also have a part of the soul.

Therefore, Siegfried still did not directly kill Maomao, and waited to restore the data later, but set it before, and left the battlefield after "death"——

This mechanism exists in all Ying Jie, but the judgment mechanism is different.

For example, Kevin and Qianjie, even if their limbs were crippled and three limbs were crippled, and their heads were opened, they would not be able to exit the stage.

As for cats—


The ear-piercing screams suddenly appeared beside him, which surprised Qiyana and the others.

Fortunately, Leiden Mei quickly stated that the lightning on Padofelice's body has only a small amount of paralysis left, and it will not kill Paduo, so everyone no longer pays attention to the embarrassing cat who left the stage immediately.

And on the battlefield, cats and cats were not the only ones who left the field for the first time——

Although with various means, even Wei Wei, Su, and Aponia, who lacked frontal combat power, could barely avoid the main damage and were not taken away by this wave of splitting thunder guns.

However, Siegfried's main attack this time was not the Split Thunder Gun, but the Sunshine Gun.

A thundergun that looked identical to the seemingly endless split thunderguns shot towards Alponia on the only way to dodge. According to Alponia's calculations, it was one of the few attacks that needed hard resistance.


Chapter 424 Shine the Sun, Sword of Flame!

As the strongest fusion fighter with mental perception, Alponia's perception is undoubtedly the strongest among the crowd, even Su is by no means her opponent.

But even Aponia, in the face of overwhelming thunderguns, because of his avatar when planning his dodge route, couldn't detect the gift that Siegfried deliberately hid in the thundergun——

The moment this "split thunder gun" came into contact with Alponia's defense, it suddenly exploded with a power far beyond its appearance, piercing through the mental power barrier that Alponia used to defend himself without any hindrance. Turned most of its body into coke——

After losing the energy defense, Aponia's fragile body as a spiritually-aware fusion fighter faced the sun gun, and there was only one dead end——

Even if she won't die instantly because of the things Siegfried left in her body, it is not enough to support her to continue participating in this battle.

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