Lu Yin felt a hint of sadness from her breath.

When talking about the invitation of the ace unit half a year ago, she seemed to have a past that she didn't want to look back on.

Lu Yin's heart moved slightly, and he nodded silently.

Just like Su Yuxi trusted him, he naturally wouldn't question her.



And this moment.

Inside the Executive Building.

Underground floor, thirteen floors deep.

A group of commissioners in suits and leather ties were surrounding the closed morgue of the fallen angels.


They didn't come to see the fallen angel's corpse.

Instead, he was looking at the traces of battle around him.

That's right,

This is naturally the place where Lu Yin fought the Pope last night.

Among these commissioners in suits and leather shoes, there were two of them, two of the three cadres who were here last night.

But the others are different.

Although they were wearing suits similar to those of the executive department, they had special dark gold badge patterns tattooed on their chests, showing their differences.

This is a pattern that only exists on the suit uniform of the "Night Watch Headquarters".

That's right,

They are naturally the two commissioners of the ace unit "Dawn" in the Night Watch headquarters.

And next to them is their secretary.

Every night watchman at the facade will be equipped with a secretary to facilitate various actions.

And at this moment,

One of them was a gray-haired young man wearing golden round glasses,

Then slowly leaned over, stretched out his hand, and touched a deep crack on the floor, his eyes sparkling.

After a while, he raised his eyes again, looked at the cadre next to him, and said:

"Are you sure this is the trace of damage he caused when he swung the last knife last night?"


The two cadres immediately answered in the affirmative.

The scene of last night has long been engraved into their DNA, and of course they will not remember it wrong.

At the beginning of the battle between Lu Yin and the Pope, there were no traces around.

And just after his final blow fell,

On the floor and walls of the entire 13th floor, there appeared such huge cracks as if split by a knife blade.

It looks shocking.


After hearing the affirmative answer from the two, the gray-haired young man's eyes moved slightly.

Then, he nodded thoughtfully, stood up, and looked at a tall and beautiful girl with a high ponytail beside him.

His expression became serious, and he said in a concentrated voice:

· · · Flowers 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"It seems that you are right, Jiu En,"

"This trainee named Lu Yin indeed possesses a terrifying skill in swordsmanship..."

The voice fell,

The girl she called "Jiu En" over there had a mysterious smile on her lips.

"Oh, of course..."

"Otherwise, why would I immediately notify Yu Xi to call that guy over?"

"The purpose is to be one step ahead!"

"Wouldn't it be a waste if such a superb swordsmanship talent was added to that "Black Moon"? "

After the words fell, the gray-haired young man in a suit chuckled, pushed his glasses, and said:

"It's been almost three years since we "Dawn" have met a rookie with such a terrifying talent in swordsmanship, right? "

"It's no wonder you are so decisive this time."

The two smiled at each other.

And then,

At the side, a little secretary girl looked at the gray-haired young man, and said cautiously:

"Well, I think the destructive power of this sword technique doesn't seem to be as powerful as yours..."

hear this,

The gray-haired young man immediately raised his eyes and looked over, then smiled lightly and said:


"You may think that his swordsmanship power is only at this level."

"But in fact, it's because he just wants to do that."


After the words fell, the little secretary at the side was stunned.

And at this moment,

The girl with the high ponytail over there also had eyes shining, looked at the various cracks on the wall over there, and said with a light smile:

"That's right,"

"The traces of destruction caused by these surrounding areas were not caused by simple swords."

"It's... the escaping sword energy!"

"What's even more frightening is that this seems to be... the sword energy that was deliberately suppressed."


"That guy doesn't seem to want to destroy the entire basement with one move, so...he has reservations about his strength."



As soon as this is said,

Not to mention the little secretary,

Even the cadres and commissioners of the executive department next to them froze!

This... is it just the suppressed sword energy? !

I rely on? !

real or fake! ?

The terrifying move that killed the royal realm with a single it still a reserved power? !


The cadre of the executive department on the side suddenly took a breath, and said in horror:


"Miss Xia Jiuen,"

"Doesn't this mean that Lu Yin's real realm has already reached... the great master of swordsmanship!?"


The voice fell,

Xia Jiuen's eyes sparkled, and he said with a playful smile:

"That's hard to say."

"Although "Sword Qi", it is generally recognized that only the great masters of the sword can release it at will. "

"However, if the perception of the way of the sword reaches a certain level, it is not impossible to release it."

"My second uncle, when he reached the sixth level, reached the pinnacle, he was already able to release sword energy..."

"Unfortunately, he seems to have turned into a decadent alcoholic now."

"After so many years, I don't know if his swordsmanship has improved."

"Ah, no, it's too far away."

Xia Jiuen shook his head again, smiled lightly and said:


"Only based on the damage caused by these sword qi, it is impossible to simply judge whether he is a master of swordsmanship or not."

"However, my assessment is that...the possibility is extremely high."

"After all, what he beheaded was not some trashy enemy, but a king..."

"Being able to calmly suppress the destructive range of the sword energy in front of this kind of enemy..."

"I can't think of anything other than the Great Master of Sword Dao for such an extremely profound realm."


hear this,

Several people on the side gasped.

At this time, the gray-haired young man in a suit next to him raised his eyes and said in shock:

"The 20-year-old sword master..."

"Even if this is unique in the entire history recorded by our Night Watchmen, isn't it?"

"The previous youngest record I remember was... 22 years old?"


Xia Jiuen nodded, smiled lightly and said:

"However, that gentleman hasn't made a move for a long time, and he is still sorting out some sword classics in the headquarters."

As soon as this is said,

A cadre next to him suddenly opened his eyes and subconsciously said:

"The gentleman you are talking about is the author of the famous "Sword and Sword Experience: From Beginner to Master"?"

"That's right. When I was young, I was lucky enough to meet him personally to teach me. It's a pity that I couldn't see his exquisite swordsmanship at that time..."

Xia Jiuen shook his head emotionally again.

At this time, the little secretary on the side was surprised and said:

"Then Commissioner Lu Yin, if he has really reached the realm of the Great Sword Master..."

"Isn't it possible that the future will surpass that power?!"

"Uh, it's hard to say."

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