As for the reason, I understand everything.

Jin Shining, whose real name is Gilgamesh, "the oldest king of mankind", the famous Pleasure Monster and Le Ziren, appeared in several different forms in the Holy Grail War of the Moon World.

No matter what kind of form Gilgamesh is, it is an extremely troublesome existence. Among them, the "secondary flash" and "old flash" forms that represent his youth have extremely powerful treasures.

The trump card that is so powerful that it is almost unsolvable, plus the "King's Treasure", a bug-level skill that can restrain 99% of followers in theory, makes Gilgamesh, a guy with a weird personality, an extremely difficult enemy for anyone——

At the same time, he is also the BOSS () that every traverser who participates in the Fourth Holy Grail War must brush. He has been killed more than the old bug Matou Zouken. After all, the old bug has the possibility of influence in theory.

Cough~ Back to the point, in order to avoid facing the "follower ceiling" of Jin Shining in the fourth Holy Grail War, Siegfried did not hesitate to cut off the snake slough that Hu Yuanban Shichen was thinking about—

After all, it doesn't matter if you want to find a father for yourself at Tosaka Shichen, the people of the Far East have traditional arts skills, but I can't bear the scourge of the father you found.

But unfortunately, things backfired. Even if Siegfried wanted to do black hands, the network of relationships was not wide enough and the depth was not enough after all. Only the people I met during the few years of training in the Clock Tower were not comparable to the connections accumulated by the generations of the Tosaka family——

Especially since most of the members of the Tosaka family believe in Christianity since Tohsaka Nagato, and the Church of the Holy Church will also take care of the Tosaka family, it is also reasonable that Siegfried's black hands are difficult to succeed. .

As for the intelligence network of the Einzbern family?

Almost done, Intelligence Network?Is it related to the Holy Grail War?

Ahad didn't think it mattered much, so the Einzbern family, who only had the Holy Grail in their hearts, hardly established their own intelligence network, and went to the underground exchange for anything.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

Beside Siegfried, Irisviel stood quietly. Seeing Siegfried's complexion, she asked with concern.

At this time, Irisviel was wearing a luxurious white dress, which set off her uneven figure, her long silver hair was hanging down like a waterfall, and her beautiful eyes were staring at Siegfried closely.

At this time, it has been three months since Siegfried fainted after transplanting the magic seal, and three months before the start of the Fourth Holy Grail War. For the Tohsaka family and the Einzbern family, the matter of summoning servants It's on the agenda.

"It's nothing, it's just that the previous dark move didn't work. Some people are keen to find a father for themselves, and they can't stop it."

Holding Miss Fiancee into his arms, feeling the soft touch, Siegfried said with a smile on his face.

As early as last year when he went to Fuyuki City to check the situation of the Great Holy Grail, when Siegfried visited Tohsaka and chatted with him, he deliberately mentioned that those lawless servants during the first Holy Grail War were too troublesome, and reminded him implicitly A servant who is too strong and has too much personality may kill himself——

After all, there are very few obedient babies like Little Sun among the followers—most of the heroes who can leave their names in history are not masters who keep their own way.

However, judging from the disappearance of the snake molting stone unearthed in the Middle East, Tohsaka Toki probably chose to try to summon Gilgamesh.

However, Siegfried wasn't too nervous. After all, although he really wanted to compete with these famous heroes in history, he didn't want to fight everyone himself.

Although there are not a lot of followers who can rival Jin Glittering, it is not completely absent.

One of the two servants in Siegfried's hand is used to solve the "evil in this world" dormant in the Great Holy Grail, and the other is completely enough to summon the servant who deals with Jin Glittering.

Under the premise of sufficient financial support, it is not nonsense to buy a holy relic that can summon followers that can rival Jin Glittering.

According to legend, the fragments of the chariot once driven by Karna, the son of the sun god, can theoretically summon Karna, an almost perfect servant except for the high mana consumption——

But because Karna comes from Indian mythology and belongs to the East, it cannot theoretically be summoned in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City;

King Arthur's sword scabbard in Arthurian legend is now on its way to Einzbern.

After getting back the scabbard, King Arthur, who theoretically possesses the "strongest defense" and "the strongest holy sword", can't say that he can win the Golden Shining, but he can easily deal with it as long as he makes good use of his arrogant character flaws;

The stone ax fragments of Hercules, the most powerful hero in Greek mythology, can summon Hercules, the God of Hercules, but because Siegfried only knows the ability of his madness, and is restrained by Jin Glitter to a certain extent, So temporarily postponed;

Or to increase the difficulty, try to summon Jin Yingying's best friend Enkidu, the "Sky Locker" who rivals Jin Yingying in strength and is very familiar with him.

Theoretically, the first reaction of the two when they meet is to "do it first", and Siegfried is confident that he will use up his magic power to kill Tohsaka Toki.

But losing this lord is not a problem for Jin Shining, who is sitting on the "Treasure of the King", and even because of the loss of Tosaka Toki's "good opportunity and clever strategy", Jin Shining can "go forward indomitable waves".

And one of the consequences of Enkidu's appearance is that Gilgamesh will become serious, and the golden glitter in this state... the difficulty is undoubtedly several levels higher.

And because there is no suitable holy relic, if you want to summon Enkidu, you can only find the clay tablet that records his story to fight for character—once the clay tablet is not regarded as a holy relic, it becomes a phase call, so the uncertainty is too great ;

To put it simply, there are many followers who can deal with Jin Yingying, but there are not many options.

"We currently have two Servant quotas, one of which needs to summon Caster to solve the problem of the Holy Grail being polluted, and the other needs to summon a powerful Servant as a combat force."

"The current information shows that Tohsaka Toki is likely to use the ancient snake slough stone unearthed in the Middle East to summon Gilgamesh, which is undoubtedly a very difficult enemy."

"Although we have quite a few holy relics, there are not many who can summon servants to fight against them."

"Currently the only options for normal summoning are King Arthur and Hercules. Among them, I only know the information about the crazy rank of Heracles, and he is restrained by Jin Shining. The suitability and strength of other jobs are unknown."

"In contrast, King Arthur, who can equip Avalon with a scabbard at any time, is a better choice. No matter what job it is, its strength is guaranteed."

"As for modifying the summoning mechanism to summon Karna, it can only be listed as a backup option for the time being. After all, Matou Zouken was responsible for the part of the servant summoning, not Einzbern. There is a lack of relevant information, and I am not an expert. There is some trouble with the spirit seance and summoned magician."

Siegfried didn't deliberately hide from Irisviel that he knew some information about the servants, there was no need for that.

Although the reason for Siegfried's coma that day has not been found so far, Irisviel did not have any grudges about it, and still pinned all her love on Siegfried.

Hearing Siegfried's words at this moment, Irisviel showed a thoughtful look on her face, and immediately said:

"The part about the summoning of the servants was originally in charge of Maqili Zorgen, but if I remember correctly, the information on the initial construction of the Great Holy Grail was backed up in Einzbern. If you need it, I'm going to find it now."

"Have a backup?"

Siegfried was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately overjoyed, "It would be great to have a backup. Let's go find it now, and try our best to study how to overcome the summoning limit before the Holy Grail War begins."


Irisviel nodded vigorously—this was the first time she helped Siegfried in a real sense, not just taking care of such trivial things as daily care, but actually helping him, which made Irisviel very happy is joy.

Alternative Caster

Chapter 18 Physical Opening

"Too much trouble……"

In the study room of Einzbern Castle, Siegfried is like a dried salted fish that has been exposed to the sun, lying on the desk without any image.

At this time, three months have passed since Sieg flew to Ahad to seek the information on the construction of the Great Holy Grail, and it has been less than three months since the Holy Grail War began.

After learning of Siegfried's plan, Ahad directly opened the database of confidential information stored by Einzbern to Siegfried without hesitation.

As early as last year when he returned from Fuyuki City in the Far East, Siegfried told this humanoid terminal whose goal was to win the Holy Grail War and realize the third law.

When he learned of the current situation of the Great Holy Grail, this "humanoid terminal" that has lived for hundreds of years almost crashed on the spot - the thing he existed for was destroyed by himself, Ahad almost triggered himself on the spot The self-closing program in "Settings" cut off the power.

Fortunately, Siegfried informed him in time that the magician who could be summoned as a servant "Caster" should have the ability to purify the polluted Great Holy Grail, which prevented the Einzbern family from collapsing on the spot.

Therefore, Ahad did not refuse Siegfried, an "outsider", who requested to release almost Einzbern's most confidential information.

With Ahad's approval, Siegfried naturally obtained the information he wanted smoothly.

But the problem is that Einzbern himself has not studied these materials, and Siegfried can only study them from scratch.

Although Siegfried has obtained the "sacrifice" magician rating, Siegfried, who has only studied magic for less than ten years, can only be regarded as a half-way monk. field, the ability directly drops by n levels.

And because of the particularity of the Einzbern family, only Iris Feil could help Siegfried with his research.

Simply when she was studying at the Clock Tower with Siegfried's "accompanying reading", Irisviel's main research direction was "spirituality".

Therefore, in the research on the "Servant Summoning" part of the construction of the Great Holy Grail, Irisviel is the main researcher, but Siegfried can only help Irisviel.

Even so, Siegfried still felt that many of his brain cells would die every day, and that's why he took on the attitude of a salty fish—although it's not a good idea to read and study the "third method" instead of "doing nothing" It doesn't matter.

"Here, let's have a cup of tea."

After receiving the tea from Lijielit, Irisviel handed a cup to Siegfried in the shape of a salted fish.

Although it was extremely hard during these three months, Irisviel only felt that her life was very fulfilling.

Although she had a relatively fulfilling life when she was studying in the Clock Tower before, Alice Viel did not have a strong purpose at that time, but chose to study in the Spirit Department ignorantly.

Although I gained something, I didn't get much sense of accomplishment.

In comparison, although these three months were much harder than the time in the Clock Tower, Alice was able to help her lover, so that Alice ignored the hard work and only felt very happy.

This gentle "wife" didn't care too much about Siegfried's "not doing business properly".

After all, Siegfried really doesn't have too much talent for research in this area. Compared to wasting effort, it's good to read the information on the "third method".

"Thank you."

Although his brain felt a little swollen and ache from forcibly comprehending the information of the "Third Method", Siegfried sat up in front of the tea offered by Irisviel, took a sip of the tea, and the faint mellow fragrance came from his lips and teeth spread out.

"Well, is it black tea today?"

Siegfried glanced at the tea in the cup, then looked at Lijielit who was standing beside him.

"Yes, sir, this is Darjeeling black tea bought from England."

Li Jielit's unwavering voice and expressionless face perfectly interpret what is called mouthless facial paralysis.


In his past and present lives, Siegfried was not someone who would study tea tasting, an act that could be attributed to art. His impression of Darjeeling was only in the mouth of an old rascal named Angers in a certain work in his previous life.

Siegfried's knowledge of tea is limited to its benefits to the body and refreshing to a certain extent.When staying up late, he would rather drink tea than coffee.

But let’s forget about Siegfried tasting tea. Can he act like an aristocrat in front of Kenneth because of the fusion of the soul of the unknown king, his memory has skyrocketed, and he has picked up the noble etiquette education he received in this life when he was a child.

But Siegfried didn’t even listen to tea tasting back then, and his mind was full of Arahato. After all, no man can refuse a mecha—unless there is an exchange of Ultraman or armored warriors ().

As for how Siegfried figured out that it was black tea... Just look at the color and guess.

"It's authentic Darjeeling."

Irisviel, who knew her fiancé very well, also took a sip of tea and added with a smile.

As for why the Darjeeling black tea produced in India has to be bought from the UK... I understand all the historical issues.

“It tastes good~”

Seeing the smile on the face of his fiancée, Siegfried picked up his teacup again to hide his embarrassment.


Seeing this, Irisviel chuckled without saying a word, and began to talk about her research results:

"Thanks to these materials, I have now thoroughly studied the summoning mechanism of the Holy Grail. It is not difficult to modify the summoning spell to solidify the servants we summon."

There is a little pride that cannot be concealed in the words, and the meaning she wants to express is also obvious-please praise me, praise me quickly.

"As expected of my Ellie."

Although Siegfried didn't have a high EQ, he could still see Irisviel's thoughts. He stood up and walked behind Irisviel, hugging that soft body and kissing her softly.

Irisviel's face was blushing, and she was very pleased with Siegfried's movements, so she didn't speak, and quietly enjoyed a moment of tenderness.

One day later, in the chapel of Einzbern Castle, Siegfried and Irisviel, who were already full of energy after a good night's sleep, both came here late at night.

On the podium of this small church, there is a beautifully crafted wooden box quietly placed.

At this time, the wooden box had been opened, and Siegfried held the contents in his hands and looked at them carefully.

This is a scabbard with blue as the background color and decorated with golden enamel. It is exquisite like a work of art, not a scabbard.

The scabbard is even engraved with characters that humans cannot understand, adding a bit of mystery to it.

After playing with it and feeling the power contained in it for a while, Siegfried handed it to the curious Irisviel.

"Is this King Arthur's scabbard? It's unimaginable that something so exquisite and like a work of art could have been made more than 1500 years ago."

Irisviel kept "studying" the scabbard like a curious baby.

"Just looking at the outside, it's really hard to imagine that it was excavated from the ground 500 years ago, but I can sense the mystery contained in it, so it should be true."

Siegfried just smiled at this.

"Originally, the sword scabbard Avalon was used as a holy relic. Only King Arthur should be able to summon it. However, after we modify the summoning program, it should be able to summon magicians related to King Arthur. Among them, those who can become heroic spirits should be There are only Merlin and Morgan."

Of course, Siegfried added in his mind, "If we modify the summoning program too much, it's not impossible to be stupid."

"Morgan? The British concubine?"

Irisviel, who was no stranger to the legend of King Arthur, had an uneasy complexion—after all, Morgan's reputation was not very good.

Seeing this, Siegfried held Irisviel's hand and comforted him:

"Don't worry, everything is up to me. Besides, the legend of King Arthur is just a legend after all. It has been changed beyond recognition after more than 1000 years of chanting. Maybe the Ms. Morgan we summoned is a poor person demonized by legend?"

Under Siegfried's comfort, Irisviel slightly calmed down and nodded: "Well, I believe you."

Seeing that Irisviel had calmed down, Siegfried let go of Irisviel's hand.

"Then, prepare to draw the summoning circle. After all, it would be fine if it was Merlin. If Morgan is really summoned, it would be bad if the eldest princess feels dissatisfied because the materials used to construct the summoning circle are too low."

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